load(category12-datenbank-server.html) - phpMan

CPAN (3pm)           - query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
Fcntl (3pm)          - load the C Fcntl.h defines
audit.rules (7)      - a set of rules loaded in the kernel audit system
AutoLoader (3pm)     - load subroutines only on demand
AutoSplit (3pm)      - split a package for autoloading
autouse (3pm)        - postpone load of modules until a function is used
Bit::Vector::Overload (3pm) - Overloaded operators add-on for Bit::Vector
create_module (2)    - create a loadable module entry
Date::Calc::Object (3pm) - Object-oriented add-on for Date::Calc with overloa...
db_load (1)          - Read and load data from standard input
delete_module (2)    - unload a kernel module
Devel::SelfStubber (3pm) - generate stubs for a SelfLoading module
dladdr (3)           - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlclose (3)          - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlerror (3)          - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlopen (3)           - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlsym (3)            - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
dlvsym (3)           - programming interface to dynamic linking loader
doveadm-reload (1)   - Dovecot's administration utility
DynaLoader (3pm)     - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
ExtUtils::Mkbootstrap (3pm) - make a bootstrap file for use by DynaLoader
finit_module (2)     - load a kernel module
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders (1) - GdkPixbuf loader registration utility
getloadavg (3)       - get system load averages
git-fetch (1)        - Download objects and refs from another repository
git-http-fetch (1)   - Download from a remote Git repository via HTTP
git-upload-archive (1) - Send archive back to git-archive
git-upload-pack (1)  - Send objects packed back to git-fetch-pack
grub2-setpassword (8) - Generate the user.cfg file containing the hashed grub...
grubby (8)           - command line tool used to configure bootloader menu en...
init_module (2)      - load a kernel module
initrd (4)           - boot loader initialized RAM disk
IO (3pm)             - load various IO modules
IO::Socket::SSL::Utils (3pm) - - loading, storing, creating certificates and ...
kexec_load (2)       - load a new kernel for later execution
keymaps (5)          - keyboard table descriptions for loadkeys and dumpkeys
ld-linux (8)         - dynamic linker/loader
ld-linux.so (8)      - dynamic linker/loader
ld.so (8)            - dynamic linker/loader
ldexp (3p)           - load exponent of a floating-point number
ldexpf (3p)          - load exponent of a floating-point number
ldexpl (3p)          - load exponent of a floating-point number
load_policy (8)      - load a new SELinux policy into the kernel
loadkeys (1)         - load keyboard translation tables
loadunimap (8)       - load the kernel unicode-to-font mapping table
Locale::Maketext::Guts (3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf...
Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader (3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Makete...
lwp-download (1)     - Fetch large files from the web
Mail::DKIM::PrivateKey (3pm) - a private key loaded in memory for DKIM signing
Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::LDAP (3pm) - load SpamAssassin scores from LDAP dat...
Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::SQL (3pm) - load SpamAssassin scores from SQL database
mapscrn (8)          - load screen output mapping table
Module::Load (3pm)   - runtime require of both modules and files
Module::Load::Conditional (3pm) - Looking up module information / loading at ...
modules-load.d (5)   - Configure kernel modules to load at boot
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql (1) - load the time zone tables
mysqlslap (1)        - load emulation client
overload (3pm)       - Package for overloading Perl operations
overloading (3pm)    - perl pragma to lexically control overloading
PerlIO (3pm)         - On demand loader for PerlIO layers and root of PerlIO:...
pluginviewer (8)     - list loadable SASL plugins and their properties
repotrack (1)        - track a package and its dependencies and download them
scalb (3p)           - load exponent of a radix-independent floating-point nu...
SelfLoader (3pm)     - load functions only on demand
setfont (8)          - load EGA/VGA console screen font
setkeycodes (8)      - load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries
sysctl.conf (5)      - sysctl preload/configuration file
systemd-backlight (8) - Load and save the display backlight brightness at boo...
systemd-backlight@.service (8) - Load and save the display backlight brightne...
systemd-journal-upload (8) - Send journal messages over the network
systemd-modules-load (8) - Load kernel modules at boot
systemd-modules-load.service (8) - Load kernel modules at boot
systemd-random-seed (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boot and sh...
systemd-random-seed.service (8) - Load and save the system random seed at boo...
systemd-rfkill (8)   - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot and shu...
systemd-rfkill@.service (8) - Load and save the RF kill switch state at boot ...
tc-mqprio (8)        - Multiqueue Priority Qdisc (Offloaded Hardware QOS)
tload (1)            - graphic representation of system load average
uselib (2)           - load shared library
wget (1)             - The non-interactive network downloader.
XSLoader (3pm)       - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
YAML::Loader (3pm)   - YAML class for loading Perl objects to YAML
YAML::Loader::Base (3pm) - Base class for YAML Loader classes
yumdownloader (1)    - download RPM packages from Yum repositories