NETEM(8) - phpMan

NETEM(8)                             Linux                            NETEM(8)
       NetEm - Network Emulator
       tc qdisc ... dev DEVICE ] add netem OPTIONS
       OPTIONS  :=  [ LIMIT ] [ DELAY ] [ LOSS ] [ CORRUPT ] [ DUPLICATION ] [
       REORDERING ] [ RATE ] [ SLOT ]
       LIMIT := limit packets
       DELAY := delay TIME [ JITTER [ CORRELATION ]]]
              [ distribution { uniform | normal | pareto |  paretonormal } ]
       LOSS := loss { random PERCENT [ CORRELATION ]  |
                      state p13 [ p31 [ p32 [ p23 [ p14]]]] |
                      gemodel p [ r [ 1-h [ 1-k ]]] }  [ ecn ]
       CORRUPT := corrupt PERCENT [ CORRELATION ]]
       SLOT := slot { MIN_DELAY [ MAX_DELAY ] |
                      distribution { uniform | normal | pareto |  paretonormal
       | FILE } DELAY JITTER }
                    [ packets PACKETS ] [ bytes BYTES ]
       NetEm  is  an  enhancement of the Linux traffic control facilities that
       allow one to add delay, packet loss, duplication and more other charac-
       teristics  to packets outgoing from a selected network interface. NetEm
       is built using the existing Quality Of Service (QOS) and Differentiated
       Services (diffserv) facilities in the Linux kernel.
       netem has the following options:
   limit packets
       maximum number of packets the qdisc may hold queued at a time.
       adds  the chosen delay to the packets outgoing to chosen network inter-
       face. The optional parameters allows one to introduce a delay variation
       and  a  correlation.  Delay and jitter values are expressed in ms while
       correlation is percentage.
       allow the user to choose the delay distribution. If not specified,  the
       default distribution is Normal. Additional parameters allow one to con-
       sider situations in which network  has  variable  delays  depending  on
       traffic  flows  concurring  on the same path, that causes several delay
       peaks and a tail.
   loss random
       adds an independent loss probability to the packets outgoing  from  the
       chosen network interface. It is also possible to add a correlation, but
       this option is now deprecated due to the noticed bad behavior.
   loss state
       adds packet losses according to the 4-state Markov using the transition
       probabilities  as  input parameters. The parameter p13 is mandatory and
       if used alone corresponds to the Bernoulli model. The optional  parame-
       ters  allows one to extend the model to 2-state (p31), 3-state (p23 and
       p32) and 4-state (p14).  State 1 corresponds to good reception, State 4
       to  independent  losses,  State  3  to burst losses and State 2 to good
       reception within a burst.
   loss gemodel
       adds packet losses according to the Gilbert-Elliot loss  model  or  its
       special  cases  (Gilbert,  Simple  Gilbert  and  Bernoulli). To use the
       Bernoulli model, the only needed parameter is p while the  others  will
       be  set  to  the  default values r=1-p, 1-h=1 and 1-k=0. The parameters
       needed for the Simple Gilbert model are two  (p  and  r),  while  three
       parameters (p, r, 1-h) are needed for the Gilbert model and four (p, r,
       1-h and 1-k) are needed for the Gilbert-Elliot model. As known, p and r
       are  the  transition probabilities between the bad and the good states,
       1-h is the loss probability in the bad state and 1-k is the loss proba-
       bility in the good state.
       can be used optionally to mark packets instead of dropping them. A loss
       model has to be used for this to be enabled.
       allows the emulation of random noise introducing an error in  a  random
       position  for a chosen percent of packets. It is also possible to add a
       correlation through the proper parameter.
       using this option the chosen percent of packets  is  duplicated  before
       queuing  them.  It  is  also  possible to add a correlation through the
       proper parameter.
       to use reordering, a delay option must be specified. There are two ways
       to use this option (assuming 'delay 10ms' in the options list).
       reorder 25% 50% gap 5
       in  this  first  example,  the first 4 (gap - 1) packets are delayed by
       10ms and subsequent packets are sent immediately with a probability  of
       0.25  (with correlation of 50% ) or delayed with a probability of 0.75.
       After a packet is reordered, the process restarts i.e. the next 4 pack-
       ets  are delayed and subsequent packets are sent immediately or delayed
       based on reordering probability. To cause a  repeatable  pattern  where
       every  5th  packet is reordered reliably, a reorder probability of 100%
       can be used.
       reorder 25% 50%
       in this second example 25% of packets are sent immediately (with corre-
       lation of 50%) while the others are delayed by 10 ms.
       delay  packets based on packet size and is a replacement for TBF.  Rate
       can be specified in common units (e.g. 100kbit).  Optional  PACKETOVER-
       HEAD  (in  bytes) specify an per packet overhead and can be negative. A
       positive value can be used to simulate additional link layer headers. A
       negative  value  can  be  used  to artificial strip the Ethernet header
       (e.g. -14) and/or simulate a link layer header compression scheme.  The
       third  parameter  -  an unsigned value - specify the cellsize. Cellsize
       can be used to simulate link layer schemes. ATM for example has an pay-
       load cellsize of 48 bytes and 5 byte per cell header. If a packet is 50
       byte then ATM must use two cells: 2 * 48 bytes payload including 2 *  5
       byte header, thus consume 106 byte on the wire. The last optional value
       CELLOVERHEAD can be used to specify per cell overhead  -  for  our  ATM
       example  5.  CELLOVERHEAD can be negative, but use negative values with
       Note that rate throttling is limited by  several  factors:  the  kernel
       clock  granularity  avoid  a  perfect shaping at a specific level. This
       will show up in an  artificial  packet  compression  (bursts).  Another
       influence factor are network adapter buffers which can also add artifi-
       cial delay.
       defer delivering accumulated packets to within a slot.  Each  available
       slot can be configured with a minimum delay to acquire, and an optional
       maximum delay.  Alternatively it can be configured with  the  distribu-
       tion similar to distribution for delay option. Slot delays can be spec-
       ified in  nanoseconds,  microseconds,  milliseconds  or  seconds  (e.g.
       800us).  Values for the optional parameters BYTES will limit the number
       of bytes delivered per slot, and/or PACKETS will limit  the  number  of
       packets delivered per slot.
       These  slot  options  can  provide a crude approximation of bursty MACs
       such as DOCSIS, WiFi, and LTE.
       Note that slotting is limited by  several  factors:  the  kernel  clock
       granularity,  as  with  a  rate,  and  attempts to deliver many packets
       within a slot will be smeared by  the  timer  resolution,  and  by  the
       underlying native bandwidth also.
       It  is  possible to combine slotting with a rate, in which case complex
       behaviors where either the rate, or the slot limits on bytes or packets
       per slot, govern the actual delivered rate.
       The  main  known  limitation of Netem are related to timer granularity,
       since Linux is not a real-time operating system.
       tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem rate 5kbit 20 100 5
           delay all outgoing packets on device eth0 with a rate of  5kbit,  a
           per  packet  overhead  of 20 byte, a cellsize of 100 byte and a per
           celloverhead of 5 byte:
        1. Hemminger S. , "Network Emulation with NetEm", Open Source Develop-
           ment    Lab,    April    2005    (http://devresources.linux-founda-
        2. Netem  page  from  Linux   foundation,   (https://wiki.linuxfounda-
        3. Salsano  S.,  Ludovici  F., Ordine A., "Definition of a general and
           intuitive loss model for packet networks and its implementation  in
           the  Netem  module  in  the Linux kernel", available at http://net-
       tc(8), tc-tbf(8)
       Netem was written by Stephen Hemminger at Linux foundation and is based
       on NISTnet.  This manpage was created by Fabio Ludovici <fabio.ludovici
       at yahoo dot it> and Hagen Paul Pfeifer <hagen AT>
iproute2                       25 November 2011                       NETEM(8)