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RI(1)                  Ruby Programmers Reference Guide                  RI(1)
     ri -- Ruby API reference front end
     ri [-Ti] [-d directory] [-f format] [--list-doc-dirs]
        [--no-standard-docs] [--[no-]{system|site|gems|home}]
        [--[no-]use-cache] [--width=width] [target ...]
     ri is a CLI front end for the Ruby API reference.  You can search and
     read API reference for classes and methods with ri.
     ri is a part of Ruby.
     target can be one of the following forms:
           Class  for classes
           Class::method  for class methods
           Class#method  for instance methods
           Class.method  for both class and instance methods
           method  for both class and instance methods
     All class names may be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. If
     a name is ambiguous, all valid options will be listed.
     For example:
           ri Fil
           ri File
           ri File.new
           ri zip
     Note that shell quoting may be required for method names containing punc-
           ri 'Array.[]'
           ri compact
     --version      Prints the version of ri.
     --no-pager     Send output directly to stdout, rather than to a pager.
     -d directory
                    List of directories from which to source documentation in
                    addition to the standard directories.  May be repeated.
     -f FORMAT
     --fmt FORMAT
                    Format to use when displaying output:
                    ansi, bs, html, plain, simple
                    Use 'bs' (backspace) with most pager programs. To use
                    ANSI, either disable the pager or tell the pager to allow
                    control characters.
     --interactive  This makes ri go into interactive mode.
                    When ri is in interactive mode it will allow the user to
                    disambiguate lists of methods in case multiple methods
                    match against a method search string.  It also will allow
                    the user to enter in a method name (with auto-completion,
                    if readline is supported) when viewing a class.
                    List the directories from which ri will source documenta-
                    tion on stdout and exit.
                    Do not include documentation from the Ruby standard
                    library, site_lib, installed gems, or ~/.rdoc.
                    Equivalent to specifying the options --no-system,
                    --no-site, --no-gems, and --no-home.
     --[no-]system  Include documentation from Ruby's standard library.
                    Defaults to true.
     --[no-]site     Include documentation from libraries installed in
                    site_lib. Defaults to true.
     --[no-]gems    Include documentation from RubyGems. Defaults to true.
     --[no-]home    Include documentation stored in ~/.rdoc.  Defaults to
                    Whether or not to use ri's cache. True by default.
     -w width
     --width=width  Set the width of the output.
     RI           Additional options.
     PAGER        Used as the name of pager program for displaying.
     HOMEPATH     Path to user's home directory.
     ~/.ri        Caches recently referenced documents here.
     ~/.rdoc      Searches user-wide documents here.
     ruby(1) rdoc(1) gem(1)
     Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to
     <security AT ruby-lang.org>.  Reported problems will be published after
     being fixed.
     And you can report other bugs and feature requests via the Ruby Issue
     Tracking System (http://bugs.ruby-lang.org).  Do not report security vul-
     nerabilities via the system because it publishes the vulnerabilities
     Written by Dave Thomas <dave AT pragmaticprogrammer.com>
UNIX                           November 7, 2012                           UNIX