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QSIG(1P)                   POSIX Programmer's Manual                  QSIG(1P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.
       qsig - signal batch jobs
       qsig [-s signal] job_identifier ...
       To signal a batch job is to send a signal to the session leader of  the
       batch  job.  A  batch job is signaled by sending a request to the batch
       server that manages the batch job. The qsig utility is a  user-accessi-
       ble batch client that requests the signaling of a batch job.
       The  qsig  utility  shall  signal  those  batch  jobs for which a batch
       job_identifier is presented to the utility. The qsig utility shall  not
       signal  any batch jobs whose batch job_identifiers are not presented to
       the utility.
       The qsig utility shall signal batch jobs in the order in which the cor-
       responding  batch  job_identifiers are presented to the utility. If the
       qsig utility fails to process a batch job_identifier successfully,  the
       utility  shall  proceed to process the remaining batch job_identifiers,
       if any.
       The qsig utility shall signal  batch  jobs  by  sending  a  Signal  Job
       Request to the batch server that manages the batch job.
       For  each successfully processed batch job_identifier, the qsig utility
       shall have received a completion reply to each Signal Job Request  sent
       to a batch server at the time the utility exits.
       The  qsig  utility  shall  conform  to  the  Base Definitions volume of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.
       The following option shall be supported by the implementation:
       -s  signal
              Define the signal to be sent to the batch job.
       The qsig utility shall accept a signal option-argument that is either a
       symbolic  signal  name  or  an  unsigned integer signal number (see the
       POSIX.1-1990 standard, Section  The qsig utility shall accept
       signal names for which the SIG prefix has been omitted.
       If  the signal option-argument is a signal name, the qsig utility shall
       send that name.
       If the signal option-argument is a number, the qsig utility shall  send
       the signal value represented by the number.
       If  the  -s  option  is  not presented to the qsig utility, the utility
       shall send the signal SIGTERM to each signaled batch job.

       The qsig utility shall accept one or more operands that conform to  the
       syntax for a batch job_identifier (see Batch Job Identifier ).
       Not used.
       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of qsig:
       LANG   Provide  a  default value for the internationalization variables
              that are unset or null. (See  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
              IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section  8.2,  Internationalization Vari-
              ables for the precedence of internationalization variables  used
              to determine the values of locale categories.)
       LC_ALL If  set  to a non-empty string value, override the values of all
              the other internationalization variables.
              Determine the locale for  the  interpretation  of  sequences  of
              bytes  of  text  data as characters (for example, single-byte as
              opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments).
              Determine the locale that should be used to  affect  the  format
              and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error.
              Determine the login name of the user.

       An implementation of the qsig utility may write informative messages to
       standard output.
       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.
       The following exit values shall be returned:
        0     Successful completion.
       >0     An error occurred.

       In addition to the default behavior, the  qsig  utility  shall  not  be
       required to write a diagnostic message to standard error when the error
       reply received from a batch server indicates that the batch job_identi-
       fier  does  not  exist  on  the server. Whether or not the qsig utility
       waits to output the diagnostic message while attempting to  locate  the
       batch job on other servers is implementation-defined.
       The following sections are informative.
       The qsig utility allows users to signal batch jobs.
       A user may be unable to signal a batch job with the kill utility of the
       operating system for a number of reasons. First, the process ID of  the
       batch  job  may  be  unknown  to the user. Second, the processes of the
       batch job may be on a remote node. However, by virtue of  communication
       between  batch nodes, the qsig utility can arrange for the signaling of
       a process.
       Because a batch job that is not running cannot be signaled, and because
       the  signal  may not terminate the batch job, the qsig utility is not a
       substitute for the qdel utility.
       The options of the qsig utility allow the user to  specify  the  signal
       that is to be sent to the batch job.
       The  -s  option  allows users to specify a signal by name or by number,
       and thus override the default signal. The POSIX.1-1990 standard defines
       signals by both name and number.
       The  qsig utility is a new utility, vis-a-vis existing practice; it has
       been defined in this volume  of  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001  in  response  to
       user-perceived shortcomings in existing practice.
       Batch Environment Services, kill(), qdel
       Portions  of  this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       --  Portable  Operating  System  Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
       Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003  by  the  Institute  of
       Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                             QSIG(1P)