pc(category7-pop3.html) - phpMan

Test2::IPC (3pm)     - Turn on IPC for threading or forking support.
Test2::IPC::Driver (3pm) - Base class for Test2 IPC drivers.
Test2::IPC::Driver::Files (3pm) - Temp dir + Files concurrency model.
bdftopcf (1)         - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Port...
Bundle::PlRPC (3pm)  - A bundle to install PlRPC-Server, Client and prerequis...
callrpc (3)          - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_pcreateerror (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
clnt_spcreateerror (3) - library routines for remote procedure calls
coredumpctl (1)      - Retrieve coredumps from the journal
endrpcent (3)        - get RPC entry
fpclassify (3)       - floating-point classification macros
fpclassify (3p)      - classify real floating type
ftok (3)             - convert a pathname and a project identifier to a Syste...
ftok (3p)            - generate an IPC key
ftpcount (1)         - show current number of connections for each proftpd se...
getpcaps (8)         - display process capabilities
getrpcbyname (3)     - get RPC entry
getrpcbyname_r (3)   - get RPC entry (reentrant)
getrpcbynumber (3)   - get RPC entry
getrpcbynumber_r (3) - get RPC entry (reentrant)
getrpcent (3)        - get RPC entry
getrpcent_r (3)      - get RPC entry (reentrant)
getrpcport (3)       - get RPC port number
grpck (8)            - verify integrity of group files
grpconv (8)          - convert to and from shadow passwords and groups
ipc (2)              - System V IPC system calls
ipc (5)              - System V interprocess communication mechanisms
ipc.h (0p)           - XSI interprocess communication access structure
IPC::Cmd (3pm)       - finding and running system commands made easy
IPC::Msg (3pm)       - SysV Msg IPC object class
IPC::Open2 (3pm)     - open a process for both reading and writing using open2()
IPC::Open3 (3pm)     - open a process for reading, writing, and error handlin...
IPC::Semaphore (3pm) - SysV Semaphore IPC object class
IPC::SharedMem (3pm) - SysV Shared Memory IPC object class
IPC::SysV (3pm)      - System V IPC constants and system calls
ipcalc (1)           - perform simple manipulation of IP addresses
ipcmk (1)            - create various ipc resources
ipcrm (1)            - remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared memory id
ipcrm (1p)           - remove an XSI message queue, semaphore set, or shared ...
ipcs (1)             - provide information on IPC facilities
ipcs (1p)            - report XSI interprocess communication facilities status
kdumpctl (8)         - control interface for kdump
key_decryptsession (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_encryptsession (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_gendes (3)       - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_secretkey_is_set (3) - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
key_setsecret (3)    - interfaces to rpc keyserver daemon
lsipc (1)            - show information on IPC facilities currently employed ...
lvm-dumpconfig (8)   - Display and manipulate configuration information
lwpcook (3pm)        - The libwww-perl cookbook
mempcpy (3)          - copy memory area
Opcode (3pm)         - Disable named opcodes when compiling perl code
pclose (3)           - pipe stream to or from a process
pclose (3p)          - close a pipe stream to or from a process
pcre_table (5)       - format of Postfix PCRE tables
perlipc (1)          - Perl interprocess communication (signals, fifos, pipes...
plipconfig (8)       - fine tune PLIP device parameters
registerrpc (3)      - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc (3)              - library routines for remote procedure calls
rpc (5)              - RPC program number data base
RPC::PlClient (3pm)  - Perl extension for writing PlRPC clients
RPC::PlServer (3pm)  - Perl extension for writing PlRPC servers
rrdflushcached (1)   - Flush the values for a spcific RRD file from memory.
setrpcent (3)        - get RPC entry
stpcpy (3)           - copy a string returning a pointer to its end
svipc (7)            - System V interprocess communication mechanisms
swapcontext (2)      - Swap out old context with new context
swapcontext (3)      - manipulate user context
swapcontext (3p)     - manipulate user contexts
sys_ipc.h (0p)       - XSI interprocess communication access structure
wcpcpy (3)           - copy a wide-character string, returning a pointer to i...
wmempcpy (3)         - copy memory area
zipcloak (1)         - encrypt entries in a zipfile
zipcmp (1)           - compare contents of zip archives