XS(pdf.php) - phpMan

sw-collectd-unixsock (5) - Documentation of collectd's "unixsock plugin"
CPAN::Nox (3pm)      - Wrapper around CPAN.pm without using any XS module
DBI::PurePerl (3pm)  - - a DBI emulation using pure perl (no C/XS compilation...
Devel::Peek (3pm)    - A data debugging tool for the XS programmer
ExtUtils::Constant (3pm) - generate XS code to import C header constants
ExtUtils::Constant::XS (3pm) - generate C code for XS modules' constants.
ExtUtils::ParseXS (3pm) - converts Perl XS code into C code
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Constants (3pm) - Initialization values for some globals
ExtUtils::ParseXS::Utilities (3pm) - Subroutines used with ExtUtils::ParseXS
ExtUtils::Typemaps (3pm) - Read/Write/Modify Perl/XS typemap files
ExtUtils::XSSymSet (3pm) - keep sets of symbol names palatable to the VMS linker
h2xs (1)             - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions
ipc.h (0p)           - XSI interprocess communication access structure
ipcrm (1p)           - remove an XSI message queue, semaphore set, or shared ...
ipcs (1p)            - report XSI interprocess communication facilities status
JSON::PP (3pm)       - JSON::XS compatible pure-Perl module.
JSON::XS (3pm)       - JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
JSON::XS::Boolean (3pm) - dummy module providing JSON::XS::Boolean
json_xs (1)          - JSON::XS commandline utility
List::Util::XS (3pm) - Indicate if List::Util was compiled with a C compiler
Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Rule2XSBody (3pm) - speed up SpamAssassin by comp...
Math::BigInt::FastCalc (3pm) - Math::BigInt::Calc with some XS for more speed
msg.h (0p)           - XSI message queue structures
msgctl (3p)          - XSI message control operations
msgget (3p)          - get the XSI message queue identifier
msgrcv (3p)          - XSI message receive operation
msgsnd (3p)          - XSI message send operation
perlxs (1)           - XS language reference manual
perlxstut (1)        - Tutorial for writing XSUBs
perlxstypemap (1)    - Perl XS C/Perl type mapping
posix_trace_attr_getmaxsystemeventsize (3p) - retrieve and set trace stream s...
resource.h (0p)      - definitions for XSI resource operations
sem.h (0p)           - XSI semaphore facility
semctl (3p)          - XSI semaphore control operations
semget (3p)          - get set of XSI semaphores
semop (3p)           - XSI semaphore operations
shm.h (0p)           - XSI shared memory facility
shmat (3p)           - XSI shared memory attach operation
shmctl (3p)          - XSI shared memory control operations
shmdt (3p)           - XSI shared memory detach operation
shmget (3p)          - get an XSI shared memory segment
sys_ipc.h (0p)       - XSI interprocess communication access structure
sys_msg.h (0p)       - XSI message queue structures
sys_resource.h (0p)  - definitions for XSI resource operations
sys_sem.h (0p)       - XSI semaphore facility
sys_shm.h (0p)       - XSI shared memory facility
xset (1)             - user preference utility for X
xsetmode (1)         - set the mode for an X Input device
xsetpointer (1)      - set an X Input device as the main pointer
xsetroot (1)         - root window parameter setting utility for X
XSLoader (3pm)       - Dynamically load C libraries into Perl code
xsltproc (1)         - command line XSLT processor
xstdcmap (1)         - X standard colormap utility
xsubpp (1)           - compiler to convert Perl XS code into C code