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SULOGIN(8)                   System Administration                  SULOGIN(8)

       sulogin - Single-user login
       sulogin [options] [tty]
       sulogin is invoked by init when the system goes into single user mode.
       The user is prompted:
            Give root password for system maintenance
            (or type Control-D for normal startup):
       If  the root account is locked and --force is specified, no password is
       sulogin will be connected to the current terminal, or to  the  optional
       tty  device  that  can  be  specified  on  the  command line (typically
       After the user exits the single-user shell or presses control-D at  the
       prompt, the system will continue to boot.
       -e, --force
              If  the default method of obtaining the root password via getpw-
              nam(3) from the system fails, manually examine  /etc/passwd  and
              /etc/shadow  to get the password.  If these files are damaged or
              nonexistent, or when root account is locked by '!' or '*' at the
              begin of the password then sulogin will start a root shell with-
              out asking for a password.
              Only use the -e option if you are sure the console is physically
              protected against unauthorized access.
       -p, --login-shell
              Specifying this option causes sulogin to start the shell process
              as a login shell.
       -t, --timeout seconds
              Specify the maximum amount of time to wait for user  input.   By
              default, sulogin will wait forever.
       -h, --help
              Print a help message.
       -V, --version
              Output version.
       sulogin looks for the environment variable SUSHELL or sushell to deter-
       mine what shell to start.  If the environment variable is not  set,  it
       will  try  to  execute root's shell from /etc/passwd.  If that fails it
       will fall back to /bin/sh.
       sulogin was written by Miquel van Smoorenburg for  sysvinit  and  later
       ported to util-linux by Dave Reisner and Karel Zak.
       The  sulogin command is part of the util-linux package and is available
       from Linux Kernel  Archive  <

util-linux                         Jul 2012                         SULOGIN(8)