cate(category31-clients.html) - phpMan

aligned_alloc (3)    - allocate aligned memory
alloc_hugepages (2)  - allocate or free huge pages
alloca (3)           - allocate memory that is automatically freed
Archive::Zip::Tree (3pm) - (DEPRECATED) methods for adding/extracting trees u...
asprintf (3)         - print to allocated string
bdftruncate (1)      - generate truncated BDF font from ISO 10646-1-encoded B...
blkid (8)            - locate/print block device attributes
ca-legacy (8)        - Manage the system configuration for legacy CA certific...
calloc (3)           - allocate and free dynamic memory
cat (1)              - concatenate files and print on the standard output
cat (1p)             - concatenate and print files
cert8.db (5)         - Legacy NSS certificate database
cert9.db (5)         - Legacy NSS certificate database
certutil (1)         - Manage keys and certificate in both NSS databases and ...
cfree (3)            - free allocated memory
chcat (8)            - change file SELinux security category
crl2pkcs7 (1ssl)     - Create a PKCS#7 structure from a CRL and certificates.
crlutil (1)          - List, generate, modify, or delete CRLs within the NSS ...
db_replicate (1)     - Provide replication services
deallocvt (1)        - deallocate unused virtual consoles
deprecate (3pm)      - Perl pragma for deprecating the core version of a module
derdump (1)          - Dumps C-sequence strings from a DER encoded certificat...
doveadm-deduplicate (1) - expunge duplicate messages
doveadm-log (1)      - Locate, test or reopen Dovecot's log files
dup (2)              - duplicate a file descriptor
dup (3p)             - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup2 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
dup2 (3p)            - duplicate an open file descriptor
dup3 (2)             - duplicate a file descriptor
eval (1p)            - construct command by concatenating arguments
fallocate (1)        - preallocate or deallocate space to a file
fallocate (2)        - manipulate file space
FindBin (3pm)        - Locate directory of original perl script
free (3)             - allocate and free dynamic memory
free (3p)            - free allocated memory
free_hugepages (2)   - allocate or free huge pages
ftruncate (2)        - truncate a file to a specified length
ftruncate (3p)       - truncate a file to a specified length
ftruncate64 (2)      - truncate a file to a specified length
gpg-connect-agent (1) - Communicate with a running agent
hardlink (1)         - Consolidate duplicate files via hardlinks
iconv_close (3)      - deallocate descriptor for character set conversion
iconv_open (3)       - allocate descriptor for character set conversion
if_freenameindex (3p) - free memory allocated by if_nameindex
index (3)            - locate character in string
IO::Socket::SSL::Utils (3pm) - - loading, storing, creating certificates and ...
key3.db (5)          - Legacy NSS certificate database
key4.db (5)          - NSS certificate database
List::Util::XS (3pm) - Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
locale.h (0p)        - category macros
Locale::Maketext::Guts (3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Maketext utf...
Locale::Maketext::GutsLoader (3pm) - Deprecated module to load Locale::Makete...
locate (1)           - find files by name
LWP::Debug (3pm)     - deprecated
malloc (3)           - allocate and free dynamic memory
malloc_usable_size (3) - obtain size of block of memory allocated from heap
memalign (3)         - allocate aligned memory
memfrob (3)          - frobnicate (encrypt) a memory area
memmem (3)           - locate a substring
mlocate.db (5)       - a mlocate database
Module::Build::ModuleInfo (3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module::Build::Version (3pm) - DEPRECATED
Module::Build::YAML (3pm) - DEPRECATED
msguniq (1)          - unify duplicate translations in message catalog
nseq (1ssl)          - create or examine a netscape certificate sequence
ocsp (1ssl)          - Online Certificate Status Protocol utility
package-cleanup (1)  - clean up locally installed, duplicate, or orphaned pac...
pam_timestamp (8)    - Authenticate using cached successful authentication at...
pam_userdb (8)       - PAM module to authenticate against a db database
pk12util (1)         - Export and import keys and certificate to or from a PK...
posix_fallocate (3)  - allocate file space
posix_fallocate (3p) - file space control (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_memalign (3)   - allocate aligned memory
pp (1)               - Prints certificates, keys, crls, and pkcs7 files
pvalloc (3)          - allocate aligned memory
realloc (3)          - allocate and free dynamic memory
relocated (5)        - Postfix relocated table format
req (1ssl)           - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating...
rindex (3)           - locate character in string
shmget (2)           - allocates a System V shared memory segment
smime_keys (1)       - Utility to add S/MIME certificate to the internal data...
strcasestr (3)       - locate a substring
strcat (3)           - concatenate two strings
strcat (3p)          - concatenate two strings
strchr (3)           - locate character in string
strchrnul (3)        - locate character in string
strdup (3)           - duplicate a string
strdup (3p)          - duplicate a string
strdupa (3)          - duplicate a string
strncat (3)          - concatenate two strings
strncat (3p)         - concatenate a string with part of another
strndup (3)          - duplicate a string
strndupa (3)         - duplicate a string
strrchr (3)          - locate character in string
strstr (3)           - locate a substring
tac (1)              - concatenate and print files in reverse
tcatest (1)          - test cases of the abstract database API
tee (1p)             - duplicate standard input
trunc (3p)           - round to truncated integer value
truncate (1)         - shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size
truncate (2)         - truncate a file to a specified length
truncate (3p)        - truncate a file to a specified length
truncate64 (2)       - truncate a file to a specified length
truncf (3p)          - round to truncated integer value
truncl (3p)          - round to truncated integer value
update-ca-trust (8)  - manage consolidated and dynamic configuration of CA ce...
updatedb (8)         - update a database for mlocate
valloc (3)           - allocate aligned memory
vasprintf (3)        - print to allocated string
verify (1ssl)        - Utility to verify certificates.
wcscat (3)           - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcscat (3p)          - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcsdup (3)           - duplicate a wide-character string
wcsncat (3)          - concatenate two wide-character strings
wcsncat (3p)         - concatenate a wide-character string with part of another
wcsstr (3)           - locate a substring in a wide-character string
whereis (1)          - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a...
x509 (1ssl)          - Certificate display and signing utility
x509v3_config (5ssl) - X509 V3 certificate extension configuration format
zcat (1p)            - expand and concatenate data