yum-config-manager(category37-sonstige.html) - phpMan

yum-config-manager(1)                                    yum-config-manager(1)

       yum-config-manager - manage yum configuration options and yum reposito-
       yum-config-manager [options] [section ...]
       yum-config-manager is a program that can manage main yum  configuration
       options, toggle which repositories are enabled or disabled, and add new
       Unless --add-repo is used, the program will output the current configu-
       ration  of  the  selected  sections, and optionally save it back to the
       corresponding files.
       By default, if no positional arguments are specified, the program  will
       select  the  [main] section and each enabled repository.  You can over-
       ride this by specifying your own list of sections as  arguments  (these
       may  also include disabled repositories).  A section can either be main
       or a repoid.
       -h, --help
              Display a help message, and then quit.
              Set any config option in yum config or repo files.  For  options
              in  the  global  config just use: --setopt=option=value for repo
              options  use:  --setopt=repoid.option=value.   The  latter  form
              accepts  wildcards  in  repoid  that  will  be  expanded  to the
              selected sections.  If repoid  contains  no  wildcard,  it  will
              automatically  be selected; this is useful if you are addressing
              a disabled repo, in which case you don't  have  to  additionally
              pass it as an argument.
       --save Save the current options (useful with --setopt).
              Enable  the specified repos (automatically saves). To enable all
              repositories run "yum-config-manager --enable \*".
              Disable the specified repos (automatically  saves).  To  disable
              all repositories run "yum-config-manager --disable \*".
              Add (and enable) the repo from the specified file or url.
       Yum-config-manager  inherits all other options from yum. See the yum(8)
       man page for more information.

       Show the configuration of [main] and the repos foo and bar:
              yum-config-manager main foo bar
       Enable the repos foo and bar:
              yum-config-manager --enable foo bar
       Change a global option:
              yum-config-manager --setopt=installonly_limit=5 --save
       Change a repo option of the repo foo (works even if foo is disabled):
              yum-config-manager --setopt=foo.skip_if_unavailable=1 --save
       Change a repo option of more repos at once:
              yum-config-manager --setopt=\*.skip_if_unavailable=1 --save  foo
              bar baz
       Change a repo option of all the enabled repos:
              yum-config-manager --setopt=\*.skip_if_unavailable=1 --save
       Change  a  repo option of all the configured (that is, enabled and dis-
       abled) repos:
              yum-config-manager --setopt=\*.skip_if_unavailable=1 --save \*

       yum.conf (5)

       See the Authors file included with this program.

                                13 January 2013          yum-config-manager(1)