restore(inc) - phpMan

cache_restore (8)    - restore cache metadata file to device or file.
cons.saver (8)       - general-purpose Linux console screen save and restore ...
era_restore (8)      - restore era metadata file to device or file.
git-checkout (1)     - Switch branches or restore working tree files
git-restore (1)      - Restore working tree files
ip6tables-restore (8) - Restore IPv6 Tables
ip6tables-restore-translate (8) - translation tool to migrate from iptables t...
iptables-restore (8) - Restore IP Tables
iptables-restore-translate (8) - translation tool to migrate from iptables to...
malloc_get_state (3) - record and restore state of malloc implementation
malloc_set_state (3) - record and restore state of malloc implementation
pthread_cleanup_pop_restore_np (3) - push and pop thread cancellation clean-u...
restorecon (8)       - restore file(s) default SELinux security contexts.
restorecon_xattr (8) - manage security.restorecon_last extended attribute ent...
rrdrestore (1)       - Restore the contents of an RRD from its XML dump format
SelectSaver (3pm)    - save and restore selected file handle
selinux_restorecon (3) - restore file(s) default SELinux security contexts
selinux_restorecon_default_handle (3) - sets default parameters for selinux_r...
selinux_restorecon_set_alt_rootpath (3) - set an alternate rootpath.
selinux_restorecon_set_exclude_list (3) - set list of directories to be exclu...
selinux_restorecon_set_sehandle (3) - set a labeling handle for use by selinu...
selinux_restorecon_xattr (3) - manage default security.restorecon_last extend...
thin_restore (8)     - restore thin provisioning metadata file to device or f...
vgcfgrestore (8)     - Restore volume group configuration
xfs_mdrestore (8)    - restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image
yum-debug-restore (1) - redirecting to DNF debug Plugin