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MBSINIT(3)                 Linux Programmer's Manual                MBSINIT(3)

       mbsinit - test for initial shift state
       #include <wchar.h>
       int mbsinit(const mbstate_t *ps);
       Character  conversion between the multibyte representation and the wide
       character representation uses  conversion  state,  of  type  mbstate_t.
       Conversion  of  a string uses a finite-state machine; when it is inter-
       rupted after the complete conversion of a number of characters, it  may
       need  to  save a state for processing the remaining characters.  Such a
       conversion state is needed for the sake of encodings such  as  ISO-2022
       and UTF-7.
       The  initial  state  is  the  state at the beginning of conversion of a
       string.  There are two kinds of state: The one  used  by  multibyte  to
       wide  character conversion functions, such as mbsrtowcs(3), and the one
       used by wide character to multibyte conversion functions, such as wcsr-
       tombs(3), but they both fit in a mbstate_t, and they both have the same
       representation for an initial state.
       For 8-bit encodings, all states are equivalent to  the  initial  state.
       For multibyte encodings like UTF-8, EUC-*, BIG5 or SJIS, the wide char-
       acter to  multibyte  conversion  functions  never  produce  non-initial
       states,  but  the multibyte to wide-character conversion functions like
       mbrtowc(3) do produce non-initial states when interrupted in the middle
       of a character.
       One  possible  way to create an mbstate_t in initial state is to set it
       to zero:
           mbstate_t state;
       On Linux, the following works as  well,  but  might  generate  compiler
           mbstate_t state = { 0 };
       The  function  mbsinit()  tests  whether  *ps corresponds to an initial
       mbsinit() returns nonzero if *ps is an initial state, or  if  ps  is  a
       NULL pointer.  Otherwise it returns 0.
       The  behavior of mbsinit() depends on the LC_CTYPE category of the cur-
       rent locale.
       mbsrtowcs(3), wcsrtombs(3)
       This page is part of release 3.53 of the Linux  man-pages  project.   A
       description  of  the project, and information about reporting bugs, can
       be found at http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/.

GNU                               2000-11-20                        MBSINIT(3)