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POSIX_SPAWN(3P)            POSIX Programmer's Manual           POSIX_SPAWN(3P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.
       posix_spawn, posix_spawnp - spawn a process (ADVANCED REALTIME)
       #include <spawn.h>
       int posix_spawn(pid_t *restrict pid, const char *restrict path,
              const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions,
              const posix_spawnattr_t *restrict attrp,
              char *const argv[restrict], char *const envp[restrict]);
       int posix_spawnp(pid_t *restrict pid, const char *restrict file,
              const posix_spawn_file_actions_t *file_actions,
              const posix_spawnattr_t *restrict attrp,
              char *const argv[restrict], char * const envp[restrict]);

       The posix_spawn() and  posix_spawnp()  functions  shall  create  a  new
       process  (child  process)  from  the  specified  process image. The new
       process image shall be  constructed  from  a  regular  executable  file
       called the new process image file.
       When  a  C  program is executed as the result of this call, it shall be
       entered as a C-language function call as follows:

              int main(int argc, char *argv[]);
       where argc is the argument count and argv  is  an  array  of  character
       pointers  to the arguments themselves. In addition, the following vari-

              extern char **environ;
       shall be initialized as a pointer to an array of character pointers  to
       the environment strings.
       The  argument argv is an array of character pointers to null-terminated
       strings. The last member of this array shall be a null pointer  and  is
       not  counted in argc. These strings constitute the argument list avail-
       able to the new process image. The value in argv[0] should point  to  a
       filename that is associated with the process image being started by the
       posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() function.
       The argument envp is an array of character pointers to  null-terminated
       strings.  These  strings constitute the environment for the new process
       image. The environment array is terminated by a null pointer.
       The number of bytes available for the child process' combined  argument
       and environment lists is {ARG_MAX}. The implementation shall specify in
       the  system  documentation  (see  the  Base   Definitions   volume   of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Chapter  2,  Conformance) whether any list over-
       head, such as length words, null terminators,  pointers,  or  alignment
       bytes, is included in this total.
       The  path  argument  to posix_spawn() is a pathname that identifies the
       new process image file to execute.
       The file parameter to posix_spawnp() shall be used to construct a path-
       name  that identifies the new process image file. If the file parameter
       contains a slash character, the file parameter shall  be  used  as  the
       pathname for the new process image file. Otherwise, the path prefix for
       this file shall be obtained by a search of the  directories  passed  as
       the  environment  variable  PATH  (see  the  Base Definitions volume of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 8, Environment Variables). If this  envi-
       ronment  variable  is not defined, the results of the search are imple-
       If file_actions is a null pointer, then file descriptors  open  in  the
       calling  process  shall  remain  open  in the child process, except for
       those whose close-on- exec flag FD_CLOEXEC is set  (see  fcntl()).  For
       those  file  descriptors that remain open, all attributes of the corre-
       sponding open file descriptions, including file  locks  (see  fcntl()),
       shall remain unchanged.
       If  file_actions  is  not  NULL,  then the file descriptors open in the
       child process shall be those open in the calling process as modified by
       the  spawn  file  actions  object  pointed  to  by file_actions and the
       FD_CLOEXEC flag of each remaining open file descriptor after the  spawn
       file  actions  have  been processed.  The effective order of processing
       the spawn file actions shall be:
        1. The set of open file descriptors for the child process  shall  ini-
           tially  be  the  same  set  as is open for the calling process. All
           attributes of the corresponding open file  descriptions,  including
           file locks (see fcntl()), shall remain unchanged.
        2. The signal mask, signal default actions, and the effective user and
           group IDs for the child process shall be changed  as  specified  in
           the attributes object referenced by attrp.
        3. The  file  actions specified by the spawn file actions object shall
           be performed in the order in which they were  added  to  the  spawn
           file actions object.
        4. Any file descriptor that has its FD_CLOEXEC flag set (see fcntl() )
           shall be closed.
       The posix_spawnattr_t  spawn  attributes  object  type  is  defined  in
       <spawn.h>. It shall contain at least the attributes defined below.
       If  the  POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP flag is set in the spawn-flags attribute
       of the object referenced by attrp, and the  spawn-pgroup  attribute  of
       the same object is non-zero, then the child's process group shall be as
       specified in the spawn-pgroup attribute of  the  object  referenced  by
       As  a  special  case,  if  the POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP flag is set in the
       spawn-flags attribute of the object referenced by attrp, and the spawn-
       pgroup  attribute  of  the  same  object is set to zero, then the child
       shall be in a new process group with a process group ID  equal  to  its
       process ID.
       If  the  POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP  flag  is  not  set  in  the spawn-flags
       attribute of the object referenced by  attrp,  the  new  child  process
       shall inherit the parent's process group.
       If  the  POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDPARAM  flag  is  set  in  the  spawn-flags
       attribute of the object referenced by attrp, but  POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHED-
       ULER  is not set, the new process image shall initially have the sched-
       uling policy of the calling  process  with  the  scheduling  parameters
       specified in the spawn-schedparam attribute of the object referenced by
       If  the  POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDULER  flag  is  set  in  the   spawn-flags
       attribute  of the object referenced by attrp (regardless of the setting
       of the POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDPARAM flag), the  new  process  image  shall
       initially have the scheduling policy specified in the spawn-schedpolicy
       attribute of the object referenced by attrp and the scheduling  parame-
       ters specified in the spawn-schedparam attribute of the same object.
       The  POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS  flag  in  the  spawn-flags  attribute of the
       object referenced by attrp governs the effective user ID of  the  child
       process.  If  this flag is not set, the child process shall inherit the
       parent process' effective user ID. If  this  flag  is  set,  the  child
       process' effective user ID shall be reset to the parent's real user ID.
       In either case, if the set-user-ID mode bit of the  new  process  image
       file  is  set,  the effective user ID of the child process shall become
       that file's owner ID before the new process image begins execution.
       The POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS flag  in  the  spawn-flags  attribute  of  the
       object  referenced  by attrp also governs the effective group ID of the
       child process. If this flag is not set, the child process shall inherit
       the  parent process' effective group ID. If this flag is set, the child
       process' effective group ID shall be reset to the parent's  real  group
       ID.  In  either  case,  if the set-group-ID mode bit of the new process
       image file is set, the effective group ID of the  child  process  shall
       become  that file's group ID before the new process image begins execu-
       If the POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK flag is set in the spawn-flags  attribute
       of  the  object  referenced by attrp, the child process shall initially
       have the signal mask specified in the spawn-sigmask  attribute  of  the
       object referenced by attrp.
       If  the  POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF flag is set in the spawn-flags attribute
       of the object referenced by attrp, the signals specified in the  spawn-
       sigdefault  attribute  of the same object shall be set to their default
       actions in the child process. Signals set to the default action in  the
       parent process shall be set to the default action in the child process.
       Signals  set  to  be  caught by the calling process shall be set to the
       default action in the child process.
       Except for SIGCHLD, signals set to be ignored by  the  calling  process
       image shall be set to be ignored by the child process, unless otherwise
       specified by the POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF flag being  set  in  the  spawn-
       flags attribute of the object referenced by attrp and the signals being
       indicated in the spawn-sigdefault attribute of the object referenced by
       If  the  SIGCHLD signal is set to be ignored by the calling process, it
       is unspecified whether the SIGCHLD signal is set to be  ignored  or  to
       the  default action in the child process, unless otherwise specified by
       the POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGDEF flag being set in the  spawn_flags  attribute
       of  the  object  referenced by attrp and the SIGCHLD signal being indi-
       cated in the spawn_sigdefault attribute of  the  object  referenced  by
       If  the value of the attrp pointer is NULL, then the default values are
       All process attributes, other than those influenced by  the  attributes
       set in the object referenced by attrp as specified above or by the file
       descriptor manipulations specified in file_actions, shall appear in the
       new  process  image  as though fork() had been called to create a child
       process and then a member of the exec  family  of  functions  had  been
       called by the child process to execute the new process image.
       It  is  implementation-defined  whether  the fork handlers are run when
       posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() is called.
       Upon successful  completion,  posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp()  shall
       return  the  process  ID of the child process to the parent process, in
       the variable pointed to by a non-NULL pid argument,  and  shall  return
       zero as the function return value. Otherwise, no child process shall be
       created, the value stored into the variable pointed to  by  a  non-NULL
       pid  is unspecified, and an error number shall be returned as the func-
       tion return value to indicate the error. If the pid argument is a  null
       pointer, the process ID of the child is not returned to the caller.
       The posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() functions may fail if:
       EINVAL The value specified by file_actions or attrp is invalid.

       If  this  error  occurs  after the calling process successfully returns
       from the posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() function,  the  child  process
       may exit with exit status 127.
       If  posix_spawn()  or  posix_spawnp()  fail for any of the reasons that
       would cause fork() or one of the exec family of functions to  fail,  an
       error  value shall be returned as described by fork() and exec, respec-
       tively (or, if the error occurs after the calling process  successfully
       returns, the child process shall exit with exit status 127).
       If  POSIX_SPAWN_SETPGROUP  is  set  in the spawn-flags attribute of the
       object referenced by attrp, and posix_spawn() or  posix_spawnp()  fails
       while  changing  the  child's  process  group,  an error value shall be
       returned as described by setpgid() (or, if the error occurs  after  the
       calling process successfully returns, the child process shall exit with
       exit status 127).
       set  in  the  spawn-flags  attribute of the object referenced by attrp,
       then if posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() fails for any  of  the  reasons
       that  would  cause  sched_setparam()  to  fail, an error value shall be
       returned as described by sched_setparam()  (or,  if  the  error  occurs
       after the calling process successfully returns, the child process shall
       exit with exit status 127).
       If POSIX_SPAWN_SETSCHEDULER is set in the spawn-flags attribute of  the
       object  referenced  by  attrp,  and  if posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp()
       fails for any of the reasons that would cause  sched_setscheduler()  to
       fail,  an error value shall be returned as described by sched_setsched-
       uler() (or, if the error occurs after the calling process  successfully
       returns, the child process shall exit with exit status 127).
       If  the  file_actions  argument  is  not NULL, and specifies any close,
       dup2, or  open  actions  to  be  performed,  and  if  posix_spawn()  or
       posix_spawnp()  fails  for any of the reasons that would cause close(),
       dup2(), or open()  to  fail,  an  error  value  shall  be  returned  as
       described  by  close(),  dup2(),  and  open(), respectively (or, if the
       error occurs after the calling process successfully returns, the  child
       process  shall  exit with exit status 127). An open file action may, by
       itself, result in any of the errors described by close() or dup2(),  in
       addition to those described by open().
       The following sections are informative.
       These  functions  are part of the Spawn option and need not be provided
       on all implementations.
       The posix_spawn() function and its close relation  posix_spawnp()  have
       been  introduced  to overcome the following perceived difficulties with
       fork(): the fork() function is difficult  or  impossible  to  implement
       without swapping or dynamic address translation.
        * Swapping is generally too slow for a realtime environment.
        * Dynamic  address  translation is not available everywhere that POSIX
          might be useful.
        * Processes are too useful to simply option out of POSIX  whenever  it
          must run without address translation or other MMU services.
       Thus,  POSIX  needs process creation and file execution primitives that
       can be efficiently implemented without address translation or other MMU
       The  posix_spawn()  function is implementable as a library routine, but
       both posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() are  designed  as  kernel  opera-
       tions.  Also,  although  they  may be an efficient replacement for many
       fork()/ exec pairs, their goal is to provide  useful  process  creation
       primitives for systems that have difficulty with fork(), not to provide
       drop-in replacements for fork()/ exec.
       This view of the role of posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp()  influenced
       the  design of their API. It does not attempt to provide the full func-
       tionality of fork()/ exec in which arbitrary user-specified  operations
       of any sort are permitted between the creation of the child process and
       the execution of the new process image; any attempt to reach that level
       would  need  to  provide a programming language as parameters. Instead,
       posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() are process creation  primitives  like
       the  Start_Process and Start_Process_Search Ada language bindings pack-
       age POSIX_Process_Primitives and also like those in many operating sys-
       tems that are not UNIX systems, but with some POSIX-specific additions.
       To  achieve  its  coverage goals, posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() have
       control of six types of inheritance: file  descriptors,  process  group
       ID, user and group ID, signal mask, scheduling, and whether each signal
       ignored in the parent will remain ignored in the child, or be reset  to
       its default action in the child.
       Control of file descriptors is required to allow an independently writ-
       ten child process image to access data streams opened by and even  gen-
       erated  or  read by the parent process without being specifically coded
       to know which parent files and file descriptors are to be used. Control
       of  the  process group ID is required to control how the child process'
       job control relates to that of the parent.
       Control of the signal mask and signal defaulting is sufficient to  sup-
       port  the  implementation of system(). Although support for system() is
       not explicitly one of the goals for posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp(),
       it is covered under the "at least 50%" coverage goal.
       The  intention  is  that  the normal file descriptor inheritance across
       fork(), the subsequent effect of the specified spawn file actions,  and
       the normal file descriptor inheritance across one of the exec family of
       functions should fully specify open file inheritance.  The  implementa-
       tion  need make no decisions regarding the set of open file descriptors
       when the child process image begins execution, those  decisions  having
       already  been  made by the caller and expressed as the set of open file
       descriptors and their FD_CLOEXEC flags at the time of the call and  the
       spawn  file  actions object specified in the call. We have been assured
       that in cases where the POSIX Start_Process Ada  primitives  have  been
       implemented  in  a  library, this method of controlling file descriptor
       inheritance may be implemented very easily.
       We can identify several problems with posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp(),
       but  there does not appear to be a solution that introduces fewer prob-
       lems. Environment modification for child process attributes not  speci-
       fiable via the attrp or file_actions arguments must be done in the par-
       ent process, and since the parent generally wants to save its  context,
       it  is more costly than similar functionality with fork()/ exec.  It is
       also complicated to modify the environment of a multi-threaded  process
       temporarily, since all threads must agree when it is safe for the envi-
       ronment to be changed. However, this cost is only borne by those  invo-
       cations  of  posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp() that use the additional
       functionality. Since extensive modifications are not  the  usual  case,
       and  are  particularly  unlikely in time-critical code, keeping much of
       the environment control out  of  posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp()  is
       appropriate design.
       The  posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp()  functions  do not have all the
       power of fork()/ exec. This is to be expected.  The fork() function  is
       a  wonderfully  powerful  operation.  We do not expect to duplicate its
       functionality in a simple,  fast  function  with  no  special  hardware
       requirements.  It is worth noting that posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp()
       are very similar to the process creation operations on  many  operating
       systems that are not UNIX systems.
       The requirements for posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() are:
        * They must be implementable without an MMU or unusual hardware.
        * They must be compatible with existing POSIX standards.
       Additional goals are:
        * They should be efficiently implementable.
        * They should be able to replace at least 50% of typical executions of
        * A system with posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp()  and  without  fork()
          should be useful, at least for realtime applications.
        * A system with fork() and the exec family should be able to implement
          posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() as library routines.
       POSIX exec has several calling sequences with  approximately  the  same
       functionality.   These  appear  to  be  required for compatibility with
       existing practice.  Since the existing practice for the  posix_spawn*()
       functions  is  otherwise  substantially unlike POSIX, we feel that sim-
       plicity outweighs compatibility. There are, therefore, only  two  names
       for the posix_spawn*() functions.
       The   parameter   list   does  not  differ  between  posix_spawn()  and
       posix_spawnp(); posix_spawnp() interprets  the  second  parameter  more
       elaborately than posix_spawn().
   Compatibility with POSIX.5 (Ada)
       The   Start_Process   and   Start_Process_Search  procedures  from  the
       POSIX_Process_Primitives package  from  the  Ada  language  binding  to
       POSIX.1  encapsulate  fork() and exec functionality in a manner similar
       to that of posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp().   Originally,  in  keeping
       with our simplicity goal, the standard developers had limited the capa-
       bilities of posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() to a subset of  the  capa-
       bilities of Start_Process and Start_Process_Search; certain non-default
       capabilities were not supported. However, based on suggestions  by  the
       ballot  group to improve file descriptor mapping or drop it, and on the
       advice of an Ada Language Bindings working group member,  the  standard
       developers decided that posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() should be suf-
       ficiently powerful to implement Start_Process and Start_Process_Search.
       The  rationale  is that if the Ada language binding to such a primitive
       had already been approved as an IEEE standard, there can be little jus-
       tification  for  not approving the functionally-equivalent parts of a C
       binding. The only three  capabilities  provided  by  posix_spawn()  and
       posix_spawnp()   that   are   not   provided   by   Start_Process   and
       Start_Process_Search are  optionally  specifying  the  child's  process
       group  ID, the set of signals to be reset to default signal handling in
       the child process, and the child's scheduling policy and parameters.
       For the Ada language binding for Start_Process to be  implemented  with
       posix_spawn(), that binding would need to explicitly pass an empty sig-
       nal mask and the parent's environment  to  posix_spawn()  whenever  the
       caller  of  Start_Process  allowed  these  arguments  to default, since
       posix_spawn()  does  not  provide  such  defaults.   The   ability   of
       Start_Process  to  mask  user-specified signals during its execution is
       functionally unique to the Ada language binding and must be dealt  with
       in the binding separately from the call to posix_spawn().
   Process Group
       The  process  group  inheritance  field  can  be used to join the child
       process with an existing process group. By assigning a value of zero to
       the  spawn-pgroup  attribute  of  the  object  referenced by attrp, the
       setpgid() mechanism will place the  child  process  in  a  new  process
       Without the posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() functions, systems without
       address translation can still use threads to  give  an  abstraction  of
       concurrency.  In  many  cases,  thread creation suffices, but it is not
       always a good substitute. The posix_spawn()  and  posix_spawnp()  func-
       tions  are  considerably "heavier" than thread creation. Processes have
       several important attributes that threads do not. Even without  address
       translation, a process may have base-and-bound memory protection.  Each
       process has a process environment  including  security  attributes  and
       file  capabilities,  and  powerful  scheduling  attributes.   Processes
       abstract the behavior of non-uniform-memory-architecture  multi-proces-
       sors  better  than  threads,  and  they  are more convenient to use for
       activities that are not closely linked.
       The posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() functions may  not  bring  support
       for  multiple processes to every configuration. Process creation is not
       the only piece of operating system support required to support multiple
       processes.  The  total  cost  of  support for multiple processes may be
       quite high in some circumstances.  Existing practice shows that support
       for  multiple  processes is uncommon and threads are common among "tiny
       kernels".  There should, therefore, probably continue to  be  AEPs  for
       operating systems with only one process.
   Asynchronous Error Notification
       A  library implementation of posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() may not be
       able to detect all possible errors before it forks the  child  process.
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001  provides  for an error indication returned from a
       child process which could not successfully complete the spawn operation
       via  a special exit status which may be detected using the status value
       returned by wait() and waitpid().
       The stat_val interface and the macros used to interpret it are not well
       suited  to  the  purpose of returning API errors, but they are the only
       path available to a library implementation.   Thus,  an  implementation
       may  cause the child process to exit with exit status 127 for any error
       detected  during  the  spawn  process  after   the   posix_spawn()   or
       posix_spawnp() function has successfully returned.
       The  standard  developers  had  proposed using two additional macros to
       interpret stat_val. The first, WIFSPAWNFAIL, would have detected a sta-
       tus  that  indicated that the child exited because of an error detected
       during the posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() operations rather than  dur-
       ing  actual  execution  of the child process image; the second, WSPAWN-
       ERRNO, would have extracted the error value if WIFSPAWNFAIL indicated a
       failure.  Unfortunately, the ballot group strongly opposed this because
       it  would  make  a   library   implementation   of   posix_spawn()   or
       posix_spawnp()  dependent  on  kernel  modifications to waitpid() to be
       able to embed special information in stat_val to indicate a spawn fail-
       The  8  bits  of  child  process  exit  status  that  are guaranteed by
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 to be accessible to the waiting parent process are
       insufficient to disambiguate a spawn error from any other kind of error
       that may be returned by an arbitrary process image. No  other  bits  of
       the exit status are required to be visible in stat_val, so these macros
       could not be strictly implemented at the library  level.  Reserving  an
       exit  status of 127 for such spawn errors is consistent with the use of
       this value by system() and popen() to signal failures in  these  opera-
       tions  that occur after the function has returned but before a shell is
       able to execute. The exit status of 127 does not uniquely identify this
       class  of  error,  nor  does it provide any detailed information on the
       nature  of  the  failure.  Note  that  a   kernel   implementation   of
       posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() is permitted (and encouraged) to return
       any possible error as the function value, thus providing more  detailed
       failure information to the parent process.
       Thus,   no   special  macros  are  available  to  isolate  asynchronous
       posix_spawn() or posix_spawnp() errors. Instead, errors detected by the
       posix_spawn()  or posix_spawnp() operations in the context of the child
       process before the new process image executes are reported  by  setting
       the  child's exit status to 127. The calling process may use the WIFEX-
       ITED and WEXITSTATUS macros on the stat_val stored  by  the  wait()  or
       waitpid()  functions  to detect spawn failures to the extent that other
       status values with which the child process image may exit  (before  the
       parent  can  conclusively  determine  that  the child process image has
       begun execution) are distinct from exit status 127.
       alarm(), chmod(), close(),  dup(),  exec(),  exit(),  fcntl(),  fork(),
       kill(),           open(),          posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(),
       posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(), posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen(),
       posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy(),          posix_spawnattr_destroy(),
       posix_spawnattr_init(),  posix_spawnattr_getsigdefault(),   posix_spaw-
       nattr_getflags(),        posix_spawnattr_getpgroup(),       posix_spaw-
       nattr_getschedparam(),  posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicy(),   posix_spaw-
       nattr_getsigmask(),     posix_spawnattr_setsigdefault(),    posix_spaw-
       nattr_setflags(),       posix_spawnattr_setpgroup(),        posix_spaw-
       nattr_setschedparam(),   posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicy(),  posix_spaw-
       nattr_setsigmask(), sched_setparam(), sched_setscheduler(),  setpgid(),
       setuid(),  stat(),  times(),  wait(),  the  Base  Definitions volume of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, <spawn.h>
       Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in  electronic  form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX),  The  Open  Group  Base
       Specifications  Issue  6,  Copyright  (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of
       Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open  Group.  In  the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group  Standard
       is  the  referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online
       at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                      POSIX_SPAWN(3P)