line(category12-datenbank-server.html) - phpMan

HEAD (1)             - Simple command line user agent
addr2line (1)        - convert addresses into file names and line numbers.
App::Cpan (3pm)      - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
blockdev (8)         - call block device ioctls from the command line
cfgetispeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfgetospeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfmakeraw (3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfsetispeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfsetospeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfsetspeed (3)       - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
chronyc (1)          - command-line interface for chrony daemon
col (1)              - filter reverse line feeds from input
comm (1)             - compare two sorted files line by line
comm (1p)            - select or reject lines common to two files
corelist (1)         - a commandline frontend to Module::CoreList
cpan (1)             - easily interact with CPAN from the command line
csplit (1)           - split a file into sections determined by context lines
cut (1)              - remove sections from each line of files
cut (1p)             - cut out selected fields of each line of a file
dbiprof (1)          - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
diff (1)             - compare files line by line
diff3 (1)            - compare three files line by line
dracut-cmdline.service (8) - runs the dracut hooks to parse the kernel comman...
dracut.cmdline (7)   - dracut kernel command line options
dracut.kernel (7)    - dracut kernel command line options
e4defrag (8)         - online defragmenter for ext4 filesystem
echo (1)             - display a line of text
egrep (1)            - print lines matching a pattern
error_at_line (3)    - glibc error reporting functions
error_one_per_line (3) - glibc error reporting functions
ether_line (3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
fgrep (1)            - print lines matching a pattern
find2perl (1)        - translate find command lines to Perl code
fold (1)             - wrap each input line to fit in specified width
fold (1p)            - filter for folding lines
GET (1)              - Simple command line user agent
getline (3)          - delimited string input
getopt (3)           - Parse command-line options
Getopt::Long (3pm)   - Extended processing of command line options
getopt_long (3)      - Parse command-line options
getopt_long_only (3) - Parse command-line options
getpw (3)            - reconstruct password line entry
getutline (3)        - access utmp file entries
getutline_r (3)      - access utmp file entries
getutxline (3)       - access utmp file entries
getutxline (3p)      - user accounting database functions
gio (1)              - GIO commandline tool
git-annotate (1)     - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-blame (1)        - Show what revision and author last modified each line ...
git-grep (1)         - Print lines matching a pattern
gitcli (7)           - Git command line interface and conventions
grep (1)             - print lines matching a pattern
grubby (8)           - command line tool used to configure bootloader menu en...
idn (1)              - Internationalized Domain Names command line tool
info (5)             - readable online documentation
innochecksum (1)     - offline InnoDB file checksum utility
isql (1)             - unixODBC command-line interactive SQL tool
iusql (1)            - unixODBC command-line interactive SQL tool
join (1)             - join lines of two files on a common field
json_xs (1)          - JSON::XS commandline utility
kernel-command-line (7) - Kernel command line parameters
ldattach (8)         - attach a line discipline to a serial line
lfind (3)            - linear search of an array
lfind (3p)           - linear search and update
look (1)             - display lines beginning with a given string
lp (4)               - line printer devices
lsearch (3)          - linear search of an array
lsearch (3p)         - linear search and update
lsmem (1)            - list the ranges of available memory with their online ...
lwp-request (1)      - Simple command line user agent
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::OneLineBo... (3pm) - spamassassin body test plugin
man (1)              - an interface to the on-line reference manuals
mdig (1)             - DNS pipelined lookup utility
mysql (1)            - the MySQL command-line tool
nl (1)               - number lines of files
nl (1p)              - line numbering filter
ocsp (1ssl)          - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
openssl (1ssl)       - OpenSSL command line tool
optarg (3)           - Parse command-line options
opterr (3)           - Parse command-line options
optind (3)           - Parse command-line options
optopt (3)           - Parse command-line options
paste (1)            - merge lines of files
paste (1p)           - merge corresponding or subsequent lines of files
pgpewrap (1)         - Mutt command line munging tool
phar (1)             - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
phar.phar (1)        - PHAR (PHP archive) command line tool
php (1)              - PHP Command Line Interface 'CLI'
POST (1)             - Simple command line user agent
pututline (3)        - access utmp file entries
pututxline (3)       - access utmp file entries
pututxline (3p)      - user accounting database functions
read (1p)            - read a line from standard input
remap_file_pages (2) - create a nonlinear file mapping
rev (1)              - reverse lines of a file or files
rtpr (8)             - replace backslashes with newlines.
setlinebuf (3)       - stream buffering operations
sgdisk (8)           - Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator fo...
slattach (8)         - attach a network interface to a serial line
sort (1)             - sort lines of text files
sqlite3 (1)          - A command line interface for SQLite version 3
stty (1)             - change and print terminal line settings
systemd-cat (1)      - Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal
systemd-system-update-generator (8) - Generator for redirecting boot to offli...
tc-bpf (8)           - BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
tcamgr (1)           - the command line utility of the abstract database API
tcbmgr (1)           - the command line utility of the B+ tree database API
tcdrain (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcflow (3)           - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcflush (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcfmgr (1)           - the command line utility of the fixed-length database API
tcgetattr (3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tchmgr (1)           - the command line utility of the hash database API
tcsendbreak (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcsetattr (3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tctmgr (1)           - the command line utility of the table database API
Term::ReadLine (3pm) - Perl interface to various "readline" packages. If no r...
termios (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
Text::Wrap (3pm)     - line wrapping to form simple paragraphs
thin_trim (8)        - Issue discard requests for free pool space (offline to...
Tie::File (3pm)      - Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl array
tty_ioctl (4)        - ioctls for terminals and serial lines
ttyS (4)             - serial terminal lines
uniq (1)             - report or omit repeated lines
uniq (1p)            - report or filter out repeated lines in a file
wc (1)               - print newline, word, and byte counts for each file
wc (1p)              - word, line, and byte or character count
webpmux (1)          - command line tool to create WebP Mux/container file.
xargs (1)            - build and execute command lines from standard input
xdr_inline (3)       - library routines for external data representation
xmlcatalog (1)       - Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML ...
xmllint (1)          - command line XML tool
xrandr (1)           - primitive command line interface to RandR extension
xsltproc (1)         - command line XSLT processor
zipgrep (1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pat...
zstdgrep (1)         - print lines matching a pattern in zstandard-compressed...