for(category7-pop3.html) - phpMan

drwebd (1)           - DrWeb Daemon checks files for viruses.
drwebdc (1)          - is a client for the DrWeb Daemon (drwebd).
Test2 (3pm)          - Framework for writing test tools that all work together.
Test2::API (3pm)     - Primary interface for writing Test2 based testing tools.
Test2::Event (3pm)   - Base class for events
Test2::Event::Encoding (3pm) - Set the encoding for the output stream
Test2::Event::Fail (3pm) - Event for a simple failed assertion
Test2::Event::Pass (3pm) - Event for a simple passing assertion
Test2::Event::Subtest (3pm) - Event for subtest types
Test2::Event::TAP::Version (3pm) - Event for TAP version.
Test2::EventFacet (3pm) - Base class for all event facets.
Test2::EventFacet::Amnesty (3pm) - Facet for assertion amnesty.
Test2::EventFacet::Control (3pm) - Facet for hub actions and behaviors.
Test2::EventFacet::Error (3pm) - Facet for errors that need to be shown.
Test2::EventFacet::Hub (3pm) - Facet for the hubs an event passes through.
Test2::EventFacet::Info (3pm) - Facet for information a developer might care ...
Test2::EventFacet::Meta (3pm) - Facet for meta-data
Test2::EventFacet::Parent (3pm) - Facet for events contains other events
Test2::EventFacet::Plan (3pm) - Facet for setting the plan
Test2::EventFacet::Trace (3pm) - Debug information for events
Test2::Formatter (3pm) - Namespace for formatters.
Test2::Formatter::TAP (3pm) - Standard TAP formatter
Test2::IPC (3pm)     - Turn on IPC for threading or forking support.
Test2::IPC::Driver (3pm) - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.
Test2::Tools::Tiny (3pm) - Tiny set of tools for unfortunate souls who cannot...
Test::Builder (3pm)  - Backend for building test libraries
Test::Builder::Formatter (3pm) - Test::Builder subclass of Test2::Formatter::TAP
Test::Builder::IO::Scalar (3pm) - A copy of IO::Scalar for Test::Builder
Test::Builder::Module (3pm) - Base class for test modules
Test::More (3pm)     - yet another framework for writing test scripts
Test::Simple (3pm)   - Basic utilities for writing tests.
.k5login (5)         - Kerberos V5 acl file for host access
CORE (3pm)           - Namespace for Perl's core routines
Config (3pm)         - access Perl configuration information
PAM (8)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
Pod::Perldoc (3pm)   - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
Pod::perldoc (3pm)   - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
Test (3pm)           - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
URI (3pm)            - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
access (2)           - check real user's permissions for a file
accessdb (8)         - dumps the content of a man-db database in a human read...
adduser (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
aio_error (3p)       - retrieve errors status for an asynchronous I/O operati...
aio_suspend (3)      - wait for asynchronous I/O operation or timeout
aio_suspend (3p)     - wait for an asynchronous I/O request (REALTIME)
alarm (2)            - set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal
aliases (5)          - Postfix local alias database format
aliases.postfix (5)  - Postfix local alias database format
alphasort (3)        - scan a directory for matching entries
anacrontab (5)       - configuration file for Anacron
AnyDBM_File (3pm)    - provide framework for multiple DBMs
App::Prove::State (3pm) - State storage for the "prove" command.
applygnupgdefaults (8) - Run gpgconf - apply-defaults for all users.
Archive::Tar (3pm)   - module for manipulations of tar archives
Archive::Tar::File (3pm) - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archi...
Archive::Zip::Tree (3pm) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees u...
aria_ftdump (1)      - display full-text index information
arm_fadvise (2)      - predeclare an access pattern for file data
arm_fadvise64_64 (2) - predeclare an access pattern for file data
asctime (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ausearch-expression (5) - audit search expression format
auth_destroy (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
authnone_create (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create_default (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
AutoSplit (3pm)      - split a package for autoloading
B::Xref (3pm)        - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
backtrace (3)        - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols (3) - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols_fd (3) - support for application self-debugging
badblocks (8)        - search a device for bad blocks
bdftopcf (1)         - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Port...
bigint (3pm)         - Transparent BigInteger support for Perl
bignum (3pm)         - Transparent BigNumber support for Perl
bigrat (3pm)         - Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
binfmt.d (5)         - Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
biosdecode (8)       - BIOS information decoder
Bit::Vector::Overload (3pm) - Overloaded operators add-on for Bit::Vector
Bit::Vector::String (3pm) - Generic string import/export for Bit::Vector
bootchart.conf (5)   - Boot performance analysis graphing tool configuration ...
bootchart.conf.d (5) - Boot performance analysis graphing tool configuration ...
bounce (5)           - Postfix bounce message template format
break (1p)           - exit from for, while, or until loop
btrfs-debug-tree (8) - query various internal information
btrfs-inspect-internal (8) - query various internal information
btrfs-property (8)   - get/set/list properties for given btrfs object.
btrfs-show-super (8) - query various internal information
Bundle::DBD::mysql (3pm) - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
Business::ISBN::Data (3pm) - data pack for Business::ISBN
bytes (3pm)          - Perl pragma to force byte semantics rather than charac...
bzgrep (1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzless (1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
bzmore (1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
ca-legacy (8)        - Manage the system configuration for legacy CA certific...
cache_metadata_size (8) - Estimate the size of the metadata device needed for...
callrpc (3)          - library routines for remote procedure calls
canonical (5)        - Postfix canonical table format
Carp (3pm)           - alternative warn and die for modules
catman (8)           - create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
CGI::Apache (3pm)    - Backward compatibility module for
CGI::Carp (3pm)      - CGI routines for writing to the HTTPD (or other) error...
CGI::Fast (3pm)      - CGI Interface for Fast CGI
CGI::Pretty (3pm)    - module to produce nicely formatted HTML code
CGI::Switch (3pm)    - Backward compatibility module for defunct CGI::Switch
chage (1)            - change user password expiry information
chfn (1)             - change your finger information
chkconfig (8)        - updates and queries runlevel information for system se...
chronyc (1)          - command-line interface for chrony daemon
chvt (1)             - change foreground virtual terminal
cidr_table (5)       - format of Postfix CIDR tables
CIRCLEQ_INSERT_BEFORE (3) - implementations of lists, tail queues, and circul...
clnt_broadcast (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_call (3)        - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_control (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_create (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_destroy (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_freeres (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_geterr (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_pcreateerror (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perrno (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_perror (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_spcreateerror (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperrno (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_sperror (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntraw_create (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnttcp_create (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_bufcreate (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_create (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
cmsutil (1)          - Performs basic cryptograpic operations, such as encryp...
colcrt (1)           - filter nroff output for CRT previewing
config-util (5)      - Common PAM configuration file for configuration utilities
console.perms (5)    - permissions control file for users at the system console
console_ioctl (4)    - ioctls for console terminal and virtual consoles
continue (1p)        - continue for, while, or until loop
convert (1)          - convert between image formats as well as resize an ima...
CPAN::API::HOWTO (3pm) - a recipe book for programming with
CPAN::Debug (3pm)    - internal debugging for
CPAN::FirstTime (3pm) - Utility for CPAN::Config file Initialization
CPAN::HandleConfig (3pm) - internal configuration handling for
CPAN::Meta (3pm)     - the distribution metadata for a CPAN dist
CPAN::Meta::Requirements (3pm) - a set of version requirements for a CPAN dist
CPAN::Meta::Spec (3pm) - specification for CPAN distribution metadata
CPAN::Meta::YAML (3pm) - Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files
CPAN::Mirrors (3pm)  - Get CPAN miror information and select a fast one
CPAN::Queue (3pm)    - internal queue support for
CPAN::Tarzip (3pm)   - internal handling of tar archives for
cpio (5)             - format of cpio archive files
CPU_ALLOC (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ALLOC_SIZE (3)   - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT_S (3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL_S (3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_FREE (3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSET (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSET_S (3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR (3)           - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR_S (3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SET (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SET_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO (3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO_S (3)       - macros for manipulating CPU sets
cracklib-format (8)  - cracklib dictionary utilities
crontab (1)          - maintains crontab files for individual users
crontabs (4)         - configuration and scripts for running periodical jobs
Crypt::OpenSSL::Random (3pm) - Routines for accessing the OpenSSL pseudo-rand...
crypttab (5)         - Configuration for encrypted block devices
ctags (1p)           - create a tags file (DEVELOPMENT, FORTRAN)
ctermid (3p)         - generate a pathname for the controlling terminal
ctime (3)            - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
cvtsudoers (1)       - convert between sudoers file formats
Data::Dumper (3pm)   - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both pr...
Date::Calc::Object (3pm) - Object-oriented add-on for Date::Calc with overloa...
Date::Calc::PP (3pm) - pure-Perl plug-in for Date::Calc
Date::Calendar (3pm) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
Date::Calendar::Profiles (3pm) - Some sample profiles for Date::Calendar and ...
Date::Calendar::Year (3pm) - Implements embedded "year" objects for Date::Cal...
Date::Format (3pm)   - Date formating subroutines
Date::Language (3pm) - Language specific date formating and parsing
Date::Language::Bulgarian (3pm) - localization for Date::Format
Date::Language::Hungarian (3pm) - Magyar format for Date::Format
daylight (3)         - initialize time conversion information
daylight (3p)        - set timezone conversion information
db_archive (1)       - Find unused log files for archival
db_dump (1)          - Write database file using flat-text format
db_dump185 (1)       - Write database file using flat-text format
db_printlog (1)      - Dumps log files into a human-readable format
DBD::DBM (3pm)       - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD::File (3pm)      - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD::File::Developers (3pm) - Developers documentation for DBD::File
DBD::File::Roadmap (3pm) - Planned Enhancements for DBD::File and pure Perl D...
DBD::Gofer (3pm)     - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remo...
DBD::Gofer::Policy::Base (3pm) - Base class for DBD::Gofer policies
DBD::Gofer::Policy::classic (3pm) - The 'classic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::pedantic (3pm) - The 'pedantic' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Policy::rush (3pm) - The 'rush' policy for DBD::Gofer
DBD::Gofer::Transport::Base (3pm) - base class for DBD::Gofer client transports
DBD::Gofer::Transport::null (3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBD::Gofer::Transport::stream (3pm) - DBD::Gofer transport for stdio streaming
DBD::mysql (3pm)     - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
DBD::Proxy (3pm)     - A proxy driver for the DBI
DBI (3pm)            - Database independent interface for Perl
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ANSI (3pm) - ISO/IEC SQL/CLI Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfo::ODBC (3pm) - ODBC Constants for GetInfo
DBI::Const::GetInfoReturn (3pm) - Data and functions for describing GetInfo r...
DBI::DBD::Metadata (3pm) - Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata m...
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine (3pm) - Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL ...
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::Developers (3pm) - Developers documentation for DBI::DBD...
DBI::FAQ (3pm)       - - The Frequently Asked Questions for the Perl5 Databas...
DBI::Gofer::Serializer::Base (3pm) - base class for Gofer serialization
DBI::Gofer::Transport::Base (3pm) - Base class for Gofer transports
DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for p...
DBI::Gofer::Transport::stream (3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for st...
DBI::Profile (3pm)   - Performance profiling and benchmarking for the DBI
DBI::ProfileSubs (3pm) - Subroutines for dynamic profile Path
DBI::ProxyServer (3pm) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dbilogstrip (1)      - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof (1)          - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
dbiproxy (1)         - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
DBM_Filter::compress (3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::encode (3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::int32 (3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::null (3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
DBM_Filter::utf8 (3pm) - filter for DBM_Filter
dbus-update-activation-environment (1) - update environment used for D-Bus se...
depmod.d (5)         - Configuration directory for depmod
deprecate (3pm)      - Perl pragma for deprecating the core version of a module
Devel::Peek (3pm)    - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
Devel::SelfStubber (3pm) - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
Digest::HMAC (3pm)   - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::HMAC_MD5 (3pm) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::HMAC_SHA1 (3pm) - Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
Digest::SHA (3pm)    - Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
dir_colors (5)       - configuration file for dircolors(1)
dircolors (1)        - color setup for ls
dirent.h (0p)        - format of directory entries
DirHandle (3pm)      - supply object methods for directory handles
dlerror (3p)         - get diagnostic information
dnssec-coverage (8)  - checks future DNSKEY coverage for a zone
dnssec-keymgr (8)    - Ensures correct DNSKEY coverage for a zone based on a ...
dnssec-settime (8)   - set the key timing metadata for a DNSSEC key
doveadm-batch (1)    - Execute multiple commands for multiple users
doveadm-fetch (1)    - Fetch partial/full messages or message information
doveadm-force-resync (1) - Repair broken mailboxes
doveadm-help (1)     - Show information about doveadm commands
doveadm-search-query (7) - Overview of search queries for doveadm mailbox com...
doveadm-user (1)     - Perform a user lookup in Dovecot's userdbs
dracut (8)           - low-level tool for generating an initramfs image
dracut-pre-mount.service (8) - runs the dracut hooks before /sysroot is mounted
dracut-pre-pivot.service (8) - runs the dracut hooks before switching root
dracut-pre-trigger.service (8) - runs the dracut hooks before udevd is triggered
dracut-pre-udev.service (8) - runs the dracut hooks before udevd is started
dracut.conf (5)      - configuration file(s) for dracut
drand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
dumpe2fs (8)         - dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information
dysize (3)           - get number of days for a given year
e2freefrag (8)       - report free space fragmentation information
e2fsck.conf (5)      - Configuration file for e2fsck
e2undo (8)           - Replay an undo log for an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
e4defrag (8)         - online defragmenter for ext4 filesystem
eaccess (3)          - check effective user's permissions for a file
elf (5)              - format of Executable and Linking Format (ELF) files
Email::Date::Format (3pm) - produce RFC 2822 date strings
English (3pm)        - use nice English (or awk) names for ugly punctuation v...
env (1p)             - set the environment for command invocation
envsubst (1)         - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
epoll_ctl (2)        - control interface for an epoll descriptor
epoll_pwait (2)      - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
epoll_wait (2)       - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
eqn (1)              - format equations for troff or MathML
erand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
err (3)              - formatted error messages
errx (3)             - formatted error messages
euidaccess (3)       - check effective user's permissions for a file
eventfd (2)          - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd2 (2)         - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_read (3)     - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write (3)    - create a file descriptor for event notification
export (1p)          - set the export attribute for variables
Exporter (3pm)       - Implements default import method for modules
ExtUtils::CBuilder (3pm) - Compile and link C code for Perl modules
ExtUtils::CBuilder::Platform::Windows (3pm) - Builder class for Windows platf...
ExtUtils::Command::MM (3pm) - Commands for the MM's to use in Makefiles
ExtUtils::Constant::Base (3pm) - base class for ExtUtils::Constant objects
ExtUtils::Constant::Utils (3pm) - helper functions for ExtUtils::Constant
ExtUtils::Constant::XS (3pm) - generate C code for XS modules' constants.
ExtUtils::Miniperl (3pm) - write the C code for perlmain.c
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap (3pm) - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
ExtUtils::Mksymlists (3pm) - write linker options files for dynamic extension
ExtUtils::MM_Any (3pm) - Platform-agnostic MM methods
ExtUtils::MM_Darwin (3pm) - special behaviors for OS X
ExtUtils::MM_MacOS (3pm) - once produced Makefiles for MacOS Classic
ExtUtils::MM_Win95 (3pm) - method to customize MakeMaker for Win9X
ExtUtils::MY (3pm)   - ExtUtils::MakeMaker subclass for customization
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants (3pm) - Initialization values for some globals
ExtUtils::Typemaps::Cmd (3pm) - Quick commands for handling typemaps
fadvise64 (2)        - predeclare an access pattern for file data
fadvise64_64 (2)     - predeclare an access pattern for file data
fail2ban (1)         - a set of server and client programs to limit brute for...
fail2ban-python (1)  - a helper for Fail2Ban to assure that the same Python i...
faillock (8)         - Tool for displaying and modifying the authentication f...
fc-cache (1)         - build font information cache files
fc-cat (1)           - read font information cache files
fc-conflist (1)      - Show the ruleset files information on the system
fdformat (8)         - low-level format a floppy disk
fg (1p)              - run jobs in the foreground
fgetpos (3p)         - get current file position information
File::Glob (3pm)     - Perl extension for BSD glob routine
File::Spec (3pm)     - portably perform operations on file names
File::Spec::Cygwin (3pm) - methods for Cygwin file specs
File::Spec::Epoc (3pm) - methods for Epoc file specs
File::Spec::Functions (3pm) - portably perform operations on file names
File::Spec::Mac (3pm) - File::Spec for Mac OS (Classic)
File::Spec::OS2 (3pm) - methods for OS/2 file specs
File::Spec::Unix (3pm) - File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec modules
File::Spec::Win32 (3pm) - methods for Win32 file specs
file_contexts (5)    - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
file_contexts.homedirs (5) - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configu...
file_contexts.local (5) - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configurat...
file_contexts.subs (5) - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configurati...
file_contexts.subs_dist (5) - userspace SELinux labeling interface and config...
FileHandle (3pm)     - supply object methods for filehandles
Filter::decrypt (3pm) - template for a decrypt source filter
find (1)             - search for files in a directory hierarchy
fingerprint-auth (5) - Common configuration file for PAMified services
fipscheck (8)        - perform a FIPS-140-2 validation check of one or more f...
flockfile (3)        - lock FILE for stdio
fmt (1)              - simple optimal text formatter
fmtmsg (3)           - print formatted error messages
fmtmsg (3p)          - display a message in the specified format on standard ...
fold (1p)            - filter for folding lines
fork (2)             - create a child process
fork (3p)            - create a new process
forkpty (3)          - terminal utility functions
formail (1)          - mail (re)formatter
fort77 (1p)          - FORTRAN compiler (FORTRAN)
fpathconf (3)        - get configuration values for files
fprintf (3)          - formatted output conversion
fprintf (3p)         - print formatted output
freeaddrinfo (3p)    - get address information
fscanf (3)           - input format conversion
fscanf (3p)          - convert formatted input
fstab (5)            - static information about the filesystems
fstatvfs (3p)        - get file system information
ftpasswd (1)         - Perl script for managing AuthUserFiles and AuthGroupFiles
ftpcount (1)         - show current number of connections for each proftpd se...
ftpmail (1)          - FIFO-based Perl script for sending email based on prof...
ftpquota (1)         - Perl script for managing limit/tally files for mod_quo...
ftpwho (1)           - show current process information for each FTP session
ftrylockfile (3)     - lock FILE for stdio
funlockfile (3)      - lock FILE for stdio
funzip (1)           - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
fwprintf (3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
fwprintf (3p)        - print formatted wide-character output
fwscanf (3p)         - convert formatted wide-character input
gai_strerror (3p)    - address and name information error description
gdbus (1)            - Tool for working with D-Bus objects
gencat (1p)          - generate a formatted message catalog
generic (5)          - Postfix generic table format
genhomedircon (8)    - generate SELinux file context configuration entries fo...
genhostid (1)        - generate and set a hostid for the current host
Geo::IP (3pm)        - Look up location and network information by IP Address
Geo::IP::Record (3pm) - Contains city information for GeoIP City Edition
GeoIP.conf (5)       - Configuration file for geoipupdate
geqn (1)             - format equations for troff or MathML
get_mempolicy (2)    - retrieve NUMA memory policy for a process
get_myaddress (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
getaddrinfo (3p)     - get address information
getdate (3p)         - convert user format date and time
getdate_err (3p)     - convert user format date and time
getdirentries (3)    - get directory entries in a file system-independent format
getenforce (8)       - get the current mode of SELinux
getgrgid (3p)        - get group database entry for a group ID
getgrgid_r (3p)      - get group database entry for a group ID
getgrnam (3p)        - search group database for a name
getgrnam_r (3p)      - search group database for a name
gethostid (3p)       - get an identifier for the current host
getnameinfo (3p)     - get name information
getpgid (3p)         - get the process group ID for a process
getpwnam (3p)        - search user database for a name
getpwnam_r (3p)      - search user database for a name
getpwuid (3p)        - search user database for a user ID
getpwuid_r (3p)      - search user database for a user ID
getrusage (3p)       - get information about resource utilization
git-annotate (1)     - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-cat-file (1)     - Provide content or type and size information for repos...
git-check-attr (1)   - Display gitattributes information
git-check-ref-format (1) - Ensures that a reference name is well formed
git-fast-import (1)  - Backend for fast Git data importers
git-for-each-ref (1) - Output information on each ref
git-format-patch (1) - Prepare patches for e-mail submission
git-help (1)         - Display help information about Git
git-index-pack (1)   - Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-ls-files (1)     - Show information about files in the index and the work...
git-merge-base (1)   - Find as good common ancestors as possible for a merge
git-merge-index (1)  - Run a merge for files needing merging
git-mktree (1)       - Build a tree-object from ls-tree formatted text
git-name-rev (1)     - Find symbolic names for given revs
git-pack-refs (1)    - Pack heads and tags for efficient repository access
git-patch-id (1)     - Compute unique ID for a patch
git-read-tree (1)    - Reads tree information into the index
git-rebase (1)       - Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
git-reflog (1)       - Manage reflog information
git-sh-i18n (1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-i18n--envsubst (1) - Git's own envsubst(1) for i18n fallbacks
git-shell (1)        - Restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access
gitcore-tutorial (7) - A Git core tutorial for developers
gitcvs-migration (7) - Git for CVS users
gitrevisions (7)     - specifying revisions and ranges for Git
gittutorial (7)      - A tutorial introduction to Git (for version 1.5.1 or n...
gmtime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r (3)         - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gneqn (1)            - format equations for ascii output
gpg-agent (1)        - Secret key management for GnuPG
gpgparsemail (1)     - Parse a mail message into an annotated format
gpic (1)             - compile pictures for troff or TeX
grep (1p)            - search a file for a pattern
groff (1)            - front-end for the groff document formatting system
grops (1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grotty (1)           - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
group.conf (5)       - configuration file for the pam_group module
grub2-get-kernel-settings (3) - Evaluate the system's kernel installation set...
grub2-macbless (8)   - Mac-style bless utility for HFS or HFS+
grub2-menulst2cfg (1) - Convert a configuration file from GRUB 0.xx to GRUB 2...
grub2-mkfont (1)     - Convert common font file formats into the PF2 format.
grub2-mkstandalone (1) - Generate a standalone image in the selected format.
grub2-ofpathname (8) - Generate an IEEE-1275 device path for a specified device.
grub2-probe (8)      - Probe device information for a given path.
grub2-reboot (8)     - Set the default boot menu entry for the next boot only.
grub2-script-check (1) - Check GRUB configuration file for syntax errors.
grub2-set-default (8) - Set the default boot menu entry for GRUB.
grub2-syslinux2cfg (1) - Transform a syslinux config file into a GRUB config.
gsbj (1)             - Format and print text for BubbleJet printer using ghos...
gsdj (1)             - Format and print text for DeskJet printer using ghosts...
gsdj500 (1)          - Format and print text for DeskJet 500 BubbleJet using ...
gslj (1)             - Format and print text for LaserJet printer using ghost...
gslp (1)             - Format and print text using ghostscript
gtar (1)             - manual page for tar 1.26
gtbl (1)             - format tables for troff
gtroff (1)           - the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
h_errno (3p)         - error return value for network database operations
Hash::Util::FieldHash (3pm) - Support for Inside-Out Classes
hesiod.conf (5)      - Configuration file for the Hesiod library
hostid (1)           - print the numeric identifier for the current host
hosts (5)            - static table lookup for hostnames
hosts.allow (5)      - format of host access control files
hosts.deny (5)       - format of host access control files
hosts_access (5)     - format of host access control files
htdigest (1)         - manage user files for digest authentication
htpasswd (1)         - Manage user files for basic authentication
HTTP::Config (3pm)   - Configuration for request and response objects
httxt2dbm (1)        - Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
hunspell (4)         - format of Hunspell dictionaries and affix files
I18N::Langinfo (3pm) - query locale information
I18N::LangTags (3pm) - functions for dealing with RFC3066-style language tags
I18N::LangTags::List (3pm) - - tags and names for human languages
iconv (3)            - perform character set conversion
iconv_close (3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
identify (1)         - describes the format and characteristics of one or mor...
ImageMagick (1)      - is a free software suite for the creation, modificatio...
inet.h (0p)          - definitions for internet operations
inet_ntop (3)        - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from binary to text form
inet_ntop (3p)       - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses between binary and tex...
inet_pton (3)        - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form
inet_pton (3p)       - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses between binary and tex...
infokey (1)          - compile customizations for Info
intro (5)            - introduction to file formats
IO::Compress::Base (3pm) - Base Class for IO::Compress modules
IO::Dir (3pm)        - supply object methods for directory handles
IO::File (3pm)       - supply object methods for filehandles
IO::Handle (3pm)     - supply object methods for I/O handles
IO::Pipe (3pm)       - supply object methods for pipes
IO::Seekable (3pm)   - supply seek based methods for I/O objects
IO::Socket::INET (3pm) - Object interface for AF_INET domain sockets
IO::Socket::INET6 (3pm) - Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets
IO::Socket::IP (3pm) - A drop-in replacement for "IO::Socket::INET" supportin...
IO::Socket::UNIX (3pm) - Object interface for AF_UNIX domain sockets
IO::Uncompress::Base (3pm) - Base Class for IO::Uncompress modules
io_submit (2)        - submit asynchronous I/O blocks for processing
ip-tcp_metrics (8)   - management for TCP Metrics
ip-xfrm (8)          - transform configuration
ip6tables (8)        - administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
IPC::Open2 (3pm)     - open a process for both reading and writing using open2()
IPC::Open3 (3pm)     - open a process for reading, writing, and error handlin...
ipcalc (1)           - perform simple manipulation of IP addresses
ipcs (1)             - provide information on IPC facilities
ipset (8)            - administration tool for IP sets
iptables (8)         - administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
iptables-xml (1)     - Convert iptables-save format to XML
iruserok (3)         - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
iruserok_af (3)      - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
isalnum (3p)         - test for an alphanumeric character
isalpha (3p)         - test for an alphabetic character
isascii (3p)         - test for a 7-bit US-ASCII character
isatty (3p)          - test for a terminal device
isblank (3p)         - test for a blank character
iscntrl (3p)         - test for a control character
isdigit (3p)         - test for a decimal digit
isfinite (3p)        - test for finite value
isgraph (3p)         - test for a visible character
isgreater (3)        - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isgreaterequal (3)   - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isinf (3p)           - test for infinity
isless (3)           - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessequal (3)      - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessgreater (3)    - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islower (3p)         - test for a lowercase letter
isnan (3p)           - test for a NaN
isnormal (3p)        - test for a normal value
isprint (3p)         - test for a printable character
ispunct (3p)         - test for a punctuation character
isspace (3p)         - test for a white-space character
isunordered (3)      - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isupper (3p)         - test for an uppercase letter
iswalnum (3)         - test for alphanumeric wide character
iswalnum (3p)        - test for an alphanumeric wide-character code
iswalpha (3)         - test for alphabetic wide character
iswalpha (3p)        - test for an alphabetic wide-character code
iswblank (3)         - test for whitespace wide character
iswblank (3p)        - test for a blank wide-character code
iswcntrl (3)         - test for control wide character
iswcntrl (3p)        - test for a control wide-character code
iswctype (3p)        - test character for a specified class
iswdigit (3)         - test for decimal digit wide character
iswdigit (3p)        - test for a decimal digit wide-character code
iswgraph (3)         - test for graphic wide character
iswgraph (3p)        - test for a visible wide-character code
iswlower (3)         - test for lowercase wide character
iswlower (3p)        - test for a lowercase letter wide-character code
iswprint (3)         - test for printing wide character
iswprint (3p)        - test for a printable wide-character code
iswpunct (3)         - test for punctuation or symbolic wide character
iswpunct (3p)        - test for a punctuation wide-character code
iswspace (3)         - test for whitespace wide character
iswspace (3p)        - test for a white-space wide-character code
iswupper (3)         - test for uppercase wide character
iswupper (3p)        - test for an uppercase letter wide-character code
iswxdigit (3)        - test for hexadecimal digit wide character
iswxdigit (3p)       - test for a hexadecimal digit wide-character code
isxdigit (3p)        - test for a hexadecimal digit
jail.conf (5)        - configuration for the fail2ban server
jrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
jrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
jrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
k5login (5)          - Kerberos V5 acl file for host access
kbdinfo (1)          - obtain information about the status of a console
kdump.conf (5)       - configuration file for kdump kernel.
kdumpctl (8)         - control interface for kdump
kexec_load (2)       - load a new kernel for later execution
keymaps (5)          - keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys
langinfo.h (0p)      - language information constants
lchfn (1)            - Change finger information
lcong48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lcong48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lcong48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
ldif (5)             - LDAP Data Interchange Format
lesskey (1)          - specify key bindings for less
lex (1p)             - generate programs for lexical tasks (DEVELOPMENT)
lexgrog (1)          - parse header information in man pages
libgen.h (0p)        - definitions for pattern matching functions
libipset (3)         - A library for using ipset (8) - Provide hostname resolution for the locally conf... (8) - Provide hostname resolution for local container ...
libopenjp2 (3)       - a library for reading and writing JPEG2000 image files.
libuser.conf (5)     - configuration for libuser and libuser utilities
limits.conf (5)      - configuration file for the pam_limits module
link (2)             - make a new name for a file
listen (2)           - listen for connections on a socket
listen (3p)          - listen for socket connections and limit the queue of i...
local::lib (3pm)     - create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL...
locale (1p)          - get locale-specific information
locale (3pm)         - Perl pragma to use or avoid POSIX locales for built-in...
locale.conf (5)      - Configuration file for locale settings
Locale::Maketext (3pm) - framework for localization
Locale::Maketext::Cookbook (3pm) - recipes for using Locale::Maketext
localeconv (3)       - get numeric formatting information
localeconv (3p)      - return locale-specific information
localtime (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime_r (3)      - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
lrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
lscpu (1)            - display information about the CPU architecture
lsipc (1)            - show information on IPC facilities currently employed ...
lslogins (1)         - display information about known users in the system
luajit (1)           - Just-In-Time Compiler for the Lua Language
lvdisplay (8)        - Display information about a logical volume
lvm-config (8)       - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm-dumpconfig (8)   - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm.conf (5)         - Configuration file for LVM2
lvm2-activation-generator (8) - generator for systemd units to activate LVM2 ...
lvmconfig (8)        - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvmdump (8)          - create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes
lvs (8)              - Display information about logical volumes
LWP (3pm)            - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
lwp-dump (1)         - See what headers and content is returned for a URL
LWP::Authen::Ntlm (3pm) - Library for enabling NTLM authentication (Microsoft...
LWP::MediaTypes (3pm) - guess media type for a file or a URL
LWP::Protocol (3pm)  - Base class for LWP protocols
LWP::RobotUA (3pm)   - a class for well-behaved Web robots
machine-info (5)     - Local machine information file
Mail::DKIM::Algorithm::Base (3pm) - base class for DKIM "algorithms"
Mail::DKIM::Canonicalization::Base (3pm) - base class for canonicalization me...
Mail::DKIM::Policy (3pm) - abstract base class for originator "signing" policies
Mail::DKIM::PrivateKey (3pm) - a private key loaded in memory for DKIM signing
Mail::DKIM::Signer (3pm) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
Mail::DKIM::SignerPolicy (3pm) - determines signing parameters for a message
Mail::DKIM::TextWrap (3pm) - text wrapping module written for use with DKIM
Mail::Field (3pm)    - Base class for manipulation of mail header fields
Mail::Field::Generic (3pm) - implementation for inspecific fields
Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache (3pm) - provide access to cached information for ...
Mail::SpamAssassin::AutoWhitelist (3pm) - auto-whitelist handler for SpamAssa...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Bayes (3pm) - support for learning classifiers
Mail::SpamAssassin::BayesStore (3pm) - Storage Module for default Bayes class...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Client (3pm) - Client for spamd Protocol
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AskDNS (3pm) - form a DNS query using tag values,...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AutoLearn... (3pm) - threshold-based discriminato...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DCC (3pm) - perform DCC check of messages
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DKIM (3pm) - perform DKIM verification tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Hashcash (3pm) - perform hashcash verification tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEHeader (3pm) - perform regexp tests against M...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::PhishTag (3pm) - SpamAssassin plugin for redirect...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Pyzor (3pm) - perform Pyzor check of messages
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Razor2 (3pm) - perform Razor check of messages
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ReplaceTags (3pm) - tags for SpamAssassin rules
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Reuse (3pm) - For reusing old rule hits during a ...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit (3pm) - short-circuit evaluation for...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SpamCop (3pm) - perform SpamCop reporting of mess...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF (3pm) - perform SPF verification tests
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::URIDetail (3pm) - test URIs using detailed URI in...
Mail::SpamAssassin::SubProcBackChannel (3pm) - back-channel for communication...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress (3pm) - Progress bar support for SpamAssassin
Mail::SPF::Base (3pm) - Base class for Mail::SPF classes
Mail::SPF::Record (3pm) - Abstract base class for SPF records
Mail::SPF::SenderIPAddrMech (3pm) - Abstract base class for SPF record mechan...
Mail::SPF::Server (3pm) - Server class for processing SPF requests
makedumpfile.conf (5) - The filter configuration file for makedumpfile(8).
mallinfo (3)         - obtain memory allocation information
man (7)              - macros to format man pages
man-pages (7)        - conventions for writing Linux man pages
manpath (1)          - determine search path for manual pages
manpath (5)          - format of the /etc/man_db.conf file
master (5)           - Postfix master process configuration file format
matchpathcon (8)     - get the default SELinux security context for the speci...
Math::BigInt::FastCalc (3pm) - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
mbind (2)            - set memory policy for a memory range
mbsinit (3)          - test for initial shift state
mcookie (1)          - generate magic cookies for xauth
mdadm.conf (5)       - configuration for management of Software RAID with mdadm
mdoc (7)             - quick reference guide for the -mdoc macro package
mdoc.samples (7)     - tutorial sampler for writing BSD manuals with -mdoc
media (5)            - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
memchr (3)           - scan memory for a character
Memoize (3pm)        - Make functions faster by trading space for time
Memoize::AnyDBM_File (3pm) - glue to provide EXISTS for AnyDBM_File for Stora...
Memoize::Expire (3pm) - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized v...
Memoize::ExpireFile (3pm) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize::ExpireTest (3pm) - test for Memoize expiration semantics
Memoize::NDBM_File (3pm) - glue to provide EXISTS for NDBM_File for Storable use
Memoize::SDBM_File (3pm) - glue to provide EXISTS for SDBM_File for Storable use
memrchr (3)          - scan memory for a character
mkdumprd (8)         - creates initial ramdisk images for kdump crash recovery
mke2fs.conf (5)      - Configuration file for mke2fs
mkfontscale (1)      - create an index of scalable font files for X
mktime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
modinfo (8)          - Show information about a Linux Kernel module
modprobe.conf (5)    - Configuration directory for modprobe
modprobe.d (5)       - Configuration directory for modprobe
Module::Build::API (3pm) - API Reference for Module Authors
Module::Build::Base (3pm) - Default methods for Module::Build
Module::Build::ConfigData (3pm) - Configuration for Module::Build
Module::Build::Platform::aix (3pm) - Builder class for AIX platform
Module::Build::Platform::Amiga (3pm) - Builder class for Amiga platforms
Module::Build::Platform::cygwin (3pm) - Builder class for Cygwin platform
Module::Build::Platform::darwin (3pm) - Builder class for Mac OS X platform
Module::Build::Platform::Default (3pm) - Stub class for unknown platforms
Module::Build::Platform::EBCDIC (3pm) - Builder class for EBCDIC platforms
Module::Build::Platform::MacOS (3pm) - Builder class for MacOS platforms
Module::Build::Platform::MPEiX (3pm) - Builder class for MPEiX platforms
Module::Build::Platform::os2 (3pm) - Builder class for OS/2 platform
Module::Build::Platform::RiscOS (3pm) - Builder class for RiscOS platforms
Module::Build::Platform::Unix (3pm) - Builder class for Unix platforms
Module::Build::Platform::VMS (3pm) - Builder class for VMS platforms
Module::Build::Platform::VOS (3pm) - Builder class for VOS platforms
Module::Build::Platform::Windows (3pm) - Builder class for Windows platforms
Module::Load::Conditional (3pm) - Looking up module information / loading at ...
Module::Metadata (3pm) - Gather package and POD information from perl module ...
modules.dep (5)      - Module dependency information
modules.dep.bin (5)  - Module dependency information
modutil (1)          - Manage PKCS #11 module information within the security...
more (1)             - file perusal filter for crt viewing
Mozilla::CA (3pm)    - Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format
mq_notify (2)        - register for notification when a message is available
mq_notify (3)        - register for notification when a message is available
mrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
mrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
mrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
msgconv (1)          - character set conversion for message catalog
msgfmt (1)           - compile message catalog to binary format
msgunfmt (1)         - uncompile message catalog from binary format
msql2mysql (1)       - convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL
mtree (5)            - format of mtree dir hierarchy files
muttrc (5)           - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
muttrc.local (5)     - Configuration file for the Mutt Mail User Agent
myisam_ftdump (1)    - display full-text index information
mysql_convert_table_format (1) - convert tables to use a given storage engine
mysql_upgrade (1)    - check tables for MySQL upgrade
mysql_waitpid (1)    - kill process and wait for its termination
mysqlaccess (1)      - client for checking access privileges
mysqladmin (1)       - client for administering a MySQL server
mysqlbinlog (1)      - utility for processing binary log files
mysqlshow (1)        - display database, table, and column information
named-journalprint (8) - print zone journal in human-readable form
named-rrchecker (1)  - syntax checker for individual DNS resource records
named.conf (5)       - configuration file for named
ndbm.h (0p)          - definitions for ndbm database operations
neqn (1)             - format equations for ascii output
Net::Config (3pm)    - Local configuration data for libnet
Net::Daemon (3pm)    - Perl extension for portable daemons
Net::Daemon::Log (3pm) - Utility functions for logging
Net::Daemon::Test (3pm) - support functions for testing Net::Daemon servers
Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse (3pm) - Perform recursive dns lookups
Net::LibIDN (3pm)    - Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
Net::Ping (3pm)      - check a remote host for reachability
Net::SMTP::SSL (3pm) - SSL support for Net::SMTP
Net::SSLeay (3pm)    - Perl extension for using OpenSSL
NetAddr::IP::UtilPP (3pm) - - pure Perl functions for NetAddr::IP::Util
netdb.h (0p)         - definitions for network database operations
networks (5)         - network name information
ngettext (1)         - translate message and choose plural form
nl_langinfo (3)      - query language and locale information
nl_langinfo (3p)     - language information
nrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
nss-myhostname (8)   - Provide hostname resolution for the locally configured...
nss-mymachines (8)   - Provide hostname resolution for local container instan...
numa (7)             - overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
numa_maps (5)        - overview of Non-Uniform Memory Architecture
objdump (1)          - display information from object files.
od (1)               - dump files in octal and other formats
od (1p)              - dump files in various formats
odbc_config (1)      - get compile options for compiling unixODBC client
odbcinst (1)         - An unixODBC tool for manipulating configuration files
oldfind (1)          - search for files in a directory hierarchy
oldolduname (2)      - get name and information about current kernel
olduname (2)         - get name and information about current kernel
open (3pm)           - perl pragma to set default PerlIO layers for input and...
overload (3pm)       - Package for overloading Perl operations
p11-kit (8)          - Tool for operating on configured PKCS#11 modules
pam (8)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
pam_access (8)       - PAM module for logdaemon style login access control
pam_console_apply (8) - set or revoke permissions for users at the system con...
pam_echo (8)         - PAM module for printing text messages
pam_ftp (8)          - PAM module for anonymous access module
pam_group (8)        - PAM module for group access
pam_lastlog (8)      - PAM module to display date of last login and perform i...
pam_mail (8)         - Inform about available mail
pam_namespace (8)    - PAM module for configuring namespace for a session
pam_pwquality (8)    - PAM module to perform password quality checking
pam_sepermit (8)     - PAM module to allow/deny login depending on SELinux en...
pam_shells (8)       - PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_time (8)         - PAM module for time control access
pam_tty_audit (8)    - Enable or disable TTY auditing for specified users
pam_unix (8)         - Module for traditional password authentication
pam_xauth (8)        - PAM module to forward xauth keys between users
paperconf (1)        - print paper configuration informations
partprobe (8)        - inform the OS of partition table changes
passenger-config (1) - Show configuration settings for Phusion Passenger
password-auth (5)    - Common configuration file for PAMified services
pathconf (3)         - get configuration values for files
pause (2)            - wait for signal
pcre_table (5)       - format of Postfix PCRE tables
pear.conf (5)        - configuration file for PEAR applications.
perf_event_open (2)  - set up performance monitoring
perfmonctl (2)       - interface to IA-64 performance monitoring unit
perl5004delta (1)    - what's new for perl5.004
perl5005delta (1)    - what's new for perl5.005
perl5100delta (1)    - what is new for perl 5.10.0
perl5101delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.10.1
perl5120delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.0
perl5121delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.1
perl5122delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.2
perl5123delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.3
perl5124delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.12.4
perl5140delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.0
perl5141delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.1
perl5142delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.2
perl5143delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.14.3
perl5160delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.16.0
perl5161delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.16.1
perl5162delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.16.2
perl5163delta (1)    - what is new for perl v5.16.3
perl561delta (1)     - what's new for perl v5.6.1
perl56delta (1)      - what's new for perl v5.6.0
perl581delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.1
perl582delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.2
perl583delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.3
perl584delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.4
perl585delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.5
perl586delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.6
perl587delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.7
perl588delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.8
perl589delta (1)     - what is new for perl v5.8.9
perl58delta (1)      - what is new for perl v5.8.0
perlapi (1)          - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
perlbs2000 (1)       - building and installing Perl for BS2000.
perlce (1)           - Perl for WinCE
perlclib (1)         - Internal replacements for standard C library functions
perlcygwin (1)       - Perl for Cygwin
perldelta (1)        - what is new for perl v5.16.3
perldoc (1)          - Look up Perl documentation in Pod format.
perldtrace (1)       - Perl's support for DTrace
perlebcdic (1)       - Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
perlepoc (1)         - Perl for EPOC
perlfaq5 (1)         - Files and Formats
perlfork (1)         - Perl's fork() emulation
perlform (1)         - Perl formats
perlgit (1)          - Detailed information about git and the Perl repository
perlhacktips (1)     - Tips for Perl core C code hacking
PerlIO (3pm)         - On demand loader for PerlIO layers and root of PerlIO:...
PerlIO::via (3pm)    - Helper class for PerlIO layers implemented in perl
PerlIO::via::QuotedPrint (3pm) - PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings
perliol (1)          - C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers.
perlmpeix (1)        - Perl/iX for HP e3000 MPE
perlnetware (1)      - Perl for NetWare
perlnewmod (1)       - preparing a new module for distribution
perlos390 (1)        - building and installing Perl for OS/390 and z/OS
perlperf (1)         - Perl Performance and Optimization Techniques
perlplan9 (1)        - Plan 9-specific documentation for Perl
perlpod (1)          - the Plain Old Documentation format
perlpodspec (1)      - Plain Old Documentation: format specification and notes
perlriscos (1)       - Perl version 5 for RISC OS
perltrap (1)         - Perl traps for the unwary
perltru64 (1)        - Perl version 5 on Tru64 (formerly known as Digital UNI...
perlvmesa (1)        - building and installing Perl for VM/ESA.
perlvms (1)          - VMS-specific documentation for Perl
perlvos (1)          - Perl for Stratus VOS
perlxstut (1)        - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
pfbtopfa (1)         - Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using gho...
phpize (1)           - prepare a PHP extension for compiling
pic (1)              - compile pictures for troff or TeX
pigeonhole (7)       - Overview of the Pigeonhole project's Sieve support for...
pkcs11.conf (5)      - Configuration files for PKCS#11 modules
pkcs8 (1ssl)         - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkg-config (1)       - Return metainformation about installed libraries
plesk (1)            - a universal management utility for Plesk
pmap_getmaps (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_getport (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_rmtcall (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_set (3)         - library routines for remote procedure calls
pmap_unset (3)       - library routines for remote procedure calls
png (5)              - Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format
pod2man (1)          - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
pod2text (1)         - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Escapes (3pm)   - - for resolving Pod E<...> sequences
Pod::Man (3pm)       - Convert POD data to formatted *roff input
Pod::ParseLink (3pm) - Parse an L<> formatting code in POD text
Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo (3pm) - Base for Pod::Perldoc formatters
Pod::Perldoc::GetOptsOO (3pm) - Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc
Pod::Perldoc::ToChecker (3pm) - let Perldoc check Pod for errors
Pod::Simple (3pm)    - framework for parsing Pod
Pod::Simple::RTF (3pm) - - format Pod as RTF
Pod::Simple::Subclassing (3pm) - - write a formatter as a Pod::Simple subclass
Pod::Simple::Text (3pm) - - format Pod as plaintext
Pod::Simple::XHTML (3pm) - - format Pod as validating XHTML
Pod::Text (3pm)      - Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text
Pod::Text::Color (3pm) - Convert POD data to formatted color ASCII text
Pod::Text::Overstrike (3pm) - Convert POD data to formatted overstrike text
Pod::Text::Termcap (3pm) - Convert POD data to ASCII text with format escapes
poll (2)             - wait for some event on a file descriptor
poll.h (0p)          - definitions for the poll() function
posix_fadvise (2)    - predeclare an access pattern for file data
posix_fadvise (3p)   - file advisory information (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_madvise (3p)   - memory advisory information and alignment control (ADV...
posix_trace_attr_getclockres (3p) - retrieve and set information about a trac...
posix_trace_attr_getcreatetime (3p) - retrieve and set information about a tr...
posix_trace_attr_getgenversion (3p) - retrieve and set information about a tr...
posix_trace_attr_getname (3p) - retrieve and set information about a trace st...
posix_trace_attr_setname (3p) - retrieve and set information about a trace st...
posix_trace_event (3p) - trace functions for instrumenting application code (...
posix_trace_eventid_open (3p) - trace functions for instrumenting application...
posix_typed_mem_get_info (3p) - query typed memory information (ADVANCED REAL...
postlogin (5)        - Common configuration file for PAMified services
ppoll (2)            - wait for some event on a file descriptor
pr (1)               - convert text files for printing
printafm (1)         - Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format...
printf (1)           - format and print data
printf (1p)          - write formatted output
printf (3)           - formatted output conversion
printf (3p)          - print formatted output
proc (5)             - process information pseudo-file system
ps2epsi (1)          - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
psa-suexec (8)       - Switch User For Exec
psfxtable (1)        - handle Unicode character tables for console fonts
pthread_atfork (3p)  - register fork handlers
pthread_join (3p)    - wait for thread termination
pthread_rwlock_rdlock (3p) - lock a read-write lock object for reading
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock (3p) - lock a read-write lock for reading
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock (3p) - lock a read-write lock for writing
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock (3p) - lock a read-write lock object for reading
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock (3p) - lock a read-write lock object for writing
pthread_rwlock_wrlock (3p) - lock a read-write lock object for writing
pvcreate (8)         - Initialize physical volume(s) for use by LVM
pvs (8)              - Display information about physical volumes
pwmake (1)           - simple tool for generating random relatively easily pr...
pwquality.conf (5)   - configuration for the libpwquality library
pwscore (1)          - simple configurable tool for checking quality of a pas...
query_module (2)     - query the kernel for various bits pertaining to modules
rawmemchr (3)        - scan memory for a character
rcmd (3)             - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rcmd_af (3)          - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
readahead (2)        - perform file readahead into page cache
readelf (1)          - Displays information about ELF files.
readonly (1p)        - set the readonly attribute for variables
readprofile (8)      - read kernel profiling information
regexp_table (5)     - format of Postfix regular expression tables
registerrpc (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
relocated (5)        - Postfix relocated table format
repo-graph (1)       - output a full package dependency graph in dot format
repoclosure (1)      - display a list of unresolved dependencies for a yum re...
repoquery (1)        - query information from Yum repositories
resource.h (0p)      - definitions for XSI resource operations
rnano (1)            - Restricted mode for Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced...
round (3p)           - round to the nearest integer value in a floating-point...
roundf (3p)          - round to the nearest integer value in a floating-point...
roundl (3p)          - round to the nearest integer value in a floating-point...
routel (8)           - list routes with pretty output format
rpc (3)              - library routines for remote procedure calls
RPC::PlClient (3pm)  - Perl extension for writing PlRPC clients
RPC::PlServer (3pm)  - Perl extension for writing PlRPC servers
rrdbuild (1)         - Instructions for building RRDtool
rrdcached (1)        - Data caching daemon for rrdtool
rrddump (1)          - dump the contents of an RRD to XML format
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a spcific RRD file from memory.
rrdgraph_data (1)    - preparing data for graphing in rrdtool graph
rrdgraph_examples (1) - Examples for rrdtool graph
rrdinfo (1)          - extract header information from an RRD
rrdlua (1)           - Lua binding for RRDTool
rrdrestore (1)       - Restore the contents of an RRD from its XML dump format
rrdthreads (1)       - Provisions for linking the RRD library to use in multi...
rrdxport (1)         - Export data in XML format based on data from one or se...
rresvport (3)        - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rresvport_af (3)     - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
rsyncd.conf (5)      - configuration file for rsync in daemon mode
rt_sigsuspend (2)    - wait for a signal
rt_sigtimedwait (2)  - synchronously wait for queued signals
rtld-audit (7)       - auditing API for the dynamic linker
ruserok (3)          - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
ruserok_af (3)       - routines for returning a stream to a remote command
s_time (1ssl)        - SSL/TLS performance timing program
scandir (3)          - scan a directory for matching entries
scanf (3)            - input format conversion
scanf (3p)           - convert formatted input
sched_rr_get_interval (2) - get the SCHED_RR interval for the named process
scriptreplay (1)     - play back typescripts, using timing information
sd (4)               - driver for SCSI disk drives
Search::Dict (3pm)   - look - search for key in dictionary file
sed (1)              - stream editor for filtering and transforming text
seed48 (3)           - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seed48 (3p)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seed48_r (3)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
selabel_db (5)       - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
selabel_file (5)     - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
selabel_media (5)    - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
selabel_x (5)        - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
selinuxconlist (8)   - list all SELinux context reachable for user
selinuxdefcon (8)    - report default SELinux context for user
selinuxexeccon (8)   - report SELinux context used for this executable
semanage.conf (5)    - global configuration file for the SELinux Management l...
sepermit.conf (5)    - configuration file for the pam_sepermit module
sepgsql_contexts (5) - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
sessreg (1)          - manage utmpx/wtmpx entries for non-init clients
set_mempolicy (2)    - set default NUMA memory policy for a process and its c...
setenforce (8)       - modify the mode SELinux is running in
setfsgid (2)         - set group identity used for file system checks
setfsgid32 (2)       - set group identity used for file system checks
setfsuid (2)         - set user identity used for file system checks
setfsuid32 (2)       - set user identity used for file system checks
setjmp (3)           - save stack context for nonlocal goto
setjmp (3p)          - set jump point for a non-local goto
setpgid (3p)         - set process group ID for job control
sfdisk (8)           - partition table manipulator for Linux
sgdisk (8)           - Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator fo...
sigevent (7)         - structure for notification from asynchronous routines
sigismember (3p)     - test for a signal in a signal set
signalfd (2)         - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signalfd4 (2)        - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signver (1)          - Verify a detached PKCS#7 signature for a file.
sigpause (3)         - atomically release blocked signals and wait for interrupt
sigsetjmp (3)        - save stack context for nonlocal goto
sigsetjmp (3p)       - set jump point for a non-local goto
sigsuspend (2)       - wait for a signal
sigsuspend (3p)      - wait for a signal
sigtimedwait (2)     - synchronously wait for queued signals
sigtimedwait (3p)    - wait for queued signals (REALTIME)
sigwait (3)          - wait for a signal
sigwait (3p)         - wait for queued signals
sigwaitinfo (2)      - synchronously wait for queued signals
sigwaitinfo (3p)     - wait for queued signals (REALTIME)
slabtop (1)          - display kernel slab cache information in real time
sleep (1)            - delay for a specified amount of time
sleep (1p)           - suspend execution for an interval
sleep (3)            - sleep for the specified number of seconds
sleep (3p)           - suspend execution for an interval of time
smartcard-auth (5)   - Common configuration file for PAMified services
snprintf (3)         - formatted output conversion
snprintf (3p)        - print formatted output
socket (2)           - create an endpoint for communication
socket (3p)          - create an endpoint for communication
spamassassin-run (1) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (3pm) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamc (1)            - client for spamd
speed (1ssl)         - test library performance
sprintf (3)          - formatted output conversion
sprintf (3p)         - print formatted output
sqlite3 (1)          - A command line interface for SQLite version 3
srand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
sscanf (3)           - input format conversion
sscanf (3p)          - convert formatted input
ssh-keysign (8)      - ssh helper program for host-based authentication
ssh-pkcs11-helper (8) - ssh-agent helper program for PKCS#11 support
statvfs (3p)         - get file system information
statvfs.h (0p)       - VFS File System information structure
stdbuf (1)           - Run COMMAND, with modified buffering operations for it...
Storable (3pm)       - persistence for Perl data structures
strcoll (3p)         - string comparison using collating information
strcspn (3)          - search a string for a set of bytes
stream (1)           - a lightweight tool to stream one or more pixel compone...
strftime (3)         - format date and time
strip (1p)           - remove unnecessary information from executable files (...
strpbrk (3)          - search a string for any of a set of bytes
strpbrk (3p)         - scan a string for a byte
strspn (3)           - search a string for a set of bytes
strxfrm (3)          - string transformation
strxfrm (3p)         - string transformation
stty (1p)            - set the options for a terminal
subpage_prot (2)     - define a subpage protection for an address range
sudo.conf (5)        - configuration for sudo front end
sudoers_timestamp (5) - Sudoers Time Stamp Format
suexec (8)           - Switch user before executing external programs
svc_destroy (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_freeargs (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getargs (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getcaller (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getreq (3)       - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_getreqset (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_register (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_run (3)          - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_sendreply (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svc_unregister (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_auth (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_decode (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_noproc (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_noprog (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_progvers (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_systemerr (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcerr_weakauth (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcfd_create (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcraw_create (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svctcp_create (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_bufcreate (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_create (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
sw-collectd-nagios (1) - Nagios plugin for querying collectd
sw-collectd-tg (1)   - Traffic generator for collectd.
sw-collectd.conf (5) - Configuration for the system statistics collection dae...
sw-collectdctl (1)   - Control interface for collectd
sw-collectdmon (1)   - Monitoring daemon for collectd
sw-types.db (5)      - Data-set specifications for the system statistics coll...
swapoff (8)          - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
swapon (8)           - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping
Switch (3pm)         - A switch statement for Perl
swprintf (3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
swprintf (3p)        - print formatted wide-character output
swscanf (3p)         - convert formatted wide-character input
symlink (2)          - make a new name for a file
sys_resource.h (0p)  - definitions for XSI resource operations
sys_statvfs.h (0p)   - VFS File System information structure
sys_timeb.h (0p)     - additional definitions for date and time
sys_uio.h (0p)       - definitions for vector I/O operations
sys_un.h (0p)        - definitions for UNIX domain sockets
sys_wait.h (0p)      - declarations for waiting
sysconf (3)          - get configuration information at run time
sysfs (2)            - get file system type information
sysinfo (2)          - returns information on overall system statistics
syslog.h (0p)        - definitions for system error logging
system-auth (5)      - Common configuration file for PAMified services
systemd-analyze (1)  - Analyze system boot-up performance
systemd-ask-password (1) - Query the user for a system password
systemd-ask-password-console.path (8) - Query the user for system passwords o...
systemd-ask-password-console.service (8) - Query the user for system password...
systemd-ask-password-wall.path (8) - Query the user for system passwords on t...
systemd-ask-password-wall.service (8) - Query the user for system passwords o...
systemd-binfmt (8)   - Configure additional binary formats for executables at...
systemd-binfmt.service (8) - Configure additional binary formats for executab...
systemd-bootchart (1) - Boot performance graphing tool
systemd-cryptsetup-generator (8) - Unit generator for /etc/crypttab
systemd-debug-generator (8) - Generator for enabling a runtime debug shell an...
systemd-efi-boot-generator (8) - Generator for automatically mounting the EFI...
systemd-escape (1)   - Escape strings for usage in system unit names
systemd-firstboot (1) - Initialize basic system settings on or before the fir...
systemd-firstboot.service (1) - Initialize basic system settings on or before...
systemd-fstab-generator (8) - Unit generator for /etc/fstab
systemd-getty-generator (8) - Generator for enabling getty instances on the c...
systemd-gpt-auto-generator (8) - Generator for automatically discovering and ...
systemd-hibernate-resume-generator (8) - Unit generator for resume= kernel pa...
systemd-nspawn (1)   - Spawn a namespace container for debugging, testing and...
systemd-system-update-generator (8) - Generator for redirecting boot to offli...
systemd-sysv-generator (8) - Unit generator for SysV init scripts
t1libconfig (8)      - create the t1lib.config and FontDataBase files for t1lib
TAP::Formatter::Base (3pm) - Base class for harness output delegates
TAP::Formatter::Color (3pm) - Run Perl test scripts with color
TAP::Formatter::Console (3pm) - Harness output delegate for default console o...
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession (3pm) - Harness output delegate for ...
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session (3pm) - Harness output delegate for default ...
TAP::Formatter::File (3pm) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Formatter::File::Session (3pm) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Formatter::Session (3pm) - Abstract base class for harness output delegate
TAP::Parser::Grammar (3pm) - A grammar for the Test Anything Protocol.
TAP::Parser::Iterator (3pm) - Base class for TAP source iterators
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array (3pm) - Iterator for array-based TAP sources
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Process (3pm) - Iterator for process-based TAP sources
TAP::Parser::Iterator::Stream (3pm) - Iterator for filehandle-based TAP sources
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory (3pm) - Figures out which SourceHandler objects ...
TAP::Parser::Result (3pm) - Base class for TAP::Parser output objects
TAP::Parser::ResultFactory (3pm) - Factory for creating TAP::Parser output ob...
TAP::Parser::SourceHandler (3pm) - Base class for different TAP source handlers
tar (1)              - manual page for tar 1.26
tar (5)              - format of tape archive files
tbl (1)              - format tables for troff
tc-bpf (8)           - BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
tc-ematch (8)        - extended matches for use with "basic" or "flow" filters
tcdrain (3p)         - wait for transmission of output
tcgetpgrp (3)        - get and set terminal foreground process group
tcgetpgrp (3p)       - get the foreground process group ID
tcgetsid (3p)        - get the process group ID for the session leader for th...
tcp.h (0p)           - definitions for the Internet Transmission Control Prot...
tcsd.conf (5)        - configuration file for the trousers TCS daemon.
tcsendbreak (3p)     - send a break for a specific duration
tcsetpgrp (3)        - get and set terminal foreground process group
tcsetpgrp (3p)       - set the foreground process group ID
tempnam (3)          - create a name for a temporary file
tempnam (3p)         - create a name for a temporary file
term (5)             - format of compiled term file.
term (7)             - conventions for naming terminal types
Term::ReadKey (3pm)  - A perl module for simple terminal control
termios.h (0p)       - define values for termios
testsaslauthd (8)    - test utility for the SASL authentication server
Text::Diff (3pm)     - Perform diffs on files and record sets
Text::Diff::Config (3pm) - global configuration for Text::Diff (as a separate...
Text::Diff::Table (3pm) - Text::Diff plugin to generate "table" format output
Text::Wrap (3pm)     - line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
thin_trim (8)        - Issue discard requests for free pool space (offline to...
Thread (3pm)         - Manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only)
threads::shared (3pm) - Perl extension for sharing data structures between th...
Tie::Array (3pm)     - base class for tied arrays
Tie::Handle (3pm)    - base class definitions for tied handles
Tie::Hash (3pm)      - base class definitions for tied hashes
Tie::Scalar (3pm)    - base class definitions for tied scalars
Tie::StdHandle (3pm) - base class definitions for tied handles
time.conf (5)        - configuration file for the pam_time module
timeb.h (0p)         - additional definitions for date and time
timer_getoverrun (2) - get overrun count for a POSIX per-process timer
times (3p)           - get process and waited-for child process times
timezone (3)         - initialize time conversion information
timezone (3p)        - set timezone conversion information
tmpfiles.d (5)       - Configuration for creation, deletion and cleaning of v...
tmpnam (3)           - create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam (3p)          - create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam_r (3)         - create a name for a temporary file
transport (5)        - Postfix transport table format
troff (1)            - the troff processor of the groff text formatting system
trust (1)            - Tool for operating on the trust policy store
tsort (1)            - perform topological sort
tty_ioctl (4)        - ioctls for terminals and serial lines
Types::Serialiser (3pm) - simple data types for common serialisation formats
Types::Serialiser::Error (3pm) - dummy module for Types::Serialiser
tzfile (5)           - timezone information
tzname (3)           - initialize time conversion information
tzname (3p)          - set timezone conversion information
tzset (3)            - initialize time conversion information
tzset (3p)           - set timezone conversion information
udev.conf (5)        - Configuration for device event managing daemon
udp (7)              - User Datagram Protocol for IPv4
uio.h (0p)           - definitions for vector I/O operations
un.h (0p)            - definitions for UNIX domain sockets
uname (1)            - print system information
uname (2)            - get name and information about current kernel
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5 (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unic...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312 (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208 (3pm) - weighting JIS KANJI for Unicode::Collate
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::Locale (3pm) - Linguistic tailoring for DUCET via Unicode::...
Unicode::Normalize (3pm) - Unicode Normalization Forms
UNIVERSAL (3pm)      - base class for ALL classes (blessed references)
unix (7)             - sockets for local interprocess communication
unzipsfx (1)         - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
updatedb (8)         - update a database for mlocate
updatedb.conf (5)    - a configuration file for updatedb(8)
uri (7)              - uniform resource identifier (URI), including a URL or URN
URI::ldap (3pm)      - LDAP Uniform Resource Locators
URI::QueryParam (3pm) - Additional query methods for URIs
URI::URL (3pm)       - Uniform Resource Locators
url (7)              - uniform resource identifier (URI), including a URL or URN
urn (7)              - uniform resource identifier (URI), including a URL or URN
useradd (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
usleep (3)           - suspend execution for microsecond intervals
usleep (3p)          - suspend execution for an interval
utmpdump (1)         - dump UTMP and WTMP files in raw format
uuencode (5)         - format of an encoded uuencode file
vconsole.conf (5)    - Configuration file for the virtual console
verr (3)             - formatted error messages
verrx (3)            - formatted error messages
version (1ssl)       - print OpenSSL version information
version (3pm)        - Perl extension for Version Objects
version::Internals (3pm) - Perl extension for Version Objects
versionsort (3)      - scan a directory for matching entries
vfork (2)            - create a child process and block parent
vfork (3p)           - create a new process; share virtual memory
vfprintf (3)         - formatted output conversion
vfprintf (3p)        - format output of a stdarg argument list
vfscanf (3)          - input format conversion
vfscanf (3p)         - format input of a stdarg argument list
vfwprintf (3)        - formatted wide-character output conversion
vfwprintf (3p)       - wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vfwscanf (3p)        - wide-character formatted input of a stdarg argument list
vgconvert (8)        - Change volume group metadata format
vgdisplay (8)        - Display volume group information
vgmknodes (8)        - Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev
vgs (8)              - Display information about volume groups
vgscan (8)           - Search for all volume groups
virtual (5)          - Postfix virtual alias table format
vprintf (3)          - formatted output conversion
vprintf (3p)         - format output of a stdarg argument list
vscanf (3)           - input format conversion
vscanf (3p)          - format input of a stdarg argument list
vsnprintf (3)        - formatted output conversion
vsnprintf (3p)       - format output of a stdarg argument list
vsprintf (3)         - formatted output conversion
vsprintf (3p)        - format output of a stdarg argument list
vsscanf (3)          - input format conversion
vsscanf (3p)         - format input of a stdarg argument list
vswprintf (3)        - formatted wide-character output conversion
vswprintf (3p)       - wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vswscanf (3p)        - wide-character formatted input of a stdarg argument list
vwarn (3)            - formatted error messages
vwarnx (3)           - formatted error messages
vwprintf (3)         - formatted wide-character output conversion
vwprintf (3p)        - wide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vwscanf (3p)         - wide-character formatted input of a stdarg argument list
wait (2)             - wait for process to change state
wait (3p)            - wait for a child process to stop or terminate
wait.h (0p)          - declarations for waiting
wait3 (2)            - wait for process to change state, BSD style
wait4 (2)            - wait for process to change state, BSD style
waitid (2)           - wait for process to change state
waitid (3p)          - wait for a child process to change state
waitpid (2)          - wait for process to change state
waitpid (3p)         - wait for a child process to stop or terminate
warn (3)             - formatted error messages
warnx (3)            - formatted error messages
wc (1)               - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wcscoll (3p)         - wide-character string comparison using collating infor...
wcscspn (3)          - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wid...
wcspbrk (3)          - search a wide-character string for any of a set of wid...
wcspbrk (3p)         - scan a wide-character string for a wide-character code
wcswidth (3)         - determine columns needed for a fixed-size wide-charact...
wcsxfrm (3p)         - wide-character string transformation
wcwidth (3)          - determine columns needed for a wide character
whereis (1)          - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a...
word-list-compress (1) - word list compressor/decompressor for GNU Aspell
wordexp (3)          - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wordexp (3p)         - perform word expansions
wordfree (3)         - perform word expansion like a posix-shell
wordfree (3p)        - perform word expansions
wprintf (3)          - formatted wide-character output conversion
wprintf (3p)         - print formatted wide-character output
wscanf (3p)          - convert formatted wide-character input
x509v3_config (5ssl) - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
x_contexts (5)       - userspace SELinux labeling interface and configuration...
xdr (3)              - library routines for external data representation
xdr_accepted_reply (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_array (3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_authunix_parms (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_bool (3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_bytes (3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_callhdr (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_callmsg (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_char (3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_destroy (3)      - library routines for external data representation
xdr_double (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_enum (3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_float (3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_free (3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_getpos (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_inline (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_int (3)          - library routines for external data representation
xdr_long (3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_opaque_auth (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pmap (3)         - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pmaplist (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_pointer (3)      - library routines for external data representation
xdr_reference (3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdr_rejected_reply (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_replymsg (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
xdr_setpos (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_short (3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_string (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_char (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_int (3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_long (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_u_short (3)      - library routines for external data representation
xdr_union (3)        - library routines for external data representation
xdr_vector (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdr_void (3)         - library routines for external data representation
xdr_wrapstring (3)   - library routines for external data representation
xdrmem_create (3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_create (3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_endofrecord (3) - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_eof (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_skiprecord (3) - library routines for external data representation
xdrstdio_create (3)  - library routines for external data representation
xfs (5)              - layout, mount options, and supported file attributes f...
xfs_bmap (8)         - print block mapping for an XFS file
xfs_fsr (8)          - filesystem reorganizer for XFS
xfs_ncheck (8)       - generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS
xhost (1)            - server access control program for X
xinetd.log (5)       - xinetd service log format
XML::Dumper (3pm)    - Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
XML::Parser (3pm)    - A perl module for parsing XML documents
XML::Parser::Style::Debug (3pm) - Debug style for XML::Parser
XML::Parser::Style::Stream (3pm) - Stream style for XML::Parser
XML::SAX (3pm)       - Simple API for XML
XML::SAX::DocumentLocator (3pm) - Helper class for document locators
XML::SAX::Exception (3pm) - Exception classes for XML::SAX
xmlwf (1)            - Determines if an XML document is well-formed
xmodmap (1)          - utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappi...
xprt_register (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
xprt_unregister (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
xset (1)             - user preference utility for X
xsetmode (1)         - set the mode for an X Input device
xsetroot (1)         - root window parameter setting utility for X
xzegrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzfgrep (1)          - search compressed files for a regular expression
xzgrep (1)           - search compressed files for a regular expression
YAML::Dumper (3pm)   - YAML class for dumping Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Dumper::Base (3pm) - Base class for YAML Dumper classes
YAML::Error (3pm)    - Error formatting class for YAML modules
YAML::Loader (3pm)   - YAML class for loading Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Loader::Base (3pm) - Base class for YAML Loader classes
YAML::Node (3pm)     - A generic data node that encapsulates YAML information
YAML::Tag (3pm)      - Tag URI object class for YAML
yum-builddep (1)     - install missing dependencies for building an RPM package
yum-utils (1)        - tools for manipulating repositories and extended packa...
yum.conf (5)         - Configuration file for yum(8).
zforce (1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zgrep (1)            - search possibly compressed files for a regular expression
zipgrep (1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pat...
zipinfo (1)          - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zless (1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text
zmore (1)            - file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text