MAKEDUMPFILE.CONF(category28-ispconfig.html) - phpMan

MAKEDUMPFILE.CONF(5)  Linux System Administrator's Manual MAKEDUMPFILE.CONF(5)

       makedumpfile.conf - The filter configuration file for makedumpfile(8).
       The  makedumpfile.conf  is  a configuration file for makedumpfile tool.
       makedumpfile.conf file  contains  the  erase  commands  to  filter  out
       desired kernel data from the vmcore while creating DUMPFILE using make-
       dumpfile tool.  makedumpfile reads the filter  config  and  builds  the
       list  of  memory  addresses  and its sizes after processing filter com-
       mands. The memory locations that require to be filtered  out  are  then
       poisoned with character X (58 in Hex).
       The  file  consists of module sections that contains filter commands. A
       section begins with the name of the section in square brackets and con-
       tinues until the next section begins.
       "[" is the character [
       "]" is the character ]
              is either 'vmlinux' or name of a Linux kernel module.
              is  a  list  of  one or more filter commands as described in the
              section FILTER COMMANDS of this manual page.
       The section name indicates a kernel  module  name  (including  vmlinux)
       where the symbols specified in subsequent erase commands belong to. The
       unnamed section defaults to [vmlinux] section. However, a user can also
       explicitly  define  [vmlinux]  section.  The sections help makedumpfile
       tool to select appropriate kernel or module debuginfo file before  pro-
       cessing  the  subsequent  erase  commands. Before selecting appropriate
       debuginfo file, the module name is validated against the loaded modules
       from  the vmcore. If no match is found, then the section is ignored and
       makedumpfile skips to the next module section.  If match is found, then
       makedumpfile  will try to load the corresponding module debuginfo file.
       If module debuginfo is not available then, makedumpfile will  skip  the
       section with a warning message.
   filter command
       A  filter  command is either an erase command or a loop construct. Each
       erase command and loop construct must start with a new line. Each  fil-
       ter command describes data in the dump to be erased. Syntax:
              Described in the subsection erase command of this manual page.
              Described in the subsection Loop construct of this manual page.
   erase command
       Erase specified size of a kernel data referred by specified kernel/mod-
       ule symbol or its member component. The erase command syntax is:
       erase <Symbol>[.member[...]] [size <SizeValue>[K|M]]
       erase <Symbol>[.member[...]] [size <SizeSymbol>]
       erase <Symbol>[.member[...]] [nullify]
              A kernel or module symbol (variable) name that is part of global
              symbols /proc/kallsyms.
              A  positive  integer  value as a size of the data in bytes to be
              erased. The suffixes 'K' and 'M' can be used  to  specify  kilo-
              bytes and Megabytes respectively where, K means 1024 bytes and M
              means 1024 ^ 2 = 1048576 bytes.  The suffixes are not case  sen-
              A  simple  expression  of  the  form <Symbol>[.member[...]] that
              denotes a symbol which contains a positive integer  value  as  a
              size of the data in bytes to be erased.
              A  simple  expression  that  results into either a global kernel
              symbol name or its member components. The expression always uses
              '.' operator to specify the member component of kernel symbol or
              its member irrespective of whether it is of pointer type or not.
              Member or component of member in <Symbol>.
       The erase command takes two arguments 1. kernel symbol name or its mem-
       ber components and 2. size of the data referred by argument (1) OR nul-
       lify keyword. The second argument size OR nullify is optional. The unit
       for  size  value  is in bytes. If size option is not specified then the
       size of the first argument is determined according  to  its  data  type
       using  dwarf  info  from debuginfo file. In case of 'char *' data type,
       the length of string pointed by 'char *' pointer is determined with  an
       upper limit of 1024. The size can be specified in two forms 1.  a inte-
       ger value as explained above (<SizeValue>) and 2. a  simple  expression
       in  the  form  of  <Symbol>[.member[...]]]  that results into base type
       (integer) variable.
       If the specified <Symbol> is of type 'void *', then user needs to  pro-
       vide  either  size  or nullify option, otherwise the erase command will
       not have any effect.
       The nullify option only works  if  specified  <Symbol>  is  a  pointer.
       Instead of erasing data pointed by the specified pointer nullify erases
       the pointer value and set it to '0' (NULL). Please note that by  nulli-
       fying  the pointer values may affect the debug ability of created DUMP-
       FILE.  Use the nullify option only when the size of data to  be  erased
       is not known.  e.g. data pointed by 'void *'.
       Let  us look at the makedumpfile.conf file from the example below which
       was configured to erase desired kernel data from the kernel module with
       name  mymodule. At line 1 and 3, the user has not specified size option
       while erasing 'array_var' and  ''  symbols.  Instead  the
       user depends on makedumpfile to automatically determine the sizes to be
       erased i.e 100 bytes for 'array_var' and 11 bytes for ''.
       At  line  2,  while  erasing the 'mystruct1.buffer' member the user has
       specified the size value 25 against the actual size of 50. In this case
       the  user  specified  size takes the precedence and makedumpfile erases
       only 25 bytes from 'mystruct1.buffer'. At line 4, the size of the  data
       pointed  by  void * pointer 'mystruct1.addr' is unknown. Hence the nul-
       lify option has been specified to reset the pointer value to  NULL.  At
       line  5,  the  'mystruct2.addr_size'  is  specified as size argument to
       determine the size  of  the  data  pointed  by  void  *  pointer  'mys-
       Assuming the following piece of code is from kernel module 'mymodule':
       struct s1 {
            char *name;
            void *addr1;
            void *addr2;
            char buffer[50];
       struct s2 {
            void *addr;
            long addr_size;
       /* Global symbols */
       char array_var[100];
       struct s1 mystruct1;
       struct s2 *mystruct2;
       int foo()
   = "Hello World";
       erase array_var
       erase mystruct1.buffer size 25
       erase mystruct1.addr1 nullify
       # Assuming addr2 points to 1024 bytes
       erase mystruct1.addr2 size 1K
       erase mystruct2.addr size mystruct2.addr_size

   Loop construct
       A  Loop  construct allows the user to traverse the linked list or array
       elements and erase the data contents referred by each element.
       for <id> in {<ArrayVar> |
                    <StructVar> via <NextMember> |
                    <ListHeadVar> within <StructName>:<ListHeadMember>}
            erase <id>[.MemberExpression] [size <SizeExpression>|nullify]
            [erase <id>...]
       <id>   Arbitrary name used to temporarily  point  to  elements  of  the
              list. This is also called iteration variable.
              A  simple  expression in the form of <Symbol>[.member[...]] that
              results into an array variable.
              A simple expression in the form of  <Symbol>[.member[...]]  that
              results into a variable that points to a structure.
              Member  within <StructVar> that points to an object of same type
              that of <StructVar>.
              A simple expression in the form of  <Symbol>[.member[...]]  that
              results into a variable of type struct list_head.
              Name  of  the  structure  type  that can be traversed using HEAD
              variable <ListHeadVar> and contains a member named <ListHeadMem-
              Name of a member in <StructName>, of type struct list_head.
              A  simple  expression in the form of [.member[...]] to specify a
              member or component of an element in <ArrayVar>, <StructVar>  or
              Size  value  in the form of <SizeValue>, <id>[.MemberExpression]
              or <Symbol>[.member[...]].
       The for loop construct allows to iterate on  list  of  elements  in  an
       array  or  linked lists. Each element in the list is assigned to itera-
       tion variable <id>. The type of the iteration variable is determined by
       that  of  the list elements. The entry specified after 'in' terminal is
       called LIST entry. The LIST entry can be an array  variable,  structure
       variable/pointer  or a struct list_head type variable. The set of erase
       commands specified between for and endfor, will be  executed  for  each
       element in the LIST entry.
       If the LIST entry specified is an array variable, then the loop will be
       executed for each array element. The size of the array will  be  deter-
       mined by using dwarf information.
       If  the  LIST  entry  specified is a structure variable/pointer, then a
       traversal member (<NextMember>) must be specified using 'via' terminal.
       The  for loop will continue until the value of traversal member is NULL
       or matches with address of the first node <StructVar> if it is a circu-
       lar linked list.
       If  the LIST entry is specified using a struct list_head type variable,
       then within terminal  must  be  used  to  specify  the  structure  name
       <StructName>  that is surrounding to it along with the struct list_head
       type member after ':' which is part of the linked list.  In  the  erase
       statement  <id>  then  denotes the structure that the list_head is con-
       tained in (ELEMENT_OF).
       The below example illustrates how to use loop construct for  traversing
       Array, linked list via next member and list_head.
       Assuming following piece of code is from kernel module 'mymodule':
       struct s1 {
            struct *next;
            struct list_head list;
            char private[100];
            void *key;
            long key_size;
       /* Global symbols */
       struct s1 mystruct1;
       static LIST_HEAD(s1_list_head);
       struct s1 myarray[100];
       void foo()
            struct s1 *s1_ptr;
            s1_ptr = malloc(...);
            list_add(&s1_ptr->list, &s1_list_head);
       # erase private fields from list starting with mystruct1 connected via
       # 'next' member:
       for mys1 in mystruct1 via next
            erase mys1.private
            erase mys1.key size mys1.key_size
       # erase private fields from list starting with list_head variable
       # s1_list_head.
       for mys1 in within s1:list
            erase mys1.private
            erase mys1.key size mys1.key_size
       # erase private fields from all elements of the array myarray:
       for mys1 in myarray
            erase mys1.private
            erase mys1.key size mys1.key_size
       In the above example, the first for construct traverses the linked list
       through a specified structure variable mystruct1  of  type  struct  s1.
       The  linked  list  can  be  traversed using 'next' member of mystruct1.
       Hence a via terminal has been used to specify the traversal member name
       The  second for construct traverses the linked list through a specified
       struct  list_head  variable   The   global   symbol
       s1_list_head  is a start address of the linked list and its next member
       points to the address of  struct  list_head  type  member  'list'  from
       struct  s1.  Hence  a  within terminal is used to specify the structure
       name 's1' that can be traversed using variable  along
       with  the  name of struct list_head type member 'list' which is part of
       the linked list that starts from s1_list_head global symbol.
       The third for construct traverses the array elements specified  through
       a array variable myarray.

makedumpfile v1.6.2               27 Jul 2017             MAKEDUMPFILE.CONF(5)