NANORC(category31-clients.html) - phpMan

NANORC(5)                     File Formats Manual                    NANORC(5)
       nanorc - GNU nano's configuration file
       The  nanorc  file  contains  the default settings for nano, a small and
       friendly editor.  The file should be in Unix format, not in DOS or  Mac
       format.  During startup, nano will first read the system-wide settings,
       from /etc/nanorc (the exact path might be different  on  your  system),
       and  then  the  user-specific  settings,  either from ~/.nanorc or from
       $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nano/nanorc or from  ~/.config/nano/nanorc,  whichever
       is encountered first.
       The  configuration  file  accepts  a  series of set and unset commands,
       which can be used to configure nano on startup without  using  command-
       line  options.   Additionally, there are some commands to define syntax
       highlighting and to rebind keys -- see the  two  separate  sections  on
       those.  nano reads one command per line.
       Options  in nanorc files take precedence over nano's defaults, and com-
       mand-line options override nanorc settings.  Also, options that do  not
       take  an  argument are unset by default.  So using the unset command is
       only needed when wanting to override a setting of the  system's  nanorc
       file  in  your  own  nanorc.   Options  that take an argument cannot be
       Below, the string parameters need to  be  enclosed  in  double  quotes.
       Quotes  inside  these  string  parameters don't have to be escaped with
       backslashes.  The last double quote in the string will  be  treated  as
       its  end.  For example, for the brackets option, ""')>]}" will match ",
       ', ), >, ], and }.
       The supported commands and arguments are:
       set afterends
          Make Ctrl+Right stop at word ends instead of beginnings.
       set allow_insecure_backup
          When backing up files, allow the backup to succeed even if its  per-
          missions  can't  be  (re)set  due to special OS considerations.  You
          should NOT enable this option unless you are sure you need it.
       set atblanks
          When soft line wrapping is enabled, make  it  wrap  lines  at  blank
          characters  (tabs  and  spaces) instead of always at the edge of the
       set autoindent
          Automatically indent a newly created line to the same number of tabs
          and/or  spaces as the previous line (or as the next line if the pre-
          vious line is the beginning of a paragraph).
       set backup
          When saving a file, create a backup file by adding a  tilde  (~)  to
          the file's name.
       set backupdir directory
          Make and keep not just one backup file, but make and keep a uniquely
          numbered one every time a file is saved -- when backups are  enabled
          with  set backup or --backup or -B.  The uniquely numbered files are
          stored in the specified directory.
       set backwards
          Obsolete option.  Recognized but ignored.  ^Q is available to  start
          a backward search.
       set boldtext
          Use bold instead of reverse video for the title bar, status bar, key
          combos, function tags, line numbers, and selected text.  This can be
          overridden by setting the options titlecolor, statuscolor, keycolor,
          functioncolor, numbercolor, and selectedcolor.
       set brackets string
          Set the characters treated as closing brackets when justifying para-
          graphs.   This may not include blank characters.  Only closing punc-
          tuation (see set punct), optionally followed by the specified  clos-
          ing brackets, can end sentences.  The default value is ""')>]}".
       set casesensitive
          Do case-sensitive searches by default.
       set constantshow
          Constantly  display  the  cursor  position  in the status bar.  This
          overrides the option quickblank.
       set cutfromcursor
          Use cut-from-cursor-to-end-of-line by default,  instead  of  cutting
          the  whole line.  (The old form of this option, 'set cut', is depre-
       set errorcolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Use this color combination for the status bar when an error  message
          is displayed.  See set titlecolor for valid color names.
       set fill number
          Hard-wrap  lines  at  column number number.  If number is 0 or less,
          the maximum line length will be the screen width  less  number  col-
          umns.   The  default value is -8.  This option conflicts with nowrap
          -- the last one given takes effect.
       set functioncolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Specify the color combination to use for the  function  descriptions
          in  the  two help lines at the bottom of the screen.  See set title-
          color for more details.
       set historylog
          Save the last hundred search strings  and  replacement  strings  and
          executed commands, so they can be easily reused in later sessions.
       set keycolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Specify  the color combination to use for the shortcut key combos in
          the two help lines at the bottom of the screen.  See set  titlecolor
          for more details.
       set linenumbers
          Display line numbers to the left of the text area.
       set locking
          Enable vim-style lock-files for when editing files.
       set matchbrackets string
          Set  the  opening  and closing brackets that can be found by bracket
          searches.  This may not include blank characters.  The  opening  set
          must  come  before  the closing set, and the two sets must be in the
          same order.  The default value is "(<[{)>]}".
       set morespace
          Use the blank line below the title bar as extra editing space.
       set mouse
          Enable mouse support, if available for your system.   When  enabled,
          mouse  clicks  can be used to place the cursor, set the mark (with a
          double click), and execute shortcuts.  The mouse will work in the  X
          Window  System,  and  on  the console when gpm is running.  Text can
          still be selected through dragging by holding down the Shift key.
       set multibuffer
          When reading in a file with ^R, insert  it  into  a  new  buffer  by
       set noconvert
          Don't convert files from DOS/Mac format.
       set nohelp
          Don't display the two help lines at the bottom of the screen.
       set nonewlines
          When  a  file  does  not end with a newline, don't automatically add
       set nopauses
          Don't pause between warnings at startup.  This means that  only  the
          last one will be visible (when there are multiple ones).
       set nowrap
          Don't hard-wrap text at all.  This option conflicts with fill -- the
          last one given takes effect.
       set numbercolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Specify the color combination to use  for  line  numbers.   See  set
          titlecolor for more details.
       set operatingdir directory
          nano  will only read and write files inside directory and its subdi-
          rectories.  Also, the current directory is changed to here, so files
          are  inserted from this directory.  By default, the operating direc-
          tory feature is turned off.
       set positionlog
          Save the cursor position of files  between  editing  sessions.   The
          cursor  position  is  remembered  for  the  200 most-recently edited
       set preserve
          Preserve the XON and XOFF keys (^Q and ^S).
       set punct string
          Set the characters treated as closing  punctuation  when  justifying
          paragraphs.   This may not include blank characters.  Only the spec-
          fified closing punctuation, optionally followed by closing  brackets
          (see brackets), can end sentences.  The default value is "!.?".
       set quickblank
          Do  quick  status-bar  blanking:  status-bar messages will disappear
          after 1 keystroke instead of 25.  The option constantshow  overrides
       set quiet
          Obsolete option.  Recognized but ignored.
       set quotestr regex
          The  email-quote  string,  used  to justify email-quoted paragraphs.
          This is an  extended  regular  expression.   The  default  value  is
          "^([ \t]*([#:>|}]|//))+".   Note  that  \t  stands for an actual Tab
       set rebinddelete
          Interpret the Delete key differently  so  that  both  Backspace  and
          Delete  work  properly.   You should only need to use this option if
          Backspace acts like Delete on your system.
       set rebindkeypad
          Interpret the numeric keypad keys so that they  all  work  properly.
          You should only need to use this option if they don't, as mouse sup-
          port won't work properly with this option enabled.
       set regexp
          Do extended regular expression searches by default.
       set selectedcolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Specify the color combination to use for  selected  text.   See  set
          titlecolor for more details.
       set showcursor
          Put  the  cursor on the highlighted item in the file browser, to aid
          braille users.
       set smarthome
          Make the Home key smarter.  When Home is pressed anywhere but at the
          very  beginning  of  non-whitespace characters on a line, the cursor
          will jump to that beginning (either forwards or backwards).  If  the
          cursor  is already at that position, it will jump to the true begin-
          ning of the line.
       set smooth
          Use smooth scrolling by default.
       set softwrap
          Enable soft line wrapping for easier viewing of very long lines.
       set speller program
          Use the given program to do spell checking and  correcting,  instead
          of the built-in corrector that calls spell.
       set statuscolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Specify  the  color  combination to use for the status bar.  See set
          titlecolor for more details.
       set suspend
          Allow nano to be suspended.
       set tabsize number
          Use a tab size of number columns.   The  value  of  number  must  be
          greater than 0.  The default value is 8.
       set tabstospaces
          Convert typed tabs to spaces.
       set tempfile
          Save automatically on exit, don't prompt.
       set titlecolor fgcolor,bgcolor
          Specify the color combination to use for the title bar.  Valid names
          for the foreground and background colors are:  white,  black,  blue,
          green,  red, cyan, yellow, magenta, and normal -- where normal means
          the default foreground or background color.  The name of  the  fore-
          ground  color  may be prefixed with bright.  And either "fgcolor" or
          ",bgcolor" may be left out.
       set trimblanks
          Remove trailing whitespace from wrapped lines when  automatic  hard-
          wrapping  occurs  or  when text is justified.  (The old form of this
          option, 'set justifytrim', is deprecated.)
       set unix
          Save a file by  default  in  Unix  format.   This  overrides  nano's
          default  behavior of saving a file in the format that it had.  (This
          option has no effect when you also use set noconvert.)
       set view
          Disallow file modification.
       set whitespace string
          Set the two characters used to indicate the  presence  of  tabs  and
          spaces.   They  must  be single-column characters.  The default pair
          for a UTF-8 locale is ">>.", and for other locales ">.".
       set wordbounds
          Detect word boundaries differently by treating  punctuation  charac-
          ters as parts of words.
       set wordchars string
          Specify  which  other  characters  (besides  the normal alphanumeric
          ones) should be considered as parts of words.   This  overrides  the
          option wordbounds.
       Coloring the different syntactic elements of a file is done via regular
       expressions (see the color command below).  This is  inherently  imper-
       fect,  because  regular  expressions  are  not powerful enough to fully
       parse a file.  Nevertheless, regular expressions can do a lot  and  are
       easy to make, so they are a good fit for a small editor like nano.
       For  each kind of file a separate syntax can be defined via the follow-
       ing commands:
       syntax name ["fileregex" ...]
              Start the definition of a syntax with this name.  All subsequent
              color  and  other  such  commands  will be added to this syntax,
              until a new syntax command is encountered.
              When nano is run, this syntax will be automatically activated if
              the  current  filename  matches  the extended regular expression
              fileregex.  Or the syntax can be explicitly activated  by  using
              the -Y or --syntax command-line option followed by the name.
              The  syntax  default  is  special:  it  takes  no fileregex, and
              applies to files that don't match  any  syntax's  regexes.   The
              syntax  none  is  reserved; specifying it on the command line is
              the same as not having a syntax at all.
       header "regex" ...
              If from all defined syntaxes no fileregex matched, then  compare
              this  regex  (or  regexes) against the first line of the current
              file, to determine whether this syntax should be used for it.
       magic "regex" ...
              If no fileregex matched and no header regex matched either, then
              compare  this  regex (or regexes) against the result of querying
              the magic database about the current file, to determine  whether
              this  syntax  should  be  used for it.  (This functionality only
              works when libmagic is installed  on  the  system  and  will  be
              silently ignored otherwise.)
       linter program [arg ...]
              Use  the given program to run a syntax check on the current buf-
              fer.  (This overrides the speller function.)
       formatter program [arg ...]
              Use the given program to automatically reformat the text in  the
              current  buffer  --  useful  in  a programming language like Go.
              (This overrides the speller and linter functions.)
       comment "string"
              Use the given string for commenting and uncommenting lines.   If
              the  string  contains a vertical bar or pipe character (|), this
              designates bracket-style comments; for example, "/*|*/" for  CSS
              files.  The characters before the pipe are prepended to the line
              and the characters after the pipe are appended at the end of the
              line.   If  no  pipe  character  is  present, the full string is
              prepended; for example, "#" for Python files.  If  empty  double
              quotes  are  specified,  the  comment/uncomment function is dis-
              abled; for example, "" for JSON.  The default value is "#".
       color fgcolor,bgcolor "regex" ...
              Display all pieces of  text  that  match  the  extended  regular
              expression  regex  with  foreground color fgcolor and background
              color bgcolor, at least one of which must be  specified.   Valid
              colors  for  foreground  and  background are: white, black, red,
              blue, green, yellow, magenta, and cyan.  You may use the  prefix
              "bright"  to  get a stronger color highlight for the foreground.
              If your terminal supports transparency, not specifying a bgcolor
              tells nano to attempt to use a transparent background.
       icolor fgcolor,bgcolor "regex" ...
              Same as above, except that the matching is case insensitive.
       color fgcolor,bgcolor start="fromrx" end="torx"
              Display  all pieces of text whose start matches extended regular
              expression fromrx and whose end matches extended regular expres-
              sion  torx  with  foreground  color fgcolor and background color
              bgcolor, at least one of which must be  specified.   This  means
              that,  after  an  initial instance of fromrx, all text until the
              first instance of torx will  be  colored.   This  allows  syntax
              highlighting to span multiple lines.
       icolor fgcolor,bgcolor start="fromrx" end="torx"
              Same as above, except that the matching is case insensitive.
       include "syntaxfile"
              Read  in  self-contained  color  syntaxes from syntaxfile.  Note
              that syntaxfile may contain only the above commands, from syntax
              to icolor.
       extendsyntax name command [arg ...]
              Extend  the  syntax previously defined as name with another com-
              mand.  This allows adding a new color,  icolor,  header,  magic,
              comment, linter, or formatter command to an already defined syn-
              tax -- useful when you want to slightly improve a syntax defined
              in  one  of  the  system-installed files (which normally are not
       Key bindings can be changed via the following three commands:
          bind key function menu
                 Rebinds the key key to a new function named function  in  the
                 context  of  menu  menu  (or  in all menus where the function
                 exists by using all).
          bind key "string" menu
                 Makes the given key produce the given  string  in  the  given
                 menu (or in all menus where the key exists when all is used).
                 The string can consist of text or commands or a mix of  them.
                 (To  enter  a  command into the string, precede its keystroke
                 with M-V.)
          unbind key menu
                 Unbinds the key key from the menu named  menu  (or  from  all
                 menus where it exists by using all).
       The format of key should be one of:
          ^  followed by an alpha character or the word "Space".  Example: ^C
          M- followed  by a printable character or the word "Space".  Example:
          F  followed by a numeric value from 1 to 16.  Example: F10
       Valid function names to be bound are:
            Invokes the help viewer.
            Cancels the current command.
            Exits from the program (or  from  the  help  viewer  or  the  file
            Writes the current buffer to disk, asking for a name.
            Writes the current file to disk without prompting.
            Inserts  a  file  into  the  current buffer (at the current cursor
            position), or into a new buffer when option multibuffer is set.
            Starts a forward search for text in the current buffer --  or  for
            filenames  matching  a  string  in  the  current  list in the file
            Starts a backward search for text in the current buffer.
            Repeats the last search command without prompting.
            As searchagain, but always in the backward direction.
            As searchagain, but always in the forward direction.
            Interactively replaces text within the current buffer.
            Cuts and stores the current line (or the marked region).
            Copies the current line (or the marked  region)  without  deleting
            Copies  the  currently  stored text into the current buffer at the
            current cursor position.
            Sets the mark at the current position, to start selecting text.
            Cuts from the cursor position to the beginning  of  the  preceding
            Cuts from the cursor position to the beginning of the next word.
            Cuts all text from the cursor position till the end of the buffer.
            Shows the current cursor position: the line, column, and character
            Counts the number of words, lines and characters  in  the  current
            Invokes a spell-checking program (or linting program, or formatter
            program, if the active syntax defines such a thing).
            A synonym of speller (for when the speller has  not  been  config-
            Justifies  the  current paragraph.  A paragraph is a group of con-
            tiguous lines that, apart from possibly the first line,  all  have
            the same indentation.  The beginning of a paragraph is detected by
            either this lone line with a differing indentation or by a preced-
            ing blank line.
            Justifies the entire current buffer.
            Indents (shifts to the right) the currently marked text.
            Unindents (shifts to the left) the currently marked text.
            Comments or uncomments the current line or marked lines, using the
            comment style specified in the active syntax.
            Completes the fragment before the cursor  to  a  full  word  found
            elsewhere in the current buffer.
            Goes left one position (in the editor or browser).
            Goes right one position (in the editor or browser).
            Goes one line up (in the editor or browser).
            Goes one line down (in the editor or browser).
            Scrolls  the  viewport  up  one  row (meaning that the text slides
            down) while keeping the cursor in the same text position, if  pos-
            Scrolls  the  viewport  down one row (meaning that the text slides
            up) while keeping the cursor in the same text position, if  possi-
            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word.
            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word.
            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
            Moves the cursor to the end of the current line.
            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current paragraph.
            Moves the cursor to the end of the current paragraph.
            Moves  the  cursor  to  the  beginning of the current or preceding
            block of text.  (Blocks are separated by one or more blank lines.)
            Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next block of text.
            Goes up one screenful.
            Goes down one screenful.
            Goes to the first line of the file.
            Goes to the last line of the file.
            Goes to a specific line (and column if specified).  Negative  num-
            bers count from the end of the file (and end of the line).
            Moves  the  cursor  to the bracket (brace, parenthesis, etc.) that
            matches (pairs) with the one under the cursor.
            Switches to editing/viewing the previous buffer when multiple buf-
            fers are open.
            Switches  to editing/viewing the next buffer when multiple buffers
            are open.
            Inserts the next keystroke verbatim into the file.
            Inserts a tab at the current cursor location.
            Inserts a new line below the current one.
            Deletes the character under the cursor.
            Deletes the character before the cursor.
            Starts the recording of keystrokes -- the keystrokes are stored as
            a macro.  When already recording, the recording is stopped.
            Replays the keystrokes of the last recorded macro.
            Undoes  the  last  performed  text  action (add text, delete text,
            Redoes the last undone action (i.e., it undoes an undo).
            Refreshes the screen.
            Suspends the editor (if the suspending function  is  enabled,  see
            the "suspendenable" entry below).
            Toggles case sensitivity in searching (search/replace menus only).
            Toggles whether searching/replacing is based on literal strings or
            regular expressions.
            Toggles whether searching/replacing goes forward or backward.
            Shows the  previous  history  entry  in  the  prompt  menus  (e.g.
            Shows the next history entry in the prompt menus (e.g. search).
            Toggles between searching for something and replacing something.
            Toggles  between  searching  for text and targeting a line number.
            (The form 'gototext' is deprecated.)
            Toggles between inserting a file and executing a command.
            When executing a command, toggles whether the current  buffer  (or
            marked region) is piped to the command.
            Toggles  between  inserting into the current buffer and into a new
            empty buffer.
            When writing a file, switches to writing a DOS format (CR/LF).
            When writing a file, switches to writing a Mac format.
            When writing a file, appends to the end instead of overwriting.
            When writing a file, 'prepends' (writes at the beginning)  instead
            of overwriting.
            When writing a file, creates a backup of the current file.
            When  about  to  write  a file, discard the current buffer without
            saving.  (This function is  bound  by  default  only  when  option
            --tempfile is in effect.)
            Starts the file browser, allowing to select a file from a list.
            Goes  to  a directory to be specified, allowing to browse anywhere
            in the filesystem.
            Goes to the first file when using the  file  browser  (reading  or
            writing files).
            Goes  to  the  last  file  when using the file browser (reading or
            writing files).
            Toggles the presence of the two-line list of key bindings  at  the
            bottom of the screen.
            Toggles  the  constant  display  of  the current line, column, and
            character positions.  (The form 'constupdate' is deprecated.)
            Toggles the presence of the blank line that 'separates' the  title
            bar from the file text.
            Toggles smooth scrolling (when moving around with the arrow keys).
            Toggles the displaying of overlong lines on multiple screen lines.
            Toggles the display of line numbers in front of the text.
            Toggles the showing of whitespace.
            Toggles syntax highlighting.
            Toggles the smartness of the Home key.
            Toggles  whether a newly created line will contain the same amount
            of leading whitespace as the preceding line -- or as the next line
            if the preceding line is the beginning of a paragraph.
            Toggles  whether cutting text will cut the whole line or just from
            the current cursor position to the end of  the  line.   (The  form
            'cuttoend' is deprecated.)
            Toggles whether long lines will be hard-wrapped to the next line.
            Toggles whether typed tabs will be converted to spaces.
            Toggles whether a backup will be made of the file being edited.
            Toggles whether a file is inserted into the current buffer or read
            into a new buffer.
            Toggles mouse support.
            Toggles automatic conversion of files from DOS/Mac format.
            Toggles whether the suspend sequence (normally  ^Z)  will  suspend
            the editor window.
       Valid menu sections are:
            The main editor window where text is entered and edited.
            The search menu (AKA whereis).
            The 'search to replace' menu.
            The 'replace with' menu, which comes up after 'search to replace'.
            The 'goto line (and column)' menu.
            The 'write file' menu.
            The 'insert file' menu.
            The  menu  for  inserting output from an external command, reached
            from the insert menu.
            The help-viewer menu.
            The interactive spell checker Yes/no menu.
            The linter menu.
            The file browser for inserting or writing a file.
            The 'search for a file' menu in the file browser.
            The 'go to directory' menu in the file browser.
            A special name that encompasses all menus.  For bind it means  all
            menus where the specified function exists; for unbind it means all
            menus where the specified key exists.
              System-wide configuration file.
       ~/.nanorc or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nano/nanorc or ~/.config/nano/nanorc
              Per-user configuration file.
       Chris Allegretta and others (see  the  files  AUTHORS  and  THANKS  for
       details).  This manual page was originally written by Jordi Mallach for
       the Debian system (but may be used by others).
June 2018                        version 2.9.8                       NANORC(5)