doveadm-mailbox(category21-suse.html) - phpMan

DOVEADM-MAILBOX(1)                  Dovecot                 DOVEADM-MAILBOX(1)
       doveadm-mailbox - Commands related to handling mailboxes
       doveadm [-Dv] [-f formatter] mailbox_cmd [options] [arguments]
       doveadm mailbox can be used to query and modify mailboxes.
       Global doveadm(1) options:
       -D     Enables verbosity and debug messages.
       -f formatter
              Specifies  the  formatter  for formatting the output.  Supported
              formatters are:
              flow   prints each line with key=value pairs.
              pager  prints each key: value pair on its own line and separates
                     records with form feed character (^L).
              tab    prints  a  table  header  followed by tab separated value
              table  prints a table header followed by adjusted value lines.
       -o setting=value
              Overrides  the  configuration  setting  from  /etc/dovecot/dove-
              cot.conf  and from the userdb with the given value.  In order to
              override multiple settings, the -o option may be specified  mul-
              tiple times.
       -v     Enables verbosity, including progress counter.
       Command specific options:
       -A     If  the  -A option is present, the command will be performed for
              all users.  Using this option in combination with  system  users
              from  userdb  { driver = passwd } is not recommended, because it
              contains also users with a lower UID  than  the  one  configured
              with the first_valid_uid setting.
              When  the  SQL  userdb  module  is used make sure that the iter-
              ate_query setting in  /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext  matches
              your  database  layout.  When using the LDAP userdb module, make
              sure that  the  iterate_attrs  and  iterate_filter  settings  in
              /etc/dovecot/dovecot-ldap.conf.ext match your LDAP schema.  Oth-
              erwise doveadm(1) will be unable to iterate over all users.
       -F file
              Execute the command for all the users in the file.  This is sim-
              ilar  to the -A option, but instead of getting the list of users
              from the userdb, they are read from the given  file.   The  file
              contains one username per line.
       -S socket_path
              The option's argument is either an absolute path to a local UNIX
              domain socket, or a hostname and port (hostname:port), in  order
              to connect a remote host via a TCP socket.
              This allows an administrator to execute doveadm(1) mail commands
              through the given socket.
       -u user/mask
              Run the command only for the given user.  It's also possible  to
              use '*' and '?' wildcards (e.g. -u *
              When  neither  the  -A  option,  nor the -F file option, nor the
              -u user was specified, the command will  be  executed  with  the
              environment of the currently logged in user.
              Is  the name of a mailbox, as visible to IMAP clients, except in
              UTF-8 format. The hierarchy separator between a parent and child
              mailbox  is  commonly  '/'  or  '.',  but  this  depends on your
              selected mailbox storage format and namespace configuration. The
              mailbox names may also require a namespace prefix.
   mailbox create
       doveadm  mailbox create [-A|-u user|-F file] [-S socket_path] [-g guid]
       [-s] mailbox ...
       This command is used to create one or more mailboxes.  The mailbox for-
       mat  of  the created mailboxes depends on the mail_location setting, or
       the user's mail field, returned by the userdb.
       -g guid
              Create the mailbox with the specified GUID.
       -s     When this option was given, the created mailboxes will  be  also
              added to the user's subscriptions.
   mailbox cryptokey
       mailbox cryptokey export|generate|list|password
       This  command  is  used to manage mail crypt plugin cryptographic keys.
       Please see doveadm-mailbox-cryptokey(1) for more details.
   mailbox delete
       doveadm mailbox delete [-A|-u user|-F file] [-S socket_path] [-s]  [-r]
       [-e] [-Z] mailbox ...
       This  command  deletes  a mailbox and expunges all the messages it con-
       tains.  If the mailbox has any children, they won't be deleted,  unless
       -r is given.
       -r     Delete mailboxes recursively
       -s     Unsubscribe deleted mailboxes.
       -e     Require mailboxes to be empty before deleting.
       -Z     Delete  the mailbox as efficiently as possible, but the user may
              not be in fully consistent state afterwards. For  example  quota
              may  be  wrong.  This  option is mainly useful when deleting the
              entire user.
   mailbox list
       doveadm mailbox list [-7|-8] [-A|-u user|-F file] [-S socket_path] [-s]
       [mailbox ...]
       To  get  an overview of existing mailboxes use this command.  It's also
       possible to use wildcards in the mailbox name.
       When the -s option  is  present,  only  subscribed  mailboxes  will  be
       listed.  Listed  subscriptions  may  also  contain  mailboxes  that are
       already deleted.
       -7     Lists the mailboxes with mUTF-7 encoding.
       -8     Lists the mailboxes with UTF-8 encoding.
   mailbox mutf7
       doveadm mailbox mutf7 [-7|-8] name ...
       The mailbox mutf7 command may be  used  to  convert  the  international
       mailbox  name  into  a  modified version of the UTF-7 encoding and vice
       versa.  See RFC 3501, section 5.1.3 (Mailbox International Naming  Con-
       -7     Indicates  that  the  name's  string  representation  is  mUTF-7
              encoded and it should be converted to UTF-8.
       -8     Indicates that the name's is UTF-8 encoded and  should  be  con-
              verted to mUTF-7 (default).
       name   One or more mailbox names that should be converted.
   mailbox rename
       doveadm  mailbox  rename  [-A|-u  user|-F  file]  [-S socket_path] [-s]
       old_name new_name
       The mailbox rename command is used to rename the  mailbox  old_name  to
       When the -s option is given, old_name will be unsubscribed and new_name
       will be subscribed.
   mailbox status
       doveadm  [-f  formatter]  mailbox  status  [-A|-u  user|-F  file]   [-S
       socket_path] [-t] fields mailbox ...
       Show  the  status  of one or more mailboxes.  The mailbox name may also
       contain wildcards.
       This command uses by default the output formatter flow.
       -t     Summarize the values of  the  status  fields  messages,  recent,
              unseen and/or vsize of multiple mailboxes to a sum (total).
       fields Specify  the  status  fields which should be shown.  In order to
              specify multiple status fields, enclosed them in quotes.
              all    This is a special status field name.  It means  show  all
                     of  the following fields.  When the -t option is present,
                     it means show only the messages, recent, unseen and vsize
              guid   The mailbox's globally unique identifier.
                     The  highest  mod-sequence  value  of all messages in the
                     The number of messages in the mailbox.
              recent The number of messages with the \Recent flag set.
                     The next unique identifier value.
                     The unique identifier validity value.
              unseen The message sequence number of the first  unseen  message
                     in the mailbox.
              vsize  The  mailbox's virtual size, computed with CRLF line ter-
                     Saved time of the first mail in the mailbox.
   mailbox subscribe
       doveadm mailbox subscribe [-A|-u user|-F file] [-S  socket_path]  mail-
       box ...
       This command is used to subscribe one or more mailboxes.
   mailbox unsubscribe
       doveadm mailbox unsubscribe [-A|-u user|-F file] [-S socket_path] mail-
       box ...
       This command is used to unsubscribe one or more mailboxes.
   mailbox update
       doveadm mailbox update [-A|-u user|-F] [-S socket_path] [--mailbox-guid
       guid] [--uid-validity uid] [--min-next-uid uid] [--min-first-recent-uid
       uid] [--min-highest-modseq seq]  [--min-highest-pvt-modseq  seq]  mail-
       box ...
       This  command  is  used to set UID validity, next UID, first recent UID
       and modification sequence values.
       Usually this is only ever to be used  during  migration,  or  restoring
       mailbox  after  disaster.  Settings these values is highly discouraged,
       and is not supported for all mail backends.
   mailbox cache purge
       doveadm mailbox cache purge [-A|-u user|-F file] [-S socket_path] mail-
       box ...
       Purge the dovecot.index.cache file. Most importantly this frees up disk
       space from mails that were already deleted. Normally there i no need to
       run this command manually, because the compression is also run automat-
   mailbox cache decision
       doveadm mailbox cache decision [-A|-u user|-F  file]  [-S  socket_path]
       [--all] [--fields list of fields] [--last-used unix timestamp] [--deci-
       sion no|temp|yes] mailbox ...
       This command is used to list or change caching decisions  for  field(s)
       in  mailbox(es).   You  can  list decisions by leaving out decision and
       last-used parameters.
       --all  List or change all fields.
              List or change these comma/space separated fields.
              Set field caching decision. Yes means it's always cached.   Temp
              means  it's  provisionally  cached.   No  means the field is not
              Set field's last used timestamp.
       NOTE. This command cannot be used to add new fields to cache! You  need
       to  first  add  them  to  configuration. Setting caching to no will not
       immediately drop field from cache, it will stop  adding  the  field  to
   mailbox cache remove
       doveadm  mailbox  cache  remove  [-A|-u  user|-F file] [-S socket_path]
       Remove any matching mail(s) from cache.
       WARNING! This command can erase ALL cached data, causing  system  slow-
       List subscribed mailboxes, beginning with 'dovecot', of user bob.
       doveadm mailbox list -s -u bob dovecot*
       Now have a look at the status of user bob's dovecot mailboxes.
       doveadm -f table mailbox status -u bob "messages vsize" dovecot*
       mailbox                                    messages vsize
       dovecot                                    20501    93968492
       dovecot/pigeonhole                         0        0
       dovecot/pigeonhole/2.0                     47       323474
       Converting  an  internationalized mailbox name from mUTF-7 to UTF-8 and
       vice versa.
       doveadm mailbox mutf7 -7 "~peter/mail/&U,BTFw-/&ZeVnLIqe-"
       doveadm mailbox mutf7 ~peter/mail//
       Report bugs, including doveconf -n output, to the Dovecot Mailing  List
       <dovecot AT>.   Information  about reporting bugs is available
       doveadm(1) doveadm-search-query(7) doveadm-mailbox-cryptokey(1)
Dovecot v2.3                      2015-05-09                DOVEADM-MAILBOX(1)