tell(pdf.php) - phpMan

Test2::Event::Waiting (3pm) - Tell all procs/threads it is time to be done
Algorithm::Diff (3pm) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two files /...
Algorithm::DiffOld (3pm) - Compute `intelligent' differences between two file...
ftell (3)            - reposition a stream
ftell (3p)           - return a file offset in a stream
ftello (3)           - seek to or report file position
ftello (3p)          - return a file offset in a stream
partx (8)            - tell the Linux kernel about the presence and numbering...
telldir (3)          - return current location in directory stream
telldir (3p)         - current location of a named directory stream
uptime (1)           - Tell how long the system has been running.