dh(category10-web-server.html) - phpMan
BN_get0_nist_prime_192 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get0_nist_prime_224 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get0_nist_prime_256 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get0_nist_prime_384 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get0_nist_prime_521 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc2409_prime_1024 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc2409_prime_768 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc3526_prime_1536 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc3526_prime_2048 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc3526_prime_3072 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc3526_prime_4096 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc3526_prime_6144 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs BN_get_rfc3526_prime_8192 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs d2i_DHparams (3ssl) - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions d2i_DHxparams (3ssl) - convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation DH_bits (3ssl) - get Diffie-Hellman prime size and security bits DH_check (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_check_ex (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_check_params (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_check_params_ex (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_check_pub_key_ex (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_clear_flags (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_compute_key (3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange DH_compute_key_padded (3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange DH_free (3ssl) - allocate and free DH objects DH_generate_key (3ssl) - perform Diffie-Hellman key exchange DH_generate_parameters (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_generate_parameters_ex (3ssl) - generate and check Diffie-Hellman parameters DH_get0_engine (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_g (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_key (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_p (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_pqg (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_priv_key (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_pub_key (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get0_q (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get_1024_160 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs DH_get_2048_224 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs DH_get_2048_256 (3ssl) - Create standardized public primes or DH pairs DH_get_default_method (3ssl) - select DH method DH_get_ex_data (3ssl) - application-specific data DH_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - application-specific data DH_get_length (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_get_nid (3ssl) - get or find DH named parameters DH_meth_dup (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_free (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get0_app_data (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get0_name (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_bn_mod_exp (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_compute_key (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_finish (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_flags (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_generate_key (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_generate_params (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_get_init (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_new (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set0_app_data (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set1_name (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_bn_mod_exp (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_compute_key (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_finish (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_flags (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_generate_key (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_generate_params (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_meth_set_init (3ssl) - Routines to build up DH methods DH_new (3ssl) - allocate and free DH objects DH_new_by_nid (3ssl) - get or find DH named parameters DH_new_method (3ssl) - select DH method DH_OpenSSL (3ssl) - select DH method DH_security_bits (3ssl) - get Diffie-Hellman prime size and security bits DH_set0_key (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_set0_pqg (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_set_default_method (3ssl) - select DH method DH_set_ex_data (3ssl) - application-specific data DH_set_flags (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_set_length (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object DH_set_method (3ssl) - select DH method DH_size (3ssl) - get Diffie-Hellman prime size and security bits DH_test_flags (3ssl) - Routines for getting and setting data in a DH object dhclient (8) - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client dhclient-script (8) - DHCP client network configuration script dhclient.conf (5) - DHCP client configuration file dhclient.leases (5) - DHCP client lease database dhcp-eval (5) - ISC DHCP conditional evaluation dhcp-options (5) - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol options dhparam (1ssl) - DH parameter manipulation and generation DHparams_print (3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters DHparams_print_fp (3ssl) - print cryptographic parameters DSA_dup_DH (3ssl) - create a DH structure out of DSA structure ECDH_get_ex_data (3ssl) - application-specific data ECDH_get_ex_new_index (3ssl) - application-specific data ECDH_set_ex_data (3ssl) - application-specific data endhostent (3) - get network host entry endhostent (3p) - network host database functions ENGINE_get_default_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support ENGINE_get_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support ENGINE_register_all_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support ENGINE_register_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support ENGINE_set_default_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support ENGINE_set_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support ENGINE_unregister_DH (3ssl) - ENGINE cryptographic module support EVP_PKEY_assign_DH (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_dh_kdf_oid (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_dh_kdf_ukm (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get0_ecdh_kdf_ukm (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_dh_kdf_md (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_dh_kdf_outlen (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_dh_kdf_type (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_ecdh_cofactor_mode (3ssl) - algorithm specific control opera... EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_ecdh_kdf_md (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_ecdh_kdf_outlen (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_get_ecdh_kdf_type (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_dh_kdf_oid (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_dh_kdf_ukm (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set0_ecdh_kdf_ukm (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_kdf_md (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_kdf_outlen (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_kdf_type (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_nid (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_pad (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_generator (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op... EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_prime_len (3ssl) - algorithm specific control op... EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_subprime... (3ssl) - algorithm specific control ... EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_paramgen_type (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dh_rfc5114 (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_dhx_rfc5114 (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ecdh_cofactor_mode (3ssl) - algorithm specific control opera... EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ecdh_kdf_md (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ecdh_kdf_outlen (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_CTX_set_ecdh_kdf_type (3ssl) - algorithm specific control operations EVP_PKEY_get0_DH (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions EVP_PKEY_get1_DH (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions EVP_PKEY_set1_DH (3ssl) - EVP_PKEY assignment functions Hash::Util::FieldHash (3pm) - Support for Inside-Out Classes i2d_DHparams (3ssl) - PKCS#3 DH parameter functions i2d_DHxparams (3ssl) - convert objects from/to ASN.1/DER representation keyctl_dh_compute (3) - Compute a Diffie-Hellman shared secret or public key keyctl_dh_compute_alloc (3) - Compute a Diffie-Hellman shared secret or publi... Net::DNS::RR::DHCID (3pm) - DNS DHCID resource record openssl-dhparam (1ssl) - DH parameter manipulation and generation PEM_read_bio_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines PEM_read_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines PEM_write_bio_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines PEM_write_bio_DHxparams (3ssl) - PEM object encoding routines PEM_write_DHparams (3ssl) - PEM routines PEM_write_DHxparams (3ssl) - PEM object encoding routines SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh (3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange SSL_CTX_set_tmp_dh_callback (3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange SSL_set_tmp_dh (3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange SSL_set_tmp_dh_callback (3ssl) - handle DH keys for ephemeral key exchange Tie::StdHandle (3pm) - base class definitions for tied handles Tie::Hash (3pm) - base class definitions for tied hashes