pair(category16-debian.html) - phpMan

btrfs-check (8)      - check or repair an unmounted btrfs filesystem
btrfsck (8)          - check or repair an unmounted btrfs filesystem
cache_repair (8)     - repair cache binary metadata from device/file to devic...
dosfsck (8)          - check and repair MS-DOS filesystems
doveadm-force-resync (1) - Repair broken mailboxes
fixparts (8)         - MBR partition table repair utility
fsck (8)             - check and repair a Linux filesystem
fsck.fat (8)         - check and repair MS-DOS filesystems
fsck.msdos (8)       - check and repair MS-DOS filesystems
fsck.vfat (8)        - check and repair MS-DOS filesystems
socketpair (2)       - create a pair of connected sockets
socketpair (3p)      - create a pair of connected sockets
thin_repair (8)      - repair thin provisioning binary metadata.
unlockpt (3)         - unlock a pseudoterminal master/slave pair
unlockpt (3p)        - unlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair
xfs_repair (8)       - repair an XFS filesystem