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UUX(1P)                    POSIX Programmer's Manual                   UUX(1P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.
       uux - remote command execution
       uux [-np] command-string
       uux [-jnp] command-string

       The uux utility shall gather zero or more files from  various  systems,
       execute  a  shell pipeline (see Shell Commands ) on a specified system,
       and then send the standard output of the command to a file on a  speci-
       fied  system.  Only  the first command of a pipeline can have a system-
       name! prefix. All other commands in the pipeline shall be  executed  on
       the system of the first command.
       The  following  restrictions  are applicable to the shell pipeline pro-
       cessed by uux:
        * In gathering files from different systems, pathname expansion  shall
          not be performed by uux. Thus, a request such as:

          uux "c99 remsys!~/*.c"
       would attempt to copy the file named literally *.c to the local system.
        * The  redirection  operators  ">>", "<<", ">|", and ">&" shall not be
          accepted. Any use of these redirection operators  shall  cause  this
          utility  to  write  an error message describing the problem and exit
          with a non-zero exit status.
        * The reserved word ! cannot be used at the head of  the  pipeline  to
          modify  the exit status. (See the command-string operand description
        * Alias substitution shall not be performed.
       A filename can be specified as for uucp; it can be  an  absolute  path-
       name,  a  pathname  preceded by ~ name (which is replaced by the corre-
       sponding login directory), a pathname specified as ~/ dest  (  dest  is
       prefixed  by the public directory called PUBDIR; the actual location of
       PUBDIR is implementation-defined), or a simple filename (which is  pre-
       fixed by uux with the current directory). See uucp for the details.
       The execution of commands on remote systems shall take place in an exe-
       cution directory known to the uucp system. All files required  for  the
       execution  shall  be put into this directory unless they already reside
       on that machine. Therefore, the application shall ensure that non-local
       filenames (without path or machine reference) are unique within the uux
       The uux utility shall attempt to get all files to the execution system.
       For  files that are output files, the application shall ensure that the
       filename is escaped using parentheses.
       The remote system shall notify the user by mail if the  requested  com-
       mand on the remote system was disallowed or the files were not accessi-
       ble. This notification can be turned off by the -n option.
       Typical implementations of this utility require a  communications  line
       configured  to use the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,
       Chapter 11, General Terminal Interface, but other communications  means
       may  be  used.  On  systems where there are no available communications
       means (either temporarily or permanently), this utility shall write  an
       error message describing the problem and exit with a non-zero exit sta-
       The uux utility cannot guarantee support for all character encodings in
       all  circumstances. For example, transmission data may be restricted to
       7 bits by the underlying network, 8-bit data and filenames need not  be
       portable  to non-internationalized systems, and so on. Under these cir-
       cumstances, it is recommended  that  only  characters  defined  in  the
       ISO/IEC 646:1991  standard  International Reference Version (equivalent
       to ASCII) 7-bit range of characters be used and  that  only  characters
       defined  in  the  portable  filename  character  set be used for naming
       The uux utility  shall  conform  to  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.
       The following options shall be supported:
       -p     Make  the  standard  input to uux the standard input to the com-
       -j     Write the job identification string to standard output. This job
              identification  can  be  used  by uustat to obtain the status or
              terminate a job.
       -n     Do not notify the user if the command fails.

       The following operand shall be supported:
              A string made up of one or more arguments that  are  similar  to
              normal  command arguments, except that the command and any file-
              names can be prefixed by system-name!. A null system-name  shall
              be interpreted as the local system.

       The  standard  input  shall  not be used unless the '-' or -p option is
       specified; in those cases, the standard input shall be made  the  stan-
       dard input of the command-string.
       Input  files  shall  be  selected according to the contents of command-
       The following environment variables shall affect the execution of uux:
       LANG   Provide a default value for the  internationalization  variables
              that  are  unset  or  null.  (See the Base Definitions volume of
              IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section  8.2,  Internationalization  Vari-
              ables  for the precedence of internationalization variables used
              to determine the values of locale categories.)
       LC_ALL If set to a non-empty string value, override the values  of  all
              the other internationalization variables.
              Determine  the  locale  for  the  interpretation of sequences of
              bytes of text data as characters (for  example,  single-byte  as
              opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments).
              Determine  the  locale  that should be used to affect the format
              and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error.
              Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing of
              LC_MESSAGES .

       The  standard  output  shall not be used unless the -j option is speci-
       fied; in that case, the job identification string shall be  written  to
       standard output in the following format:

              "%s\n", <jobid>
       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.
       Output  files  shall  be  created or written, or both, according to the
       contents of command-string.
       If -n is not used, mail files shall be modified following  any  command
       or file-access failures on the remote system.
       The following exit values shall be returned:
        0     Successful completion.
       >0     An error occurred.

       The following sections are informative.
       Note  that,  for security reasons, many installations limit the list of
       commands executable on behalf of an incoming  request  from  uux.  Many
       sites permit little more than the receipt of mail via uux.
       Any  characters  special  to  the  command interpreter should be quoted
       either by quoting the entire  command-string  or  quoting  the  special
       characters as individual arguments.
       As  noted in uucp, shell pattern matching notation characters appearing
       in pathnames are expanded on the appropriate local system. This is done
       under  the control of local settings of LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE . Thus,
       care should be taken when using bracketed filename patterns, as  colla-
       tion  and  typing  rules  may  vary from one system to another. Also be
       aware that certain types of expression (that is,  equivalence  classes,
       character classes, and collating symbols) need not be supported on non-
       internationalized systems.
        1. The following command gets file1 from system a and file2 from  sys-
           tem  b,  executes diff on the local system, and puts the results in
           file.diff in the local PUBDIR directory. ( PUBDIR is the uucp  pub-
           lic directory on the local system.)

           uux "!diff a!/usr/file1 b!/a4/file2 >!~/file.diff"
        2. The  following command fails because uux places all files copied to
           a system in the same working directory. Although the files xyz  are
           from  two  different systems, their filenames are the same and con-

           uux "!diff a!/usr1/xyz b!/usr2/xyz >!~/xyz.diff"
        3. The following command succeeds (assuming diff is permitted on  sys-
           tem  a)  because  the  file  local to system a is not copied to the
           working directory, and hence does not conflict with the  file  from
           system c.

           uux "a!diff a!/usr/xyz c!/usr/xyz >!~/xyz.diff"
       Shell Command Language, uucp, uuencode, uustat
       Portions  of  this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       --  Portable  Operating  System  Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
       Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003  by  the  Institute  of
       Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                              UUX(1P)