IV(category33-ubuntu.html) - phpMan

ok (3pm)             - Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
Test2::IPC::Driver (3pm) - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files (3pm) - Temp dir + Files concurrency model.
Test::use::ok (3pm)  - Alternative to Test::More::use_ok
hosts.equiv (5)      - list of hosts and users that are granted "trusted" r c...
Mail (1)             - send and receive Internet mail
URI (3pm)            - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
agetty (8)           - alternative Linux getty
alarm (2)            - set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal
alternatives (8)     - maintain symbolic links determining default commands
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AntiVirus (3pm) - simple anti-virus tests
App::Prove::State::Result (3pm) - Individual test suite results.
App::Prove::State::Result::Test (3pm) - Individual test results.
ar (1)               - create, modify, and extract from archives
ar (1p)              - create and maintain library archives
Archive::Tar (3pm)   - module for manipulations of tar archives
Archive::Tar::File (3pm) - a subclass for in-memory extracted file from Archi...
Archive::Zip (3pm)   - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
Archive::Zip::FAQ (3pm) - Answers to a few frequently asked questions about A...
Archive::Zip::MemberRead (3pm) - A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive mem...
Archive::Zip::Tree (3pm) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees u...
aspell (1)           - interactive spell checker
bindresvport (3)     - bind a socket to a privileged IP port
biosdevname (1)      - give BIOS-given name of a device
blkdeactivate (8)    - utility to deactivate block devices
bounce (8)           - Postfix delivery status reports
btrfs-property (8)   - get/set/list properties for given btrfs object.
btrfs-receive (8)    - receive subvolumes from send stream
Bundle::DBD::mysql (3pm) - A bundle to install Perl drivers for MySQL
cache_metadata_size (8) - Estimate the size of the metadata device needed for...
Carp (3pm)           - alternative warn and die for modules
Carp::Clan (3pm)     - Report errors from perspective of caller of a "clan" o...
cciss (4)            - HP Smart Array block driver
chroot (1)           - run command or interactive shell with special root dir...
console.apps (5)     - specify console-accessible privileged applications
CPAN::Tarzip (3pm)   - internal handling of tar archives for CPAN.pm
cpio (1)             - copy files to and from archives
cpio (5)             - format of cpio archive files
cpio.h (0p)          - cpio archive values
crontab (1)          - maintains crontab files for individual users
db_archive (1)       - Find unused log files for archival
DBD::DBM (3pm)       - a DBI driver for DBM & MLDBM files
DBD::File (3pm)      - Base class for writing file based DBI drivers
DBD::File::HowTo (3pm) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
DBD::Gofer (3pm)     - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remo...
DBD::mysql (3pm)     - MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
DBD::Proxy (3pm)     - A proxy driver for the DBI
DBI::DBD (3pm)       - Perl DBI Database Driver Writer's Guide
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine (3pm) - Base class for DBI drivers without their own SQL ...
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo (3pm) - Guide to create DBI::DBD::SqlEngine based ...
DBI::ProxyServer (3pm) - a server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dbiproxy (1)         - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dbus-update-activation-environment (1) - update environment used for D-Bus se...
defer (8)            - Postfix delivery status reports
deliver (1)          - Dovecot's local mail delivery agent
discard (8)          - Postfix discard mail delivery agent
div (3)              - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
div (3p)             - compute the quotient and remainder of an integer division
doveadm-altmove (1)  - Move matching mails to the alternative storage (dbox-o...
doveadm-copy (1)     - Copy messages matching the given search query into ano...
doveadm-expunge (1)  - Expunge messages matching given search query
doveadm-import (1)   - Import messages matching given search query
doveadm-move (1)     - Move messages matching the given search query into ano...
doveadm-rebuild (1)  - Commands related to rebuilding various aspects of mail...
doveadm-search (1)   - Show a list of mailbox GUIDs and message UIDs matching...
dovecot-lda (1)      - Dovecot's local mail delivery agent
dracut-pre-pivot.service (8) - runs the dracut hooks before switching root
dysize (3)           - get number of days for a given year
eaccess (3)          - check effective user's permissions for a file
error (8)            - Postfix error/retry mail delivery agent
ethtool (8)          - query or control network driver and hardware settings
euidaccess (3)       - check effective user's permissions for a file
faccessat (2)        - check user's permissions of a file relative to a direc...
fchmodat (2)         - change permissions of a file relative to a directory f...
fchownat (2)         - change ownership of a file relative to a directory fil...
fdim (3)             - positive difference
fdim (3p)            - compute positive difference between two floating-point...
fdimf (3)            - positive difference
fdimf (3p)           - compute positive difference between two floating-point...
fdiml (3)            - positive difference
fdiml (3p)           - compute positive difference between two floating-point...
fgconsole (1)        - print the number of the active VT.
fstatat (2)          - get file status relative to a directory file descriptor
fstatat64 (2)        - get file status relative to a directory file descriptor
ftpshut (8)          - shut down all proftpd servers at a given time
funzip (1)           - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
futimesat (2)        - change timestamps of a file relative to a directory fi...
gdisk (8)            - Interactive GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator
gendsa (1ssl)        - generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
genpkey (1ssl)       - generate a private key
genrsa (1ssl)        - generate an RSA private key
getegid (3p)         - get the effective group ID
geteuid (3p)         - get the effective user ID
getmsg (3p)          - receive next message from a STREAMS file (STREAMS)
getpmsg (3p)         - receive next message from a STREAMS file (STREAMS)
getresgid (2)        - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresgid32 (2)      - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresuid (2)        - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
getresuid32 (2)      - get real, effective and saved user/group IDs
git-archive (1)      - Create an archive of files from a named tree
git-bundle (1)       - Move objects and refs by archive
git-fetch-pack (1)   - Receive missing objects from another repository
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-get-tar-commit-id (1) - Extract commit ID from an archive created using g...
git-index-pack (1)   - Build pack index file for an existing packed archive
git-name-rev (1)     - Find symbolic names for given revs
git-pack-objects (1) - Create a packed archive of objects
git-receive-pack (1) - Receive what is pushed into the repository
git-show-index (1)   - Show packed archive index
git-tar-tree (1)     - Create a tar archive of the files in the named tree ob...
git-unpack-objects (1) - Unpack objects from a packed archive
git-upload-archive (1) - Send archive back to git-archive
git-verify-pack (1)  - Validate packed Git archive files
gpg-zip (1)          - Encrypt or sign files into an archive
grops (1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grotty (1)           - groff driver for typewriter-like devices
grub2-mkrelpath (1)  - Generate a relative GRUB path given an OS path.
grub2-probe (8)      - Probe device information for a given path.
hpsa (4)             - HP Smart Array SCSI driver
HTML::PullParser (3pm) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
HTML::TokeParser (3pm) - Alternative HTML::Parser interface
id (1)               - print real and effective user and group IDs
imaxdiv (3)          - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
imaxdiv (3p)         - return quotient and remainder
intro (8)            - introduction to administration and privileged commands
iopl (2)             - change I/O privilege level
ip-fou (8)           - Foo-over-UDP receive port configuration
ip-gue (8)           - Generic UDP Encapsulation receive port configuration
irb (1)              - Interactive Ruby Shell
iso646.h (0p)        - alternative spellings
isql (1)             - unixODBC command-line interactive SQL tool
iusql (1)            - unixODBC command-line interactive SQL tool
lastlog (8)          - reports the most recent login of all users or of a giv...
ldiv (3)             - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
ldiv (3p)            - compute quotient and remainder of a long division
linkat (2)           - create a file link relative to directory file descriptors
lldiv (3)            - compute quotient and remainder of an integer division
lldiv (3p)           - compute quotient and remainder of a long division
local (8)            - Postfix local mail delivery
look (1)             - display lines beginning with a given string
lvm2-activation-generator (8) - generator for systemd units to activate LVM2 ...
lvmsadc (8)          - LVM system activity data collector
lvmsar (8)           - LVM system activity reporter
madvise (2)          - give advice about use of memory
mail (1)             - send and receive Internet mail
Mail::DKIM::PrivateKey (3pm) - a private key loaded in memory for DKIM signing
Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache (3pm) - provide access to cached information for ...
Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator (3pm) - find and process messages one at ...
mailstat (1)         - shows mail-arrival statistics
mailx (1)            - send and receive Internet mail
mailx.s-nail (1)     - send and receive Internet mail
md (4)               - Multiple Device driver aka Linux Software RAID
mkdirat (2)          - create a directory relative to a directory file descri...
mkfifoat (3)         - make a FIFO (named pipe) relative to a directory file ...
mknodat (2)          - create a special or ordinary file relative to a direct...
move_pages (2)       - move individual pages of a process to another node
mq_receive (3)       - receive a message from a message queue
mq_receive (3p)      - receive a message from a message queue (REALTIME)
mq_timedreceive (2)  - receive a message from a message queue
mq_timedreceive (3)  - receive a message from a message queue
mq_timedreceive (3p) - receive a message from a message queue (REALTIME)
msgrcv (3p)          - XSI message receive operation
mysql_convert_table_format (1) - convert tables to use a given storage engine
mysql_setpermission (1) - interactively set permissions in grant tables
mysqlaccess (1)      - client for checking access privileges
nail (1)             - send and receive Internet mail
named-rrchecker (1)  - syntax checker for individual DNS resource records
Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse (3pm) - Perform recursive dns lookups
nologin (5)          - prevent unprivileged users from logging into the system
nslookup (1)         - query Internet name servers interactively
ntp-keygen (8)       - generate public and private keys
odbcinst.ini (5)     - An unixODBC drivers configuration
openat (2)           - open a file relative to a directory file descriptor
pam_lastlog (8)      - PAM module to display date of last login and perform i...
pause (3p)           - suspend the thread until a signal is received
pax (1p)             - portable archive interchange
perlivp (1)          - Perl Installation Verification Procedure
phar (1)             - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
phar.phar (1)        - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
pipe (8)             - Postfix delivery to external command
pivot_root (2)       - change the root file system
pivot_root (8)       - change the root filesystem
pkcs8 (1ssl)         - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkey (1ssl)          - public or private key processing tool
plesk (1)            - a universal management utility for Plesk
pread (2)            - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pread64 (2)          - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
ptardiff (1)         - program that diffs an extracted archive against an une...
ptargrep (1)         - Apply pattern matching to the contents of files in a t...
pthread_testcancel (3) - request delivery of any pending cancellation request
pwmake (1)           - simple tool for generating random relatively easily pr...
pwrite (2)           - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwrite64 (2)         - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
python (1)           - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2 (1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python2.7 (1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3 (1)          - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
python3.6 (1)        - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programmi...
ranlib (1)           - generate index to archive.
readlinkat (2)       - read value of a symbolic link relative to a directory ...
recv (2)             - receive a message from a socket
recv (3p)            - receive a message from a connected socket
recvfrom (2)         - receive a message from a socket
recvfrom (3p)        - receive a message from a socket
recvmmsg (2)         - receive multiple messages on a socket
recvmsg (2)          - receive a message from a socket
recvmsg (3p)         - receive a message from a socket
renameat (2)         - rename a file relative to directory file descriptors
rpm2cpio (8)         - Extract cpio archive from RPM Package Manager (RPM) pa...
rpmatch (3)          - determine if the answer to a question is affirmative o...
s-nail (1)           - send and receive Internet mail
sa-compile (1)       - compile SpamAssassin ruleset into native code
scandirat (3)        - scan a directory relative to a directory file descriptor
sd (4)               - driver for SCSI disk drives
semanage-permissive (8) - SELinux Policy Management permissive mapping tool
setegid (2)          - set effective user or group ID
setegid (3p)         - set the effective group ID
seteuid (2)          - set effective user or group ID
seteuid (3p)         - set effective user ID
setpriv (1)          - run a program with different Linux privilege settings
setregid (2)         - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setregid (3p)        - set real and effective group IDs
setregid32 (2)       - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setresgid (2)        - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresgid32 (2)      - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid (2)        - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setresuid32 (2)      - set real, effective and saved user or group ID
setreuid (2)         - set real and/or effective user or group ID
setreuid (3p)        - set real and effective user IDs
setreuid32 (2)       - set real and/or effective user or group ID
shar (1)             - create a shell archive
shutdown (3p)        - shut down socket send and receive operations
sk98lin (4)          - Marvell/SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet driver v6.21
ssh-add (1)          - adds private key identities to the authentication agent
strcasecmp (3p)      - case-insensitive string comparisons
strncasecmp (3p)     - case-insensitive string comparisons
symlinkat (2)        - create a symbolic link relative to a directory file de...
Sys::Hostname (3pm)  - Try every conceivable way to get hostname
systemd-activate (8) - Test socket activation of daemons
systemd-cgls (1)     - Recursively show control group contents
systemd.directives (7) - Index of configuration directives
sysusers.d (5)       - Declarative allocation of system users and groups
TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory (3pm) - Figures out which SourceHandler objects ...
tar (5)              - format of tape archive files
tc-codel (8)         - Controlled-Delay Active Queue Management algorithm
tc-nat (8)           - stateless native address translation action
tc-u32 (8)           - universal 32bit traffic control filter
termio (7)           - System V terminal driver interface
time (1)             - time a simple command or give resource usage
trace (8)            - Postfix delivery status reports
trivial-rewrite (8)  - Postfix address rewriting and resolving daemon
ualarm (3)           - schedule signal after given number of microseconds
unicode (7)          - universal character set
UNIVERSAL (3pm)      - base class for ALL classes (blessed references)
unix_update (8)      - Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
unlinkat (2)         - remove a directory entry relative to a directory file ...
unshar (1)           - unpack a shar archive
unzip (1)            - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzipsfx (1)         - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
update-alternatives (8) - maintain symbolic links determining default commands
virtual (8)          - Postfix virtual domain mail delivery agent
wavelan (4)          - AT&T GIS WaveLAN ISA device driver
wget (1)             - The non-interactive network downloader.
whoami (1)           - print effective userid
WWW::RobotRules (3pm) - database of robots.txt-derived permissions
XML::SAX::Base (3pm) - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
XML::SAX::BuildSAXBase (3pm) - Base class SAX Drivers and Filters
xrandr (1)           - primitive command line interface to RandR extension
zip (1)              - package and compress (archive) files
zipcmp (1)           - compare contents of zip archives
zipgrep (1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pat...
zipinfo (1)          - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zipmerge (1)         - merge zip archives
ziptorrent (1)       - torrentzip zip archives