git-rev-list(sitemap-A_de.html) - phpMan

GIT-REV-LIST(1)                   Git Manual                   GIT-REV-LIST(1)

       git-rev-list - Lists commit objects in reverse chronological order
       git rev-list [ --max-count=<number> ]
                    [ --skip=<number> ]
                    [ --max-age=<timestamp> ]
                    [ --min-age=<timestamp> ]
                    [ --sparse ]
                    [ --merges ]
                    [ --no-merges ]
                    [ --min-parents=<number> ]
                    [ --no-min-parents ]
                    [ --max-parents=<number> ]
                    [ --no-max-parents ]
                    [ --first-parent ]
                    [ --remove-empty ]
                    [ --full-history ]
                    [ --not ]
                    [ --all ]
                    [ --branches[=<pattern>] ]
                    [ --tags[=<pattern>] ]
                    [ --remotes[=<pattern>] ]
                    [ --glob=<glob-pattern> ]
                    [ --ignore-missing ]
                    [ --stdin ]
                    [ --quiet ]
                    [ --topo-order ]
                    [ --parents ]
                    [ --timestamp ]
                    [ --left-right ]
                    [ --left-only ]
                    [ --right-only ]
                    [ --cherry-mark ]
                    [ --cherry-pick ]
                    [ --encoding[=<encoding>] ]
                    [ --(author|committer|grep)=<pattern> ]
                    [ --regexp-ignore-case | -i ]
                    [ --extended-regexp | -E ]
                    [ --fixed-strings | -F ]
                    [ --date=(local|relative|default|iso|rfc|short) ]
                    [ [--objects | --objects-edge] [ --unpacked ] ]
                    [ --pretty | --header ]
                    [ --bisect ]
                    [ --bisect-vars ]
                    [ --bisect-all ]
                    [ --merge ]
                    [ --reverse ]
                    [ --walk-reflogs ]
                    [ --no-walk ] [ --do-walk ]
                    <commit>... [ -- <paths>... ]

       List commits that are reachable by following the parent links from the
       given commit(s), but exclude commits that are reachable from the one(s)
       given with a ^ in front of them. The output is given in reverse
       chronological order by default.
       You can think of this as a set operation. Commits given on the command
       line form a set of commits that are reachable from any of them, and
       then commits reachable from any of the ones given with ^ in front are
       subtracted from that set. The remaining commits are what comes out in
       the command's output. Various other options and paths parameters can be
       used to further limit the result.
       Thus, the following command:
                   $ git rev-list foo bar ^baz

       means "list all the commits which are reachable from foo or bar, but
       not from baz".
       A special notation "<commit1>..<commit2>" can be used as a short-hand
       for "^'<commit1>' <commit2>". For example, either of the following may
       be used interchangeably:
                   $ git rev-list origin..HEAD
                   $ git rev-list HEAD ^origin

       Another special notation is "<commit1>...<commit2>" which is useful for
       merges. The resulting set of commits is the symmetric difference
       between the two operands. The following two commands are equivalent:
                   $ git rev-list A B --not $(git merge-base --all A B)
                   $ git rev-list A...B

       rev-list is a very essential Git command, since it provides the ability
       to build and traverse commit ancestry graphs. For this reason, it has a
       lot of different options that enables it to be used by commands as
       different as git bisect and git repack.
   Commit Limiting
       Besides specifying a range of commits that should be listed using the
       special notations explained in the description, additional commit
       limiting may be applied.
       Using more options generally further limits the output (e.g.
       --since=<date1> limits to commits newer than <date1>, and using it with
       --grep=<pattern> further limits to commits whose log message has a line
       that matches <pattern>), unless otherwise noted.
       Note that these are applied before commit ordering and formatting
       options, such as --reverse.
       -<number>, -n <number>, --max-count=<number>
           Limit the number of commits to output.
           Skip number commits before starting to show the commit output.
       --since=<date>, --after=<date>
           Show commits more recent than a specific date.
       --until=<date>, --before=<date>
           Show commits older than a specific date.
       --max-age=<timestamp>, --min-age=<timestamp>
           Limit the commits output to specified time range.
       --author=<pattern>, --committer=<pattern>
           Limit the commits output to ones with author/committer header lines
           that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more
           than one --author=<pattern>, commits whose author matches any of
           the given patterns are chosen (similarly for multiple
           Limit the commits output to ones with reflog entries that match the
           specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one
           --grep-reflog, commits whose reflog message matches any of the
           given patterns are chosen. It is an error to use this option unless
           --walk-reflogs is in use.
           Limit the commits output to ones with log message that matches the
           specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one
           --grep=<pattern>, commits whose message matches any of the given
           patterns are chosen (but see --all-match).
           When --show-notes is in effect, the message from the notes as if it
           is part of the log message.
           Limit the commits output to ones that match all given --grep,
           instead of ones that match at least one.
       -i, --regexp-ignore-case
           Match the regexp limiting patterns without regard to letters case.
           Consider the limiting patterns to be basic regular expressions;
           this is the default.
       -E, --extended-regexp
           Consider the limiting patterns to be extended regular expressions
           instead of the default basic regular expressions.
       -F, --fixed-strings
           Consider the limiting patterns to be fixed strings (don't interpret
           pattern as a regular expression).
           Consider the limiting patterns to be Perl-compatible regexp.
           Requires libpcre to be compiled in.
           Stop when a given path disappears from the tree.
           Print only merge commits. This is exactly the same as
           Do not print commits with more than one parent. This is exactly the
           same as --max-parents=1.
       --min-parents=<number>, --max-parents=<number>, --no-min-parents,
           Show only commits which have at least (or at most) that many
           commits. In particular, --max-parents=1 is the same as --no-merges,
           --min-parents=2 is the same as --merges.  --max-parents=0 gives all
           root commits and --min-parents=3 all octopus merges.
           --no-min-parents and --no-max-parents reset these limits (to no
           limit) again. Equivalent forms are --min-parents=0 (any commit has
           0 or more parents) and --max-parents=-1 (negative numbers denote no
           upper limit).
           Follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit.
           This option can give a better overview when viewing the evolution
           of a particular topic branch, because merges into a topic branch
           tend to be only about adjusting to updated upstream from time to
           time, and this option allows you to ignore the individual commits
           brought in to your history by such a merge.
           Reverses the meaning of the ^ prefix (or lack thereof) for all
           following revision specifiers, up to the next --not.
           Pretend as if all the refs in refs/ are listed on the command line
           as <commit>.
           Pretend as if all the refs in refs/heads are listed on the command
           line as <commit>. If <pattern> is given, limit branches to ones
           matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the
           end is implied.
           Pretend as if all the refs in refs/tags are listed on the command
           line as <commit>. If <pattern> is given, limit tags to ones
           matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the
           end is implied.
           Pretend as if all the refs in refs/remotes are listed on the
           command line as <commit>. If <pattern> is given, limit
           remote-tracking branches to ones matching given shell glob. If
           pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /* at the end is implied.
           Pretend as if all the refs matching shell glob <glob-pattern> are
           listed on the command line as <commit>. Leading refs/, is
           automatically prepended if missing. If pattern lacks ?, *, or [, /*
           at the end is implied.
           Upon seeing an invalid object name in the input, pretend as if the
           bad input was not given.
           In addition to the <commit> listed on the command line, read them
           from the standard input. If a -- separator is seen, stop reading
           commits and start reading paths to limit the result.
           Don't print anything to standard output. This form is primarily
           meant to allow the caller to test the exit status to see if a range
           of objects is fully connected (or not). It is faster than
           redirecting stdout to /dev/null as the output does not have to be
           Like --cherry-pick (see below) but mark equivalent commits with =
           rather than omitting them, and inequivalent ones with +.
           Omit any commit that introduces the same change as another commit
           on the "other side" when the set of commits are limited with
           symmetric difference.
           For example, if you have two branches, A and B, a usual way to list
           all commits on only one side of them is with --left-right (see the
           example below in the description of the --left-right option). It
           however shows the commits that were cherry-picked from the other
           branch (for example, "3rd on b" may be cherry-picked from branch
           A). With this option, such pairs of commits are excluded from the
       --left-only, --right-only
           List only commits on the respective side of a symmetric range, i.e.
           only those which would be marked < resp.  > by --left-right.
           For example, --cherry-pick --right-only A...B omits those commits
           from B which are in A or are patch-equivalent to a commit in A. In
           other words, this lists the + commits from git cherry A B. More
           precisely, --cherry-pick --right-only --no-merges gives the exact
           A synonym for --right-only --cherry-mark --no-merges; useful to
           limit the output to the commits on our side and mark those that
           have been applied to the other side of a forked history with git
           log --cherry upstream...mybranch, similar to git cherry upstream
       -g, --walk-reflogs
           Instead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk reflog entries
           from the most recent one to older ones. When this option is used
           you cannot specify commits to exclude (that is, ^commit,
           commit1..commit2, nor commit1...commit2 notations cannot be used).
           With --pretty format other than oneline (for obvious reasons), this
           causes the output to have two extra lines of information taken from
           the reflog. By default, commit@{Nth} notation is used in the
           output. When the starting commit is specified as commit@{now},
           output also uses commit@{timestamp} notation instead. Under
           --pretty=oneline, the commit message is prefixed with this
           information on the same line. This option cannot be combined with
           --reverse. See also git-reflog(1).
           After a failed merge, show refs that touch files having a conflict
           and don't exist on all heads to merge.
           Output uninteresting commits at the boundary, which are usually not
   History Simplification
       Sometimes you are only interested in parts of the history, for example
       the commits modifying a particular <path>. But there are two parts of
       History Simplification, one part is selecting the commits and the other
       is how to do it, as there are various strategies to simplify the
       The following options select the commits to be shown:
           Commits modifying the given <paths> are selected.
           Commits that are referred by some branch or tag are selected.
       Note that extra commits can be shown to give a meaningful history.
       The following options affect the way the simplification is performed:
       Default mode
           Simplifies the history to the simplest history explaining the final
           state of the tree. Simplest because it prunes some side branches if
           the end result is the same (i.e. merging branches with the same
           Same as the default mode, but does not prune some history.
           Only the selected commits are shown, plus some to have a meaningful
           All commits in the simplified history are shown.
           Additional option to --full-history to remove some needless merges
           from the resulting history, as there are no selected commits
           contributing to this merge.
           When given a range of commits to display (e.g.  commit1..commit2 or
           commit2 ^commit1), only display commits that exist directly on the
           ancestry chain between the commit1 and commit2, i.e. commits that
           are both descendants of commit1, and ancestors of commit2.
       A more detailed explanation follows.
       Suppose you specified foo as the <paths>. We shall call commits that
       modify foo !TREESAME, and the rest TREESAME. (In a diff filtered for
       foo, they look different and equal, respectively.)
       In the following, we will always refer to the same example history to
       illustrate the differences between simplification settings. We assume
       that you are filtering for a file foo in this commit graph:
                    /     /   /   /   /
                   I     B   C   D   E
                    \   /   /   /   /

       The horizontal line of history A---P is taken to be the first parent of
       each merge. The commits are:
       o   I is the initial commit, in which foo exists with contents "asdf",
           and a file quux exists with contents "quux". Initial commits are
           compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME.
       o   In A, foo contains just "foo".
       o   B contains the same change as A. Its merge M is trivial and hence
           TREESAME to all parents.
       o   C does not change foo, but its merge N changes it to "foobar", so
           it is not TREESAME to any parent.
       o   D sets foo to "baz". Its merge O combines the strings from N and D
           to "foobarbaz"; i.e., it is not TREESAME to any parent.
       o   E changes quux to "xyzzy", and its merge P combines the strings to
           "quux xyzzy". Despite appearing interesting, P is TREESAME to all
       rev-list walks backwards through history, including or excluding
       commits based on whether --full-history and/or parent rewriting (via
       --parents or --children) are used. The following settings are
       Default mode
           Commits are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent (though
           this can be changed, see --sparse below). If the commit was a
           merge, and it was TREESAME to one parent, follow only that parent.
           (Even if there are several TREESAME parents, follow only one of
           them.) Otherwise, follow all parents.
           This results in:
                        /     /   /
           Note how the rule to only follow the TREESAME parent, if one is
           available, removed B from consideration entirely.  C was considered
           via N, but is TREESAME. Root commits are compared to an empty tree,
           so I is !TREESAME.
           Parent/child relations are only visible with --parents, but that
           does not affect the commits selected in default mode, so we have
           shown the parent lines.
       --full-history without parent rewriting
           This mode differs from the default in one point: always follow all
           parents of a merge, even if it is TREESAME to one of them. Even if
           more than one side of the merge has commits that are included, this
           does not imply that the merge itself is! In the example, we get
                       I  A  B  N  D  O
           P and M were excluded because they are TREESAME to a parent.  E, C
           and B were all walked, but only B was !TREESAME, so the others do
           not appear.
           Note that without parent rewriting, it is not really possible to
           talk about the parent/child relationships between the commits, so
           we show them disconnected.
       --full-history with parent rewriting
           Ordinary commits are only included if they are !TREESAME (though
           this can be changed, see --sparse below).
           Merges are always included. However, their parent list is
           rewritten: Along each parent, prune away commits that are not
           included themselves. This results in
                        /     /   /   /   /
                       I     B   /   D   /
                        \   /   /   /   /
           Compare to --full-history without rewriting above. Note that E was
           pruned away because it is TREESAME, but the parent list of P was
           rewritten to contain E's parent I. The same happened for C and N.
           Note also that P was included despite being TREESAME.
       In addition to the above settings, you can change whether TREESAME
       affects inclusion:
           Commits that are walked are included if they are not TREESAME to
           any parent.
           All commits that are walked are included.
           Note that without --full-history, this still simplifies merges: if
           one of the parents is TREESAME, we follow only that one, so the
           other sides of the merge are never walked.
           First, build a history graph in the same way that --full-history
           with parent rewriting does (see above).
           Then simplify each commit C to its replacement C' in the final
           history according to the following rules:
           o   Set C' to C.
           o   Replace each parent P of C' with its simplification P'. In the
               process, drop parents that are ancestors of other parents, and
               remove duplicates.
           o   If after this parent rewriting, C' is a root or merge commit
               (has zero or >1 parents), a boundary commit, or !TREESAME, it
               remains. Otherwise, it is replaced with its only parent.
           The effect of this is best shown by way of comparing to
           --full-history with parent rewriting. The example turns into:
                        /     /       /
                       I     B       D
                        \   /       /
           Note the major differences in N and P over --full-history:
           o   N's parent list had I removed, because it is an ancestor of the
               other parent M. Still, N remained because it is !TREESAME.
           o   P's parent list similarly had I removed.  P was then removed
               completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME.
       Finally, there is a fifth simplification mode available:
           Limit the displayed commits to those directly on the ancestry chain
           between the "from" and "to" commits in the given commit range. I.e.
           only display commits that are ancestor of the "to" commit, and
           descendants of the "from" commit.
           As an example use case, consider the following commit history:
                          /     \       \
                        /                     \
           A regular D..M computes the set of commits that are ancestors of M,
           but excludes the ones that are ancestors of D. This is useful to
           see what happened to the history leading to M since D, in the sense
           that "what does M have that did not exist in D". The result in this
           example would be all the commits, except A and B (and D itself, of
           When we want to find out what commits in M are contaminated with
           the bug introduced by D and need fixing, however, we might want to
           view only the subset of D..M that are actually descendants of D,
           i.e. excluding C and K. This is exactly what the --ancestry-path
           option does. Applied to the D..M range, it results in:
                                \       \

       The --simplify-by-decoration option allows you to view only the big
       picture of the topology of the history, by omitting commits that are
       not referenced by tags. Commits are marked as !TREESAME (in other
       words, kept after history simplification rules described above) if (1)
       they are referenced by tags, or (2) they change the contents of the
       paths given on the command line. All other commits are marked as
       TREESAME (subject to be simplified away).
   Bisection Helpers
           Limit output to the one commit object which is roughly halfway
           between included and excluded commits. Note that the bad bisection
           ref refs/bisect/bad is added to the included commits (if it exists)
           and the good bisection refs refs/bisect/good-* are added to the
           excluded commits (if they exist). Thus, supposing there are no refs
           in refs/bisect/, if
                   $ git rev-list --bisect foo ^bar ^baz

       outputs midpoint, the output of the two commands
                   $ git rev-list foo ^midpoint
                   $ git rev-list midpoint ^bar ^baz

       would be of roughly the same length. Finding the change which
       introduces a regression is thus reduced to a binary search: repeatedly
       generate and test new 'midpoint's until the commit chain is of length
           This calculates the same as --bisect, except that refs in
           refs/bisect/ are not used, and except that this outputs text ready
           to be eval'ed by the shell. These lines will assign the name of the
           midpoint revision to the variable bisect_rev, and the expected
           number of commits to be tested after bisect_rev is tested to
           bisect_nr, the expected number of commits to be tested if
           bisect_rev turns out to be good to bisect_good, the expected number
           of commits to be tested if bisect_rev turns out to be bad to
           bisect_bad, and the number of commits we are bisecting right now to
           This outputs all the commit objects between the included and
           excluded commits, ordered by their distance to the included and
           excluded commits. Refs in refs/bisect/ are not used. The farthest
           from them is displayed first. (This is the only one displayed by
           This is useful because it makes it easy to choose a good commit to
           test when you want to avoid to test some of them for some reason
           (they may not compile for example).
           This option can be used along with --bisect-vars, in this case,
           after all the sorted commit objects, there will be the same text as
           if --bisect-vars had been used alone.
   Commit Ordering
       By default, the commits are shown in reverse chronological order.
           Show no parents before all of its children are shown, but otherwise
           show commits in the commit timestamp order.
           Show no parents before all of its children are shown, and avoid
           showing commits on multiple lines of history intermixed.
           For example, in a commit history like this:
                       \              \
           where the numbers denote the order of commit timestamps, git
           rev-list and friends with --date-order show the commits in the
           timestamp order: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.
           With --topo-order, they would show 8 6 5 3 7 4 2 1 (or 8 7 4 2 6 5
           3 1); some older commits are shown before newer ones in order to
           avoid showing the commits from two parallel development track mixed
           Output the commits in reverse order. Cannot be combined with
   Object Traversal
       These options are mostly targeted for packing of Git repositories.
           Print the object IDs of any object referenced by the listed
           commits.  --objects foo ^bar thus means "send me all object IDs
           which I need to download if I have the commit object bar, but not
           Similar to --objects, but also print the IDs of excluded commits
           prefixed with a "-" character. This is used by git-pack-objects(1)
           to build "thin" pack, which records objects in deltified form based
           on objects contained in these excluded commits to reduce network
           Only useful with --objects; print the object IDs that are not in
           Only show the given commits, but do not traverse their ancestors.
           This has no effect if a range is specified. If the argument
           "unsorted" is given, the commits are show in the order they were
           given on the command line. Otherwise (if "sorted" or no argument
           was given), the commits are show in reverse chronological order by
           commit time.
           Overrides a previous --no-walk.
   Commit Formatting
       Using these options, git-rev-list(1) will act similar to the more
       specialized family of commit log tools: git-log(1), git-show(1), and
       --pretty[=<format>], --format=<format>
           Pretty-print the contents of the commit logs in a given format,
           where <format> can be one of oneline, short, medium, full, fuller,
           email, raw and format:<string>. See the "PRETTY FORMATS" section
           for some additional details for each format. When omitted, the
           format defaults to medium.
           Note: you can specify the default pretty format in the repository
           configuration (see git-config(1)).
           Instead of showing the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name,
           show only a partial prefix. Non default number of digits can be
           specified with "--abbrev=<n>" (which also modifies diff output, if
           it is displayed).
           This should make "--pretty=oneline" a whole lot more readable for
           people using 80-column terminals.
           Show the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name. This negates
           --abbrev-commit and those options which imply it such as
           "--oneline". It also overrides the log.abbrevCommit variable.
           This is a shorthand for "--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit" used
           The commit objects record the encoding used for the log message in
           their encoding header; this option can be used to tell the command
           to re-code the commit log message in the encoding preferred by the
           user. For non plumbing commands this defaults to UTF-8.
           Show the notes (see git-notes(1)) that annotate the commit, when
           showing the commit log message. This is the default for git log,
           git show and git whatchanged commands when there is no --pretty,
           --format nor --oneline option given on the command line.
           By default, the notes shown are from the notes refs listed in the
           core.notesRef and notes.displayRef variables (or corresponding
           environment overrides). See git-config(1) for more details.
           With an optional <ref> argument, show this notes ref instead of the
           default notes ref(s). The ref is taken to be in refs/notes/ if it
           is not qualified.
           Multiple --notes options can be combined to control which notes are
           being displayed. Examples: "--notes=foo" will show only notes from
           "refs/notes/foo"; "--notes=foo --notes" will show both notes from
           "refs/notes/foo" and from the default notes ref(s).
           Do not show notes. This negates the above --notes option, by
           resetting the list of notes refs from which notes are shown.
           Options are parsed in the order given on the command line, so e.g.
           "--notes --notes=foo --no-notes --notes=bar" will only show notes
           from "refs/notes/bar".
       --show-notes[=<ref>], --[no-]standard-notes
           These options are deprecated. Use the above --notes/--no-notes
           options instead.
           Check the validity of a signed commit object by passing the
           signature to gpg --verify and show the output.
           Synonym for --date=relative.
           Only takes effect for dates shown in human-readable format, such as
           when using "--pretty". config variable sets a default
           value for log command's --date option.
           --date=relative shows dates relative to the current time, e.g. "2
           hours ago".
           --date=local shows timestamps in user's local timezone.
           --date=iso (or --date=iso8601) shows timestamps in ISO 8601 format.
           --date=rfc (or --date=rfc2822) shows timestamps in RFC 2822 format,
           often found in E-mail messages.
           --date=short shows only date but not time, in YYYY-MM-DD format.
           --date=raw shows the date in the internal raw Git format %s %z
           --date=default shows timestamps in the original timezone (either
           committer's or author's).
           Print the contents of the commit in raw-format; each record is
           separated with a NUL character.
           Print also the parents of the commit (in the form "commit
           parent..."). Also enables parent rewriting, see History
           Simplification below.
           Print also the children of the commit (in the form "commit
           child..."). Also enables parent rewriting, see History
           Simplification below.
           Print the raw commit timestamp.
           Mark which side of a symmetric diff a commit is reachable from.
           Commits from the left side are prefixed with < and those from the
           right with >. If combined with --boundary, those commits are
           prefixed with -.
           For example, if you have this topology:
                            y---b---b  branch B
                           / \ /
                          /   .
                         /   / \
                        o---x---a---a  branch A
           you would get an output like this:
                       $ git rev-list --left-right --boundary --pretty=oneline A...B
                       >bbbbbbb... 3rd on b
                       >bbbbbbb... 2nd on b
                       <aaaaaaa... 3rd on a
                       <aaaaaaa... 2nd on a
                       -yyyyyyy... 1st on b
                       -xxxxxxx... 1st on a

           Draw a text-based graphical representation of the commit history on
           the left hand side of the output. This may cause extra lines to be
           printed in between commits, in order for the graph history to be
           drawn properly.
           This enables parent rewriting, see History Simplification below.
           This implies the --topo-order option by default, but the
           --date-order option may also be specified.
           Print a number stating how many commits would have been listed, and
           suppress all other output. When used together with --left-right,
           instead print the counts for left and right commits, separated by a
           tab. When used together with --cherry-mark, omit patch equivalent
           commits from these counts and print the count for equivalent
           commits separated by a tab.
       If the commit is a merge, and if the pretty-format is not oneline,
       email or raw, an additional line is inserted before the Author: line.
       This line begins with "Merge: " and the sha1s of ancestral commits are
       printed, separated by spaces. Note that the listed commits may not
       necessarily be the list of the direct parent commits if you have
       limited your view of history: for example, if you are only interested
       in changes related to a certain directory or file.
       There are several built-in formats, and you can define additional
       formats by setting a pretty.<name> config option to either another
       format name, or a format: string, as described below (see git-
       config(1)). Here are the details of the built-in formats:
       o   oneline
               <sha1> <title line>
           This is designed to be as compact as possible.
       o   short
               commit <sha1>
               Author: <author>
               <title line>
       o   medium
               commit <sha1>
               Author: <author>
               Date:   <author date>
               <title line>
               <full commit message>
       o   full
               commit <sha1>
               Author: <author>
               Commit: <committer>
               <title line>
               <full commit message>
       o   fuller
               commit <sha1>
               Author:     <author>
               AuthorDate: <author date>
               Commit:     <committer>
               CommitDate: <committer date>
               <title line>
               <full commit message>
       o   email
               From <sha1> <date>
               From: <author>
               Date: <author date>
               Subject: [PATCH] <title line>
               <full commit message>
       o   raw
           The raw format shows the entire commit exactly as stored in the
           commit object. Notably, the SHA-1s are displayed in full,
           regardless of whether --abbrev or --no-abbrev are used, and parents
           information show the true parent commits, without taking grafts nor
           history simplification into account.
       o   format:<string>
           The format:<string> format allows you to specify which information
           you want to show. It works a little bit like printf format, with
           the notable exception that you get a newline with %n instead of \n.
           E.g, format:"The author of %h was %an, %ar%nThe title was >>%s<<%n"
           would show something like this:
               The author of fe6e0ee was Junio C Hamano, 23 hours ago
               The title was >>t4119: test autocomputing -p<n> for traditional diff input.<<
           The placeholders are:
           o   %H: commit hash
           o   %h: abbreviated commit hash
           o   %T: tree hash
           o   %t: abbreviated tree hash
           o   %P: parent hashes
           o   %p: abbreviated parent hashes
           o   %an: author name
           o   %aN: author name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1) or
           o   %ae: author email
           o   %aE: author email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1) or
           o   %ad: author date (format respects --date= option)
           o   %aD: author date, RFC2822 style
           o   %ar: author date, relative
           o   %at: author date, UNIX timestamp
           o   %ai: author date, ISO 8601 format
           o   %cn: committer name
           o   %cN: committer name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1)
               or git-blame(1))
           o   %ce: committer email
           o   %cE: committer email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1)
               or git-blame(1))
           o   %cd: committer date
           o   %cD: committer date, RFC2822 style
           o   %cr: committer date, relative
           o   %ct: committer date, UNIX timestamp
           o   %ci: committer date, ISO 8601 format
           o   %d: ref names, like the --decorate option of git-log(1)
           o   %e: encoding
           o   %s: subject
           o   %f: sanitized subject line, suitable for a filename
           o   %b: body
           o   %B: raw body (unwrapped subject and body)
           o   %N: commit notes
           o   %GG: raw verification message from GPG for a signed commit
           o   %G?: show "G" for a Good signature, "B" for a Bad signature,
               "U" for a good, untrusted signature and "N" for no signature
           o   %GS: show the name of the signer for a signed commit
           o   %GK: show the key used to sign a signed commit
           o   %gD: reflog selector, e.g., refs/stash@{1}
           o   %gd: shortened reflog selector, e.g., stash@{1}
           o   %gn: reflog identity name
           o   %gN: reflog identity name (respecting .mailmap, see git-
               shortlog(1) or git-blame(1))
           o   %ge: reflog identity email
           o   %gE: reflog identity email (respecting .mailmap, see git-
               shortlog(1) or git-blame(1))
           o   %gs: reflog subject
           o   %Cred: switch color to red
           o   %Cgreen: switch color to green
           o   %Cblue: switch color to blue
           o   %Creset: reset color
           o   %C(...): color specification, as described in color.branch.*
               config option; adding auto, at the beginning will emit color
               only when colors are enabled for log output (by color.diff,
               color.ui, or --color, and respecting the auto settings of the
               former if we are going to a terminal).  auto alone (i.e.
               %C(auto)) will turn on auto coloring on the next placeholders
               until the color is switched again.
           o   %m: left, right or boundary mark
           o   %n: newline
           o   %%: a raw %
           o   %x00: print a byte from a hex code
           o   %w([<w>[,<i1>[,<i2>]]]): switch line wrapping, like the -w
               option of git-shortlog(1).
           o   %<(<N>[,trunc|ltrunc|mtrunc]): make the next placeholder take
               at least N columns, padding spaces on the right if necessary.
               Optionally truncate at the beginning (ltrunc), the middle
               (mtrunc) or the end (trunc) if the output is longer than N
               columns. Note that truncating only works correctly with N >= 2.
           o   %<|(<N>): make the next placeholder take at least until Nth
               columns, padding spaces on the right if necessary
           o   %>(<N>), %>|(<N>): similar to %<(<N>), %<|(<N>) respectively,
               but padding spaces on the left
           o   %>>(<N>), %>>|(<N>): similar to %>(<N>), %>|(<N>) respectively,
               except that if the next placeholder takes more spaces than
               given and there are spaces on its left, use those spaces
           o   %><(<N>), %><|(<N>): similar to % <(<N>), %<|(<N>)
               respectively, but padding both sides (i.e. the text is
           Some placeholders may depend on other options given to the revision
           traversal engine. For example, the %g* reflog options will insert
           an empty string unless we are traversing reflog entries (e.g., by
           git log -g). The %d placeholder will use the "short" decoration
           format if --decorate was not already provided on the command line.
       If you add a + (plus sign) after % of a placeholder, a line-feed is
       inserted immediately before the expansion if and only if the
       placeholder expands to a non-empty string.
       If you add a - (minus sign) after % of a placeholder, line-feeds that
       immediately precede the expansion are deleted if and only if the
       placeholder expands to an empty string.
       If you add a ` ` (space) after % of a placeholder, a space is inserted
       immediately before the expansion if and only if the placeholder expands
       to a non-empty string.
       o   tformat:
           The tformat: format works exactly like format:, except that it
           provides "terminator" semantics instead of "separator" semantics.
           In other words, each commit has the message terminator character
           (usually a newline) appended, rather than a separator placed
           between entries. This means that the final entry of a single-line
           format will be properly terminated with a new line, just as the
           "oneline" format does. For example:
               $ git log -2 --pretty=format:%h 4da45bef \
                 | perl -pe '$_ .= " -- NO NEWLINE\n" unless /\n/'
               7134973 -- NO NEWLINE
               $ git log -2 --pretty=tformat:%h 4da45bef \
                 | perl -pe '$_ .= " -- NO NEWLINE\n" unless /\n/'
           In addition, any unrecognized string that has a % in it is
           interpreted as if it has tformat: in front of it. For example,
           these two are equivalent:
               $ git log -2 --pretty=tformat:%h 4da45bef
               $ git log -2 --pretty=%h 4da45bef

       Part of the git(1) suite

Git                       07/30/2024                   GIT-REV-LIST(1)