val(category37-sonstige.html) - phpMan

jose-jwk-use (1)     - Validates a key for the specified use(s)
__ppc_get_timebase (3) - get the current value of the Time Base Register on P...
__ppc_get_timebase_freq (3) - get the current value of the Time Base Register...
abs (3)              - compute the absolute value of an integer
abs (3p)             - return an integer absolute value
be16toh (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
be32toh (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
be64toh (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
BN_value_one (3ssl)  - BIGNUM assignment operations
byteorder (3)        - convert values between host and network byte order
cabs (3)             - absolute value of a complex number
cabs (3p)            - return a complex absolute value
cabsf (3)            - absolute value of a complex number
cabsl (3)            - absolute value of a complex number
cache_check (8)      - validates cache metadata on a device or file.
ceil (3)             - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less tha...
ceil (3p)            - ceiling value function
ceilf (3)            - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less tha...
ceill (3)            - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less tha...
CMS_ReceiptRequest_get0_values (3ssl) - CMS signed receipt request functions
config.sub (1)       - validate and canonicalize a configuration triplet
Config::Perl::V (3pm) - Structured data retrieval of perl - V output
CPAN::Meta::Validator (3pm) - validate CPAN distribution metadata structures
cpio.h (0p)          - cpio archive values
cpupower (1)         - Shows and sets processor power related values
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_free (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to evaluate w...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_get0_cert (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to evalu...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_get0_issuer (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to eva...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_get0_log_store (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to ...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_get_time (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to evalua...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_new (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to evaluate wh...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_set1_cert (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to evalu...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_set1_issuer (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to eva...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_set_shared_CTLOG_S... (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data requi...
CT_POLICY_EVAL_CTX_set_time (3ssl) - Encapsulates the data required to evalua...
ctime (3p)           - convert a time value to a date and time string
d2i_X509_VAL (3ssl)  - convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
Data::Dumper (3pm)   - stringified perl data structures, suitable for both pr...
Data::OptList (3pm)  - parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
Data::Validate::IP (3pm) - IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
Date::Parse (3pm)    - Parse date strings into time values
db_archive (1)       - Find unused log files for archival
DBM_Filter (3pm)     - - Filter DBM keys/values
delv (1)             - DNS lookup and validation utility
dhcp-eval (5)        - ISC DHCP conditional evaluation
difftime (3p)        - compute the difference between two calendar time values
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::DNSEval (3pm) - look up URLs against DNS blocklists
Dumpvalue (3pm)      - provides screen dump of Perl data.
dwz (1)              - DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool
endian (3)           - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
era_check (8)        - validate era metadata on device or file.
era_invalidate (8)   - Provide a list of blocks that have changed since a par...
errno (3p)           - error return value
eval (1)             - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
eval (1p)            - construct command by concatenating arguments
expr (1)             - evaluate expressions
expr (1p)            - evaluate arguments as an expression
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants (3pm) - Initialization values for some globals
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Eval (3pm) - Clean package to evaluate code in
fabs (3)             - absolute value of floating-point number
fabs (3p)            - absolute value function
fabsf (3)            - absolute value of floating-point number
fabsl (3)            - absolute value of floating-point number
false (1p)           - return false value
Fatal (3pm)          - Replace functions with equivalents which succeed or die
fc-validate (1)      - validate font files
fgetxattr (2)        - retrieve an extended attribute value
fipscheck (8)        - perform a FIPS-140-2 validation check of one or more f...
fipshmac (8)         - create FIPS-140-2 validation checksum files
floor (3)            - largest integral value not greater than argument
floorf (3)           - largest integral value not greater than argument
floorl (3)           - largest integral value not greater than argument
fmax (3p)            - determine maximum numeric value of two floating-point ...
fmin (3p)            - determine minimum numeric value of two floating-point ...
fmod (3p)            - floating-point remainder value function
fpathconf (3)        - get configuration values for files
fsetxattr (2)        - set an extended attribute value
getauxval (3)        - retrieve a value from the auxiliary vector
getconf (1p)         - get configuration values
getenv (3p)          - get value of an environment variable
getitimer (2)        - get or set value of an interval timer
getitimer (3p)       - get and set value of interval timer
getpriority (3p)     - get and set the nice value
getsebool (8)        - get SELinux boolean value(s)
getxattr (2)         - retrieve an extended attribute value
git-fsck (1)         - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-fsck-objects (1) - Verifies the connectivity and validity of the objects ...
git-mktag (1)        - Creates a tag object with extra validation
git-verify-pack (1)  - Validate packed Git archive files
gmtime (3p)          - convert a time value to a broken-down UTC time
grub2-get-kernel-settings (3) - Evaluate the system's kernel installation set...
htobe16 (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htobe32 (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htobe64 (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htole16 (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htole32 (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htole64 (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
htonl (3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
htonl (3p)           - convert values between host and network byte order
htons (3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
HTTP::Headers::Util (3pm) - Header value parsing utility functions
HUGE_VAL (3)         - floating-point constants
HUGE_VALF (3)        - floating-point constants
HUGE_VALL (3)        - floating-point constants
i2d_X509_VAL (3ssl)  - convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation
ilogb (3)            - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogbf (3)           - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
ilogbl (3)           - get integer exponent of a floating-point value
imaxabs (3)          - compute the absolute value of an integer
imaxabs (3p)         - return absolute value
isfinite (3p)        - test for finite value
isnormal (3p)        - test for a normal value
keyctl_invalidate (3) - invalidate a key
labs (3)             - compute the absolute value of an integer
labs (3p)            - return a long integer absolute value
le16toh (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
le32toh (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
le64toh (3)          - convert values between host and big-/little-endian byt...
lgetxattr (2)        - retrieve an extended attribute value
llabs (3)            - compute the absolute value of an integer
llabs (3p)           - return a long integer absolute value
llrint (3p)          - round to the nearest integer value using current round...
llround (3p)         - round to nearest integer value
localtime (3p)       - convert a time value to a broken-down local time
logb (3)             - get exponent of a floating-point value
logbf (3)            - get exponent of a floating-point value
logbl (3)            - get exponent of a floating-point value
lrint (3p)           - round to nearest integer value using current rounding ...
lround (3p)          - round to nearest integer value
lsetxattr (2)        - set an extended attribute value
Mail::DKIM::KeyValueList (3pm) - Represents a Key/Value list
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AskDNS (3pm) - form a DNS query using tag values,...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::MIMEEval (3pm) - perform various tests against MI...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Shortcircuit (3pm) - short-circuit evaluation for...
mailstat (1)         - shows mail-arrival statistics
matchpathcon_filespec_eval (3) - check and report whether any specification i...
Memoize::Expire (3pm) - Plug-in module for automatic expiration of memoized v...
mode_to_security_class (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission val...
modf (3)             - extract signed integral and fractional values from flo...
modff (3)            - extract signed integral and fractional values from flo...
modfl (3)            - extract signed integral and fractional values from flo...
modulemd-validator (1) - manual page for modulemd-validator 2.13.0
named-checkzone (8)  - zone file validity checking or converting tool
named-compilezone (8) - zone file validity checking or converting tool
Net::Domain (3pm)    - Attempt to evaluate the current host's internet name a...
nice (1p)            - invoke a utility with an altered nice value
nice (3p)            - change the nice value of a process
ntohl (3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
ntohl (3p)           - convert values between host and network byte order
ntohs (3)            - convert values between host and network byte order
OCSP_check_validity (3ssl) - OCSP response utility functions
openssl-c_rehash (1ssl) - Create symbolic links to files named by the hash va...
openssl-rehash (1ssl) - Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
operator (7)         - C operator precedence and order of evaluation
ossl_store (7ssl)    - Store retrieval functions
pam_faillock (8)     - Module counting authentication failures during a speci...
pam_shells (8)       - PAM module to check for valid login shell
pam_timestamp_check (8) - Check to see if the default timestamp is valid
pathchk (1)          - check whether file names are valid or portable
pathconf (3)         - get configuration values for files
pkla-check-authorization (8) - Evaluate pklocalauthority authorization config...
Pod::Simple::XHTML (3pm) - - format Pod as validating XHTML
print_access_vector (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values...
putenv (3p)          - change or add a value to an environment
pvalloc (3)          - allocate aligned memory
RAND_DRBG_set_reseed_interval (3ssl) - reseed a RAND_DRBG instance
RAND_DRBG_set_reseed_time_interval (3ssl) - reseed a RAND_DRBG instance
readlink (2)         - read value of a symbolic link
readlinkat (2)       - read value of a symbolic link
rehash (1ssl)        - Create symbolic links to files named by the hash values
renice (1p)          - set nice values of running processes
rint (3p)            - round-to-nearest integral value
round (3p)           - round to the nearest integer value in a floating-point...
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a specific RRD file from memory.
rrdupdate (1)        - Store a new set of values into the RRD
RSA_check_key (3ssl) - validate private RSA keys
RSA_check_key_ex (3ssl) - validate private RSA keys
sched_rr_get_interval (2) - get the SCHED_RR interval for the named process
sched_rr_get_interval (3p) - get execution time limits (REALTIME)
SCT_get_validation_status (3ssl) - checks Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs...
SCT_LIST_validate (3ssl) - checks Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs) are valid
SCT_validate (3ssl)  - checks Signed Certificate Timestamps (SCTs) are valid
SCT_validation_status_string (3ssl) - Prints Signed Certificate Timestamps in...
security_av_perm_to_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission...
security_av_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values ...
security_check_context (3) - check the validity of a SELinux context
security_check_context_raw (3) - check the validity of a SELinux context
security_class_to_string (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission v...
security_commit_booleans (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean values
security_get_boolean_active (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean v...
security_get_boolean_names (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean va...
security_get_boolean_pending (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean ...
security_load_booleans (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean values
security_set_boolean (3) - routines for manipulating SELinux boolean values
sem_getvalue (3)     - get the value of a semaphore
sem_getvalue (3p)    - get the value of a semaphore
sepol_check_context (3) - Check the validity of a security context against a ...
set_matchpathcon_flags (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matchpath...
set_matchpathcon_invalidcon (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matc...
set_matchpathcon_printf (3) - set flags controlling the operation of matchpat...
setitimer (2)        - get or set value of an interval timer
setitimer (3p)       - set the value of an interval timer
setpriority (3p)     - set the nice value
setsebool (8)        - set SELinux boolean value
setxattr (2)         - set an extended attribute value
shells (5)           - pathnames of valid login shells
sk_TYPE_value (3ssl) - stack container
sleep (1p)           - suspend execution for an interval
sleep (3p)           - suspend execution for an interval of time
SSL_CONF_cmd_value_type (3ssl) - send configuration command
ssl_ct_validation_cb (3ssl) - control Certificate Transparency policy
SSL_CTX_get_timeout (3ssl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_CTX_set_ct_validation_callback (3ssl) - control Certificate Transparency ...
SSL_CTX_set_timeout (3ssl) - manipulate timeout values for session caching
SSL_get_client_random (3ssl) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and get/set...
SSL_get_default_timeout (3ssl) - get default session timeout value
SSL_get_server_random (3ssl) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and get/set...
SSL_SESSION_get_master_key (3ssl) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and ge...
SSL_SESSION_set1_master_key (3ssl) - get internal TLS/SSL random values and g...
SSL_set_ct_validation_callback (3ssl) - control Certificate Transparency policy
stdbool.h (0p)       - boolean type and values
strfmon (3)          - convert monetary value to a string
strfmon (3p)         - convert monetary value to a string
strfmon_l (3)        - convert monetary value to a string
strfromd (3)         - convert a floating-point value into a string
strfromf (3)         - convert a floating-point value into a string
strfroml (3)         - convert a floating-point value into a string
string_to_av_perm (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission values a...
string_to_security_class (3) - convert between SELinux class and permission v...
termios.h (0p)       - define values for termios
test (1)             - check file types and compare values
test (1p)            - evaluate expression
thin_check (8)       - validates thin provisioning metadata on a device or file
Time::HiRes (3pm)    - High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval t...
Time::Seconds (3pm)  - a simple API to convert seconds to other date values
timeradd (3)         - timeval operations
timerclear (3)       - timeval operations
timercmp (3)         - timeval operations
timerisset (3)       - timeval operations
timersub (3)         - timeval operations
true (1p)            - return true value
trunc (3p)           - round to truncated integer value
truncf (3p)          - round to truncated integer value
unset (1p)           - unset values and attributes of variables and functions
usleep (3)           - suspend execution for microsecond intervals
uuidgen (1)          - create a new UUID value
valloc (3)           - allocate aligned memory
X509_cmp (3ssl)      - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_CRL_cmp (3ssl)  - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_CRL_match (3ssl) - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_issuer_and_serial_cmp (3ssl) - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_issuer_name_cmp (3ssl) - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_NAME_cmp (3ssl) - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_subject_name_cmp (3ssl) - compare X509 certificates and related values
X509_VAL_free (3ssl) - ASN1 object utilities
X509_VAL_new (3ssl)  - ASN1 object utilities