lvmconf(category32-phpmyadmin.html) - phpMan

LVMCONF(8)                                                          LVMCONF(8)

       lvmconf -- LVM configuration modifier
       lvmconf [--disable-cluster] [--enable-cluster] [--enable-halvm] [--dis-
       able-halvm] [--file <configfile>] [--lockinglib <lib>] [--lockinglibdir
       <dir>] [--services] [--mirrorservice] [--startstopservices]

       lvmconf  is  a script that modifies the locking configuration in an lvm
       configuration file. See lvm.conf(5). In addition to that, it  can  also
       set Systemd or SysV services according to changes in the lvm configura-
       tion if needed.

              Set locking_type to the default non-clustered type.  Also  reset
              lvmetad use to its default.
              Set  locking_type  to the default clustered type on this system.
              Also disable lvmetad use as it is not yet supported in clustered
              Set  locking_type  to the default non-clustered type. Also reset
              lvmetad use to its default.
              Set locking_type suitable for HA LVM use.  Also disable  lvmetad
              use as it is not yet supported in HA LVM environment.
       --file <configfile>
              Apply   the   changes  to  configfile  instead  of  the  default
       --lockinglib <lib>
              Set external locking_library  locking  library  to  load  if  an
              external locking type is used.
       --lockinglibdir <dir>
              In  addition  to  setting  the lvm configuration, also enable or
              disable related Systemd or SysV clvmd and lvmetad services. This
              script  does not configure services provided by cluster resource
              Also enable or disable optional cmirrord service  when  handling
              services (applicable only with --services).
              In  addition to enabling or disabling related services, start or
              stop them immediately (applicable only with --services).

       lvm(8), lvm.conf(5)

Red Hat, Inc       LVM TOOLS 2.02.187(2)-RHEL7 (2020-03-24)         LVMCONF(8)