cache(category13-admin-isp-software.html) - phpMan

arp (8)              - manipulate the system ARP cache
avc_cache_stats (3)  - obtain userspace SELinux AVC statistics
cache_check (8)      - validates cache metadata on a device or file.
cache_dump (8)       - dump cache metadata from device or file to standard ou...
cache_metadata_size (8) - Estimate the size of the metadata device needed for...
cache_repair (8)     - repair cache binary metadata from device/file to devic...
cache_restore (8)    - restore cache metadata file to device or file.
cache_writeback (8)  - writeback dirty blocks to the origin device.
cacheflush (2)       - flush contents of instruction and/or data cache
DBI::Util::CacheMemory (3pm) - a very fast but very minimal subset of Cache::...
debuginfod-client-config (7) - debuginfod client environment variables, cache...
dnf-generate_completion_cache (8) - DNF generate_completion_cache Plugin
fc-cache (1)         - build font information cache files
fc-cat (1)           - read font information cache files
FileCache (3pm)      - keep more files open than the system permits
gio-querymodules (1) - GIO module cache creation
git-credential-cache (1) - Helper to temporarily store passwords in memory
git-credential-cache--daemon (1) - Temporarily store user credentials in memory
gpg-preset-passphrase (1) - Put a passphrase into gpg-agent's cache
gtk-update-icon-cache (1) - Icon theme caching utility
htcacheclean (8)     - Clean up the disk cache
htcacheclean.service (8) - htcacheclean unit file for systemd
iconvconfig (8)      - create iconv module configuration cache
ip-mroute (8)        - multicast routing cache management
lvmcache (7)         - LVM caching
LWP::ConnCache (3pm) - Connection cache manager
Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache (3pm) - provide access to cached information for ...
mandb (8)            - create or update the manual page index caches
memcache_table (5)   - Postfix memcache client configuration
nscd (8)             - name service cache daemon
nscd.conf (5)        - name service cache daemon configuration file
pam_timestamp (8)    - Authenticate using cached successful authentication at...
readahead (2)        - initiate file readahead into page cache
rrdcached (1)        - Data caching daemon for rrdtool
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a specific RRD file from memory.
scache (8)           - Postfix shared connection cache server
slabtop (1)          - display kernel slab cache information in real time
SSL_CTX_add_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_get_session_cache_mode (3ssl) - enable/disable session caching
SSL_CTX_remove_session (3ssl) - manipulate session cache
SSL_CTX_sess_accept (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_good (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_accept_renegotiate (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cache_full (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_cb_hits (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_good (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_connect_renegotiate (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_get_cache_size (3ssl) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_hits (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_misses (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_number (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sess_set_cache_size (3ssl) - manipulate session cache size
SSL_CTX_sess_timeouts (3ssl) - obtain session cache statistics
SSL_CTX_sessions (3ssl) - access internal session cache
SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode (3ssl) - enable/disable session caching
rpc_svc_calls (3t)   - library routines for RPC servers
sync (1)             - Synchronize cached writes to persistent storage
sync (2)             - commit filesystem caches to disk
syncfs (2)           - commit filesystem caches to disk
tlsmgr (8)           - Postfix TLS session cache and PRNG manager
update-gtk-immodules (1) - Update GTK+ immodule cache
update-mime-database (1) - a program to build the Shared MIME-Info database c...
wcmgr (1)            - Webalizer (DNS) Cache file Manager