nvi(category2-linux-allgemein.html) - phpMan

anvil (8)            - Postfix session count and request rate control
clearenv (3)         - clear the environment
db_log_verify (1)    - Verify log files of a database environment
db_stat (1)          - Display environment statistics
dbus-update-activation-environment (1) - update environment used for D-Bus se...
dot (1p)             - execute commands in the current environment
env (1)              - run a program in a modified environment
env (1p)             - set the environment for command invocation
environ (3p)         - execute a file
environ (7)          - user environment
environment (5)      - the environment variables config files
envsubst (1)         - substitutes environment variables in shell format strings
envz (3)             - environment string support
envz_add (3)         - environment string support
envz_entry (3)       - environment string support
envz_get (3)         - environment string support
envz_merge (3)       - environment string support
envz_remove (3)      - environment string support
envz_strip (3)       - environment string support
fegetenv (3p)        - get and set current floating-point environment
feholdexcept (3p)    - save current floating-point environment
fenv.h (0p)          - floating-point environment
fesetenv (3p)        - get and set current floating-point environment
feupdateenv (3p)     - update floating-point environment
getenv (3)           - get an environment variable
getenv (3p)          - get value of an environment variable
grub2-editenv (1)    - Manage the GRUB environment block.
i386 (8)             - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
ldap.conf (5)        - LDAP configuration file/environment variables
linux32 (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
linux64 (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
localedef (1p)       - define locale environment
pam_env (8)          - PAM module to set/unset environment variables
pam_env.conf (5)     - the environment variables config files
pluginviewer (8)     - list loadable SASL plugins and their properties
printenv (1)         - print all or part of environment
putenv (3)           - change or add an environment variable
putenv (3p)          - change or add a value to an environment
secure_getenv (3)    - get an environment variable
setarch (8)          - change reported architecture in new program environmen...
setenv (3)           - change or add an environment variable
setenv (3p)          - add or change environment variable
setjmp.h (0p)        - stack environment declarations
systemd-detect-virt (1) - Detect execution in a virtualized environment
systemd.exec (5)     - Execution environment configuration
unsetenv (3)         - change or add an environment variable
unsetenv (3p)        - remove an environment variable
x86_64 (8)           - change reported architecture in new program environmen...