CRONNEXT(1) User Commands CRONNEXT(1)
cronnext - time of next job cron will execute
cronnext [-i users] [-e users] [-s] [-a] [-t time] [-q time] [-l] [-c]
[-f] [-h] [-V] [file]...
Determine the time cron will execute the next job. Without arguments,
it prints that time considering all crontabs, in number of seconds
since the Epoch, rounded to the minute. This number can be converted
into other formats using date(1), like date --date @43243254
The file arguments are optional. If provided, cronnext uses them as
crontabs instead of the ones installed in the system.
-i user,user,user,...
Consider only the crontabs of the specified users. Use *system*
for the system crontab.
-e user,user,user,...
Do not consider the crontabs of the specified users.
-s Do not consider the system crontab, usually the /etc/crontab
file. The system crontab usually contains the hourly, daily,
weekly and montly crontabs, which might be better dealt with
-a Use the crontabs installed in the system in addition to the ones
passed as file arguments. This is implicit if no file is passed.
-t time
Determine the next job from this time, instead of now. The time
is expressed in number of seconds since the Epoch, as obtained
for example by date +%s --date "now + 2 hours", and is inter-
nally rounded to the minute.
-q time
Do not check jobs over this time, expressed in the same way as
in option -t.
-l Print the whole entries of the jobs that are the next to be exe-
cuted by cron. The default is to only print their next time of
-c Print every entry in every crontab with the next time it is exe-
-f Print all jobs that are executed in the given interval. Requires
option -q.
-h Print usage output and exit.
-V Print version and exit.
Marco Migliori <sgerwk AT>
cron(8), cron(1), crontab(5), crontab(1), anacron(8), anacrontab(5),
atq(1), date(1)
cronie 2017-06-11 CRONNEXT(1)