BOL(category23-linux-links.html) - phpMan

acosh (3)            - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acosh (3p)           - inverse hyperbolic cosine functions
acoshf (3)           - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoshf (3p)          - inverse hyperbolic cosine functions
acoshl (3)           - inverse hyperbolic cosine function
acoshl (3p)          - inverse hyperbolic cosine functions
alternatives (8)     - maintain symbolic links determining default commands
asinh (3)            - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinh (3p)           - inverse hyperbolic sine functions
asinhf (3)           - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinhf (3p)          - inverse hyperbolic sine functions
asinhl (3)           - inverse hyperbolic sine function
asinhl (3p)          - inverse hyperbolic sine functions
atanh (3)            - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanh (3p)           - inverse hyperbolic tangent functions
atanhf (3)           - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanhf (3p)          - inverse hyperbolic tangent functions
atanhl (3)           - inverse hyperbolic tangent function
atanhl (3p)          - inverse hyperbolic tangent functions
backtrace_symbols (3) - support for application self-debugging
backtrace_symbols_fd (3) - support for application self-debugging
c++filt (1)          - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.
cacosh (3)           - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacosh (3p)          - complex arc hyperbolic cosine functions
cacoshf (3)          - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoshf (3p)         - complex arc hyperbolic cosine functions
cacoshl (3)          - complex arc hyperbolic cosine
cacoshl (3p)         - complex arc hyperbolic cosine functions
casinh (3)           - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinh (3p)          - complex arc hyperbolic sine functions
casinhf (3)          - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinhf (3p)         - complex arc hyperbolic sine functions
casinhl (3)          - complex arc sine hyperbolic
casinhl (3p)         - complex arc hyperbolic sine functions
catanh (3)           - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanh (3p)          - complex arc hyperbolic tangent functions
catanhf (3)          - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanhf (3p)         - complex arc hyperbolic tangent functions
catanhl (3)          - complex arc tangents hyperbolic
catanhl (3p)         - complex arc hyperbolic tangent functions
ccosh (3)            - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccosh (3p)           - complex hyperbolic cosine functions
ccoshf (3)           - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccoshf (3p)          - complex hyperbolic cosine functions
ccoshl (3)           - complex hyperbolic cosine
ccoshl (3p)          - complex hyperbolic cosine functions
charmap (5)          - character symbols to define character encodings
cosh (3)             - hyperbolic cosine function
cosh (3p)            - hyperbolic cosine functions
coshf (3)            - hyperbolic cosine function
coshf (3p)           - hyperbolic cosine functions
coshl (3)            - hyperbolic cosine function
coshl (3p)           - hyperbolic cosine functions
csinh (3)            - complex hyperbolic sine
csinh (3p)           - complex hyperbolic sine functions
csinhf (3)           - complex hyperbolic sine
csinhf (3p)          - complex hyperbolic sine functions
csinhl (3)           - complex hyperbolic sine
csinhl (3p)          - complex hyperbolic sine functions
ctanh (3)            - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanh (3p)           - complex hyperbolic tangent functions
ctanhf (3)           - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanhf (3p)          - complex hyperbolic tangent functions
ctanhl (3)           - complex hyperbolic tangent
ctanhl (3p)          - complex hyperbolic tangent functions
dlsym (3p)           - obtain the address of a symbol from a dlopen object
dltest (1)           - A simple library symbol test
ExtUtils::XSSymSet (3pm) - keep sets of symbol names palatable to the VMS linker
get_kernel_syms (2)  - retrieve exported kernel and module symbols
git-name-rev (1)     - Find symbolic names for given revs
git-symbolic-ref (1) - Read, modify and delete symbolic refs
iswpunct (3)         - test for punctuation or symbolic wide character
lchown (3p)          - change the owner and group of a symbolic link
lstat (3p)           - get symbolic link status
nm (1)               - list symbols from object files
perlmod (1)          - Perl modules (packages and symbol tables)
readlink (1)         - print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names
readlink (2)         - read value of a symbolic link
readlink (3p)        - read the contents of a symbolic link
readlinkat (2)       - read value of a symbolic link relative to a directory ...
resolve_stack_dump (1) - resolve numeric stack trace dump to symbols
sinh (3)             - hyperbolic sine function
sinh (3p)            - hyperbolic sine functions
sinhf (3)            - hyperbolic sine function
sinhf (3p)           - hyperbolic sine functions
sinhl (3)            - hyperbolic sine function
sinhl (3p)           - hyperbolic sine functions
sln (8)              - create symbolic links
strip (1)            - Discard symbols from object files.
Symbol (3pm)         - manipulate Perl symbols and their names
symlink (3p)         - make a symbolic link to a file
symlink (7)          - symbolic link handling
symlinkat (2)        - create a symbolic link relative to a directory file de...
tanh (3)             - hyperbolic tangent function
tanh (3p)            - hyperbolic tangent functions
tanhf (3)            - hyperbolic tangent function
tanhf (3p)           - hyperbolic tangent functions
tanhl (3)            - hyperbolic tangent function
tanhl (3p)           - hyperbolic tangent functions
unistd.h (0p)        - standard symbolic constants and types
update-alternatives (8) - maintain symbolic links determining default commands