plesk(category21-suse.html) - phpMan

man(1)                          plesk man page                          man(1)
       plesk - a universal management utility for Plesk
       plesk help | -h [command]
       plesk login [login]
       plesk bin utility [options]
       plesk sbin utility [options]
       plesk php [options | file.php]
       plesk log log-files
       plesk db [sql]
       plesk db tables
       plesk db dump [databases]
       plesk db desc | show table
       plesk conf conf-file
       plesk installer [install-all-updates | install-panel-updates | options]
       plesk repair aspect
       plesk daily
       plesk ext extension [command] [options]
       plesk version | -v
       plesk is a management utility which simplifies and speeds up daily rou-
       tines of Plesk administrators, like running Plesk CLI utilities,  work-
       ing  with the Plesk database, and so on. Note that the utility supports
       autocomplete for all its commands.
       help | -h [command]
           Show help and exit. Provide command, to get the details on  a  par-
           ticular command.
       login [login]
           Generate  auto login link for the user specified by login (admin by
       bin utility [options]
           Run  the  specified  Plesk  command-line  utility  (e.g.,   domain,
           client).   This   applies   to  public  CLI  utilities  located  at
           /usr/local/psa/bin directory.
       sbin utility [options]
           Run the specified Plesk internal utility. This applies to utilities
           located at /usr/local/psa/admin/sbin directory.
       php [options | file.php]
           Run  an  arbitrary  file.php using the proper PHP interpreter. Here
           options are the options of the PHP interpreter.
       log log-files
           Display the specified Plesk log files using the 'tail -F'  utility.
           To view the list of available log files, run 'plesk help log'.
       db [sql]
           Open  MySQL  console  and  switch to 'psa' database. If sql is pro-
           vided, then execute an SQL query for the database.
       db tables
           Show the list of existing database tables.
       db dump [databases]
           Show a dump of the specified Plesk databases.  The  'psa'  database
           dump is shown by default.
       db desc table
           Show  a  structure  of  the specified database table by given table
       db show table
           Show content of the specified database table by given table name.
       conf conf-file
           Open the specified Plesk configuration file in the  editor.  Editor
           command can be customized via EDITOR environment variable.
       installer [install-all-updates | install-panel-updates | options]
           Invoke  Plesk  Installer either with given options or with a prede-
           fined set of options using one of the  shortcuts.  Plesk  Installer
           binary can be customized via PLESK_INSTALLER environment variable.
       repair aspect
           Run  Plesk check and repair tool. Provide aspect 'all' to check and
           repair all aspects in the interactive mode.
           Run Plesk daily maintenance script  (/usr/local/psa/admin/plib/Dai-
       ext extension [command] [options]
           Run command for particular extension.
       version | -v
           Show product version information. Version, build date, revision and
           architecture will be shown.
1.2                               07 Jul 2017                           man(1)