RI(1) Ruby Programmer's Reference Guide RI(1)
ri -- Ruby API reference front end
ri [-ahilTv] [-d DIRNAME] [-f FORMAT] [-w WIDTH] [--[no-]pager]
[--server[=PORT]] [--[no-]list-doc-dirs] [--no-standard-docs]
[--[no-]{system|site|gems|home}] [--[no-]profile] [--dump=CACHE]
[name ...]
ri is a command-line front end for the Ruby API reference. You can
search and read the API reference for classes and methods with ri.
ri is a part of Ruby.
name can be:
Class | Module | Module::Class
Class::method | Class#method | Class.method | method
gem_name: | gem_name:README | gem_name:History
All class names may be abbreviated to their minimum unambiguous form. If
a name is ambiguous, all valid options will be listed.
A `.' matches either class or instance methods, while #method matches
only instance and ::method matches only class methods.
README and other files may be displayed by prefixing them with the gem
name they're contained in. If the gem name is followed by a `:' all
files in the gem will be shown. The file name extension may be omitted
where it is unambiguous.
For example:
ri Fil
ri File
ri File.new
ri zip
ri rdoc:README
Note that shell quoting or escaping may be required for method names con-
taining punctuation:
ri 'Array.[]'
ri compact\!
To see the default directories ri will search, run:
ri --list-doc-dirs
Specifying the --system, --site, --home, --gems, or --doc-dir options
will limit ri to searching only the specified directories.
ri options may be set in the RI environment variable.
The ri pager can be set with the RI_PAGER environment variable or the
PAGER environment variable.
In interactive mode you can repeatedly look up methods
with autocomplete.
--[no-]all Show all documentation for a class or module.
--[no-]list List classes ri knows about.
--[no-]pager Send output to a pager, rather than directly to stdout.
-T Synonym for --no-pager.
--width=WIDTH Set the width of the output.
Run RDoc server on the given port. The default port
is 8214.
Use the selected formatter. The default formatter is bs
for paged output and ansi otherwise. Valid formatters
are: ansi, bs, markdown, rdoc.
--help Show help and exit.
--version Output version information and exit.
Data source options:
List the directories from which ri will source documenta-
tion on stdout and exit.
List of directories from which to source documentation in
addition to the standard directories. May be repeated.
Do not include documentation from the Ruby standard
library, site_lib, installed gems, or ~/.rdoc. Use with
--[no-]system Include documentation from Ruby's standard library.
Defaults to true.
--[no-]site Include documentation from libraries installed in
site_lib. Defaults to true.
--[no-]gems Include documentation from RubyGems. Defaults to true.
--[no-]home Include documentation stored in ~/.rdoc. Defaults to
Debug options:
Run with the Ruby profiler.
--dump=CACHE Dump data from an ri cache or data file.
RI Options to prepend to those specified on the command-line.
PAGER Pager program to use for displaying.
HOMEPATH Path to the user's home directory.
~/.rdoc Path for ri data in the user's home directory.
ruby(1), rdoc(1), gem(1)
o Security vulnerabilities should be reported via an email to
security AT ruby-lang.org. Reported problems will be published after
being fixed.
o Other bugs and feature requests can be reported via the Ruby Issue
Tracking System (https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/). Do not report secu-
rity vulnerabilities via this system because it publishes the vulner-
abilities immediately.
Written by Dave Thomas <dave AT pragmaticprogrammer.com>.
UNIX April 20, 2017 UNIX