lib::core::only(category16-debian.html) - phpMan

lib::core::only(3)    User Contributed Perl Documentation   lib::core::only(3)
       lib::core::only - Remove all non-core paths from @INC to avoid
       site/vendor dirs
         use lib::core::only; # now @INC contains only the two core directories
       To get only the core directories plus the ones for the local::lib in
         $ perl -mlocal::lib -Mlib::core::only -Mlocal::lib=~/perl5
       To attempt to do a self-contained build (but note this will not
       reliably propagate into subprocesses, see the CAVEATS below):
         $ PERL5OPT='-mlocal::lib -Mlib::core::only -Mlocal::lib=~/perl5' cpan
       Please note that it is necessary to use "local::lib" twice for this to
       work.  First so that "lib::core::only" doesn't prevent "local::lib"
       from loading (it's not currently in core) and then again after
       "lib::core::only" so that the local paths are not removed.
       lib::core::only is simply a shortcut to say "please reduce my @INC to
       only the core lib and archlib (architecture-specific lib) directories
       of this perl".
       You might want to do this to ensure a local::lib contains only the code
       you need, or to test an App::FatPacker tree, or to avoid known bad
       vendor packages.
       You might want to use this to try and install a self-contained tree of
       perl modules. Be warned that that probably won't work (see "CAVEATS").
       This module was extracted from local::lib's --self-contained feature,
       and contains the only part that ever worked. I apologise to anybody who
       thought anything else did.
       This does not propagate properly across perl invocations like
       local::lib's stuff does. It can't. It's only a module import, so it
       only affects the specific perl VM instance in which you load and
       import() it.
       If you want to cascade it across invocations, you can set the PERL5OPT
       environment variable to '-Mlib::core::only' and it'll sort of work. But
       be aware that taint mode ignores this, so some modules' build and test
       code probably will as well.
       You also need to be aware that perl's command line options are not
       processed in order - -I options take effect before -M options, so
         perl -Mlib::core::only -Ilib
       is unlike to do what you want - it's exactly equivalent to:
         perl -Mlib::core::only
       If you want to combine a core-only @INC with additional paths, you need
       to add the additional paths using -M options and the lib module:
         perl -Mlib::core::only -Mlib=lib
         # or if you're trying to test compiled code:
         perl -Mlib::core::only -Mblib
       For more information on the impossibility of sanely propagating this
       across module builds without help from the build program, see
       <>; - and for
       ways to achieve the old --self-contained feature's results, look at
       App::FatPacker's tree function, and at App::cpanminus's
       --local-lib-contained feature.
       Matt S. Trout <mst AT>
       This library is free software under the same terms as perl itself.
       (c) 2010 the lib::core::only "AUTHOR" as specified above.
perl v5.26.3                      2015-05-28                lib::core::only(3)