langinfo.h(category37-sonstige.html) - phpMan

<langinfo.h>(0P)           POSIX Programmer's Manual          <langinfo.h>(0P)

       langinfo.h - language information constants
       #include <langinfo.h>
       The  <langinfo.h>  header contains the constants used to identify items
       of langinfo  data  (see  nl_langinfo()).  The  type  of  the  constant,
       nl_item, shall be defined as described in <nl_types.h> .
       The  following  constants  shall be defined. The entries under Category
       indicate in which setlocale() category each item is defined.
          Constant    Category    Meaning
          CODESET     LC_CTYPE    Codeset name.
          D_T_FMT     LC_TIME     String for formatting date and time.
          D_FMT       LC_TIME     Date format string.
          T_FMT       LC_TIME     Time format string.
          T_FMT_AMPM  LC_TIME     a.m. or p.m. time format string.
          AM_STR      LC_TIME     Ante-meridiem affix.
          PM_STR      LC_TIME     Post-meridiem affix.
          DAY_1       LC_TIME     Name of the first day of the week (for
                                  example, Sunday).
          DAY_2       LC_TIME     Name of the second day of the week (for
                                  example, Monday).
          DAY_3       LC_TIME     Name of the third day of the week (for
                                  example, Tuesday).
          DAY_4       LC_TIME     Name of the fourth day of the week
                                  (for example, Wednesday).
          DAY_5       LC_TIME     Name of the fifth day of the week (for
                                  example, Thursday).
          DAY_6       LC_TIME     Name of the sixth day of the week (for
                                  example, Friday).
          DAY_7       LC_TIME     Name of the seventh day of the week
                                  (for example, Saturday).
          ABDAY_1     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the first day of the
          ABDAY_2     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the second day of
                                  the week.
          ABDAY_3     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the third day of the
          ABDAY_4     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the fourth day of
                                  the week.
          ABDAY_5     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the fifth day of the
          ABDAY_6     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the sixth day of the
          ABDAY_7     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the seventh day of
                                  the week.
          MON_1       LC_TIME     Name of the first month of the year.
          MON_2       LC_TIME     Name of the second month.
          MON_3       LC_TIME     Name of the third month.
          MON_4       LC_TIME     Name of the fourth month.
          MON_5       LC_TIME     Name of the fifth month.
          MON_6       LC_TIME     Name of the sixth month.
          MON_7       LC_TIME     Name of the seventh month.
          MON_8       LC_TIME     Name of the eighth month.
          MON_9       LC_TIME     Name of the ninth month.
          MON_10      LC_TIME     Name of the tenth month.
          MON_11      LC_TIME     Name of the eleventh month.
          MON_12      LC_TIME     Name of the twelfth month.
          ABMON_1     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the first month.
          ABMON_2     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the second month.
          ABMON_3     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the third month.
          ABMON_4     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the fourth month.
          ABMON_5     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the fifth month.
          ABMON_6     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the sixth month.
          ABMON_7     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the seventh month.
          ABMON_8     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the eighth month.
          ABMON_9     LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the ninth month.
          ABMON_10    LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the tenth month.
          ABMON_11    LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the eleventh month.
          ABMON_12    LC_TIME     Abbreviated name of the twelfth month.
          ERA         LC_TIME     Era description segments.
          ERA_D_FMT   LC_TIME     Era date format string.
          ERA_D_T_FMT LC_TIME     Era date and time format string.
          ERA_T_FMT   LC_TIME     Era time format string.
          ALT_DIGITS  LC_TIME     Alternative symbols for digits.
          RADIXCHAR   LC_NUMERIC  Radix character.
          THOUSEP     LC_NUMERIC  Separator for thousands.
          YESEXPR     LC_MESSAGES Affirmative response expression.
          NOEXPR      LC_MESSAGES Negative response expression.
          CRNCYSTR    LC_MONETARY Local currency symbol, preceded by '-'
                                  if the symbol should appear before the
                                  value, '+' if the symbol should appear
                                  after the value, or '.' if the symbol
                                  should replace the radix character. If
                                  the local currency symbol is the empty
                                  string, implementations may return the
                                  empty string ( "" ).
       If  the  locale's  values  for  p_cs_precedes  and n_cs_precedes do not
       match, the value of nl_langinfo(CRNCYSTR) is unspecified.
       The following shall be declared as a function and may also  be  defined
       as a macro. A function prototype shall be provided.

              char *nl_langinfo(nl_item);
       Inclusion  of the <langinfo.h> header may also make visible all symbols
       from <nl_types.h>.
       The following sections are informative.
       Wherever possible, users are advised to use functions  compatible  with
       those  in  the ISO C standard to access items of langinfo data. In par-
       ticular, the strftime() function should be used to access date and time
       information  defined  in  category  LC_TIME.  The localeconv() function
       should be  used  to  access  information  corresponding  to  RADIXCHAR,
       The  System  Interfaces  volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, nl_langinfo(),
       localeconv(), strfmon(), strftime(), Locale
       Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in  electronic  form
       from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
       -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX),  The  Open  Group  Base
       Specifications  Issue  6,  Copyright  (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of
       Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open  Group.  In  the
       event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
       The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group  Standard
       is  the  referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online
       at .

IEEE/The Open Group                  2003                     <langinfo.h>(0P)