ate(category11-mail-server.html) - phpMan

drweb-updater (1)    - an updating utility (DrWeb Updater).
Test2::EventFacet::Render (3pm) - Facet that dictates how to render an event.
Test2::Tools::Tiny (3pm) - Tiny set of tools for unfortunate souls who cannot... (1)        - an updating utility (DrWeb Updater).
updatedb.conf (5)    - a configuration file for updatedb(8)
_Exit (2)            - terminate the calling process
_Exit (3p)           - terminate a process
__clone2 (2)         - create a child process
_exit (2)            - terminate the calling process
_exit (3p)           - terminate a process
_tolower (3p)        - transliterate uppercase characters to lowercase
_toupper (3p)        - transliterate lowercase characters to uppercase
abort (3p)           - generate an abnormal process abort
addgnupghome (8)     - Create .gnupg home directories
adduser (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
aligned_alloc (3)    - allocate aligned memory
alloc_hugepages (2)  - allocate or free huge pages
alloca (3)           - allocate memory that is automatically freed
animate (1)          - animates an image or image sequence on any X server.
anvil (8)            - Postfix session count and request rate control
App::Prove::State (3pm) - State storage for the "prove" command.
App::Prove::State::Result (3pm) - Individual test suite results.
App::Prove::State::Result::Test (3pm) - Individual test results.
ar (1)               - create, modify, and extract from archives
ar (1p)              - create and maintain library archives
arch_prctl (2)       - set architecture-specific thread state
Archive::Zip::Tree (3pm) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees u...
argz_create (3)      - functions to handle an argz list
argz_create_sep (3)  - functions to handle an argz list
aria_pack (1)        - generate compressed, read-only Aria tables
arp (8)              - manipulate the system ARP cache
arpaname (1)         - translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names
asctime (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime (3p)         - convert date and time to a string
asctime_r (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
asctime_r (3p)       - convert date and time to a string
asprintf (3)         - print to allocated string
at (1p)              - execute commands at a later time
atexit (3)           - register a function to be called at normal process ter...
atexit (3p)          - register a function to run at process termination
audit2allow (1)      - generate SELinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from log...
audit2why (1)        - generate SELinux policy allow/dontaudit rules from log...
authnone_create (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create (3)  - library routines for remote procedure calls
authunix_create_default (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
auvirt (8)           - a program that shows data related to virtual machines
B::Xref (3pm)        - Generates cross reference reports for Perl programs
bdftruncate (1)      - generate truncated BDF font from ISO 10646-1-encoded B...
blkdeactivate (8)    - utility to deactivate block devices
blkid (8)            - locate/print block device attributes
bounce (5)           - Postfix bounce message template format
bridge (8)           - show / manipulate bridge addresses and devices
btrfs-image (8)      - create/restore an image of the filesystem
btrfs-send (8)       - generate a stream of changes between two subvolumes
c2ph (1)             - Dump C structures as generated from "cc - g - S" stabs
ca-legacy (8)        - Manage the system configuration for legacy CA certific...
cache_check (8)      - validates cache metadata on a device or file.
cache_metadata_size (8) - Estimate the size of the metadata device needed for...
calloc (3)           - allocate and free dynamic memory
carg (3)             - calculate the complex argument
cargf (3)            - calculate the complex argument
cargl (3)            - calculate the complex argument
cat (1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output
cat (1p)             - concatenate and print files
catman (8)           - create or update the pre-formatted manual pages
cert8.db (5)         - Legacy NSS certificate database
cert9.db (5)         - Legacy NSS certificate database
certutil (1)         - Manage keys and certificate in both NSS databases and ...
cfdisk (8)           - display or manipulate disk partition table
cfgetispeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfgetispeed (3p)     - get input baud rate
cfgetospeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfgetospeed (3p)     - get output baud rate
cflow (1p)           - generate a C-language flowgraph (DEVELOPMENT)
cfmakeraw (3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfree (3)            - free allocated memory
cfsetispeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfsetispeed (3p)     - set input baud rate
cfsetospeed (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
cfsetospeed (3p)     - set output baud rate
cfsetspeed (3)       - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
CGI (3pm)            - Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
chcat (8)            - change file SELinux security category
chgpasswd (8)        - update group passwords in batch mode
chkconfig (8)        - updates and queries runlevel information for system se...
chpasswd (8)         - update passwords in batch mode
chrt (1)             - manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
clnt_create (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_pcreateerror (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_spcreateerror (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntraw_create (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnttcp_create (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_bufcreate (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clntudp_create (3)   - library routines for remote procedure calls
clone (2)            - create a child process
clone2 (2)           - create a child process
column (1)           - columnate lists
compare (1)          - mathematically and visually annotate the difference be...
conj (3)             - calculate the complex conjugate
conj (3p)            - complex conjugate functions
conjf (3)            - calculate the complex conjugate
conjf (3p)           - complex conjugate functions
conjl (3)            - calculate the complex conjugate
conjl (3p)           - complex conjugate functions
connect (2)          - initiate a connection on a socket
CPAN::Meta::Validator (3pm) - validate CPAN distribution metadata structures
cpupower (1)         - Shows and sets processor power related values
cpupower-info (1)    - Shows processor power related kernel or hardware confi...
cpupower-set (1)     - Set processor power related kernel or hardware configu...
creat (2)            - open and possibly create a file or device
creat (3p)           - create a new file or rewrite an existing one
create-cracklib-dict (8) - Check passwords using libcrack2
create_module (2)    - create a loadable module entry
crl2pkcs7 (1ssl)     - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates.
crlutil (1)          - List, generate, modify, or delete CRLs within the NSS ...
ctags (1p)           - create a tags file (DEVELOPMENT, FORTRAN)
ctermid (3p)         - generate a pathname for the controlling terminal
ctime (3)            - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime (3p)           - convert a time value to a date and time string
ctime_r (3)          - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
ctime_r (3p)         - convert a time value to a date and time string
cxref (1p)           - generate a C-language program cross-reference table (D...
Data::Validate::IP (3pm) - IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
date (1)             - print or set the system date and time
date (1p)            - write the date and time
Date::Calc (3pm)     - Gregorian calendar date calculations
Date::Calc::Object (3pm) - Object-oriented add-on for Date::Calc with overloa...
Date::Calc::PP (3pm) - pure-Perl plug-in for Date::Calc
Date::Calendar (3pm) - Calendar objects for different holiday schemes
Date::Calendar::Profiles (3pm) - Some sample profiles for Date::Calendar and ...
Date::Calendar::Year (3pm) - Implements embedded "year" objects for Date::Cal...
Date::Format (3pm)   - Date formating subroutines
Date::Language (3pm) - Language specific date formating and parsing
Date::Language::Bulgarian (3pm) - localization for Date::Format
Date::Language::Hungarian (3pm) - Magyar format for Date::Format
Date::Parse (3pm)    - Parse date strings into time values
db_hotbackup (1)     - Create "hot backup" or "hot failover" snapshots
db_recover (1)       - Recover the database to a consistent state
db_replicate (1)     - Provide replication services
DBD::File::HowTo (3pm) - Guide to create DBD::File based driver
DBD::Gofer (3pm)     - A stateless-proxy driver for communicating with a remo...
DBD::Sponge (3pm)    - Create a DBI statement handle from Perl data
DBI::DBD::Metadata (3pm) - Generate the code and data for some DBI metadata m...
DBI::DBD::SqlEngine::HowTo (3pm) - Guide to create DBI::DBD::SqlEngine based ...
DBI::Gofer::Request (3pm) - Encapsulate a request from DBD::Gofer to DBI::Gof...
DBI::Gofer::Response (3pm) - Encapsulate a response from DBI::Gofer::Execute ...
DBI::ProfileData (3pm) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
dbus-update-activation-environment (1) - update environment used for D-Bus se...
dbus-uuidgen (1)     - Utility to generate UUIDs
deallocvt (1)        - deallocate unused virtual consoles
depmod (8)           - Generate modules.dep and map files.
deprecate (3pm)      - Perl pragma for deprecating the core version of a module
derdump (1)          - Dumps C-sequence strings from a DER encoded certificat...
Devel::SelfStubber (3pm) - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
devlink-monitor (8)  - state monitoring
difftime (3)         - calculate time difference
Digest (3pm)         - Modules that calculate message digests
Digest::file (3pm)   - Calculate digests of files
dl_iterate_phdr (3)  - walk through list of shared objects
doveadm-deduplicate (1) - expunge duplicate messages
doveadm-fts (1)      - Manipulate the Full Text Search (FTS) index
doveadm-log (1)      - Locate, test or reopen Dovecot's log files
doveadm-mailbox (1)  - Commands related to handling mailboxes
doveadm-quota (1)    - Initialize/recalculate or show current quota usage
doveadm-rebuild (1)  - Commands related to rebuilding various aspects of mail...
doveadm-sieve (1)    - Commands related to handling Sieve scripts
drand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
drand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
du (1)               - estimate file space usage
du (1p)              - estimate file space usage
dup (2)              - duplicate a file descriptor
dup (3p)             - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup2 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dup2 (3p)            - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup3 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
elfedit (1)          - Update the ELF header of ELF files.
Email::Date::Format (3pm) - produce RFC 2822 date strings
epoll_create (2)     - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_create1 (2)    - open an epoll file descriptor
era_check (8)        - validate era metadata on device or file.
era_invalidate (8)   - Provide a list of blocks that have changed since a par...
erand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
eval (1p)            - construct command by concatenating arguments
eventfd (2)          - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd2 (2)         - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_read (3)     - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write (3)    - create a file descriptor for event notification
exit (2)             - terminate the calling process
exit (3p)            - terminate a process
expr (1)             - evaluate expressions
expr (1p)            - evaluate arguments as an expression
ExtUtils::Constant (3pm) - generate XS code to import C header constants
ExtUtils::Constant::XS (3pm) - generate C code for XS modules' constants.
ExtUtils::MakeMaker (3pm) - Create a module Makefile
fallocate (1)        - preallocate or deallocate space to a file
fallocate (2)        - manipulate file space
fc-validate (1)      - validate font files
fcntl (2)            - manipulate file descriptor
fcntl64 (2)          - manipulate file descriptor
fdatasync (2)        - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
fdisk (8)            - manipulate disk partition table
fdopen (3p)          - associate a stream with a file descriptor
feupdateenv (3)      - floating-point rounding and exception handling
feupdateenv (3p)     - update floating-point environment
File::Path (3pm)     - Create or remove directory trees
Filter::decrypt (3pm) - template for a decrypt source filter
find2perl (1)        - translate find command lines to Perl code
FindBin (3pm)        - Locate directory of original perl script
fipshmac (8)         - create FIPS-140-2 validation checksum files
floor (3)            - largest integral value not greater than argument
floorf (3)           - largest integral value not greater than argument
floorl (3)           - largest integral value not greater than argument
fork (2)             - create a child process
fork (3p)            - create a new process
free (3)             - allocate and free dynamic memory
free (3p)            - free allocated memory
free_hugepages (2)   - allocate or free huge pages
fsync (2)            - synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
ftime (3)            - return date and time
ftime (3p)           - get date and time (LEGACY)
ftok (3p)            - generate an IPC key
ftruncate (2)        - truncate a file to a specified length
ftruncate (3p)       - truncate a file to a specified length
ftruncate64 (2)      - truncate a file to a specified length
gencat (1p)          - generate a formatted message catalog
gendsa (1ssl)        - generate a DSA private key from a set of parameters
genhomedircon (8)    - generate SELinux file context configuration entries fo...
genhostid (1)        - generate and set a hostid for the current host
genpkey (1ssl)       - generate a private key
genrandom (8)        - generate a file containing random data
genrsa (1ssl)        - generate an RSA private key
GeoIP.conf (5)       - Configuration file for geoipupdate
geoipupdate (1)      - GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy Update Program
getdate (3)          - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdate (3p)         - convert user format date and time
getdate_err (3)      - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
getdate_err (3p)     - convert user format date and time
getdate_r (3)        - convert a date-plus-time string to broken-down time
gettext (1)          - translate message
gettimeofday (3p)    - get the date and time
git-annotate (1)     - Annotate file lines with commit information
git-archive (1)      - Create an archive of files from a named tree
git-branch (1)       - List, create, or delete branches
git-commit-tree (1)  - Create a new commit object
git-get-tar-commit-id (1) - Extract commit ID from an archive created using g...
git-hash-object (1)  - Compute object ID and optionally creates a blob from a...
git-init (1)         - Create an empty Git repository or reinitialize an exis...
git-init-db (1)      - Creates an empty Git repository
git-mktag (1)        - Creates a tag object
git-pack-objects (1) - Create a packed archive of objects
git-push (1)         - Update remote refs along with associated objects
git-rebase (1)       - Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head
git-replace (1)      - Create, list, delete refs to replace objects
git-request-pull (1) - Generates a summary of pending changes
git-reset (1)        - Reset current HEAD to the specified state
git-submodule (1)    - Initialize, update or inspect submodules
git-tag (1)          - Create, list, delete or verify a tag object signed wit...
git-tar-tree (1)     - Create a tar archive of the files in the named tree ob...
git-unpack-file (1)  - Creates a temporary file with a blob's contents
git-update-index (1) - Register file contents in the working tree to the index
git-update-ref (1)   - Update the object name stored in a ref safely
git-update-server-info (1) - Update auxiliary info file to help dumb servers
git-verify-pack (1)  - Validate packed Git archive files
git-write-tree (1)   - Create a tree object from the current index
glob (3p)            - generate pathnames matching a pattern
globfree (3p)        - generate pathnames matching a pattern
gmtime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gmtime_r (3)         - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
gnroff (1)           - emulate nroff command with groff
gpg-connect-agent (1) - Communicate with a running agent
gpgparsemail (1)     - Parse a mail message into an annotated format
groupadd (8)         - create a new group
grub2-get-kernel-settings (3) - Evaluate the system's kernel installation set...
grub2-glue-efi (1)   - Create an Apple fat EFI binary.
grub2-kbdcomp (1)    - Generate a GRUB keyboard layout file.
grub2-mkconfig (8)   - Generate a GRUB configuration file.
grub2-mklayout (1)   - Generate a GRUB keyboard layout file.
grub2-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 (1) - Generate a PBKDF2 password hash.
grub2-mkrelpath (1)  - Generate a relative GRUB path given an OS path.
grub2-mkrescue (1)   - Generate a GRUB rescue image using GNU Xorriso.
grub2-mkstandalone (1) - Generate a standalone image in the selected format.
grub2-ofpathname (8) - Generate an IEEE-1275 device path for a specified device.
grub2-setpassword (8) - Generate the user.cfg file containing the hashed grub...
hardlink (1)         - Consolidate duplicate files via hardlinks
haveged (8)          - Generate random numbers and feed Linux's random device.
hcreate (3)          - hash table management
hcreate (3p)         - manage hash search table
hcreate_r (3)        - hash table management
htdbm (1)            - Manipulate DBM password databases
HTTP::Date (3pm)     - date conversion routines
HTTP::Negotiate (3pm) - choose a variant to serve
httxt2dbm (1)        - Generate dbm files for use with RewriteMap
I18N::Collate (3pm)  - compare 8-bit scalar data according to the current locale
iconv_close (3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
if_freenameindex (3p) - free memory allocated by if_nameindex
inc::latest (3pm)    - use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than ins...
index (3)            - locate character in string
initstate (3)        - random number generator
initstate (3p)       - pseudo-random number functions
initstate_r (3)      - reentrant random number generator
install-info (1)     - update info/dir entries
IO::Compress::Deflate (3pm) - Write RFC 1950 files/buffers
IO::Compress::RawDeflate (3pm) - Write RFC 1951 files/buffers
IO::Socket::SSL::Utils (3pm) - - loading, storing, creating certificates and ...
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate (3pm) - Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/buffer
IO::Uncompress::Inflate (3pm) - Read RFC 1950 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::RawInflate (3pm) - Read RFC 1951 files/buffers
io_setup (2)         - create an asynchronous I/O context
ip (8)               - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and...
ip-monitor (8)       - state monitoring
ipcmk (1)            - create various ipc resources
iprupdate (8)        - IBM Power RAID adapter/device microcode update utility
iptunnel (8)         - creates, deletes, and displays configured tunnels
isc-hmac-fixup (8)   - fixes HMAC keys generated by older versions of BIND
isgreater (3)        - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isgreater (3p)       - test if x greater than y
isgreaterequal (3)   - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
isgreaterequal (3p)  - test if x is greater than or equal to y
islessgreater (3)    - floating-point relational tests without exception for NaN
islessgreater (3p)   - test if x is less than or greater than y
jrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
jrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
jrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
kbdrate (8)          - reset the keyboard repeat rate and delay time
kexec_load (2)       - load a new kernel for later execution
key3.db (5)          - Legacy NSS certificate database
key4.db (5)          - NSS certificate database
keyctl (2)           - manipulate the kernel's key management facility
kill (1)             - terminate a process
kill (1p)            - terminate or signal processes
kpartx (8)           - Create device maps from partition tables
lcong48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lcong48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lcong48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
lex (1p)             - generate programs for lexical tasks (DEVELOPMENT)
lfind (3p)           - linear search and update
lib (3pm)            - manipulate @INC at compile time
link (1)             - call the link function to create a link to a file
linkat (2)           - create a file link relative to directory file descriptors
lio_listio (3)       - initiate a list of I/O requests
List::Util::XS (3pm) - Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
lnewusers (1)        - Create new user accounts
local::lib (3pm)     - create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL...
locale.h (0p)        - category macros
Locale::Maketext::Guts (3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf...
Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader (3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Makete...
localtime (3)        - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
localtime_r (3)      - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
locate (1)           - find files by name
logrotate (8)        - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
logrotate.conf (5)   - rotates, compresses, and mails system logs
lrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
lrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
lsearch (3p)         - linear search and update
lvcreate (8)         - Create a logical volume
lvm-config (8)       - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm-dumpconfig (8)   - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm2-activation-generator (8) - generator for systemd units to activate LVM2 ...
lvmconfig (8)        - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvmdump (8)          - create lvm2 information dumps for diagnostic purposes
lvmreport (7)        - LVM reporting and related features
LWP::Debug (3pm)     - deprecated
Mail::DKIM::PrivateKey (3pm) - a private key loaded in memory for DKIM signing
Mail::DKIM::Signer (3pm) - generates a DKIM signature for a message
Mail::Field::Date (3pm) - a date header field
Mail::Header (3pm)   - manipulate MIME headers
Mail::Internet (3pm) - manipulate email messages
Mail::SPF::SenderIPAddrMech (3pm) - Abstract base class for SPF record mechan...
make (1p)            - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs (D...
makecontext (3)      - manipulate user context
makecontext (3p)     - manipulate user contexts
malloc (3)           - allocate and free dynamic memory
malloc_get_state (3) - record and restore state of malloc implementation
malloc_info (3)      - export malloc state to a stream
malloc_set_state (3) - record and restore state of malloc implementation
malloc_usable_size (3) - obtain size of block of memory allocated from heap
mandb (8)            - create or update the manual page index caches
Math::BigInt::CalcEmu (3pm) - Emulate low-level math with BigInt code
Math::Complex (3pm)  - complex numbers and associated mathematical functions
mbsinit (3)          - test for initial shift state
mcookie (1)          - generate magic cookies for xauth
memalign (3)         - allocate aligned memory
memfrob (3)          - frobnicate (encrypt) a memory area
memmem (3)           - locate a substring
migrate_pages (2)    - move all pages in a process to another set of nodes
mii-tool (8)         - view, manipulate media-independent interface status
mkdir (2)            - create a directory
mkdirat (2)          - create a directory relative to a directory file descri...
mkdosfs (8)          - create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux
mkdtemp (3)          - create a unique temporary directory
mkdumprd (8)         - creates initial ramdisk images for kdump crash recovery
mke2fs (8)           - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfontdir (1)        - create an index of X font files in a directory
mkfontscale (1)      - create an index of scalable font files for X
mkfs.btrfs (8)       - create a btrfs filesystem
mkfs.ext2 (8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext3 (8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.ext4 (8)        - create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem
mkfs.fat (8)         - create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux
mkfs.msdos (8)       - create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux
mkfs.vfat (8)        - create an MS-DOS filesystem under Linux
mkhomedir_helper (8) - Helper binary that creates home directories
mkinitrd (8)         - is a compat wrapper, which calls dracut to generate an...
mklost+found (8)     - create a lost+found directory on a mounted Linux secon...
mknod (2)            - create a special or ordinary file
mknodat (2)          - create a special or ordinary file relative to a direct...
mkostemp (3)         - create a unique temporary file
mkostemps (3)        - create a unique temporary file
mkstemp (3)          - create a unique temporary file
mkstemps (3)         - create a unique temporary file
mktemp (1)           - create a temporary file or directory
mktime (3)           - transform date and time to broken-down time or ASCII
mlocate.db (5)       - a mlocate database
Module::Build::ModuleInfo (3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module::Build::Notes (3pm) - Create persistent distribution configuration mod...
Module::Build::Version (3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module::Build::YAML (3pm) - DEPRECATED
mokutil (1)          - utility to manipulate machine owner keys
montage (1)          - create a composite image by combining several separate...
mrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
mrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
mrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
msgcmp (1)           - compare message catalog and template
msgen (1)            - create English message catalog
msgmerge (1)         - merge message catalog and template
msguniq (1)          - unify duplicate translations in message catalog
myisampack (1)       - generate compressed, read-only MyISAM tables
mysql_find_rows (1)  - extract SQL statements from files
mysqlbug (1)         - generate bug report
needs-restarting (1) - report running processes that have been updated
Net::DNS::Update (3pm) - Create a DNS update packet
Net::Domain (3pm)    - Attempt to evaluate the current host's internet name a...
newusers (8)         - update and create new users in batch
ngettext (1)         - translate message and choose plural form
nrand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nrand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
nrand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
nroff (1)            - emulate nroff command with groff
nsec3hash (8)        - generate NSEC3 hash
nseq (1ssl)          - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
nsupdate (1)         - Dynamic DNS update utility
ntp-keygen (8)       - generate public and private keys
ntpdate (8)          - set the date and time via NTP
objcopy (1)          - copy and translate object files
ocsp (1ssl)          - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
open (2)             - open and possibly create a file or device
package-cleanup (1)  - clean up locally installed, duplicate, or orphaned pac...
pam_lastlog (8)      - PAM module to display date of last login and perform i...
pam_mkhomedir (8)    - PAM module to create users home directory
pam_sepermit (8)     - PAM module to allow/deny login depending on SELinux en...
pam_timestamp (8)    - Authenticate using cached successful authentication at...
pam_userdb (8)       - PAM module to authenticate against a db database
PAR::Dist (3pm)      - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
passwd (1)           - update user's authentication tokens
pdf2dsc (1)          - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
perlapi (1)          - autogenerated documentation for the perl public API
perlbook (1)         - Books about and related to Perl
perlintern (1)       - autogenerated documentation of purely internal Perl fu...
perlpolicy (1)       - Various and sundry policies and commitments related to...
php-cgi (1)          - PHP Common Gateway Interface 'CGI' command
pipe (2)             - create pipe
pipe (3p)            - create an interprocess channel
pipe2 (2)            - create pipe
pk12util (1)         - Export and import keys and certificate to or from a PK...
pkcs8 (1ssl)         - PKCS#8 format private key conversion tool
pkey (1ssl)          - public or private key processing tool
pkla-check-authorization (8) - Evaluate pklocalauthority authorization config...
pl2pm (1)            - Rough tool to translate Perl4 .pl files to Perl5 .pm m...
popen (3p)           - initiate pipe streams to or from a process
posix_fallocate (3)  - allocate file space
posix_fallocate (3p) - file space control (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_memalign (3)   - allocate aligned memory
posix_trace_attr_getcreatetime (3p) - retrieve and set information about a tr...
posix_trace_create (3p) - trace stream initialization, flush, and shutdown fr...
posix_trace_create_withlog (3p) - trace stream initialization, flush, and shu...
posix_trace_eventid_equal (3p) - manipulate the trace event type identifier (...
posix_trace_eventid_get_name (3p) - manipulate the trace event type identifie...
posix_trace_eventset_add (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_del (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_empty (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_fill (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_ismember (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventtypelist_getnext_id (3p) - iterate over a mapping of trace e...
posix_trace_eventtypelist_rewind (3p) - iterate over a mapping of trace event...
posix_trace_trid_eventid_open (3p) - manipulate the trace event type identifi...
pp (1)               - Prints certificates, keys, crls, and pkcs7 files
ps2epsi (1)          - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
ps2pdf12 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3-and-later com...
ps2pdf13 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later com...
ps2pdf14 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5-and-later com...
pstruct (1)          - Dump C structures as generated from "cc - g - S" stabs
pthread_attr_getdetachstate (3) - set/get detach state attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_getdetachstate (3p) - get and set the detachstate attribute
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (3) - set/get detach state attribute in thread at...
pthread_attr_setdetachstate (3p) - get and set the detachstate attribute
pthread_create (3)   - create a new thread
pthread_create (3p)  - thread creation
pthread_exit (3)     - terminate calling thread
pthread_getattr_np (3) - get attributes of created thread
pthread_join (3)     - join with a terminated thread
pthread_key_create (3p) - thread-specific data key creation
pthread_kill_other_threads_np (3) - terminate all other threads in process
pthread_mutex_consistent (3p) - mark state protected by robust mutex as consi...
pthread_setcancelstate (3) - set cancelability state and type
pthread_setcancelstate (3p) - set cancelability state
pthread_setcanceltype (3) - set cancelability state and type
pthread_setcanceltype (3p) - set cancelability state
pthread_testcancel (3p) - set cancelability state
pthread_timedjoin_np (3) - try to join with a terminated thread
pthread_tryjoin_np (3) - try to join with a terminated thread
pvalloc (3)          - allocate aligned memory
pvcreate (8)         - Initialize physical volume(s) for use by LVM
quotactl (2)         - manipulate disk quotas
ranlib (1)           - generate index to archive.
realloc (3)          - allocate and free dynamic memory
relocated (5)        - Postfix relocated table format
remap_file_pages (2) - create a nonlinear file mapping
repo-rss (1)         - generates an RSS feed from one or more Yum repositories
req (1ssl)           - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating...
rindex (3)           - locate character in string
rotatelogs (8)       - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
route (8)            - show / manipulate the IP routing table
rrdcgi (1)           - Create web pages containing RRD graphs based on templates
rrdcreate (1)        - Set up a new Round Robin Database
rrdfirst (1)         - Return the date of the first data sample in an RRA wit...
rrdlast (1)          - Return the date of the last data sample in an RRD
rrdlastupdate (1)    - Return the most recent update to an RRD
rrdresize (1)        - alters the size of an RRA and creates a new .rrd file
rrdupdate (1)        - Store a new set of values into the RRD
rtcwake (8)          - enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time
rtnetlink (3)        - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages
sa-awl (1)           - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db
sa-update (1)        - automate SpamAssassin rule updates
seed48 (3)           - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seed48 (3p)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
seed48_r (3)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
semodule_package (8) - Create a SELinux policy module package.
setns (2)            - reassociate thread with a namespace
setsid (2)           - creates a session and sets the process group ID
setsid (3p)          - create session and set process group ID
setstate (3)         - random number generator
setstate (3p)        - pseudo-random number functions
setstate_r (3)       - reentrant random number generator
shar (1)             - create a shell archive
shm_open (3)         - create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shm_unlink (3)       - create/open or unlink POSIX shared memory objects
shmget (2)           - allocates a System V shared memory segment
shuf (1)             - generate random permutations
sigaltstack (3p)     - set and get signal alternate stack context
signalfd (2)         - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signalfd4 (2)        - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
sincos (3)           - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sincosf (3)          - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sincosl (3)          - calculate sin and cos simultaneously
sln (8)              - create symbolic links
smime_keys (1)       - Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal data...
socket (2)           - create an endpoint for communication
socket (3p)          - create an endpoint for communication
Socket6 (3pm)        - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and struct...
socketpair (2)       - create a pair of connected sockets
socketpair (3p)      - create a pair of connected sockets
spu_create (2)       - create a new spu context
srand48 (3)          - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srand48 (3p)         - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
srand48_r (3)        - generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers r...
ss (8)               - another utility to investigate sockets
ssh-add (1)          - adds private key identities to the authentication agent
sslrand (1ssl)       - generate pseudo-random bytes
strcasestr (3)       - locate a substring
strcat (3)           - concatenate two strings
strcat (3p)          - concatenate two strings
strchr (3)           - locate character in string
strchrnul (3)        - locate character in string
strdup (3)           - duplicate a string
strdup (3p)          - duplicate a string
strdupa (3)          - duplicate a string
strftime (3)         - format date and time
strftime (3p)        - convert date and time to a string
strlen (3)           - calculate the length of a string
strncat (3)          - concatenate two strings
strncat (3p)         - concatenate a string with part of another
strndup (3)          - duplicate a string
strndupa (3)         - duplicate a string
strptime (3p)        - date and time conversion
strrchr (3)          - locate character in string
strstr (3)           - locate a substring
subgid (5)           - the subordinate gid file
subuid (5)           - the subordinate uid file
svcfd_create (3)     - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcraw_create (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svctcp_create (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_bufcreate (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
svcudp_create (3)    - library routines for remote procedure calls
swapcontext (3)      - manipulate user context
swapcontext (3p)     - manipulate user contexts
Switch (3pm)         - A switch statement for Perl
Symbol (3pm)         - manipulate Perl symbols and their names
symlinkat (2)        - create a symbolic link relative to a directory file de...
sync (3p)            - schedule file system updates
sys_timeb.h (0p)     - additional definitions for date and time
systemd-activate (8) - Test socket activation of daemons
systemd-hibernate-resume (8) - Resume from hibernation
systemd-hibernate-resume-generator (8) - Unit generator for resume= kernel pa...
systemd-hibernate-resume@.service (8) - Resume from hibernation
systemd-hibernate.service (8) - System sleep state logic
systemd-hybrid-sleep.service (8) - System sleep state logic
systemd-rfkill (8)   - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot and shu...
systemd-rfkill@.service (8) - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot ...
systemd-sleep (8)    - System sleep state logic
systemd-suspend.service (8) - System sleep state logic
systemd-system-update-generator (8) - Generator for redirecting boot to offli...
systemd-timedated (8) - Time and date bus mechanism
systemd-timedated.service (8) - Time and date bus mechanism
systemd-tmpfiles (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile and temporary ...
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile ...
systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile an...
systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volat...
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service (8) - Creates, deletes and cleans up volatile ...
systemd-update-done (8) - Mark /etc and /var fully updated
systemd-update-done.service (8) - Mark /etc and /var fully updated
systemd-update-utmp (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, runlevel ch...
systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bo...
systemd-update-utmp.service (8) - Write audit and utmp updates at bootup, run...
systemd.time (7)     - Time and date specifications
t1libconfig (8)      - create the t1lib.config and FontDataBase files for t1lib
tac (1)              - concatenate and print files in reverse
TAP::Formatter::Base (3pm) - Base class for harness output delegates
TAP::Formatter::Console (3pm) - Harness output delegate for default console o...
TAP::Formatter::Console::ParallelSession (3pm) - Harness output delegate for ...
TAP::Formatter::Console::Session (3pm) - Harness output delegate for default ...
TAP::Formatter::File (3pm) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Formatter::File::Session (3pm) - Harness output delegate for file output
TAP::Formatter::Session (3pm) - Abstract base class for harness output delegate
TAP::Parser::Aggregator (3pm) - Aggregate TAP::Parser results
tc (8)               - show / manipulate traffic control settings
tc-csum (8)          - checksum update action
tc-ife (8)           - encapsulate/decapsulate metadata
tc-nat (8)           - stateless native address translation action
tcatest (1)          - test cases of the abstract database API
tcdrain (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcflow (3)           - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcflush (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcgetattr (3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcgetattr (3p)       - get the parameters associated with the terminal
tcsendbreak (3)      - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcsetattr (3)        - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
tcsetattr (3p)       - set the parameters associated with the terminal
tee (1p)             - duplicate standard input
tempnam (3)          - create a name for a temporary file
tempnam (3p)         - create a name for a temporary file
termios (3)          - get and set terminal attributes, line control, get and...
test (1p)            - evaluate expression
Text::Abbrev (3pm)   - abbrev - create an abbreviation table from a list
Text::Diff::Config (3pm) - global configuration for Text::Diff (as a separate...
Text::Diff::Table (3pm) - Text::Diff plugin to generate "table" format output
thin_check (8)       - validates thin provisioning metadata on a device or file
Thread (3pm)         - Manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only)
tickadj (8)          - set time-related kernel variables
timeb.h (0p)         - additional definitions for date and time
timedatectl (1)      - Control the system time and date
timer_create (2)     - create a POSIX per-process timer
timer_create (3p)    - create a per-process timer (REALTIME)
timer_gettime (2)    - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timer
timer_settime (2)    - arm/disarm and fetch state of POSIX per-process timer
timerfd_create (2)   - timers that notify via file descriptors
tmpfile (3)          - create a temporary file
tmpfile (3p)         - create a temporary file
tmpnam (3)           - create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam (3p)          - create a name for a temporary file
tmpnam_r (3)         - create a name for a temporary file
toascii (3p)         - translate an integer to a 7-bit ASCII character
tolower (3p)         - transliterate uppercase characters to lowercase
toupper (3p)         - transliterate lowercase characters to uppercase
towlower (3p)        - transliterate uppercase wide-character code to lowercase
towupper (3p)        - transliterate lowercase wide-character code to uppercase
tr (1)               - translate or delete characters
tr (1p)              - translate characters
trunc (3p)           - round to truncated integer value
truncate (1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
truncate (2)         - truncate a file to a specified length
truncate (3p)        - truncate a file to a specified length
truncate64 (2)       - truncate a file to a specified length
truncf (3p)          - round to truncated integer value
truncl (3p)          - round to truncated integer value
ucs2any (1)          - generate BDF fonts containing subsets of ISO 10646-1 c...
Unicode::Collate (3pm) - Unicode Collation Algorithm
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Big5 (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Unic...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::GB2312 (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::JISX0208 (3pm) - weighting JIS KANJI for Unicode::Collate
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Korean (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Pinyin (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::CJK::Stroke (3pm) - weighting CJK Unified Ideographs for Un...
Unicode::Collate::Locale (3pm) - Linguistic tailoring for DUCET via Unicode::...
uniq (1)             - report or omit repeated lines
uniq (1p)            - report or filter out repeated lines in a file
unix_update (8)      - Helper binary that updates the password of a given user
unshare (2)          - disassociate parts of the process execution context
update-alternatives (8) - maintain symbolic links determining default commands
update-ca-trust (8)  - manage consolidated and dynamic configuration of CA ce...
update-cracklib (8)  - Regenerate cracklib dictionary
update-mime-database (1) - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database c...
updatedb (8)         - update a database for mlocate
URI::data (3pm)      - URI that contains immediate data
useradd (8)          - create a new user or update default new user information
userdel (8)          - delete a user account and related files
usernetctl (8)       - allow a user to manipulate a network interface if perm...
uuidgen (1)          - create a new UUID value
valloc (3)           - allocate aligned memory
vasprintf (3)        - print to allocated string
verify (1ssl)        - Utility to verify certificates.
vfork (2)            - create a child process and block parent
vfork (3p)           - create a new process; share virtual memory
vgcreate (8)         - Create a volume group
vgmknodes (8)        - Create the special files for volume group devices in /dev
wait (2)             - wait for process to change state
wait (3p)            - wait for a child process to stop or terminate
wait3 (2)            - wait for process to change state, BSD style
wait4 (2)            - wait for process to change state, BSD style
waitid (2)           - wait for process to change state
waitid (3p)          - wait for a child process to change state
waitpid (2)          - wait for process to change state
waitpid (3p)         - wait for a child process to stop or terminate
wcscat (3)           - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcscat (3p)          - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcsdup (3)           - duplicate a wide-character string
wcsftime (3p)        - convert date and time to a wide-character string
wcsncat (3)          - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcsncat (3p)         - concatenate a wide-character string with part of another
wcsstr (3)           - locate a substring in a wide-character string
webpmux (1)          - command line tool to create WebP Mux/container file.
whereis (1)          - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a...
x509 (1ssl)          - Certificate display and signing utility
x509v3_config (5ssl) - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
xdrmem_create (3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdrrec_create (3)    - library routines for external data representation
xdrstdio_create (3)  - library routines for external data representation
xfs_estimate (8)     - estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take
xfs_mkfile (8)       - create an XFS file
xfs_ncheck (8)       - generate pathnames from i-numbers for XFS
xmlcatalog (1)       - Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML ...
xorg-x11-fonts-update-dirs (1) - update X11 font directories
YAML::Node (3pm)     - A generic data node that encapsulates YAML information
yes (1)              - output a string repeatedly until killed
yum (8)              - Yellowdog Updater Modified
yum-groups-manager (1) - create and edit yum's group metadata
yum-shell (8)        - Yellowdog Updater Modified shell
zcat (1p)            - expand and concatenate data