Module::Load(category3-sendmail.html) - phpMan

Module::Load(3)       User Contributed Perl Documentation      Module::Load(3)
       Module::Load - runtime require of both modules and files
         use Module::Load;
         my $module = 'Data::Dumper';
         load Data::Dumper;     # loads that module, but not import any functions
                                # -> cannot use 'Dumper' function
         load 'Data::Dumper';   # ditto
         load $module           # tritto
         autoload Data::Dumper; # loads that module and imports the default functions
                                # -> can use 'Dumper' function
         my $script = 'some/'
         load $script;
         load 'some/';  # use quotes because of punctuations
         load thing;             # try 'thing' first, then ''
         load CGI, ':all';       # like 'use CGI qw[:standard]'
       "Module::Load" eliminates the need to know whether you are trying to
       require either a file or a module.
       If you consult "perldoc -f require" you will see that "require" will
       behave differently when given a bareword or a string.
       In the case of a string, "require" assumes you are wanting to load a
       file. But in the case of a bareword, it assumes you mean a module.
       This gives nasty overhead when you are trying to dynamically require
       modules at runtime, since you will need to change the module notation
       ("Acme::Comment") to a file notation fitting the particular platform
       you are on.
       "Module::Load" eliminates the need for this overhead and will just
   Difference between "load" and "autoload"
       "Module::Load" imports the two functions - "load" and "autoload"
       "autoload" imports the default functions automatically, but "load" do
       not import any functions.
       "autoload" is usable under "BEGIN{};".
       Both the functions can import the functions that are specified.
       Following codes are same.
         load File::Spec::Functions, qw/splitpath/;
         autoload File::Spec::Functions, qw/splitpath/;
           Loads a specified module.
           See "Rules" for detailed loading rule.
           Loads a specified module and imports the default functions.
           Except importing the functions, 'autoload' is same as 'load'.
           Loads a specified module to the specified package.
             use Module::Load 'load_remote';
             my $pkg = 'Other::Package';
             load_remote $pkg, 'Data::Dumper'; # load a module to 'Other::Package'
                                               # but do not import 'Dumper' function
           A module for loading must be quoted.
           Except specifing the package and quoting module name, 'load_remote'
           is same as 'load'.
           Loads a specified module and imports the default functions to the
           specified package.
             use Module::Load 'autoload_remote';
             my $pkg = 'Other::Package';
             autoload_remote $pkg, 'Data::Dumper'; # load a module to 'Other::Package'
                                                   # and imports 'Dumper' function
           A module for loading must be quoted.
           Except specifing the package and quoting module name,
           'autoload_remote' is same as 'load_remote'.
       All functions have the following rules to decide what it thinks you
       o   If the argument has any characters in it other than those matching
           "\w", ":" or "'", it must be a file
       o   If the argument matches only "[\w:']", it must be a module
       o   If the argument matches only "\w", it could either be a module or a
           file. We will try to find "" first in @INC and if that
           fails, we will try to find "file" in @INC.  If both fail, we die
           with the respective error messages.
       'load' and 'autoload' are imported by default, but 'load_remote' and
       'autoload_remote' are not imported.
       To use 'load_remote' or 'autoload_remote', specify at 'use'.
           Imports the selected functions.
             # imports 'load' and 'autoload' (default)
             use Module::Load;
             # imports 'autoload' only
             use Module::Load 'autoload';
             # imports 'autoload' and 'autoload_remote', but don't import 'load';
             use Module::Load qw/autoload autoload_remote/;
           Imports all the functions.
             use Module::Load 'all'; # imports load, autoload, load_remote, autoload_remote
           Not import any functions ("load" and "autoload" are not imported).
             use Module::Load '';
             use Module::Load 'none';
             use Module::Load undef;
       Because of a bug in perl (#19213), at least in version 5.6.1, we have
       to hardcode the path separator for a require on Win32 to be "/", like
       on Unix rather than the Win32 "\". Otherwise perl will not read its own
       %INC accurately double load files if they are required again, or in the
       worst case, core dump.
       "Module::Load" cannot do implicit imports, only explicit imports.  (in
       other words, you always have to specify explicitly what you wish to
       import from a module, even if the functions are in that modules'
       Thanks to Jonas B. Nielsen for making explicit imports work.
       Please report bugs or other issues to <bug-module-load AT<gt>.
       This module by Jos Boumans <kane AT>.
       This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl v5.26.3                      2014-02-20                   Module::Load(3)