posix_trace_attr_setinherited(category34-froxlor.html) - phpMan


       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.
       posix_trace_attr_getinherited,       posix_trace_attr_getlogfullpolicy,
       posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicy,    posix_trace_attr_setinherited,
       posix_trace_attr_setlogfullpolicy, posix_trace_attr_setstreamfullpolicy
       - retrieve and set the behavior of a trace stream (TRACING)
       #include <trace.h>

       int posix_trace_attr_getinherited(const trace_attr_t *restrict attr,
              int *restrict inheritancepolicy);

       int   posix_trace_attr_getlogfullpolicy(const   trace_attr_t  *restrict
              int *restrict logpolicy);

       int posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicy(const trace_attr_t *attr,
              int *streampolicy);

       int posix_trace_attr_setinherited(trace_attr_t *attr,
              int inheritancepolicy);

       int posix_trace_attr_setlogfullpolicy(trace_attr_t *attr,
              int logpolicy);

       int posix_trace_attr_setstreamfullpolicy(trace_attr_t *attr,
              int streampolicy);

       The posix_trace_attr_getinherited() and posix_trace_attr_setinherited()
       functions,  respectively,  shall  get  and  set  the inheritance policy
       stored in the inheritance attribute for  traced  processes  across  the
       fork()  and  spawn()  operations.   The  inheritance  attribute  of the
       attributes object pointed to by the attr argument shall be set  to  one
       of  the following values defined by manifest constants in the <trace.h>
              After a fork() or spawn() operation,  the  child  shall  not  be
              traced, and tracing of the parent shall continue.
              After  a  fork()  or  spawn()  operation, if the parent is being
              traced, its child shall be concurrently traced  using  the  same
              trace stream.

       The    default    value    for    the    inheritance    attribute    is
       The  posix_trace_attr_getlogfullpolicy()  and  posix_trace_attr_setlog-
       fullpolicy()  functions,  respectively, shall get and set the trace log
       full policy stored in the log-full-policy attribute of  the  attributes
       object pointed to by the attr argument.
       The log-full-policy attribute shall be set to one of the following val-
       ues defined by manifest constants in the <trace.h> header:
              The trace log shall loop until the associated  trace  stream  is
              stopped.   This  policy means that when the trace log gets full,
              the file system shall reuse the resources allocated to the  old-
              est  trace events that were recorded. In this way, the trace log
              will always contain the most recent trace events flushed.
              The trace stream shall be flushed to the  trace  log  until  the
              trace  log  is  full.  This  condition  can  be deduced from the
              posix_log_full_status member status  (see  the  posix_trace_sta-
              tus_info  structure  defined  in  <trace.h>).  The last recorded
              trace event shall be the POSIX_TRACE_STOP trace event.
              The associated trace stream shall be flushed to  the  trace  log
              without  log  size  limitation.  If  the  application  specifies
              POSIX_TRACE_APPEND, the implementation shall ignore the log-max-
              size attribute.

       The    default    value    for   the   log-full-policy   attribute   is
       The  posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicy()  and  posix_trace_attr_set-
       streamfullpolicy() functions, respectively, shall get and set the trace
       stream full policy stored in the stream-full-policy  attribute  of  the
       attributes object pointed to by the attr argument.
       The  stream-full-policy  attribute shall be set to one of the following
       values defined by manifest constants in the <trace.h> header:
              The trace stream shall loop  until  explicitly  stopped  by  the
              posix_trace_stop()  function.  This  policy  means that when the
              trace stream is full, the trace system shall reuse the resources
              allocated  to the oldest trace events recorded. In this way, the
              trace stream will always contain the most  recent  trace  events
              The  trace  stream will run until the trace stream resources are
              exhausted.  Then the trace stream will stop. This condition  can
              be deduced from posix_stream_status and posix_stream_full_status
              (see   the   posix_trace_status_info   structure   defined    in
              <trace.h>).  When  this trace stream is read, a POSIX_TRACE_STOP
              trace event shall be reported after reporting the last  recorded
              trace  event.   The trace system shall reuse the resources allo-
              cated   to   any   trace   events   already   reported-see   the
              posix_trace_getnext_event(), posix_trace_trygetnext_event(), and
              posix_trace_timedgetnext_event()  functions-or  already  flushed
              for  an  active trace stream with log if the Trace Log option is
              supported; see the posix_trace_flush() function. The trace  sys-
              tem  shall  restart  the  trace  stream when it is empty and may
              restart it sooner. A  POSIX_TRACE_START  trace  event  shall  be
              reported before reporting the next recorded trace event.
              If  the  Trace Log option is supported, this policy is identical
              to the POSIX_TRACE_UNTIL_FULL trace stream  full  policy  except
              that   the  trace  stream  shall  be  flushed  regularly  as  if
              posix_trace_flush() had been explicitly  called.  Defining  this
              policy for an active trace stream without log shall be invalid.

       The  default  value  for  the  stream-full-policy  attribute  shall  be
       POSIX_TRACE_LOOP for an active trace stream without log.
       If the Trace Log option is supported, the default value for the stream-
       full-policy  attribute  shall  be POSIX_TRACE_FLUSH for an active trace
       stream with log.
       Upon successful completion, these functions shall  return  a  value  of
       zero. Otherwise, they shall return the corresponding error number.
       If successful, the posix_trace_attr_getinherited() function shall store
       the inheritance attribute value in the object pointed to by  inheritan-
       cepolicy. Otherwise, the content of this object is undefined.
       If  successful,  the posix_trace_attr_getlogfullpolicy() function shall
       store the log-full-policy attribute value in the object pointed  to  by
       logpolicy. Otherwise, the content of this object is undefined.
       If   successful,  the  posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicy()  function
       shall store  the  stream-full-policy  attribute  value  in  the  object
       pointed  to  by  streampolicy. Otherwise, the content of this object is
       These functions may fail if:
       EINVAL The value specified by at least one of the arguments is invalid.

       The following sections are informative.
       fork(),         posix_trace_attr_init(),          posix_trace_create(),
       posix_trace_flush(),      posix_trace_get_attr(),      posix_trace_get-
       next_event(),  posix_trace_start(),   posix_trace_timedgetnext_event(),
       the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, <trace.h>
       Portions  of  this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       --  Portable  Operating  System  Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
       Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003  by  the  Institute  of
       Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003    POSIX_TRACE_ATTR_GETINHERITED(3P)