blkdeactivate -- utility to deactivate block devices
blkdeactivate [-d dm_options] [-e] [-h] [-l lvm_options]
[-m mpath_options] [-r mdraid_options] [-o vdo_options] [-u] [-v]
The blkdeactivate utility deactivates block devices. For mounted block
devices, it attempts to unmount it automatically before trying to deac-
tivate. The utility currently supports device-mapper devices (DM),
including LVM volumes and software RAID MD devices. LVM volumes are
handled directly using the lvm(8) command, the rest of device-mapper
based devices are handled using the dmsetup(8) command. MD devices are
handled using the mdadm(8) command.
-d, --dmoptions dm_options
Comma separated list of device-mapper specific options.
Accepted dmsetup(8) options are:
retry Retry removal several times in case of failure.
force Force device removal.
-e, --errors
Show errors reported from tools called by blkdeactivate. Without
this option, any error messages from these external tools are
suppressed and the blkdeactivate itself provides only a summary
message to indicate the device was skipped.
-h, --help
Display the help text.
-l, --lvmoptions lvm_options
Comma-separated list of LVM specific options:
retry Retry removal several times in case of failure.
Deactivate the whole LVM Volume Group when processing a
Logical Volume. Deactivating the Volume Group as a whole
is quicker than deactivating each Logical Volume sepa-
-m, --mpathoptions mpath_options
Comma-separated list of device-mapper multipath specific
Disable queueing on all multipath devices before deacti-
vation. This avoids a situation where blkdeactivate may
end up waiting if all the paths are unavailable for any
underlying device-mapper multipath device.
-r, --mdraidoptions mdraid_options
Comma-separated list of MD RAID specific options:
wait Wait MD device's resync, recovery or reshape action to
complete before deactivation.
-o, --vdooptions vdo_options
Comma-separated list of VDO specific options:
Use specified VDO configuration file.
-u, --umount
Unmount a mounted device before trying to deactivate it. With-
out this option used, a device that is mounted is not deacti-
-v, --verbose
Run in verbose mode. Use --vv for even more verbose mode.
Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system, skipping
mounted devices. # blkdeactivate
Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system, unmounting
any mounted devices first, if possible. # blkdeactivate -u
Deactivate the device /dev/vg/lvol0 together with all its holders,
unmounting any mounted devices first, if possible. # blkdeactivate -u
Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system. If the
deactivation of a device-mapper device fails, retry it. Deactivate the
whole Volume Group at once when processing an LVM Logical Volume. #
blkdeactivate -u -d retry -l wholevg
Deactivate all supported block devices found in the system. If the
deactivation of a device-mapper device fails, retry it and force
removal. # blkdeactivate -d force,retry
dmsetup(8), lsblk(8), lvm(8), mdadm(8), multipathd(8), vdo(8),
Red Hat, Inc LVM TOOLS 2.02.187(2)-RHEL7 (2020-03-24) BLKDEACTIVATE(8)