semanage(8) semanage(8)
semanage - SELinux Policy Management tool
semanage {import,export,login,user,port,interface,module,node,fcon-
... positional arguments:
import Import local customizations
export Output local customizations
login Manage login mappings between linux users and SELinux confined
user Manage SELinux confined users (Roles and levels for an SELinux
port Manage network port type definitions
interface Manage network interface type definitions
module Manage SELinux policy modules
node Manage network node type definitions
fcontext Manage file context mapping definitions
boolean Manage booleans to selectively enable functionality
permissive Manage process type enforcement mode
dontaudit Disable/Enable dontaudit rules in policy
ibpkey Manage infiniband pkey type definitions
ibendport Manage infiniband end port type definitions
semanage is used to configure certain elements of SELinux policy with-
out requiring modification to or recompilation from policy sources.
This includes the mapping from Linux usernames to SELinux user identi-
ties (which controls the initial security context assigned to Linux
users when they login and bounds their authorized role set) as well as
security context mappings for various kinds of objects, such as network
ports, interfaces, infiniband pkeys and endports, and nodes (hosts) as
well as the file context mapping. Note that the semanage login command
deals with the mapping from Linux usernames (logins) to SELinux user
identities, while the semanage user command deals with the mapping from
SELinux user identities to authorized role sets. In most cases, only
the former mapping needs to be adjusted by the administrator; the lat-
ter is principally defined by the base policy and usually does not
require modification.
-h, --help
List help information
selinux(8), semanage-boolean(8), semanage-dontaudit(8), semanage-
export(8), semanage-fcontext(8), semanage-import(8), semanage-inter-
face(8), semanage-login(8), semanage-module(8), semanage-node(8), sem-
anage-permissive(8), semanage-port(8), semanage-user(8) semanage-
ibkey(8), semanage-ibendport(8),
This man page was written by Daniel Walsh <dwalsh AT>
and Russell Coker <rcoker AT>.
Examples by Thomas Bleher <ThomasBleher AT>. usage: semanage [-h]
20100223 semanage(8)