nl(category35-downloads.html) - phpMan

NL(1)                            User Commands                           NL(1)

       nl - number lines of files
       nl [OPTION]... [FILE]...
       Write  each  FILE to standard output, with line numbers added.  With no
       FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
       Mandatory arguments to long options are  mandatory  for  short  options
       -b, --body-numbering=STYLE
              use STYLE for numbering body lines
       -d, --section-delimiter=CC
              use CC for separating logical pages
       -f, --footer-numbering=STYLE
              use STYLE for numbering footer lines
       -h, --header-numbering=STYLE
              use STYLE for numbering header lines
       -i, --line-increment=NUMBER
              line number increment at each line
       -l, --join-blank-lines=NUMBER
              group of NUMBER empty lines counted as one
       -n, --number-format=FORMAT
              insert line numbers according to FORMAT
       -p, --no-renumber
              do not reset line numbers at logical pages
       -s, --number-separator=STRING
              add STRING after (possible) line number
       -v, --starting-line-number=NUMBER
              first line number on each logical page
       -w, --number-width=NUMBER
              use NUMBER columns for line numbers
       --help display this help and exit
              output version information and exit
       By default, selects -v1 -i1 -l1 -sTAB -w6 -nrn -hn -bt -fn.  CC are two
       delimiter characters for separating logical  pages,  a  missing  second
       character implies :.  Type \\ for \.  STYLE is one of:
       a      number all lines
       t      number only nonempty lines
       n      number no lines
       pBRE   number  only  lines  that  contain a match for the basic regular
              expression, BRE
       FORMAT is one of:
       ln     left justified, no leading zeros
       rn     right justified, no leading zeros
       rz     right justified, leading zeros
       GNU  coreutils  online  help:  <>;
       Report nl translation bugs to <>;
       Written by Scott Bartram and David MacKenzie.
       Copyright  (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  License GPLv3+: GNU
       GPL version 3 or later <>;.
       This is free software: you are free  to  change  and  redistribute  it.
       There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
       The  full  documentation  for nl is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If
       the info and nl programs are properly installed at your site, the  com-
              info coreutils 'nl invocation'
       should give you access to the complete manual.

GNU coreutils 8.22               November 2020                           NL(1)