export(8) - phpMan

Bit::Vector::String (3pm) - Generic string import/export for Bit::Vector
export (1)           - bash built-in commands, see bash(1)
export (1p)          - set the export attribute for variables
Exporter (3pm)       - Implements default import method for modules
Exporter::Heavy (3pm) - Exporter guts
get_kernel_syms (2)  - retrieve exported kernel and module symbols
git-fast-export (1)  - Git data exporter
malloc_info (3)      - export malloc state to a stream
pk12util (1)         - Export and import keys and certificate to or from a PK...
rrdxport (1)         - Export data in XML format based on data from one or se...
semanage-export (8)  - SELinux Policy Management import tool
SSL_export_keying_material (3ssl) - obtain keying material for application use
SSL_export_keying_material_early (3ssl) - obtain keying material for applicat...
Sub::Exporter (3pm)  - a sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
Sub::Exporter::Cookbook (3pm) - useful, demonstrative, or stupid Sub::Exporte...
Sub::Exporter::Tutorial (3pm) - a friendly guide to exporting with Sub::Exporter
Sub::Exporter::Util (3pm) - utilities to make Sub::Exporter easier
sysfs (5)            - a filesystem for exporting kernel objects
systemd-importd (8)  - VM and container image import and export service
systemd-importd.service (8) - VM and container image import and export service
vgexport (8)         - Unregister volume group(s) from the system
vgimport (8)         - Register exported volume group with system