Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep(category3-sendmail.html) - phpMan

Mail::SpamAssassin::PlUser:Contributed PerMail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep(3)
       Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep - Normalize scores with sender
       reputation records
       The TxRep (Reputation) plugin is designed as an improved replacement of
       the AWL (Auto-Whitelist) plugin. It adjusts the final message spam
       score by looking up and taking in consideration the reputation of the
       To try TxRep out, you have to first disable the AWL plugin (if
       enabled), and back up its database. AWL is loaded in v310.pre and can
       be disabled by commenting out the loadplugin line:
        # loadplugin   Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL
       When AWL is not disabled, TxRep will refuse to run.
       TxRep should be enabled by uncommenting the following line in v341.pre:
         loadplugin   Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep
       Use the supplied file or add these lines to a .cf
        header         TXREP   eval:check_senders_reputation()
        describe       TXREP   Score normalizing based on sender's reputation
        tflags         TXREP   userconf noautolearn
        priority       TXREP   1000
       This plugin is intended to replace the former AWL - AutoWhiteList.
       Although the concept and the scope differ, the purpose remains the same
       - the normalizing of spam score results based on previous sender's
       history. The name was intentionally changed from "whitelist" to
       "reputation" to avoid any confusion, since the result score can be
       adjusted in both directions.
       The TxRep plugin keeps track of the average SpamAssassin score for
       senders.  Senders are tracked using multiple identificators, or their
       combinations: the  From: email address, the originating IP and/or an
       originating block of IPs, sender's domain name, the DKIM signature, and
       the HELO name. TxRep then uses the average score to reduce the
       variability in scoring from message to message, and modifies the final
       score by pushing the result towards the historical average. This
       improves the accuracy of filtering for most email.
       In comparison with the original AWL plugin, several conceptual changes
       were implemented in TxRep:
       1. Scoring - at AWL, although it tracks the number of messages received
       from each respective sender, when calculating the corrective score at a
       new message, it does not take it in count in any way. So for example a
       sender who previously sent a single ham message with the score of -5,
       and then sends a second one with the score of +10, AWL will issue a
       corrective score bringing the score towards the -5. With the default
       "auto_whitelist_factor" of 0.5, the resulting score would be only 2.5.
       And it would be exactly the same even if the sender previously sent
       1,000 messages with the average of -5. TxRep tries to take the maximal
       advantage of the collected data, and adjusts the final score not only
       with the mean reputation score stored in the database, but also
       respecting the number of messages already seen from the sender. You can
       see the exact formula in the section ""txrep_factor"".
       2. Learning - AWL ignores any spam/ham learning. In fact it acts
       against it, which often leads to a frustrating situation, where a user
       repeatedly tags all messages of a given sender as spam (resp. ham), but
       at any new message from the sender, AWL will adjust the score of the
       message back to the historical average which does not include the
       learned scores. This is now changed at TxRep, and every spam/ham
       learning will be recorded in the reputation database, and hence taken
       in consideration at future email from the respective sender. See the
       section "LEARNING SPAM / HAM" for more details.
       3. Auto-Learning - in certain situations SpamAssassin may declare a
       message an obvious spam resp. ham, and launch the auto-learning
       process, so that the message can be re-evaluated. AWL, by design, did
       not perform any auto-learning adjustments. This plugin will readjust
       the stored reputation by the value defined by ""txrep_learn_penalty""
       resp. ""txrep_learn_bonus"". Auto-learning score thresholds may be
       tuned, or the auto-learning completely disabled, through the setting
       4. Relearning - messages that were wrongly learned or auto-learned, can
       be relearned.  Old reputations are removed from the database, and new
       ones added instead of them. The relearning works better when message
       tracking is enabled through the ""txrep_track_messages"" option.
       Without it, the relearned score is simply added to the reputation,
       without removing the old ones.
       5. Aging - with AWL, any historical record of given sender has the same
       weight. It means that changes in senders behavior, or modified SA rules
       may take long time, or be virtually negated by the AWL normalization,
       especially at senders with high count of past messages, and low recent
       frequency. It also turns to be particularly counterproductive when the
       administrator detects new patterns in certain messages, and applies new
       rules to better tag such messages as spam or ham. AWL will practically
       eliminate the effect of the new rules, by adjusting the score back
       towards the (wrong) historical average. Only setting the
       "auto_whitelist_factor" lower would help, but in the same time it would
       also reduce the overall impact of AWL, and put doubts on its purpose.
       TxRep, besides the ""txrep_factor"" (replacement of the
       "auto_whitelist_factor"), introduces also the ""txrep_dilution_factor""
       to help coping with this issue by progressively reducing the impact of
       past records. More details can be found in the description of the
       factor below.
       6. Blacklisting and Whitelisting - when a whitelisting or blacklisting
       was requested through SpamAssassin's API, AWL adjusts the historical
       total score of the plain email address without IP (and deleted records
       bound to an IP), but since during the reception new records with IP
       will be added, the blacklisted entry would cease acting during
       scanning. TxRep always uses the record of the plain email address
       without IP together with the one bound to an IP address, DKIM
       signature, or SPF pass (unless the weight factor for the EMAIL
       reputation is set to zero). AWL uses the score of 100 (resp. -100) for
       the blacklisting (resp. whitelisting) purposes. TxRep increases the
       value proportionally to the weight factor of the EMAIL reputation. It
       is explained in details in the section " WHITELISTING" in BLACKLISTING
       . TxRep can blacklist or whitelist also IP addresses, domain names, and
       dotless HELO names.
       7. Sender Identification - AWL identifies a sender on the basis of the
       email address used, and the originating IP address (better told its
       part defined by the mask setting).  The main purpose of this measure is
       to avoid assigning false good scores to spammers who spoof known email
       addresses. The disadvantage appears at senders who send from frequently
       changing locations or even when connecting through dynamical IP
       addresses that are not within the block defined by the mask setting.
       Their score is difficult or sometimes impossible to track. Another
       disadvantage is, for example, at a spammer persistently sending spam
       from the same IP address, just under different email addresses. AWL
       will not find his previous scores, unless he reuses the same email
       address again. TxRep uses several identificators, and creates separate
       database entries for each of them. It tracks not only the email/IP
       address combination like AWL, but also the standalone email address
       (regardless of the originating IP), the standalone IP (regardless of
       email address used), the domain name of the email address, the DKIM
       signature, and the HELO name of the connecting PC. The influence of
       each individual identificator may be tuned up with the help of weight
       factors described in the section "REPUTATION WEIGHTS".
       8. Message Tracking - TxRep (optionally) keeps track of already scanned
       and/or learned message ID's. This is useful for avoiding to strengthen
       the reputation score by simply rescanning or relearning the same
       message multiple times. In the same time it also allows the proper
       relearning of once wrongly learned messages, or relearning them after
       the learn penalty or bonus were changed. See the option
       9. User and Global Storages - usually it is recommended to use the per-
       user setup of SpamAssassin, because each user may have quite different
       requirements, and may receive quite different sort of email. Especially
       when using the Bayesian and AWL plugins, the efficiency is much better
       when SpamAssassin is learned spam and ham separately for each user.
       However, the disadvantage is that senders and emails already learned
       many times by different users, will need to be relearned without any
       recognized history, anytime they arrive to another user. TxRep uses the
       advantages of both systems. It can use dual storages: the global common
       storage, where all email processed by SpamAssassin is recorded, and a
       local storage separate for each user, with reputation data from his
       email only. See more details at the setting
       10. Outbound Whitelisting - when a local user sends messages to an
       email address, we assume that he needs to see the eventual answer too,
       hence the recipient's address should be whitelisted. When SpamAssassin
       is used for scanning outgoing email too, when local users use the SMTP
       server where SA is installed, for sending email, and when internal
       networks are defined, TxREP will improve the reputation of all 'To:'
       and 'CC' addresses from messages originating in the internal networks.
       Details can be found at the setting ""txrep_whitelist_out"".
       Both plugins (AWL and TxREP) cannot coexist. It is necessary to disable
       the AWL to allow TxRep running. TxRep reuses the database handling of
       the original AWL module, and some its parameters bound to the database
       handler modules. By default, TxRep creates its own database, but the
       original auto-whitelist can be reused as a starting point. The AWL
       database can be renamed to the name defined in TxRep settings, and
       TxRep will start using it. The original auto-whitelist database has to
       be backed up, to allow switching back to the original state.
       The spamassassin/Plugin/ file replaces both
       spamassassin/Plugin/ and spamassassin/ Another
       two AWL files, spamassassin/ and
       spamassassin/ are still needed.
       This plugin module adds the following "tags" that can be used as
       placeholders in certain options.  See Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf for more
       information on TEMPLATE TAGS.
        _TXREPXXXY_         TXREP modifier
        _TXREPXXXYMEAN_     Mean score on which TXREP modification is based
        _TXREPXXXYCOUNT_    Number of messages on which TXREP modification is based
        _TXREPXXXYPRESCORE_ Score before TXREP
        _TXREPXXXYUNKNOWN_  New sender (not found in the TXREP list)
       The XXX part of the tag takes the form of one of the following IDs,
       depending on the reputation checked: EMAIL, EMAILIP, IP, DOMAIN, or
       HELO. The Y appendix ID is used only in the case of dual storage, and
       takes the form of either U (for user storage reputations), or G (for
       global storage reputations).
       The following options can be used in both site-wide ("") and
       user-specific ("user_prefs") configuration files to customize how
       SpamAssassin handles incoming email messages.
             0 | 1                 (default: 0)
           Whether to use TxRep reputation system.  TxRep tracks the long-term
           average score for each sender and then shifts the score of new
           messages toward that long-term average.  This can increase or
           decrease the score for messages, depending on the long-term
           behavior of the particular correspondent.
           Note that certain tests are ignored when determining the final
           message score:
            - rules with tflags set to 'noautolearn'
            range [0..1]           (default: 0.5)
           How much towards the long-term mean for the sender to regress a
           message.  Basically, the algorithm is to track the long-term total
           score and the count of messages for the sender ("total" and
           "count"), and then once we have otherwise fully calculated the
           score for this message ("score"), we calculate the final score for
           the message as:
            finalscore = score + factor * (total + score)/(count + 1)
           So if "factor" = 0.5, then we'll move to half way between the
           calculated score and the new mean value.  If "factor" = 0.3, then
           we'll move about 1/3 of the way from the score toward the mean.
           "factor" = 1 means use the long-term mean including also the new
           unadjusted score; "factor" = 0 mean just use the calculated score,
           disabling so the score averaging, though still recording the
           reputation to the database.
            range [0.7..1.0]               (default: 0.98)
           At any new email from given sender, the historical reputation
           records are "diluted", or "watered down" by certain fraction given
           by this factor. It means that the influence of old records will
           progressively diminish with every new message from given sender.
           This is important to allow a more flexible handling of changes in
           sender's behavior, or new improvements or changes of local SA
           Without any dilution expiry (dilution factor set to 1), the new
           message score is simply add to the total score of given sender in
           the reputation database. When dilution is used (factor < 1), the
           impact of the historical reputation average is reduced by the
           factor before calculating the new average, which in turn is then
           used to adjust the new total score to be stored in the database.
            newtotal = (oldcount + 1) * (newscore + dilution * oldtotal) / (dilution * oldcount + 1)
           In other words, it means that the older a message is, the less and
           less impact on the new average its original spam score has. For
           example if we set the factor to 0.9 (meaning dilution by 10%), the
           score of the new message will be recorded to its 100%, the last
           score of the same sender to 90%, the second last to 81% (0.9 * 0.9
           = 0.81), and for example the 10th last message just to 35%.
           At stable systems, we recommend keeping the factor close to 1 (but
           still lower than 1). At systems where SA rules tuning and spam
           learning is still in progress, lower factors will help the
           reputation to quicker adapt any modifications. In the same time, it
           will also reduce the impact of the historical reputation though.
            range [0..200]         (default: 20)
           When SpamAssassin is trained a SPAM message, the given penalty
           score will be added to the total reputation score of the sender,
           regardless of the real spam score. The impact of the penalty will
           be the smaller the higher is the number of messages that the sender
           already has in the TxRep database.
            range [0..200]         (default: 20)
           When SpamAssassin is trained a HAM message, the given penalty score
           will be deduced from the total reputation score of the sender,
           regardless of the real spam score. The impact of the penalty will
           be the smaller the higher is the number of messages that the sender
           already has in the TxRep database.
            range [0..5]                   (default: 0)
           When SpamAssassin declares a message a clear spam resp. ham during
           the message scan, and launches the auto-learn process, sender
           reputation scores of given message will be adjusted by the value of
           the option ""txrep_learn_penalty"", resp. the ""txrep_learn_bonus""
           in the same way as during the manual learning.  Value 0 at this
           option disables the auto-learn reputation adjustment - only the
           score calculated before the auto-learn will be stored to the
           reputation database.
             0 | 1                 (default: 1)
           Whether TxRep should keep track of already scanned and/or learned
           messages.  When enabled, an additional record in the reputation
           database will be created to avoid false score adjustments due to
           repeated scanning of the same message, and to allow proper
           relearning of messages that were either previously wrongly learned,
           or need to be relearned after modifying the learn penalty or bonus.
            range [0..200]         (default: 10)
           When the value of this setting is greater than zero, recipients of
           messages sent from within the internal networks will be whitelisted
           through improving their total reputation score with the number of
           points defined by this setting. Since the IP address and other
           sender identificators are not known when sending the email, only
           the reputation of the standalone email is being whitelisted. The
           domain name is intentionally also left unaffected. The outbound
           whitelisting can only work when SpamAssassin is set up to scan also
           outgoing email, when local users use the SMTP server for sending
           email, and when "internal_networks" are defined in SpamAssassin
           configuration. The improving of the reputation happens at every
           message sent from internal networks, so the more messages is being
           sent to the recipient, the better reputation his email address will
            range [0..32]          (default: 16)
           The AWL database keeps only the specified number of most-
           significant bits of an IPv4 address in its fields, so that
           different individual IP addresses within a subnet belonging to the
           same owner are managed under a single database record. As we have
           no information available on the allocated address ranges of
           senders, this CIDR mask length is only an approximation.  The
           default is 16 bits, corresponding to a former class B. Increase the
           number if a finer granularity is desired, e.g. to 24 (class C) or
           32.  A value 0 is allowed but is not particularly useful, as it
           would treat the whole internet as a single organization. The number
           need not be a multiple of 8, any split is allowed.
            range [0..128]         (default: 48)
           The AWL database keeps only the specified number of most-
           significant bits of an IPv6 address in its fields, so that
           different individual IP addresses within a subnet belonging to the
           same owner are managed under a single database record. As we have
           no information available on the allocated address ranges of
           senders, this CIDR mask length is only an approximation. The
           default is 48 bits, corresponding to an address range commonly
           allocated to individual (smaller) organizations. Increase the
           number for a finer granularity, e.g.  to 64 or 96 or 128, or
           decrease for wider ranges, e.g. 32.  A value 0 is allowed but is
           not particularly useful, as it would treat the whole internet as a
           single organization. The number need not be a multiple of 4, any
           split is allowed.
             string                (default: undefined)
           Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation.
           If this option is set the SQLBasedAddrList module will override the
           set username with the value given.  This can be useful for
           implementing global or group based TxRep databases.
            range [0..10]          (default: 0)
           When the option txrep_user2global_ratio is set to a value greater
           than zero, and if the server configuration allows it, two data
           storages will be used - user and global (server-wide) storages.
           User storage keeps only senders who send messages to the respective
           recipient, and will reflect also the corrected/learned scores, when
           some messages are marked by the user as spam or ham, or when the
           sender is whitelisted or blacklisted through the API of
           Global storage keeps the reputation data of all messages processed
           by SpamAssassin with their spam scores and spam/ham learning data
           from all users on the server.  Hence, the module will return a
           reputation value even at senders not known to the current
           recipient, as long as he already sent email to anyone else on the
           The value of the txrep_user2global_ratio parameter controls the
           impact of each of the two reputations. When equal to 1, both the
           global and the user score will have the same impact on the result.
           When set to 2, the reputation taken from the user storage will have
           twice the impact of the global value. The final value of the TXREP
           tag will be calculated as follows:
            total = ( ratio * user + global ) / ( ratio + 1 )
           When no reputation is found in the user storage, and a global
           reputation is available, the global storage is used fully, without
           applying the ratio.
           When the ratio is set to zero, only the default storage will be
           used. And it then depends whether you use the global, or the local
           user storage by default, which in turn is controlled either by the
           parameter user_awl_sql_override_username (in case of SQL storage),
           or the "/auto_whitelist_path" parameter (in case of Berkeley
           When this dual storage is enabled, and no global storage is defined
           by the above mentioned parameters for the Berkeley or SQL
           databases, TxRep will attempt to use a generic storage - user
           'GLOBAL' in case of SQL, and in the case of Berkeley database it
           uses the path defined by '__local_state_dir__/tx-reputation', which
           typically renders into /var/db/spamassassin/tx-reputation. When the
           default storages are not available, or are not writable, you would
           have to set the global storage with the help of the
           "user_awl_sql_override_username" resp.  "auto_whitelist_path
           Please note that some SpamAssassin installations run always under
           the same user ID. In such case it is pointless enabling the dual
           storage, because it would maximally lead to two identical global
           storages in different locations.
           This feature is disabled by default.
            (default: 1 - enabled)
           Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation.
           If this option is set the SQLBasedAddrList module will keep
           separate database entries for DKIM-validated e-mail addresses and
           for non-validated ones. Without this option, or for domains that do
           not use a DKIM signature, the reputation of legitimate email can
           get mixed with the reputation of forgeries. A pre-requisite when
           setting this option is that a field txrep.signedby exists in a SQL
           table, otherwise SQL operations will fail.  A DKIM plugin must also
           be enabled in order for this option to take effect.  This option is
           highly recommended. Unless you are using a pre-3.3.0 database
           schema and cannot upgrade, there is no reason to disable this
           option. If you are upgrading from AWL and using a pre-3.3.0 schema,
           the txrep.signedby column will not exist. It is recommended that
           you add this column, but if that is not possible you must set this
           option to 0 to avoid SQL errors.
             0 | 1                 (default: 1)
           When enabled, TxRep will treat any IP address using a given email
           address as the same authorized identity, and will not associate any
           IP address with it.  (The same happens with valid DKIM signatures.
           No option available for DKIM).
           Note: at domains that define the useless SPF +all (pass all), no IP
           would be ever associated with the email address, and all addresses
           (incl. the froged ones) would be treated as coming from the
           authorized source. However, such domains are hopefully rare, and
           ask for this kind of treatment anyway.
       The overall reputation of the sender comprises several elements:
       1) The reputation of the 'From' email address bound to the originating
       IP address fraction (see the mask parameters for details)
       2) The reputation of the 'From' email address alone (regardless the IP
       address being currently used)
       3) The reputation of the domain name of the 'From' email address
       4) The reputation of the originating IP address, regardless of sender's
       email address
       5) The reputation of the HELO name of the originating computer (if
       Each of these partial reputations is weighted with the help of these
       parameters, and the overall reputation is calculation as the sum of the
       individual reputations divided by the sum of all their weights:
        sender_reputation = weight_email    * rep_email    +
                            weight_email_ip * rep_email_ip +
                            weight_domain   * rep_domain   +
                            weight_ip       * rep_ip       +
                            weight_helo     * rep_helo
       You can disable the individual partial reputations by setting their
       respective weight to zero. This will also reduce the size of the
       database, since each partial reputation requires a separate entry in
       the database table. Disabling some of the partial reputations in this
       way may also help with the performance on busy servers, because the
       respective database lookups and processing will be skipped too.
            range [0..10]          (default: 3)
           This weight factor controls the influence of the reputation of the
           standalone email address, regardless of the originating IP address.
           When adjusting the weight, you need to keep on mind that an email
           address can be easily spoofed, and hence spammers can use 'from'
           email addresses belonging to senders with good reputation. From
           this point of view, the email address bound to the originating IP
           address is a more reliable indicator for the overall reputation.
           On the other hand, some reputable senders may be sending from a
           bigger number of IP addresses, so looking for the reputation of the
           standalone email address without regarding the originating IP has
           some sense too.
           We recommend using a relatively low value for this partial
            range [0..10]          (default: 10)
           This is the standard reputation used in the same way as it was by
           the original AWL plugin. Each sender's email address is bound to
           the originating IP, or its part as defined by the
           txrep_ipv4_mask_len or txrep_ipv6_mask_len parameters.
           At a user sending from multiple locations, diverse mail servers, or
           from a dynamic IP range out of the masked block, his email address
           will have a separate reputation value for each of the different
           (partial) IP addresses.
           When the option auto_whitelist_distinguish_signed is enabled, in
           contrary to the original AWL module, TxRep does not record the IP
           address when DKIM signature is detected. The email address is then
           not bound to any IP address, but rather just to the DKIM signature,
           since it is considered that it authenticates the sender more
           reliably than the IP address (which can also vary).
           This is by design the most relevant reputation, and its weight
           should be kept high.
            range [0..10]          (default: 2)
           Some spammers may use always their real domain name in the email
           address, just with multiple or changing local parts. This
           reputation will record the spam scores of all messages send from
           the respective domain, regardless of the local part (user name)
           Similarly as with the email_ip reputation, the domain reputation is
           also bound to the originating address (or a masked block, if mask
           parameters used).  It avoids giving false reputation based on
           spoofed email addresses.
           In case of a DKIM signature detected, the signature signer is used
           instead of the domain name extracted from the email address. It is
           considered that the signing authority is responsible for sending
           email of any domain name, hence the same reputation applies here.
           The domain reputation will give relevant picture about the owner of
           the domain in case of small servers, or corporation with strict
           policies, but will be less relevant for freemailers like Gmail,
           Hotmail, and similar, because both ham and spam may be sent by
           their users.
           The default value is set relatively low. Higher weight values may
           be useful, but we recommend caution and observing the scores before
           increasing it.
            range [0..10]          (default: 4)
           Spammers can send through the same relay (incl. compromised hosts)
           under a multitude of email addresses. This is the exact case when
           the IP reputation can help. This reputation is a kind of a local
           The weight is set by default lower than for the email_IP
           reputation, because there may be cases when the same IP address
           hosts both spammers and acceptable senders (for example the
           marketing department of a company sends you spam, but you still
           need to get messages from their billing address).
            range [0..10]          (default: 0.5)
           Big number of spam messages come from compromised hosts, often
           personal computers, or top-boxes. Their NetBIOS names are usually
           used as the HELO name when connecting to your mail server. Some of
           the names are pretty generic and hence may be shared by a big
           number of hosts, but often the names are quite unique and may be a
           good indicator for detecting a spammer, despite that he uses
           different email and IP addresses (spam can come also from portable
           No IP address is bound to the HELO name when stored to the
           reputation database.  This is intentional, and despite the
           possibility that numerous devices may share some of the HELO names.
           This option is still considered experimental, hence the low weight
           value, but after some testing it could be likely at least slightly
       These settings differ from the ones above, in that they are considered
       'more privileged' -- even more than the ones in the PRIVILEGED SETTINGS
       section.  No matter what "allow_user_rules" is set to, these can never
       be set from a user's "user_prefs" file.
       txrep_factory module
            (default: Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList)
           Select alternative database factory module for the TxRep database.
       auto_whitelist_path /path/filename
            (default: ~/.spamassassin/tx-reputation)
           This is the TxRep directory and filename.  By default, each user
           has their own reputation database in their "~/.spamassassin"
           directory with mode 0700.  For system-wide SpamAssassin use, you
           may want to share this across all users.
       auto_whitelist_db_modules Module ...
            (default: see below)
           What database modules should be used for the TxRep storage database
           file.   The first named module that can be loaded from the Perl
           include path will be used.  The format is:
             PreferredModuleName SecondBest ThirdBest ...
           ie. a space-separated list of Perl module names.  The default is:
             DB_File GDBM_File SDBM_File
           NDBM_File is not supported (see SpamAssassin bug 4353).
            (default: 0700)
           The file mode bits used for the TxRep directory or file.
           Make sure you specify this using the 'x' mode bits set, as it may
           also be used to create directories.  However, if a file is created,
           the resulting file will not have any execute bits set (the umask is
           set to 0111).
       user_awl_dsn DBI:databasetype:databasename:hostname:port
           Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation.
           This will set the DSN used to connect.  Example:
       user_awl_sql_username username
           Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation.
           The authorized username to connect to the above DSN.
       user_awl_sql_password password
           Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation.
           The password for the database username, for the above DSN.
       user_awl_sql_table tablename
            (default: txrep)
           Used by the SQLBasedAddrList storage implementation.
           The table name where reputation is to be stored in, for the above
       When asked by SpamAssassin to blacklist or whitelist a user, the TxRep
       plugin adds a score of 100 (for blacklisting) or -100 (for
       whitelisting) to the given sender's email address. At a plain address
       without any IP address, the value is multiplied by the ratio of total
       reputation weight to the EMAIL reputation weight to account for the
       reduced impact of the standalone EMAIL reputation when calculating the
       overall reputation.
          total_weight = weight_email + weight_email_ip + weight_domain + weight_ip + weight_helo
          blacklisted_reputation = 100 * total_weight / weight_email
       When a standalone email address is blacklisted/whitelisted, all records
       of the email address bound to an IP address, DKIM signature, or a SPF
       pass will be removed from the database, and only the standalone record
       is kept.
       Besides blacklisting/whitelisting of standalone email addresses, the
       same method may be used also for blacklisting/whitelisting of IP
       addresses, domain names, and HELO names (only dotless Netbios HELO
       names can be used).
       When whitelisting/blacklisting an email address or domain name, you can
       bind them to a specified DKIM signature or SPF record by appending the
       DKIM signing domain or the tag 'spf' after the ID in the following way:
        spamassassin --add-addr-to-whitelist=friend AT,
       When a message contains both a DKIM signature and an SPF pass, the DKIM
       signature takes the priority, so the record bound to the 'spf' tag
       won't be checked. Only email addresses and domains can be bound to DKIM
       or SPF.  Records of IP addresses and HELO names are always without
       In case of dual storage, the black/whitelisting is performed only in
       the default storage.
       1. The most significant sender identificator is equally as at AWL, the
          combination of the email address and the originating IP address,
          its part defined by the IPv4 resp. IPv6 mask setting.
       2. No IP checking for standalone EMAIL address reputation
       3. No signature checking for IP reputation, and for HELO name
       4. The EMAIL_IP weight, and not the standalone EMAIL weight is used
          no IP address is available (EMAIL_IP is the main indicator, and has
          the highest weight)
       5. No IP checking at signed emails (signature authenticates the email
          instead of the IP address)
       6. No IP checking at SPF pass (we assume the domain owner is
          for all IP's he authorizes to send from, hence we use the same
          for all of them)
       7. No signature used for standalone EMAIL reputation (would be
          since no IP is used at signed EMAIL_IP reputation, and we would
          two identical hits)
       8. When available, the DKIM signer is used instead of the domain name
          the DOMAIN reputation
       9. No IP and no signature used for HELO reputation (despite the
          of the possible existence of multiple computers with the same HELO)
       10. The full (unmasked IP) address is used (in the address field,
       instead the
           IP field) for the standalone IP reputation
       When SpamAssassin is told to learn (or relearn) a given message as spam
       or ham, all reputations relevant to the message (email, email_ip,
       domain, ip, helo) in both global and user storages will be updated
       using the "txrep_learn_penalty" respectively the "rxrep_learn_bonus"
       values. The new reputation of given sender property (email, domain,...)
       will be the respective result of one of the following formulas:
          new_reputation = old_reputation + learn_penalty
          new_reputation = old_reputation - learn_bonus
       The TxRep plugin currently does track each message individually, hence
       it does not detect when you learn the message repeatedly. It will
       add/subtract the penalty/bonus score each time the message is fed to
       the spam learner.
       TxRep can be optimized for speed and simplicity, or for the precision
       in assigning the reputation scores.
       First of all TxRep can be quickly disabled and re-enabled through the
       option ""use_txrep"". It can be done globally, or individually in each
       respective "user_prefs". Disabling TxRep will not destroy the database,
       so it can be re-enabled any time later again.
       On many systems, SQL-based storage may perform faster than the default
       Berkeley DB storage, so you should consider setting it up.
       Then there are multiple settings that can reduce the number of records
       stored in the database, hence reducing the size of the storage, and
       also the processing time:
       1. Setting ""txrep_user2global_ratio"" to zero will disable the dual
       storage, halving so the disk space requirements, and the processing
       times of this plugin.
       2. You can disable all but one of the "REPUTATION WEIGHTS". The
       EMAIL_IP is the most specific option, so it is the most likely choice
       in such case, but you could base the reputation system on any of the
       remaining scores. Each of the enabled reputations adds a new entry to
       the database for each new identificator.  So while for example the
       number of recorded and scored domains may be big, the number of stored
       IP addresses will be probably higher, and would require more space in
       the storage.
       3. Disabling the ""txrep_track_messages"" avoids storing a separate
       entry for every scanned message, hence also reducing the disk space
       requirements, and the processing time.
       4. Disabling the option ""txrep_autolearn"" will save the processing
       time at messages that trigger the auto-learning process.
       5. Disabling ""txrep_whitelist_out"" will reduce the processing time at
       outbound connections.
       6. Keeping the option ""auto_whitelist_distinguish_signed"" enabled may
       help slightly reducing the size of the database, because at signed
       messages, the originating IP address is ignored, hence no additional
       database entries are needed for each separate IP address (resp. a
       masked block of IP addresses).
       Since TxRep reuses the storage architecture of the former AWL plugin,
       for initializing the SQL storage, the same instructions apply also to
       TxRep.  Although the old AWL table can be reused for TxRep, by default
       TxRep expects the SQL table to be named "txrep".
       To install a new SQL table for TxRep, run the appropriate SQL file for
       your system under the /sql directory.
       If you get a syntax error at an older version of MySQL, use TYPE=MyISAM
       instead of ENGINE=MyISAM at the end of the command. You can also use
       other types of ENGINE (depending on what is available on your system).
       For example MEMORY engine stores the entire table in the server memory,
       achieving performance similar to Redis. You would need to care about
       the replication of the RAM table to disk through a cronjob, to avoid
       loss of data at reboot.  The InnoDB engine is used by default, offering
       high scalability (database size and concurrence of accesses). In
       conjunction with a high value of innodb_buffer_pool or with the
       memcached plugin (MySQL v5.6+) it can also offer performance comparable
       to Redis.
perl v5.26.3                      2022-04-Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::TxRep(3)