IP(3) - phpMan

Test2::Event::Skip (3pm) - Skip event type
Test2::IPC (3pm)     - Turn on IPC for threading or forking support.
Test2::IPC::Driver (3pm) - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files (3pm) - Temp dir + Files concurrency model.
Test::More (3pm)     - yet another framework for writing test scripts
IO::Socket::IP (3pm) - A drop-in replacement for "IO::Socket::INET" supportin...
.k5identity (5)      - Kerberos V5 client principal selection rules
FD_CLR (3)           - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_CLR (3p)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ISSET (3)         - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ISSET (3p)        - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_SET (3)           - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_SET (3p)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ZERO (3)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
FD_ZERO (3p)         - synchronous I/O multiplexing
Test (3pm)           - provides a simple framework for writing test scripts
_newselect (2)       - synchronous I/O multiplexing
addmntent (3)        - get file system descriptor file entry
AnyDBM_File (3pm)    - provide framework for multiple DBMs
apropos (1)          - search the manual page names and descriptions
Archive::Tar (3pm)   - module for manipulations of tar archives
Archive::Zip (3pm)   - Provide an interface to ZIP archive files.
Archive::Zip::FAQ (3pm) - Answers to a few frequently asked questions about A...
Archive::Zip::MemberRead (3pm) - A wrapper that lets you read Zip archive mem...
Archive::Zip::Tree (3pm) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees u...
arp (8)              - manipulate the system ARP cache
arpaname (1)         - translate IP addresses to the corresponding ARPA names
audispd (8)          - an event multiplexor
augenrules (8)       - a script that merges component audit rule files
base (3pm)           - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at com...
basename (1)         - strip directory and suffix from filenames
bindresvport (3)     - bind a socket to a privileged IP port
bridge (8)           - show / manipulate bridge addresses and devices
bunzip2 (1)          - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6
bzcmp (1)            - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzdiff (1)           - compare bzip2 compressed files
bzgrep (1)           - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular e...
bzip2 (1)            - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.6
bzip2recover (1)     - recovers data from damaged bzip2 files
bzless (1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
bzmore (1)           - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compresse...
captoinfo (1m)       - convert a termcap description into a terminfo description
catclose (3p)        - close a message catalog descriptor
cfdisk (8)           - display or manipulate disk partition table
cgdisk (8)           - Curses-based GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator
chgrp (1)            - change group ownership
chgrp (1p)           - change the file group ownership
chown (1p)           - change the file ownership
chown (2)            - change ownership of a file
chown32 (2)          - change ownership of a file
chrt (1)             - manipulate the real-time attributes of a process
ciphers (1ssl)       - SSL cipher display and cipher list tool.
close (2)            - close a file descriptor
close (3p)           - close a file descriptor
Compress::Raw::Bzip2 (3pm) - Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
conjure (1)          - interprets and executes scripts written in the Magick ...
convert (1)          - convert between image formats as well as resize an ima...
copysign (3p)        - number manipulation function
copysignf (3p)       - number manipulation function
copysignl (3p)       - number manipulation function
CPAN::API::HOWTO (3pm) - a recipe book for programming with CPAN.pm
CPAN::Tarzip (3pm)   - internal handling of tar archives for CPAN.pm
CPU_ALLOC (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ALLOC_SIZE (3)   - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_AND_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_CLR_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_COUNT_S (3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_EQUAL_S (3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_FREE (3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSET (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ISSET_S (3)      - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR (3)           - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_OR_S (3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SET (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_SET_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR (3)          - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_XOR_S (3)        - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO (3)         - macros for manipulating CPU sets
CPU_ZERO_S (3)       - macros for manipulating CPU sets
crontabs (4)         - configuration and scripts for running periodical jobs
Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum (3pm) - OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
Data::Validate::IP (3pm) - IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm) - DBD::Gofer client transport for testing
DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone (3pm) - DBD::Gofer server-side transport for p...
DBI::ProfileData (3pm) - manipulate DBI::ProfileDumper data dumps
dbilogstrip (1)      - filter to normalize DBI trace logs for diff'ing
dbiprof (1)          - command-line client for DBI::ProfileData
dbiproxy (1)         - A proxy server for the DBD::Proxy driver
dhclient-script (8)  - DHCP client network configuration script
dhparam (1ssl)       - DH parameter manipulation and generation
dirfd (3)            - get directory stream file descriptor
dirname (1)          - strip last component from file name
doveadm-batch (1)    - Execute multiple commands for multiple users
doveadm-fts (1)      - Manipulate the Full Text Search (FTS) index
doveadm-kick (1)     - Disconnect users by user name and/or IP address
doveadm-sieve (1)    - Commands related to handling Sieve scripts
dprintf (3)          - print to a file descriptor
dsaparam (1ssl)      - DSA parameter manipulation and generation
dup (2)              - duplicate a file descriptor
dup (3p)             - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup2 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dup2 (3p)            - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup3 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dvipdf (1)           - Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
ecparam (1ssl)       - EC parameter manipulation and generation
enc (1ssl)           - symmetric cipher routines
encoding (3pm)       - allows you to write your script in non-ascii or non-utf8
endmntent (3)        - get file system descriptor file entry
envz_strip (3)       - environment string support
epoll_create (2)     - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_create1 (2)    - open an epoll file descriptor
epoll_ctl (2)        - control interface for an epoll descriptor
epoll_pwait (2)      - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
epoll_wait (2)       - wait for an I/O event on an epoll file descriptor
eps2eps (1)          - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
ether_aton (3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_aton_r (3)     - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_hostton (3)    - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_line (3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntoa (3)       - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntoa_r (3)     - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ether_ntohost (3)    - Ethernet address manipulation routines
ethers (5)           - Ethernet address to IP number database
eventfd (2)          - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd2 (2)         - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_read (3)     - create a file descriptor for event notification
eventfd_write (3)    - create a file descriptor for event notification
exec (1p)            - execute commands and open, close, or copy file descrip...
ExtUtils::Miniperl (3pm) - write the C code for perlmain.c
faccessat (2)        - check user's permissions of a file relative to a direc...
fallocate (2)        - manipulate file space
fattach (3p)         - attach a STREAMS-based file descriptor to a file in th...
fchmodat (2)         - change permissions of a file relative to a directory f...
fchown (2)           - change ownership of a file
fchown32 (2)         - change ownership of a file
fchownat (2)         - change ownership of a file relative to a directory fil...
fcntl (2)            - manipulate file descriptor
fcntl64 (2)          - manipulate file descriptor
fdetach (3p)         - detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor (ST...
fdisk (8)            - manipulate disk partition table
fdopen (3p)          - associate a stream with a file descriptor
fexecve (3)          - execute program specified via file descriptor
fifo (7)             - first-in first-out special file, named pipe
fileno (3p)          - map a stream pointer to a file descriptor
FindBin (3pm)        - Locate directory of original perl script
fipscheck (8)        - perform a FIPS-140-2 validation check of one or more f...
fipshmac (8)         - create FIPS-140-2 validation checksum files
flock (1)            - manage locks from shell scripts
fma (3)              - floating-point multiply and add
fma (3p)             - floating-point multiply-add
fmaf (3)             - floating-point multiply and add
fmaf (3p)            - floating-point multiply-add
fmal (3)             - floating-point multiply and add
fmal (3p)            - floating-point multiply-add
fstatat (2)          - get file status relative to a directory file descriptor
fstatat64 (2)        - get file status relative to a directory file descriptor
ftok (3)             - convert a pathname and a project identifier to a Syste...
ftok (3p)            - generate an IPC key
ftpasswd (1)         - Perl script for managing AuthUserFiles and AuthGroupFiles
ftpmail (1)          - FIFO-based Perl script for sending email based on prof...
ftpquota (1)         - Perl script for managing limit/tally files for mod_quo...
funzip (1)           - filter for extracting from a ZIP archive in a pipe
futimesat (2)        - change timestamps of a file relative to a directory fi...
gai_strerror (3p)    - address and name information error description
gdisk (8)            - Interactive GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator
Geo::IP (3pm)        - Look up location and network information by IP Address
Geo::IP::Record (3pm) - Contains city information for GeoIP City Edition
GeoIP.conf (5)       - Configuration file for geoipupdate
geoiplookup (1)      - look up country using IP Address or hostname
geoiplookup6 (1)     - look up country using IP Address or hostname
geoipupdate (1)      - GeoIP2 and GeoIP Legacy Update Program
getdtablesize (2)    - get descriptor table size
getdtablesize (3)    - get descriptor table size
getipnodebyaddr (3)  - get network hostnames and addresses
getipnodebyname (3)  - get network hostnames and addresses
getmntent (3)        - get file system descriptor file entry
getmntent_r (3)      - get file system descriptor file entry
ghostscript (1)      - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter a...
git-mailinfo (1)     - Extracts patch and authorship from a single e-mail mes...
git-mergetool--lib (1) - Common Git merge tool shell scriptlets
git-sh-i18n (1)      - Git's i18n setup code for shell scripts
git-sh-setup (1)     - Common Git shell script setup code
git-stripspace (1)   - Remove unnecessary whitespace
git-web--browse (1)  - Git helper script to launch a web browser
gpg-zip (1)          - Encrypt or sign files into an archive
grops (1)            - PostScript driver for groff
grub2-script-check (1) - Check GRUB configuration file for syntax errors.
grubby (8)           - command line tool used to configure bootloader menu en...
gs (1)               - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter a...
gsbj (1)             - Format and print text for BubbleJet printer using ghos...
gsdj (1)             - Format and print text for DeskJet printer using ghosts...
gsdj500 (1)          - Format and print text for DeskJet 500 BubbleJet using ...
gslj (1)             - Format and print text for LaserJet printer using ghost...
gslp (1)             - Format and print text using ghostscript
gsnd (1)             - Run ghostscript (PostScript and PDF engine) without di...
gunzip (1)           - compress or expand files
gzip (1)             - compress or expand files
hasmntopt (3)        - get file system descriptor file entry
hier (7)             - description of the file system hierarchy
hostname (7)         - hostname resolution description
htdbm (1)            - Manipulate DBM password databases
icmp (7)             - Linux IPv4 ICMP kernel module.
iconv_close (3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
ifcfg (8)            - simplistic script which replaces ifconfig IP management
inet (3)             - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_addr (3)        - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_addr (3p)       - IPv4 address manipulation
inet_aton (3)        - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_lnaof (3)       - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_makeaddr (3)    - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_netof (3)       - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_network (3)     - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_ntoa (3)        - Internet address manipulation routines
inet_ntoa (3p)       - IPv4 address manipulation
inet_ntop (3)        - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from binary to text form
inet_ntop (3p)       - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses between binary and tex...
inet_pton (3)        - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form
inet_pton (3p)       - convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses between binary and tex...
infocmp (1m)         - compare or print out terminfo descriptions
infotocap (1m)       - convert a terminfo description into a termcap description
installkernel (8)    - tool to script kernel installation
IO::Compress::Bzip2 (3pm) - Write bzip2 files/buffers
IO::Compress::Gzip (3pm) - Write RFC 1952 files/buffers
IO::Compress::Zip (3pm) - Write zip files/buffers
IO::Pipe (3pm)       - supply object methods for pipes
IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate (3pm) - Uncompress zlib-based (zip, gzip) file/buffer
IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress (3pm) - Uncompress gzip, zip, bzip2 or lzop fil...
IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2 (3pm) - Read bzip2 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::Gunzip (3pm) - Read RFC 1952 files/buffers
IO::Uncompress::Unzip (3pm) - Read zip files/buffers
ip (7)               - Linux IPv4 protocol implementation
ip (8)               - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and...
ip-address (8)       - protocol address management
ip-addrlabel (8)     - protocol address label management
ip-fou (8)           - Foo-over-UDP receive port configuration
ip-gue (8)           - Generic UDP Encapsulation receive port configuration
ip-l2tp (8)          - L2TPv3 static unmanaged tunnel configuration
ip-link (8)          - network device configuration
ip-macsec (8)        - MACsec device configuration
ip-maddress (8)      - multicast addresses management
ip-monitor (8)       - state monitoring
ip-mroute (8)        - multicast routing cache management
ip-neighbour (8)     - neighbour/arp tables management.
ip-netconf (8)       - network configuration monitoring
ip-netns (8)         - process network namespace management
ip-ntable (8)        - neighbour table configuration
ip-route (8)         - routing table management
ip-rule (8)          - routing policy database management
ip-tcp_metrics (8)   - management for TCP Metrics
ip-token (8)         - tokenized interface identifier support
ip-tunnel (8)        - tunnel configuration
ip-vrf (8)           - run a command against a vrf
ip-xfrm (8)          - transform configuration
ip6tables (8)        - administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
ip6tables-restore (8) - Restore IPv6 Tables
ip6tables-save (8)   - dump iptables rules to stdout
ipc (2)              - System V IPC system calls
ipc (5)              - System V interprocess communication mechanisms
ipc.h (0p)           - XSI interprocess communication access structure
IPC::Cmd (3pm)       - finding and running system commands made easy
IPC::Msg (3pm)       - SysV Msg IPC object class
IPC::Open2 (3pm)     - open a process for both reading and writing using open2()
IPC::Open3 (3pm)     - open a process for reading, writing, and error handlin...
IPC::Semaphore (3pm) - SysV Semaphore IPC object class
IPC::SharedMem (3pm) - SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
IPC::SysV (3pm)      - System V IPC constants and system calls
ipcalc (1)           - perform simple manipulation of IP addresses
ipcmk (1)            - create various ipc resources
ipcrm (1)            - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcrm (1p)           - remove an XSI message queue, semaphore set, or shared ...
ipcs (1)             - provide information on IPC facilities
ipcs (1p)            - report XSI interprocess communication facilities status
ipmaddr (8)          - adds, deletes, and displays multicast addresses
iprconfig (8)        - IBM Power RAID storage adapter configuration/recovery ...
iprdbg (8)           - IBM Power RAID storage adapter debug utility
iprdump (8)          - IBM Power RAID adapter dump utility
iprinit (8)          - IBM Power RAID adapter/device initialization utility
iprsos (8)           - IBM Power RAID report generator
iprupdate (8)        - IBM Power RAID adapter/device microcode update utility
ipset (8)            - administration tool for IP sets
iptables (8)         - administration tool for IPv4/IPv6 packet filtering and...
iptables-extensions (8) - list of extensions in the standard iptables distrib...
iptables-restore (8) - Restore IP Tables
iptables-save (8)    - dump iptables rules to stdout
iptables-xml (1)     - Convert iptables-save format to XML
iptunnel (8)         - creates, deletes, and displays configured tunnels
ipv6 (7)             - Linux IPv6 protocol implementation
irqbalance (1)       - distribute hardware interrupts across processors on a ...
isastream (3p)       - test a file descriptor (STREAMS)
isatty (3)           - test whether a file descriptor refers to a terminal
k5identity (5)       - Kerberos V5 client principal selection rules
keyctl (2)           - manipulate the kernel's key management facility
keymaps (5)          - keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys
lchown (2)           - change ownership of a file
lchown32 (2)         - change ownership of a file
ldattach (8)         - attach a line discipline to a serial line
ldexp (3)            - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
ldexpf (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
ldexpl (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
lib (3pm)            - manipulate @INC at compile time
libipset (3)         - A library for using ipset
linkat (2)           - create a file link relative to directory file descriptors
locale (7)           - description of multilanguage support
Locale::Maketext::Cookbook (3pm) - recipes for using Locale::Maketext
logresolve (1)       - Resolve IP-addresses to hostnames in Apache log files
lsipc (1)            - show information on IPC facilities currently employed ...
lvm-config (8)       - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvm-dumpconfig (8)   - Display and manipulate configuration information
lvmconfig (8)        - Display and manipulate configuration information
Mail::Field (3pm)    - Base class for manipulation of mail header fields
Mail::Filter (3pm)   - Filter mail through multiple subroutines
Mail::Header (3pm)   - manipulate MIME headers
Mail::Internet (3pm) - manipulate email messages
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::ASN (3pm) - SpamAssassin plugin to look up the Au...
Mail::SpamAssassin::SubProcBackChannel (3pm) - back-channel for communication...
Mail::SPF::Mech::IP4 (3pm) - SPF record "ip4" mechanism class
Mail::SPF::Mech::IP6 (3pm) - SPF record "ip6" mechanism class
Mail::SPF::SenderIPAddrMech (3pm) - Abstract base class for SPF record mechan...
mailaddr (7)         - mail addressing description
makecontext (3)      - manipulate user context
makecontext (3p)     - manipulate user contexts
md (4)               - Multiple Device driver aka Linux Software RAID
mdig (1)             - DNS pipelined lookup utility
mii-tool (8)         - view, manipulate media-independent interface status
mkdirat (2)          - create a directory relative to a directory file descri...
mkfifo (1)           - make FIFOs (named pipes)
mkfifo (3)           - make a FIFO special file (a named pipe)
mkfifoat (3)         - make a FIFO (named pipe) relative to a directory file ...
mknodat (2)          - create a special or ordinary file relative to a direct...
Module::CoreList (3pm) - what modules shipped with versions of perl
Module::Signature (3pm) - Module signature file manipulation
mogrify (1)          - resize an image, blur, crop, despeckle, dither, draw o...
mokutil (1)          - utility to manipulate machine owner keys
mq_close (3)         - close a message queue descriptor
msgattrib (1)        - attribute matching and manipulation on message catalog
mysql.server (1)     - MySQL server startup script
mysqld_multi (1)     - manage multiple MySQL servers
mysqld_safe (1)      - MySQL server startup script
Net::DNS::RR::HIP (3pm) - DNS HIP resource record
Net::DNS::RR::IPSECKEY (3pm) - DNS IPSECKEY resource record
NetAddr::IP (3pm)    - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
NetAddr::IP::InetBase (3pm) - - IPv4 and IPV6 utilities
NetAddr::IP::Lite (3pm) - Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
NetAddr::IP::Util (3pm) - - IPv4/6 and 128 bit number utilities
NetAddr::IP::UtilPP (3pm) - - pure Perl functions for NetAddr::IP::Util
netstat (8)          - Print network connections, routing tables, interface s...
new-kernel-pkg (8)   - tool to script kernel installation
nextafter (3)        - floating-point number manipulation
nextafterf (3)       - floating-point number manipulation
nextafterl (3)       - floating-point number manipulation
nexttoward (3)       - floating-point number manipulation
nexttowardf (3)      - floating-point number manipulation
nexttowardl (3)      - floating-point number manipulation
odbcinst (1)         - An unixODBC tool for manipulating configuration files
openat (2)           - open a file relative to a directory file descriptor
ownership (8)        - Compaq ownership tag retriever
PAR::Dist (3pm)      - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
parent (3pm)         - Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at com...
parted (8)           - a partition manipulation program
pclose (3)           - pipe stream to or from a process
pclose (3p)          - close a pipe stream to or from a process
pdf2dsc (1)          - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps (1)           - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
peekfd (1)           - peek at file descriptors of running processes
perlfaq4 (1)         - Data Manipulation
perlhacktips (1)     - Tips for Perl core C code hacking
perlipc (1)          - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes...
perllol (1)          - Manipulating Arrays of Arrays in Perl
perlreguts (1)       - Description of the Perl regular expression engine.
perluniprops (1)     - Index of Unicode Version 6.1.0 character properties in...
pf2afm (1)           - Make an AFM file from Postscript (PFB/PFA/PFM) font fi...
pfbtopfa (1)         - Convert Postscript .pfb fonts to .pfa format using gho...
pipe (2)             - create pipe
pipe (3p)            - create an interprocess channel
pipe (7)             - overview of pipes and FIFOs
pipe (8)             - Postfix delivery to external command
pipe2 (2)            - create pipe
plipconfig (8)       - fine tune PLIP device parameters
poll (2)             - wait for some event on a file descriptor
poll (3p)            - input/output multiplexing
popen (3)            - pipe stream to or from a process
popen (3p)           - initiate pipe streams to or from a process
posix_trace_eventid_equal (3p) - manipulate the trace event type identifier (...
posix_trace_eventid_get_name (3p) - manipulate the trace event type identifie...
posix_trace_eventset_add (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_del (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_empty (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_fill (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_ismember (3p) - manipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_trid_eventid_open (3p) - manipulate the trace event type identifi...
ppoll (2)            - wait for some event on a file descriptor
pread (2)            - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pread64 (2)          - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
preadv (2)           - read or write data into multiple buffers
prezip-bin (1)       - prefix zip delta word list compressor/decompressor
printafm (1)         - Print the metrics from a Postscript font in AFM format...
ps2ascii (1)         - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
ps2epsi (1)          - generate conforming Encapsulated PostScript
ps2pdf (1)           - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdf12 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3-and-later com...
ps2pdf13 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later com...
ps2pdf14 (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.4 (Acrobat 5-and-later com...
ps2pdfwr (1)         - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying Compatibi...
ps2ps (1)            - Ghostscript PostScript "distiller"
pselect (2)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect (3p)         - synchronous I/O multiplexing
pselect6 (2)         - synchronous I/O multiplexing
psfstriptable (1)    - remove the embedded Unicode character table from a con...
pwrite (2)           - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwrite64 (2)         - read from or write to a file descriptor at a given offset
pwritev (2)          - read or write data into multiple buffers
qsub (1p)            - submit a script
quotactl (2)         - manipulate disk quotas
raw (7)              - Linux IPv4 raw sockets
read (2)             - read from a file descriptor
readlinkat (2)       - read value of a symbolic link relative to a directory ...
readv (2)            - read or write data into multiple buffers
recode-sr-latin (1)  - convert Serbian text from Cyrillic to Latin script
recvmmsg (2)         - receive multiple messages on a socket
renameat (2)         - rename a file relative to directory file descriptors
resolveip (1)        - resolve host name to IP address or vice versa
ripemd160 (1ssl)     - message digests
rotatelogs (8)       - Piped logging program to rotate Apache logs
route (8)            - show / manipulate the IP routing table
RRDp (3pm)           - Attach RRDtool from within a perl script via a set of ...
rtnetlink (3)        - macros to manipulate rtnetlink messages
rtnetlink (7)        - Linux IPv4 routing socket
ruby (1)             - Interpreted object-oriented scripting language
run-with-aspell (1)  - script to help use GNU Aspell as an ispell replacement
sa-awl (1)           - examine and manipulate SpamAssassin's auto-whitelist db
scalb (3)            - multiply floating-point number by integral power of ra...
scalbf (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of ra...
scalbl (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of ra...
scalbln (3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalblnf (3)         - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalblnl (3)         - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbn (3)           - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbnf (3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scalbnl (3)          - multiply floating-point number by integral power of radix
scandirat (3)        - scan a directory relative to a directory file descriptor
script (1)           - make typescript of terminal session
scriptreplay (1)     - play back typescripts, using timing information
select (2)           - synchronous I/O multiplexing
select (3p)          - synchronous I/O multiplexing
select_tut (2)       - synchronous I/O multiplexing
selinuxenabled (8)   - tool to be used within shell scripts to determine if s...
sendfile (2)         - transfer data between file descriptors
sendfile64 (2)       - transfer data between file descriptors
sendmmsg (2)         - send multiple messages on a socket
service (8)          - run a System V init script
setmntent (3)        - get file system descriptor file entry
sfdisk (8)           - partition table manipulator for Linux
sgdisk (8)           - Command-line GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator fo...
sgetmask (2)         - manipulation of signal mask (obsolete)
show-installed (1)   - show installed RPM packages and descriptions
sieve-dump (1)       - Pigeonhole's Sieve script binary dump tool
sieve-test (1)       - Pigeonhole's Sieve script tester
sievec (1)           - Pigeonhole's Sieve script compiler
sieved (1)           - Pigeonhole's Sieve script binary dump tool
signalfd (2)         - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
signalfd4 (2)        - create a file descriptor for accepting signals
Socket6 (3pm)        - IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and struct...
spamassassin-run (1) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
spamassassin-run (3pm) - simple front-end filtering script for SpamAssassin
splice (2)           - splice data to/from a pipe
ssetmask (2)         - manipulation of signal mask (obsolete)
strip (1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
strip (1p)           - remove unnecessary information from executable files (...
svipc (7)            - System V interprocess communication mechanisms
swapcontext (3)      - manipulate user context
swapcontext (3p)     - manipulate user contexts
Symbol (3pm)         - manipulate Perl symbols and their names
symlinkat (2)        - create a symbolic link relative to a directory file de...
sys-unconfig (8)     - shell script to reconfigure the system upon next boot
sys_ipc.h (0p)       - XSI interprocess communication access structure
systemd-cat (1)      - Connect a pipeline or program's output with the journal
systemd-sysv-generator (8) - Unit generator for SysV init scripts
TAP::Formatter::Color (3pm) - Run Perl test scripts with color
TAP::Harness (3pm)   - Run test scripts with statistics
TAP::Parser::Multiplexer (3pm) - Multiplex multiple TAP::Parsers
tc (8)               - show / manipulate traffic control settings
tc-bpf (8)           - BPF programmable classifier and actions for ingress/eg...
tc-stab (8)          - Generic size table manipulations
tc-tunnel_key (8)    - Tunnel metadata manipulation
tc-vlan (8)          - vlan manipulation module
tc-xt (8)            - tc iptables action
tee (2)              - duplicating pipe content
Test::Harness (3pm)  - Run Perl standard test scripts with statistics
Thread (3pm)         - Manipulate threads in Perl (for old code only)
tic (1m)             - the terminfo entry-description compiler
Time::Zone (3pm)     - - miscellaneous timezone manipulations routines
timerfd_create (2)   - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_gettime (2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
timerfd_settime (2)  - timers that notify via file descriptors
type (1p)            - write a description of command type
udp (7)              - User Datagram Protocol for IPv4
unlinkat (2)         - remove a directory entry relative to a directory file ...
unzip (1)            - list, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
unzipsfx (1)         - self-extracting stub for prepending to ZIP archives
usernetctl (8)       - allow a user to manipulate a network interface if perm...
vdprintf (3)         - print to a file descriptor
vipw (8)             - edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-gr...
vmsplice (2)         - splice user pages into a pipe
wcsspn (3)           - advance in a wide-character string, skipping any of a ...
whatis (1)           - display manual page descriptions
wipefs (8)           - wipe a signature from a device
write (2)            - write to a file descriptor
writev (2)           - read or write data into multiple buffers
xdrrec_skiprecord (3) - library routines for external data representation
xmlcatalog (1)       - Command line tool to parse and manipulate XML or SGML ...
yum-utils (1)        - tools for manipulating repositories and extended packa...
zforce (1)           - force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
zip (1)              - package and compress (archive) files
zipcloak (1)         - encrypt entries in a zipfile
zipcmp (1)           - compare contents of zip archives
zipdetails (1)       - display the internal structure of zip files
zipgrep (1)          - search files in a ZIP archive for lines matching a pat...
zipinfo (1)          - list detailed information about a ZIP archive
zipmerge (1)         - merge zip archives
zipnote (1)          - write the comments in zipfile to stdout, edit comments...
zipsplit (1)         - split a zipfile into smaller zipfiles
ziptorrent (1)       - torrentzip zip archives