support.(phpman.html) - phpMan

Test2::IPC (3pm)     - Turn on IPC for threading or forking support.
Socket (3pm)         - networking constants and support functions
_syscall (2)         - invoking a system call without library support (OBSOLETE)
backtrace (3)        - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols (3) - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols_fd (3) - support for application self-debugging
bigint (3pm)         - Transparent BigInteger support for Perl
bignum (3pm)         - Transparent BigNumber support for Perl
bigrat (3pm)         - Transparent BigNumber/BigRational support for Perl
CPAN::Queue (3pm)    - internal queue support for
CRYPTO_EX_dup (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_EX_free (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_EX_new (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_free_ex_data (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_free_ex_index (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_get_ex_data (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_new_ex_data (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
CRYPTO_set_ex_data (3ssl) - functions supporting application-specific data
Encode::Supported (3pm) - - Encodings supported by Encode
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_pbe_pass (3ssl) - generic KDF support functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set1_scrypt_salt (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_keygen_md (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY RSA-PSS algorithm suppor...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_keygen_mgf1_md (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY RSA-PSS algorithm s...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_rsa_pss_keygen_saltlen (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY RSA-PSS algorithm s...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_scrypt_maxmem_bytes (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support fun...
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_scrypt_N (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_scrypt_p (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support functions
EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_scrypt_r (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY scrypt KDF support functions
Hash::Util::FieldHash (3pm) - Support for Inside-Out Classes
IO::Socket::IP (3pm) - Family-neutral IP socket supporting both IPv4 and IPv6
Locale::Codes::Types (3pm) - types of data sets supported
lvmvdo (7)           - Support for Virtual Data Optimizer in LVM
Mail::SpamAssassin::Bayes (3pm) - support for learning classifiers
Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::Progress (3pm) - Progress bar support for SpamAssassin
Math::BigInt::Calc (3pm) - Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
Net::SMTP::SSL (3pm) - SSL support for Net::SMTP
OSSL_STORE_supports_search (3ssl) - Specify what object type is expected
pcap-linktype (7)    - link-layer header types supported by libpcap
perldtrace (1)       - Perl's support for DTrace
perlunicode (1)      - Unicode support in Perl
pigeonhole (7)       - Overview of the Pigeonhole project's Sieve support for...
rpc_gss_get_versions (3t) - "Get supported protocol version"
selabel_lookup_best_match (3) - obtain a best match SELinux security context ...
selabel_lookup_best_match_raw (3) - obtain a best match SELinux security cont...
selabel_partial_match (3) - determine whether a direct or partial match is po...
SSL_CTX_get_max_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum suppor...
SSL_CTX_get_min_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum suppor...
SSL_CTX_set1_client_sigalgs (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_CTX_set1_client_sigalgs_list (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_CTX_set1_curves (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_CTX_set1_groups (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_CTX_set1_groups_list (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_CTX_set1_sigalgs (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_CTX_set1_sigalgs_list (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum suppor...
SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum suppor...
SSL_extension_supported (3ssl) - custom TLS extension handling
SSL_get1_curves (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_get1_groups (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_get1_supported_ciphers (3ssl) - get list of available SSL_CIPHERs
SSL_get_max_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported ...
SSL_get_min_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported ...
SSL_get_shared_curve (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_get_shared_group (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_get_shared_sigalgs (3ssl) - get supported signature algorithms
SSL_get_sigalgs (3ssl) - get supported signature algorithms
SSL_set1_client_sigalgs (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_set1_client_sigalgs_list (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_set1_curves (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_set1_curves_list (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_set1_groups (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_set1_groups_list (3ssl) - EC supported curve functions
SSL_set1_sigalgs (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_set1_sigalgs_list (3ssl) - set supported signature algorithms
SSL_set_max_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported ...
SSL_set_min_proto_version (3ssl) - Get and set minimum and maximum supported ...
xfs (5)              - layout, mount options, and supported file attributes f...