NETCONFIG(category6-exim.html) - phpMan

NETCONFIG(5)                BSD File Formats Manual               NETCONFIG(5)
     netconfig -- network configuration data base
     The netconfig file defines a list of ``transport names'', describing
     their semantics and protocol.  In FreeBSD, this file is only used by the
     RPC library code.
     Entries have the following format:
     network_id semantics flags family protoname device libraries
     Entries consist of the following fields:
     network_id  The name of the transport described.
     semantics   Describes the semantics of the transport.  This can be one
                       tpi_clts      Connectionless transport.
                       tpi_cots      Connection-oriented transport
                       tpi_cots_ord  Connection-oriented, ordered transport.
                       tpi_raw       A raw connection.
     flags       This field is either blank (specified by ``-''), or contains
                 a ``v'', meaning visible to the getnetconfig(3) function.
     family      The protocol family of the transport.  This is currently one
                       inet6     The IPv6 (PF_INET6) family of protocols.
                       inet      The IPv4 (PF_INET) family of protocols.
                       loopback  The PF_LOCAL protocol family.
     protoname   The name of the protocol used for this transport.  Can cur-
                 rently be either udp, tcp or empty.
     device      This field is always empty in FreeBSD.
     libraries   This field is always empty in FreeBSD.
     The order of entries in this file will determine which transport will be
     preferred by the RPC library code, given a match on a specified network
     type.  For example, if a sample network config file would look like this:
           udp6       tpi_clts      v     inet6    udp     -       -
           tcp6       tpi_cots_ord  v     inet6    tcp     -       -
           udp        tpi_clts      v     inet     udp     -       -
           tcp        tpi_cots_ord  v     inet     tcp     -       -
           rawip      tpi_raw       -     inet      -      -       -
           local      tpi_cots_ord  -     loopback  -      -       -
     then using the network type udp in calls to the RPC library function (see
     rpc(3)) will make the code first try udp6, and then udp.
     getnetconfig(3) and associated functions will parse this file and return
     structures of the following format:
     struct netconfig {
         char *nc_netid;              /* Network ID */
         unsigned long nc_semantics;  /* Semantics (see below) */
         unsigned long nc_flag;       /* Flags (see below) */
         char *nc_protofmly;          /* Protocol family */
         char *nc_proto;              /* Protocol name */
         char *nc_device;             /* Network device pathname (unused) */
         unsigned long nc_nlookups;   /* Number of lookup libs (unused) */
         char **nc_lookups;           /* Names of the libraries (unused) */
         unsigned long nc_unused[9];  /* reserved */
     getnetconfig(3), getnetpath(3)
BSD                            November 17, 2000                           BSD