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SETPRIV(1)                       User Commands                      SETPRIV(1)

       setpriv - run a program with different Linux privilege settings
       setpriv [options] program [arguments]
       Sets  or  queries  various  Linux privilege settings that are inherited
       across execve(2).
       -d, --dump
              Dumps current privilege state.  Specify more than once  to  show
              extra, mostly useless, information.  Incompatible with all other
              Sets the no_new_privs bit.  With this bit  set,  execve(2)  will
              not  grant  new  privileges.  For example, the setuid and setgid
              bits as well as file capabilities will be disabled.   (Executing
              binaries  with these bits set will still work, but they will not
              gain privilege.  Certain LSMs, especially AppArmor,  may  result
              in  failures to execute certain programs.) This bit is inherited
              by child processes and cannot be unset.  See prctl(2) and  Docu-
              mentation/prctl/no_new_privs.txt in the Linux kernel source.
              The no_new_privs bit is supported since Linux 3.5.
       --inh-caps (+|-)cap,... or --bounding-set (+|-)cap,...
              Sets  inheritable  capabilities or capability bounding set.  See
              capabilities(7).  The argument is a comma-separated list of +cap
              and  -cap  entries,  which  add or remove an entry respectively.
              +all and -all can be used to add or remove all caps.  The set of
              capabilities  starts  out  as the current inheritable set for --
              inh-caps and the current bounding set  for  --bounding-set.   If
              you  drop  something from the bounding set without also dropping
              it from the inheritable set, you are likely to become  confused.
              Do not do that.
              Lists all known capabilities.  Must be specified alone.
       --ruid uid, --euid uid, --reuid uid
              Sets the real, effective, or both uids.
              Setting  uid  or  gid does not change capabilities, although the
              exec call at the end  might  change  capabilities.   This  means
              that, if you are root, you probably want to do something like:
              --reuid=1000 --regid=1000 --caps=-all
       --rgid gid, --egid gid, --regid gid
              Sets the real, effective, or both gids.
              For  safety,  you  must  specify  one of --keep-groups, --clear-
              groups, or --groups if you set any primary gid.
              Clears supplementary groups.
              Preserves supplementary groups.  Only useful in conjunction with
              --rgid, --egid, or --regid.
       --groups group,...
              Sets supplementary groups.
       --securebits (+|-)securebit,...
              Sets  or  clears  securebits.   The valid securebits are noroot,
              noroot_locked,  no_setuid_fixup,   no_setuid_fixup_locked,   and
              keep_caps_locked.   keep_caps  is  cleared  by  execve(2) and is
              therefore not allowed.
       --selinux-label label
              Requests a particular SELinux transition (using a transition  on
              exec,  not  dyntrans).   This  will fail and cause setpriv(1) to
              abort if SELinux is not  in  use,  and  the  transition  may  be
              ignored  or cause execve(2) to fail at SELinux's whim.  (In par-
              ticular, this is unlikely to work in  conjunction  with  no_new_
              privs.)  This is similar to runcon(1).
       --apparmor-profile profile
              Requests  a  particular  AppArmor profile (using a transition on
              exec).  This will fail and cause setpriv(1) to abort if AppArmor
              is  not  in  use,  and  the  transition  may be ignored or cause
              execve(2) to fail at AppArmor's whim.
       -V, --version
              Display version information and exit.
       -h, --help
              Display help and exit.
       If applying any specified option fails, program will  not  be  run  and
       setpriv will return with exit code 127.
       Be  careful  with  this  tool -- it may have unexpected security conse-
       quences.  For example, setting no_new_privs and then execing a  program
       that  is  SELinux-confined  (as  this  tool  would  do) may prevent the
       SELinux restrictions from taking effect.
       prctl(2), capability(7)
       Andy Lutomirski <luto AT>
       The setpriv command is part of the util-linux package and is  available
       from  Linux  Kernel Archive <

util-linux                       January 2013                       SETPRIV(1)