CPAN::Mirrors(category4-postfix.html) - phpMan

CPAN::Mirrors(3pm)     Perl Programmers Reference Guide     CPAN::Mirrors(3pm)

       CPAN::Mirrors - Get CPAN miror information and select a fast one
               use CPAN::Mirrors;
               my $mirrors = CPAN::Mirrors->new;
               $mirrors->parse_from_file( $mirrored_by_file );
               my $seen = {};
               my $best_continent = $mirrors->find_best_continents( { seen => $seen } );
               my @mirrors        = $mirrors->get_mirrors_by_continents( $best_continent );
               my $callback = sub {
                       my( $m ) = @_;
                       printf "%s = %s\n", $m->hostname, $m->rtt
               $mirrors->get_mirrors_timings( \@mirrors, $seen, $callback );
               @mirrors = sort { $a->rtt <=> $b->rtt } @mirrors;
               print "Best mirrors are ", map( { $_->rtt } @mirrors[0..3] ), "\n";
       new( LOCAL_FILE_NAME )
           Return a list of continents based on those defined in MIRRORED.BY.
       countries( [CONTINENTS] )
           Return a list of countries based on those defined in MIRRORED.BY.
           It only returns countries for the continents you specify (as
           defined in "continents"). If you don't specify any continents, it
           returns all of the countries listed in MIRRORED.BY.
       mirrors( [COUNTRIES] )
           Return a list of mirrors based on those defined in MIRRORED.BY.  It
           only returns mirrors for the countries you specify (as defined in
           "countries"). If you don't specify any countries, it returns all of
           the mirrors listed in MIRRORED.BY.
       get_mirrors_by_countries( [COUNTRIES] )
           A more sensible synonym for mirrors.
       get_mirrors_by_continents( [CONTINENTS] )
           Return a list of mirrors for all of continents you specify. If you
           don't specify any continents, it returns all of the mirrors.
       get_countries_by_continents( [CONTINENTS] )
           A more sensible synonym for countries.
           "best_mirrors" checks for the best mirrors based on the list of
           continents you pass, or, without that, all continents, as defined
           by "CPAN::Mirrored::By". It pings each mirror, up to the value of
           "how_many". In list context, it returns up to "how_many" mirror.
           In scalar context, it returns the single best mirror.
                   how_many   - the number of mirrors to return. Default: 1
                   callback   - a callback for find_best_continents
                   verbose    - true or false on all the whining and moaning. Default: false
                   continents - an array ref of the continents to check
           If you don't specify the continents, "best_mirrors" calls
           "find_best_continents" to get the list of continents to check.
       get_n_random_mirrors_by_continents( N, [CONTINENTS]
           Returns up to N random mirrors for the specified continents.
           Specify the continents as an array reference.
       get_mirrors_timings( MIRROR_LIST, SEEN, CALLBACK );
           Pings the listed mirrors and returns a list of mirrors sorted in
           ascending ping times.
       find_best_continents( HASH_REF );
           "find_best_continents" goes through each continent and pings "N"
           random mirrors on that continent. It then orders the continents by
           ascending median ping time. In list context, it returns the ordered
           list of continent. In scalar context, it returns the same list as
           an anonymous array.
                   n        - the number of hosts to ping for each continent. Default: 3
                   seen     - a hashref of cached hostname ping times
                   verbose  - true or false for noisy or quiet. Default: false
                   callback - a subroutine to run after each ping.
                   ping_cache_limit - how long, in seconds, to reuse previous ping times.
                           Default: 1 day
           The "seen" hash has hostnames as keys and anonymous arrays as
           values. The anonymous array is a triplet of a "CPAN::Mirrored::By"
           object, a ping time, and the epoch time for the measurement.
           The callback subroutine gets the "CPAN::Mirrored::By" object, the
           ping time, and measurement time (the same things in the "seen"
           hashref) as arguments.  "find_best_continents" doesn't care what
           the callback does and ignores the return value.
       Andreas Koenig "<andk AT>", David Golden "<dagolden AT>",
       brian d foy "<bdfoy AT>"
       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
       under the same terms as Perl itself.
       See <>;

perl v5.16.3                      2013-03-04                CPAN::Mirrors(3pm)