netreport(sitemap-A_de.html) - phpMan

NETREPORT(1)                General Commands Manual               NETREPORT(1)

       netreport - request notification of network interface changes
       netreport [-r]
       netreport  tells  the network management scripts to send a SIGIO signal
       to the process which called netreport when any network interface status
       changes occur.
       -r     Remove the current request (if any) for the calling process.
       If  a  program  does  not  call  netreport with the -r option before it
       exits, and another process is created with  the  same  PID  before  any
       changes  take  place  in  interface status, it is possible that the new
       process will receive a spurious SIGIO.

RH                               Red Hat, Inc.                    NETREPORT(1)