JOSE-JWK-USE(category36-joomla.html) - phpMan

JOSE-JWK-USE(1)                                                JOSE-JWK-USE(1)
       jose-jwk-use - Validates a key for the specified use(s)
       jose jwk use -i JWK [-a] [-r] -u OP
       The  jose  jwk  use command validates one or more JWK(Set) inputs for a
       given set of usages. This will  be  validated  against  the  "use"  and
       "key_ops" properties of each JWK.
       By  default, if a JWK has no restrictions an operation will be allowed.
       However, by specifying the -r option you can ensure that a JWK will not
       be allowed unless it explicitly permits the option.
       In  normal  operation, jose jwk use will fail if any of the JWKs do not
       validate. However, if the -o option is used jose jwk use  will  instead
       write  a JWK(Set) containing all of the input keys that validate. If no
       JWKs validate, the command will fail.
       -i JSON, --input=JSON
              Parse JWK(Set) from JSON
       -i FILE, --input=FILE
              Read JWK(Set) from FILE
       -i -, --input=-
              Read JWK(Set) standard input
       -u sign, --use=sign
              Validate the key for signing
       -u verify, --use=verify
              Validate the key for verifying
       -u encrypt, --use=encrypt
              Validate the key for encrypting
       -u decrypt, --use=decrypt
              Validate the key for decrypting
       -u wrapKey, --use=wrapKey
              Validate the key for wrapping
       -u unwrapKey, --use=unwrapKey
              Validate the key for unwrapping
       -u deriveKey, --use=deriveKey
              Validate the key for deriving keys
       -u deriveBits, --use=deriveBits
              Validate the key for deriving bits
       -a, --all
              Succeeds only if all operations are allowed
       -r, --required
              Operations must be explicitly allowed
       -o FILE, --output=FILE
              Filter keys to FILE as JWK(Set)
       -o -, --output=-
              Filter keys to standard output as JWK(Set)
       -s, --set
              Always output a JWKSet
       Examples of both success and failure from a private and public key:
           $ jose jwk gen -i '{"alg":"ES256"}' -o prv.jwk
           $ jose jwk pub -i prv.jwk -o pub.jwk
           $ jose jwk use -i prv.jwk -u sign
           $ echo $?
           $ jose jwk use -i pub.jwk -u sign
           $ echo $?
       Nathaniel McCallum <npmccallum AT>
                                   July 2019                   JOSE-JWK-USE(1)