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LOCALEDEF(1P)              POSIX Programmer's Manual             LOCALEDEF(1P)

       This  manual  page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.  The Linux
       implementation of this interface may differ (consult the  corresponding
       Linux  manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may
       not be implemented on Linux.
       localedef - define locale environment
       localedef [-c][-f charmap][-i sourcefile][-u code_set_name] name
       The localedef utility shall convert source definitions for locale cate-
       gories into a format usable by the functions and utilities whose opera-
       tional behavior is determined by the setting of the locale  environment
       variables    defined    in    the    Base    Definitions    volume   of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 7, Locale. It  is  implementation-defined
       whether users have the capability to create new locales, in addition to
       those  supplied  by  the  implementation.  If  the  symbolic   constant
       POSIX2_LOCALEDEF  is  defined,  the system supports the creation of new
       locales.    On   XSI-conformant   systems,   the   symbolic    constant
       POSIX2_LOCALEDEF shall be defined.
       The  utility shall read source definitions for one or more locale cate-
       gories belonging to the same locale from  the  file  named  in  the  -i
       option (if specified) or from standard input.
       The  name  operand identifies the target locale. The utility shall sup-
       port the creation of public, or generally accessible locales,  as  well
       as  private, or restricted-access locales. Implementations may restrict
       the capability to create or modify public locales  to  users  with  the
       appropriate privileges.
       Each  category source definition shall be identified by the correspond-
       ing environment variable name and terminated by  an  END  category-name
       statement.  The  following  categories shall be supported. In addition,
       the input may contain source for implementation-defined categories.
              Defines character classification and case conversion.
              Defines collation rules.
              Defines the format and symbols used in  formatting  of  monetary
              Defines the decimal delimiter, grouping, and grouping symbol for
              non-monetary numeric editing.
              Defines the format and content of date and time information.
              Defines the  format  and  values  of  affirmative  and  negative

       The  localedef  utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.
       The following options shall be supported:
       -c     Create permanent output  even  if  warning  messages  have  been
       -f  charmap
              Specify the pathname of a file containing a mapping of character
              symbols and collating element symbols to actual character encod-
              ings. The format of the charmap is described in the Base Defini-
              tions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 6.4, Character Set
              Description  File. The application shall ensure that this option
              is specified if symbolic names  (other  than  collating  symbols
              defined  in  a  collating-symbol  keyword)  are  used. If the -f
              option is not present, an implementation-defined character  map-
              ping shall be used.
       -i  inputfile
              The  pathname  of  a  file containing the source definitions. If
              this option is not present, source  definitions  shall  be  read
              from standard input. The format of the inputfile is described in
              the Base Definitions  volume  of  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section
              7.3, Locale Definition.
       -u  code_set_name
              Specify  the  name  of  a  codeset used as the target mapping of
              character symbols and collating element symbols  whose  encoding
              values are defined in terms of the ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 standard
              position constant values.

       The following operand shall be supported:
       name   Identifies the  locale;  see  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
              IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 7, Locale for a description of the
              use of this name. If the name contains one or more slash charac-
              ters,  name shall be interpreted as a pathname where the created
              locale definitions shall be stored. If name does not contain any
              slash  characters, the interpretation of the name is implementa-
              tion-defined and the locale shall be public. This capability may
              be restricted to users with appropriate privileges. (As a conse-
              quence of specifying one name, although several  categories  can
              be  processed in one execution, only categories belonging to the
              same locale can be processed.)

       Unless the -i option is specified, the standard input shall be  a  text
       file  containing  one  or  more  locale category source definitions, as
       described in the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Sec-
       tion  7.3, Locale Definition. When lines are continued using the escape
       character mechanism, there is no limit to the length of the accumulated
       continued line.
       The character set mapping file specified as the charmap option-argument
       is described in the Base Definitions  volume  of  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,
       Section  6.4,  Character  Set  Description  File.  If a locale category
       source definition contains a copy statement, as  defined  in  the  Base
       Definitions  volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 7, Locale, and the
       copy statement names a valid, existing  locale,  then  localedef  shall
       behave  as  if  the  source  definition  had contained a valid category
       source definition for the named locale.
       The following environment  variables  shall  affect  the  execution  of
       LANG   Provide  a  default value for the internationalization variables
              that are unset or null. (See  the  Base  Definitions  volume  of
              IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section  8.2,  Internationalization Vari-
              ables for the precedence of internationalization variables  used
              to determine the values of locale categories.)
       LC_ALL If  set  to a non-empty string value, override the values of all
              the other internationalization variables.
              (This variable has no affect on localedef; the POSIX  locale  is
              used for this category.)
              Determine  the  locale  for  the  interpretation of sequences of
              bytes of text data as characters (for  example,  single-byte  as
              opposed  to multi-byte characters in arguments and input files).
              This variable has no affect on the processing of localedef input
              data;  the  POSIX locale is used for this purpose, regardless of
              the value of this variable.
              Determine the locale that should be used to  affect  the  format
              and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error.
              Determine the location of message catalogs for the processing of
              LC_MESSAGES .

       The utility shall report all categories successfully processed,  in  an
       unspecified format.
       The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.
       The  format  of  the created output is unspecified. If the name operand
       does not contain a slash, the existence  of  an  output  file  for  the
       locale is unspecified.
       When  the -u option is used, the code_set_name option-argument shall be
       interpreted as an implementation-defined name of a codeset to which the
       ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000  standard  position  constant values shall be con-
       verted    via    an    implementation-defined    method.    Both    the
       ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000  standard  position constant values and other for-
       mats (decimal, hexadecimal, or octal) shall be valid as encoding values
       within the charmap file. The codeset represented by the implementation-
       defined name can be any codeset that is supported  by  the  implementa-
       When   conflicts   occur   between   the   charmap   specification   of
       <code_set_name>, <mb_cur_max>, or <mb_cur_min> and the  implementation-
       defined interpretation of these respective items for the codeset repre-
       sented by the -u option-argument code_set_name, the result is  unspeci-
       When  conflicts occur between the charmap encoding values specified for
       symbolic names of characters of the  portable  character  set  and  the
       implementation-defined  assignment  of  character  encoding values, the
       result is unspecified.
       If a non-printable character in the charmap has a width specified  that
       is not -1, localedef shall generate a warning.
       The following exit values shall be returned:
        0     No errors occurred and the locales were successfully created.
        1     Warnings occurred and the locales were successfully created.
        2     The  locale  specification exceeded implementation limits or the
              coded character set or sets  used  were  not  supported  by  the
              implementation, and no locale was created.
        3     The  capability  to  create  new locales is not supported by the
       >3     Warnings or errors occurred and no output was created.

       If an error is detected, no permanent output shall be created.
       If warnings occur, permanent output shall be created if the  -c  option
       was specified. The following conditions shall cause warning messages to
       be issued:
        * If a symbolic name not found in the charmap file  is  used  for  the
          descriptions  of  the  LC_CTYPE  or LC_COLLATE categories (for other
          categories, this shall be an error condition).
        * If  the  number  of  operands  to  the  order  keyword  exceeds  the
          {COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX} limit.
        * If optional keywords not supported by the implementation are present
          in the source.
        * If a non-printable character has a width specified other than -1.
       Other implementation-defined conditions may also cause warnings.
       The following sections are informative.
       The charmap definition is optional, and is contained outside the locale
       definition.  This allows both completely self-defined source files, and
       generic sources (applicable to more than one codeset). To aid portabil-
       ity,  all  charmap definitions must use the same symbolic names for the
       portable character set. As explained in the Base Definitions volume  of
       IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section  6.4, Character Set Description File, it
       is implementation-defined whether or not users or applications can pro-
       vide  additional  character  set  description  files. Therefore, the -f
       option might be operable only when an implementation-defined charmap is
       The output produced by the localedef utility is implementation-defined.
       The name operand is used to identify the specific locale. (As a  conse-
       quence,  although several categories can be processed in one execution,
       only categories belonging to the same locale can be processed.)
       locale, the Base Definitions volume  of  IEEE Std 1003.1-2001,  Section
       7.3, Locale Definition
       Portions  of  this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       --  Portable  Operating  System  Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
       Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003  by  the  Institute  of
       Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The  Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
       is the referee document. The original Standard can be  obtained  online
       at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                        LOCALEDEF(1P)